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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

The sun shone cheerfully in the sky, glinting persistently through the grey clouds that cast a shadow on the land below it. Occupying the blue sky also drifted a vehicle of sorts, a dust-powered airship. Maybe ten minutes away from the airship, on the ground, a large building rivaling a castle in its architecture sat upon a cliff. This was Beacon Academy, the prestigious academy where only the best warriors were accepted to train to become the protectors of the world of Remnant, Hunters and Huntresses. Headed by Headmistress Rajeel Synthiel, since the former Headmaster had died a few months back in an unprecedented attack on the school by Grimm, the cause of his death has never been quite ascertained. Despite this, a new year has started, and new faces will soon fill the school. These freshmen fill the airship currently occupying the sky, waiting for the inevitable landing.

The Airship was made up of many rooms, though the soon to be students of Beacon Academy only occupied two, which were the seating room, as well as the Great Hall. The seating room was made up of many comfortable chairs set in rows of four, as well as tables for eating if anyone wished to sate their hunger before the airship touched down. The hall was an empty corridor, win which many locked doors lay. Windows stretched across the grey and green walls, allowing the students to peer at their surroundings if they wished. Nervous chatter of many people fills both rooms, as does an assortment of colorful clothing.

@Bills352 @CrimsonEclipse @DiamondJack @Raerae @ValkyrieRose @Mockingbird
A girl with long auburn hair and acid green eyes was sitting at one of the chairs and was looking out the window as she quietly listened to the other student chat away like there was no tomorrow. She is wearing a white cloak with black knee high combat boots, black fingerless gloves, black tight comfortable top and black pants. She had her weapon resting on her lap and was wondering when the lecture was going to start and such. She was nervous but at the same time extremely excited. She smiled and hummed a little as she took out a hairband and started to tie her hair up.


A faunus sat down in the airship, the side of his head pressed against the window to watched the area below. So...finally going eh? He let out a yawn, tail twitching and ears flattening on his head for a second. A few stares were directed at him but he didn't care much. May it be for his strange clothing , the unique blades resting on his lap, or for simply being a faunus. It's their problem, not his.

Theon was sitting alone. He really didn't feel like interacting much with anyone. Maybe he would but right now he was currently thinking about himself. God he was bored, what was this place like anyway, was this really the right choice? His eyes turned towards the other 'students' around. They were like the Rainbow Rejects. All different shapes and sizes, colors and personalities. Some more reserved like Theon was currently being, some arrogant, some hyperactive, so many different people.....He only hoped that there were those neither annoying or idiotic.

He sighed then turned his attention to the twin blades on his lap. Sin and Virtue is what he named them...very fitting if you really think about it. Not only to go with the 'Yin Yang' theme with his clothing but also with his personality. He could so easily pass as having multipersonality disorder but in reality he had control of that. Normally his 'Yin' side was there but in battle he was....a tad different.

Theon raised Sin and twisted the blade around, examining every inch of the white, black, and red blade. "Are we there yet..." He muttered with slight impatience in his tone.
Chet shifted back and forth. He was uncomfortable in the air. Being in the air meant little to no escape options should an emergency arise. Chet shook his head. Now was not the time to be worried about emergencies, now was the time for revelry.

Chet had been accepted into Beacon Academy! Chet moved to an empty table and sat down. The orange clad hunter-in-training took out a piece of paper and his favorite pen. He started to make a list of things he wanted to do before the year was out. He wrote quickly, but neatly. He checked over his list many times before putting his pen away.

The first thing on the list saddened Chet a little. 'Make Friends' was written largely at the top of the list.

Chet let out a huge sigh. The year was gonna be rough if he didn't make friends right off the bat.

The big guy looked over at Rush, at least his gun-sword was at his side.
Cetra stood away from the crowd, gazing out of the window at the impressive view that was spread out before him. He kept his back turned on the others, not wanting to interact with them. He was well aware that Beacon's method involved a lot of teamwork, but Cetra preferred to wait. The right people would find him when the time comes.

He took a quick glance at the chatting people, butterflies fluttering in his stomach at the idea of talking with then. He wasn't sure if he could handle socialising, he was never that good at it.
Erika sat in one of the many chairs, looking through the window. She wasn't used to traveling by Airship, but she wasn't nauseous or anything like that. She felt perfectly balanced, and kept a clear head as she looked out. There should have been a lot of things going through her head, but there wasn't. No excitement, no feelings of apprehension. Just...silence. If she were to think about why this was, she would attribute it tot he fact that she knew no one here. She had very few ideas of what to discuss, how someone should normally feel. That as the blessing of being in the wild for most of her life.

