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Fandom RWBY: Grimm Encounters

Wasted energy? Ha! Those were the same words that had been thrown around the meetings back home. "Why fight grimm on the outskirts of civilization when we could move to the city and join up with the white fang? There they would have peace and power." It was usually younger faunus who voiced these complaints. Maroon himself had similar thoughts at one point. The clan chief usually just grunted saying that the old way was the best way for them. Once though one of the elder, more respected members of the clan brought the same reasoning to the chief.

"You would have us live under the protection of the white fang? There we would fight more humans then grimm. We lead our own live and pave the way with strength. When faunus and humans fight only fear is the result. When the time comes humans and faunus will fight grimm together only then, when the common foe is stronger then our individual races, will there be peace between us." Not everyone agreed with the chief but Maroon could not forget his fathers words.

I must try harder to fit in! Suddenly a scent, almost familiar, caught his nose. He ran his eyes over the crowd trying to find...Woah...Maroon was taken aback at seeing the other faunus. He was not surprised that another would be at the school, there were probably several, what startled him was the height. It was not often he met someone taller then himself. Cautiously, Maroon approached intent on finding out more about this man. He had to cross the entire ballroom first. For once Maroon was too interested to care about the humans who shunned away or moved hands closer to weapons.
Kaitlyn smiled at the initial flattery. Hearing someone point out her best attributes was always welcome. She blushed strongly when he mentioned her father's reasoning for sending her here. She had made quite a name for herself throwing that party. Every respectable person under the age of 25 had heard of it, most of them were there. Though when he questioned her freedom Kate found herself suddenly filled with bitterness. "I am not tied to anyone! I do what I want when I want! And this right here." She fumed gesturing to the academy around them. "This is my freedom!" She finished folding her arms with a pout. She had no idea where the sudden passion came from and couldn't help but feel guilty for directing it at Damian but she didn't know where else to point it. As suddenly as the mad passion appeared it was gone and replaced with guilt, and embarrassment for her outburst, as they entered the ballroom. Kate rubbed the back of her head with her hand, hiding her face from Damian as she began to walk away.

Daimon only smiled as Kate walked away, embarrassed. "See you later, princess.", he'd call out as the two separated. Much to his disliking, he was getting attached to her already. Cute, disciplined, friendl-

Snap out of it!

He sighed depressingly as a sudden shade of gloom engulfed him, his facial expression again returning to it's norm, a bitter coldness. Daimon would sit in a corner and pull out his things, beginning to delve within a book.

In reality, he was writing down notes on information he had already learned to report to the White Fang.

Daimon was determined not to let Kate fall into harm, all the while completing his mission. If he could only get Kate to not interfere when the time came, then his plan would reach nirvana.
"It is good to see another faunus at Beacon." Maroon said as he approached blue hair from the side. As the mans profile turned his eyes flashed and the the hair on Maroon's neck bristled. Unconsciously Maroon activated his aura enough to feel the dust that he carried on his waist. The mental motion may have been a little aggressive, his face hard and cold, but he felt no malice towards the man. He hoped the other would feel the same. "Being in a room full of humans doesn't seem to faze you in the slightest. Do you have a trick for that or...?" Maroon would let him fill in the rest, maybe his facial expression would give something away. He could smell the unease of humans around him.

Calming his mind his aura disappeared.
"I forget my manners. I am Maroon Trams, from a secluded Faunus community in the outskirts of Remnant."

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Such as with her everyday life, this day had not gone uneventful. Sure, she was not as popular here as she was in Haven, but she walked with such purpose and confidence that one cannot deny that she must have came from a powerful family. Those that did recognize her immediately crowded around her, wanting to meet the famous Scarlett Twilight. Scarlett was not in the mood for casual conversations, but she humored them, talking to them for a bit.

Finally, after quite a while, the airships arrived. "Finally, some peace and quiet." She muttered to herself, sitting at the front of the airship. Fortunately, the trip to Beacon have been quiet, no fangirling crowd following her around. Sure it feels nice having people idolize you, but it gets tiring after sometime. "Wow, that is beautiful." She said, having her first look of Beacon.