Most of the people were feeling apprehension, butterflies... it was plain on their faces. She half wondered if these people were material to become fighters... they weren't even hunting anything yet. She closed her eyes, siping a cup of tea she had brought with her. Tea was an amazing thing, it seemed to calm down most everyone's nerves... and it tasted pretty good too. One of her secret goals was to find out how things tasted outside her home... there were lots of things to do.

She stands up, stretching out and begins heading toward the exit. When she landed, she wante to get out and get this done.
Miliana could hardly stay still in her seat. She kept clasping and unclasping her fingers, tapping her foot on the floor. Her eyes kept looking at everything and anything, as if trying to keep everything to memory, which of course she can easily do. Today was the day, she will finally be a Huntress! Well, a Huntress in training, but a Huntress nevertheless. She have always dreamed of this moment, and she was mostly right.

Everything seemed perfect, the weather was perfect, no one was being a jerk, no one threw up. It was simply perfect, except for the fact that she hasn't met anybody yet. Maybe everyone is just nervous and excited, surely she will at least make friends with someone by the end of the day, hopefully. But that did little to dampen her spirits, nothing could. Well, unless a Grimm suddenly attacked them from no where. No wait, come to think of it, that will only make her happier. Well sure, there'd be chaos and fear, someone might get hurt, someone might even, you know, die, but hey, at least she'd see a Grimm.

Well, so far no Grimm in sight yet, and there might not be one for a few days, hopefully a week at most. She didn't want to admit this to anyone, mostly because they'd probably make fun of her, or hate her even, but the main reason she wanted to become a Huntress was to see a Grimm face to face. Well, she does want to help of course, but come on, seeing a Grimm in person is awesome! So yeah, she has to keep that secret, especially from the professors. She was afraid that they might kick her out if they find out. She'll be a good girl in there, oh yes she will, she might even refrain from committing any mischief for a while.
Katsuro Daichi

Location: Airship

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Katsuro stood tall with the group of three others, watching with a disinterested grin. The sounds of the man's voice began to fade, as well as Katsuro's grin, as he drifted away from the group. He hadn't been speaking to them for long, but he could already tell he didn't like them in the slightest. Katsuro floated to the window, staring down at the earth below. He wasn't afraid, or even nervous to fly. Flying made him feel alive, like he could go anywhere in the world, and where he was flying to made him feel no less so. The corners of his mouth returned to their elevated position to bring his smile back as he stared below.

The tall man stepped away from the window, looking around at all the soon-to-be Beacon students. He became acutely aware of a pressure behind his left eyeball, causing a headache. He closed his eyes tightly, reopening them and scoping the room for an open chair. Once he found what he was looking for, he quickly seized it. He stretched his legs out before sliding all the way back in the seat and leaning forwards, placing his forearms across his thighs, and putting his head in his hands and closing his eyes to attempt to relieve the nuisance.
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The auburn hair girl decided to stretch her legs for a bit. She has been sitting down for long while now and it is now staring to get uncomfortable. She got up up from her seat and stretched at the same time humming and started to walk around. She looked out the windows as she walked ' a few more minutes and they'll arrive at Beacon. She smiled a little every time she hears that name, the words 'light' 'hope' and 'future' alway pops up in her head, Beacon is the school where hope and the light for the future never dies. She leaned on the glass and started to twirl her bow staff, Slicer. Her trusty weapon that she created at Signal. She hummed a little.

Within the seating room, a still, pale body lay sprawled upon two of the chairs dragged together, long feet dangling slightly off the edge. On the floor beside the still form lay a large fan, purple dots decorating its pristine all-white surface. The persons head lay underneath two arms acting as pillows, blue-grey gaze fixed on the left wall. Raising her head from the seat as she slid her legs to the floor, the girl that was Linnae Cyan allowed a soft yawn to bubble from her throat as she stretched her arms upwards. Bending to retrieve her fan from the floor, the girl strapped the weapon to her back, touching it once more to make sure it was secure before rising. Exiting the seating room to enter the Great Hall, the blond slid over to the window, examining her surroundings. Dark objects littered the ground below her, and Linnae decided these were trees. Close by, she could make out the start of a grand castle, what she assumed was Beacon Academy. An excited smile spread across the blond's lips as she peered at it.