She listened through the Headmaster, Ozpin, as he made his speech when they arrived. She couldn't help but feel annoyed with him, especially when he said that they were all just waste of energy. After the speech, Scarlett roamed around, hoping to find someone to have a conversation with, someone who doesn't know of her. Scarlett was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she failed to spot a girl standing in her way, accidentally bumping them. "
Oh dear, I am truly sorry for that. I wasn't looking on where I was going." She said, smiling apologetically at her

Kaitlyn stumbled a bit as Scarlett knocked into her, catching herself easily before she fell however. "Hey, Watch it!" Kate shouted, still a little wound up after her conversation with Damian, he had really hit a nerve with the whole freedom thing. Kate felt guilty once again for venting her anger on this innocent stranger, taking a deep breath she tried again. "Don't worry about it, Sorry I snapped I just... you know what forget it." Kate was about to turn away but half recognised the girl standing in front of her. "Wait... do I know you? You seem weirdly familiar?" She asked screwing up her face in thought and placing a had on her hip.
She was a bit taken aback by her outburst, but fortunately she calmed down soon afterwards. "It's fine, don't think much of it." She said to her, smiling pleasantly. She sighed when she heard what the girl said, saying that she recognized her. "Well, if you're not from Haven then I'm sure you don't know me personally. But, you may recognize my last name. I am Scarlett Twilight, heiress to the Twilight Dust Company." She said to her. "And you are?"

Kaitlyn stiffened when she heard the name of the Twilight dust company. They were the rookie company that was causing Schnee so much trouble. Her father used to come home from work ranting and raving about the upstart company, calling them inferior and cursing their constant growth. Schnee was still on top of course, but the balance of power was slowly shifting. Part of the reason Kate's father had given her so many prototype dusts to try out was he hoped that once testing was complete and they went into production it would give Schnee an advantage over their new competitor.

Unlike her father Kate harboured no hatred towards the Twilight Dust Company, she would simply laugh at her fathers worries and rants. She always paid for it later but it was one of the few joys she could afford. In her book anyone who gave her father as many grey hairs as them deserved a shred of her respect.

"That would be where I heard it, but not in the best light, my father works for Schnee."
Kaitlyn explained quietly. "I'm Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn Azzuro, and if you don't mind me asking what are you doing all the way over here in Vale?" Kate pressed, curiosity getting the better of her.
Scarlett smiles at her, glad that even if her father worked there Kaitlyn didn't condemn her, which through a hunch she knew her father does. "Well, good you're here instead of him." She joked, smiling at her. "Why to become a huntress of course! I have always wanted to be a huntress, ever since my father gave me my weapon." She said, pulling out the Lunar Crisis which is in submachine gun mode.
Tristan looked at her "hay Katlyn you ok" he said looking at her to see if she was alright. he was concerned for her even though thay just met he did take a liking to her he then patted her shoulder "you alright if you want i could sort him out for ya" he said hoping she wasn't hurt in any way
Kaitlyn turned as Tristian arrived, laughing slightly at his words and held up her hands. "No no it's fine, I over reacted." Kate explained sheepishly. She shook off the embarrassment determined not to show anymore, at least for the rest of the day. "Scarlett this is Tristian, Tristian, Scarlett." She said slowly, making the introduction. The three of them were standing off to the right of the room when Ms Goodwitch entered the main door.

"For the sake of... Decency, girls must sleep on the left of the room and boys on the right." She explained simply, looking at Kaitlyn with her final words. She was only a few feet away and Kate felt hurried to explain.

"Oh we were jus-"

"I don't want to ear it Ms Azzuro!" She said bluntly waving her hand in a stern motion. Kate couldn't help return her fuming gaze with a confused look of her own.

"You know who I am?" She questioned, pointing one finger to her chest and cocking her head to the side. Glynda seemed frustrated even further by the question and stormed over to the trio.

"I know who your father is and why he sent you, you'll find no lenience from me. Now go to your side." She said, her strict tone turning into one of menace with her final words. Kate decided it would probably be best not to argue and simply rolled her eyes as Scarlett and her made their way to the left side of the room. The two of them ended up sitting next to the purple girl Kate remembered from earlier.

"God! Can you believe her?!" She said to Scarlett throwing her hands up.

"B*$"( anyway nice to met you scarlet" he sid smileing "anyway kate you feeling excited i am i can't wait to start tommorow" he said smileing at her his scythe's were at his side for everyone to see thay were in there single bladed mode wich fitted by his side he then lent his hand out to scarlet to shake for introduction perpeses
"Nice to meet you too Tristan." She said to him, waving as they left to go to her side. "If you don't mind me asking, what did she mean by I know why your father sent you? Was that suppose to be a threat or something?" She asked her, lying down on the mattress provided to her. "Hey there, I'm Scarlett and this is my friend Kaitlyn." She said to the lilac haired girl beside them, holding her hand out to her



Location: Ballroom

Activity: Piecing together what happened

With: Scarlett Twilight @CrimsonEclipse

& Kaitlyn Azzuro

"Uguuu, my head hurts! Today is way too crazy for me!" mumbled Lily to herself as she ponders on how crazy everything had been for her while sitting near to the corner of the room. First, she was almost certain that she was talking with a new found friend, Maroon while on board the airship but as the doors started hissing, opening slowly, the students along with Maroon, rushed to get outside which left her and Kay behind Maroon. Next, they were just following Maroon but they were moving extremely slowly, Kay seemed to have packed up too much things and was moving in a sluggish pace. Lily tried to help that time but Kay insisted that she does it on her own, saying that she can't let her new 'friend' do something like that so Lily just went with it, they were chatting together as they take tiny steps towards where everybody was, hearing some Mr. WhatsHisFace do a speech or whatever but before they could even arrive, the students all came out rushing out and had dragged Lily away from Kay.

"I'm so dizzy! Gaaaaaah!" still puzzled on how things were crazy for Lily since she's not exactly used to that kind of treatment from life due to her semblance but then again, whenever she thinks of her semblance, she's put into ease, maybe that her luck may be planning something better for her.

"Yosh! That must be it!" throwing both of her fists in the air to refresh her energy, the lilac colored girl was approached by two fairly endowed women, one with brown hair the other, red. She was quite out of the loop when they suddenly sat next to her but as the red hair asked for her name, she quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh!" Lily shaked her head first before responding, "I-I'm Lily!" she answered, completely filled with energy and enthusiasm as usual and shook hands with the red hair. "Sorry, I was kinda not myself earlier, this day had been quite a crazy one! Even for me!" Adding emphasis as she said me, Lily had not realized that the two women that she's with are quite the popular ones."What are your names?" giggling, the lilac colored girl was excited yet again to meet new people.
Kate's eyebrows raised as she recognised the girl from earlier. "Oh right you were the girl on the airship, nice to meet you, properly this time I mean." Kate spoke uneasily. The lilac girl seemed nice, a bit quirky but then again no one was truly normal here. Kate extended her hand and shook Lilly's to before answering Scarlett's question. "Uh I don't know, I remember my dad saying something about her but honestly I usually stop listening the moment he opens his mouth." She laughed. "And initially my father didn't think Beacon was good enough for me, he made me study and train at home instead.... But I threw a little party and he got mad so... Now I'm here." She shrugged, not really wanting to gloat or go into too much detail.

Daimon looked up from his book, only to see another faunus. "A trick? No, just disdain, really..", he said with a smile, "Usually one fight is all it takes to show them I'm not to be messed with..."

Daimon would listen on, glancing at his book now and then. "I'm Daimon, Daimon Archwire, Soon-to-be Hunter, grew up here in Vale.", he'd say with a smile, a tiny one.

"Nice to meet you."

Daimon's eyes would slowly shift over towards Kaitlyn, interested. It seemed like she got in trouble again, perhaps she wasn't lying when she said she makes a lot of enemies...
Daimon seemed nice enough. Maroon really was grad to see another faunus. Although the cat-like man did not seem to show much interest in the conversation. Maroon would ask a few more questions then say good by and find a place to sleep if the other faunus would not engage in conversation.