"I'm almost here," she thought aloud, "this is it."

"Attention, all students and faculty."

A voice over the intercom drifted to Linnae's ears and she jumped slightly, an embarrassed flush lighting up her cheeks at her reaction to the unexpected voice.

"We are now preparing for landing. Please gather your belongings and head towards the landing deck."


On the other side of the plane, a dark-haired woman glanced up rather wearily as the intercom sounded, announcing the plane's landing.

"Well thank god for that." the woman snorted, bringing a bottle of what appeared to be liquor to her lips and taking a long sip of the substance. Glancing at her belongings, which consisted of a tiny black suitcase and a book, the woman lifted the two items up, starting for the exit.
Jinie jolted awake when she heard the announcement echo in her room, as well as the shaking of the airship upon landing. She slept through their journey above Vale, and apparently, it was said to have a wonderful view when you are aboard the airship. She had just missed that opportunity. She sighed before quickly packing up the small amount of things she brought with her before rushing along with the other students.

A smile crept up her face as she walked towards the exit of the aircraft. Excitement was running through her veins and she couldn't help herself after years of wanting to be a part of those honored warriors, she finally got her chance and it was right in front of her, ready to be grasped. Only one obstacle stood in front of her, and it was the hands-on exam that would pick amongst the group the ones deemed worthy of their title. Surely, she did not plan on failing now.

She became so lost in thought that she had was not able to take note of her surroundings, much less the person who was right in front of her. She bumped into that person, whom she had noted before she snapped out of her musings, had blonde spiky hair tied into four ponytails. Great. She had just ruined more of her first impression, as if she needed it to be destroyed more since she is often generalized as a delinquent with her appearance.

"S-Sorry..." she muttered to the person she hit.

The auburn hair, stopped walking and quickly went back to area where she place her big green suitcase that her mom helped her pack and started to leave the aircraft. Each step she took she got more and more nervous but also very excited. She has finally arrived at Beacon, where she is going to make new people, form a team and make friends.

Her feet touched the solid ground and she breath in the fresh air. She smiled, she can just tell that this year is going to be exciting but also can tell that it's going to be a bumpy road as well. ' I hope I don't hold anyone back....' She thought as she started to head for the school entrance.

Linnae quietly gathered up her belongings, pulling her suitcase onto her back with a grunt and starting towards the landing deck. Stealing a glance about herself to observe her surroundings, Linnae's thoughts turned towards the school, where her destiny would be determined. Her sister, who had attended the school prior to her, had told her of the freshman going through an initiation process of sorts, to determine the teams they would be with the rest of the year. No amount of questioning had revealed what the test would be, and Linnae now once again pondered on what the test would be. Running a hand distractedly through her spiky blond hair, Linnae let out a surprised 'Oomf' noise as someone or something smashed into her. Falling backwards, Linnae caught herself on a nearby wall as a scowl contorted her face.

"Hey, watch it!" she snapped at the culprit, a red-haired girl, pushing her back in an angry response.

@Aeri Rosevier

While others moved around the aircraft, Theon had remained where he sat. Anyone who tried to make any contact with he merely brushed it off. There was this one girl who had sat next to him and tried to interact with the fox faunus however one annoyed sigh sent her on her way. Though he was surging with boredom it would not be satisfied by simply talking to someone. No, this boredom wanted to be satisfied by action. Too bad.....i'm going to have to wait...

His head tilted to the side as he began skimming the people once more. Who will be my team? His ear twitched in distaste at some of the students. Hopefully not him...or her....or a lot of these idiots..... His head instantly perked up the moment the announcement was made. They were finally here. "AAAAHHH~ Finally~!" He let out a relived yawn. Any sooner he'd have to kick someone! Probably those giving him nasty looks. That grew quite irritating as time passed. What probably was hours felt like days to him. "That was too long." Theon said to no one in general. He sat up then tiled his blades to slide them in their hilts hidden beneath the strange scarf on his waist.

Getting out of the aircraft was very annoying. People streaming out with no patience, pushing and shoving as they please. He noticed one girl slammed into another. While that red haired girl apologized the one that was hit snapped. How kind. He chuckled then looked up at the academy. "More impressive than I thought." Theon whistled. "Not bad at all." He began casually walking to the entrance, pulling out Virtue and twirling the blade to rest on his shoulder then repeat the process. He knew he had enough control not to hit anyone. Beside she was sure if it did almost hit someone they were skilled enough to dodge.
For a majority of the flight, Rae had wandered from room to room within the airship, too restless to sit down, though not enough to strike to conversation. Socializing wasn't hard for her, though she'd certainly put it off as long as she could, and instead took her time maneuvering in and out of the crowded transporter, eyeing the other freshman that boarded the craft and paying attention to each individual and their uniqueness, Faunus and Human alike. She was both slightly intimidated, and hopeful, that she'd find another relatable enough to befriend.

Arrival time to Beacon had arrived rather soon since she'd found a way to pass the time, and headed over to the cargo area as the feminine voice resounding through the intercom stated they'd be landing within the next few minutes.

Not one to carry much, she'd packed as light as humanly possible; a stuffed black duffle bag and a hand bag full of absolute essentials, inside if which were also her Sai, which she whipped out and rested within their sockets on either side of her hips.

Upon stepping outside, she embraced the warmth from the streaming sunlight, as it'd been rather chilly on the plane. She let her honey colored hair loose from its ponytail, running her fingers through it whilst it fell more so to her left side, and cascaded down her back, just above her hips, baring a healthy shiny and a silky smoothness. Topaz-brown eyes scanned the walkway, admiring the view whilst she followed the crowd to where she assumed would be the Academy entrance, not one with the greatest sense of direction. She hummed lightly to appear rather occupied, letting her thoughts fill her mind though she kept an eye open for anyone to break the ice with before entering the school.

I can't wait to set this thing down, she grimaced as she switched the heavier than she'd expected dufflebag onto her other shoulder. I wonder what rooming is like here. It'd be too convenient if we all had our own living quarters.
Upon hearing the announcement, Erika stood up, making sure the one bag she had packed was with her, Gae Bolg over her shoulder. This flight had been boring for the most bit. She had closed her eyes, clearing her head and focusing, trying to figure out what was in store for her. With everyone making sure their thigns were intact, she again wondered if she was in the right plac... shouldn't a hunter be ready at all times? That's how she was taught- you never knew when prey was around.

When the airship opened up, she jumped out, looking around. It was big, o question about it. Erika hadn't seen too many suer large buildings like thi one, so for a moment she was caught off guard. "What is the point of living spaces this big?" She wondered, walking out towards the obvious entrance in front of her. Nothing to do now but to see what is through those doors...
Jinie staggered back as she was pushed, hitting someone else along the way but this time she didn't bother to say sorry. It wasn't her fault. 'The hell?' she thought, slightly annoyed at the violent response to her even though she apologized. Normally, she would retaliate. She wouldn't tolerate this kind of uncalled for behavior towards her but like she said, she had no need to ruin her image further. People were already giving them stares and the last thing she wanted was for everyone to start disliking her this early. She inhaled deeply before letting it out as a sigh. It appears she couldn't control herself in this after all.

"Look, I already said 'I'm sorry'! What else do you want form me?" she asked the blonde as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder. She knew it was her fault to begin with, for not minding her surroundings, but there was no need for a violent reaction on that matter. Which was exactly why she couldn't let this pass.

Miliana literally pressed her face against the window, her eyes wide and her mouth agape as she gawk at the academy. Never in her life has she seen anything as beautiful as this. "This is amazing!" She exclaimed, her grin so wide it's aching her cheeks, but she didn't care. She was too happy to care. She was like a little kid who first saw snow, which of course happened the exact same way years ago.

Once the airship docked/landed (since it's both an aircraft and a ship, I did't know which was more appropriate), she happily skipped, yes she literally skipped, outside. If there was one way to describe her as she is now it would be childish. She was just too happy, not that she was any different. "Isn't this just the best?!" She asked the person beside her, whom she have not met before nor have she noticed him before.



Just chilling in a seat near the window was a quite bushy furred faunus, and his clothes really made him look ten times more fluffy. He was listening to music and looking out the window not really doing much, he was bored as well and excited and a bit sad as well. He just came from a funeral so that sucked but who cared, he would show his uncle that he would be the best hunter he could be. Not saying he wanted to be number one, he just wanted to know he is trying his hardest. Thresh was humming to the song as he watched everyone around him chatter and some even seemed sick. So nervous for something not even that bad, Thresh had mastered not getting nervous before a big event, I mean he had to go to big events most of his life so he was used to it. And if he did not make it he planned to just go home and reopen his uncles business and train kids like his uncle did.