"Disdain, works I guess. How do you think that will work out in the long term? Do you foresee humans and faunus ever getting along without fear?... I only ask because I have had little experience with humans and am unsure how to act here...I guess I am just socially awkward to begin with." Maroon didn't intend to say so much but the silence of the other made him continue.
Amber is feeling the despair right now, Maroon left them and Lily got separated from her. "Just my luck!" Amber mumbled angrily to herself. "Now were was I supposed to go?" She asked herself truly not being aware of everything that is happening. With a little more thinking she finally got her answer, "Oh! The main hall for the speech of Professor Something!" Amber hurried to the main hall and found people preparing to sleep in the main hall. A familiar coloring was caught in the corner of her eye, it was her lilac colored friend. Excited, she raised her hand and approached her friend. "Yo Lily!"
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"Faunus and Humans? One day, I suppose... Having to change who you are around humans is never the right answer, just act as you'd normally do with other faunus.", Daimon would mutter as he closed his book, looking up and smiling at Maroon. His hand rested on his satchel, pulling out one of his many diamond shards. He'd begin twirling it within his right hand, gazing at his own reflection from within it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Undoubtably." Maroon replied wondering why he had been shown this."Part of your weapon perhaps?" Did this man have a whole bag of those? Maroon wondered how it worked, imaging a blizzard of diamond ice shards. "I have never had much interest in weapons but this seems intriguing."
"They can form a storm of shards that I conduct with my hands, or I can unite them to create a blade", Daimon would explain as he stared deeply into the crystal. He'd toss it up into the air, and with a swift flick of his left hand, another crystal smashed into the one mid-air, morphing perfectly together to form a bigger crystal. Daimon would then catch it.

"It's useful for when my weapon is stuck against something, or for surprising an enemy, maybe one at a distance.", Daimon would mutter as he stuffed the crystal back into his satchel. "A ranged and melee weapon, good for all situations", he'd say, looking back up at Maroon.

"Anyways, what's your weapon?"
Scarlett nodded. "Well, whatever his reason is, at least you're now in Beacon. So, why do you want to be a huntress?" She asked Kaitlyn. She turned towards the girl Lily. "Oh dear, I seem to always forget my manners. I am Scarlett and this is my friend Kaitlyn." She said to Lily, smiling pleasantly. "How about you Lily, why do you want to be a huntress?" She asked the girl.
Kaitlyn pretended to think about the question before giving the standard answer. "Y'know... To help make the world a better place." She spoke simply. In truth she didn't particularily want to be a huntress, she didn't know what she wanted. But fighting was simply something she was good at. Besides it had been all she was told since she was 7 when her training first began.

Kate noticed another girl standing awkwardly behind Lilly, looking in all directions rather than at her. "Oh hi, didn't see you there." Kate said warmly, placing her hand on her hip as her face screwed up with concentration. "Have we-" she paused halfway through as she made eye contact with Damian across the room. Kate wasn't quite sure why she paused but it was followed up by glowing beet red. "Sorry." She apologised to the girl in orange. "Let me try that again, I'm Kate." She smiled warmly.

That is a cool weapon! Maroon thought wonderingly. After seeing everyone showing their weapons Maroon decided that he could give a little demonstration. "I don't really carry a weapon. I fight with fists and dust." Maroon fingered valves at the bottom of two of the dust canisters at his belt. A small amount of red and blue dust cling to the hair on the back of his hand. Aura activated the red dust formed into a flame dancing in the air. Shadows danced the wall before the flame was engulfed in ice. The flame still burned in side and a eery blue light came out. Hotter and brighter the flame grew until the ice crystal exploded in a puff of steam.

Maroon looked around at all the weapons lying by peoples bed rolls. "Dust is strong, but I have thought about finding a nice shield."
"Oh, hi Kate!" Amber spoke quietly not wanting to disturb any who are sleeping, if there are. "I'm Kay Amber Avalon. And you?" Her question was directed to Scarlett. "I hope I'm not really bothering you guys. Mind if I crash?" She asked everyone with a big grin on her face. She sat beside Lily with everyone else.


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