I mean at least he could say he tried, he was not afraid of rejection, he was too calm for such things like that. I mean you lose some and win some, that was his outlook on life and he planned to stick to that. Thresh got up to look out the window across from his to see beacon academy, It sure was awesome looking. He did not know a whole lot about the place but he knew what they did, his uncle used to tell him stories about the place and about the times he used to be there. It seemed cool. He never asked why his uncle quit, maybe it was too hard, too stressfull. Or maybe his family needed him or something, what was Thresh to judge.

Thresh heard some sort of argument and turned and watched them argue it out, it was less an argument and just some girl being a jerk to the other, the girl pushed the one who apologized and she flung back and hit into Thresh who tried to grab her but she went back forward angrily. Thresh put a hand on her shoulder and stood behind her looking at the other girl "Let's chill out there, she is in the right here, she apologized dude. Accept it and leave." Thresh says not in an angry fashion just in a defensive one seeing how the other girl was being such a jerk. He stared her down with his orange eyes forgetting he had a hand on the pushed girls shoulder his glove glowing a blue color from the dust inside it.

(( @Aeri Rosevier ))

(( @Azalea ))​
Chet stepped off the ship with only his weapon and a small duffel bag containing his things. The orange clad giant of a man marveled at Beacon. He had been told so many stories about this place and the hunters it produced. Now it was Chet's turn to roam these halls, to take classes here, to become a legendary hunter. Chet was amazed by the sheer scale of the campus. He almost wanted to take off his signature cap in awe, almost.

Chet strolled casually toward the big doors. He let out a whistle. He still couldn't believe he was at Beacon. The hunter-in-training moved forward with the group. Chet heard someone say something about living spaces. He turned and saw a Faunus. He started to wonder what was the point of such a large building. Such a big building was probably just for grandeur, vanity even. Still looking at the Faunus Chet said, "You're right, seems a bit excessive."

( @ValkyrieRose )
"...?" Erika was in thought, before a man's voice reached her ears... in reply to her earlier statement, it seemed. She wanted to point out that eavesdropping was rude... but she DID say it aloud, and he was probably nearby. "When I was still with my clan, we traveled light, in little or no shelter. WE had the entire camp portable... if the Grimm came we could dismantle it and rebuild it that day."

She turned to look at the man... not quite realizing he was taller than her until she did. There was no one quite this large back home... or in Mistral. She blinked for a moment, adjusting. "This place... It's going to be different. It's going to feel a lot different. I hope I don't accure so much by staying in one place..."


The fox Faunus had been minding himself, completely lost in wonder at the area around, when a girls voice broke the silence. His ears rotated to her slightly, his tail swishing once unhappily. He only glanced at the wound up 'child' bounding beside him. Is she talking to me? He wondered until the gaze bore into him and answered his question. Of course the first person that talked to him here was a hyperactive one. Well....She may be useful...perhaps not personality wise but skill wise.

Theon put on an almost forced friendly face. "This is 'exciting' I guess. I'm more curious than thrilled though." He answered the girls question...if it was truly a question. That could have easily just been an excited statement that sounded like a question. Oh well. He took a moment to look at this girl, resting Virtue on his shoulder for a momentary break.

She was quite the hyper one, that was obvious to tell. Childish....seemed innocent however being here it was obvious that she had battle experience. Looks can be very deceiving....He should know. Theon then looked ahead and began spinning Virtue once more.
Her violent response to the girls action had been rather uncalled for, but Linnae was too prideful to apologize for her own behavior.

"To watch where your going. And stay away from me while your at it!"

Spinning to leave, Linnae stiffened as an uninvited hand touched her shoulder. She swiveled her body in the direction of the person, looking over a dark-skinned boy with orange eyes with a scowl.

"Stay out of it, faunus-freak!" she snapped in his direction, blue eyes blazing with anger. Pausing as her mind registered the words that had just burst from her lips, a look of horror contorted the blonds pale face.

"I'm... I'm sorry. That came out... That came out not how I'd expected." a nervous chuckle burst from her lips, her cheeks flushing as dark color as she shrugged his arm off her shoulder and turned to run.

@Aeri Rosevier @BlackJack
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She got up and stretched as she was about to head inside and heard someone say something she couldn't ignore and turned her head in that direction and saw that person apologize. Since the girl apoligize, she decided to leave since the commotion obviously died down and there wasn't gonna be a fight.

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