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Fandom RWBY: Adventures in Vale

I sort of picture him just sitting on his bed, back into the corner, just seemingly staring out into the room. Is he sleeping? Who knows? The googles sort of make it hard to tell.
Actually he never slept the first night and yeah he probably wont if people are around or he will sleep standing up. And look like he is awake.

Now everyone finally knows Teals name xD
theunderwolf said:
What song?
Well, @amdreams was sweet enough to draw our team, so I found a cool song I liked online and I wrote some lyrics and I'm making it Team HAWT's theme song. If I can get my lower range back in order because my normal melodic opera voice if not suited for intense action music.
Ah, I wish I could hit high notes. I mean I like singing but anything past a certain note and literally nothing comes out. Not sure if that's due to not practicing enough or if I'm just physically unable to scream.
amdreams said:
Ah, I wish I could hit high notes. I mean I like singing but anything past a certain note and literally nothing comes out. Not sure if that's due to not practicing enough or if I'm just physically unable to scream.
Yeah, singing is rough. But Alto's have more fun. All pop music is in the lower female range. xD . I'm stuck with showtunes and opera as my forte
oh. yes. I can do that. Maybe you can squeeze Nyx into Hazel's team?

Ok, so we all got relics, fought a few ancient creeps (3 to be precise) argued a lot because my charater and @theManCalledSting 's character are petty children and I love them

Fought a giant ape grimm called a Kaiju Kong, decided it wasn't worth the time and fled, and then we all got assigned our teams which include:

HAWT- Made of Hansi, Lazuli, Herb, and Tealiose

BLWM- Made of Beo, Lilith, Warzii, and Mel

SSDA (no idea what that words is)- Saffron, Sova, someone who I can't remember, and Argen


HART- Made of Hazel (stings's second charater) and a bunch of NPCs
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]oh. yes. I can do that. Maybe you can squeeze Nyx into Hazel's team?
Ok, so we all got relics, fought a few ancient creeps (3 to be precise) argued a lot because my charater and @theManCalledSting 's character are petty children and I love them

Fought a giant ape grimm called a Kaiju Kong, decided it wasn't worth the time and fled, and then we all got assigned our teams which include:

HAWT- Made of Hansi, Lazuli, Herb, and Tealiose

BLWM- Made of Beo, Lilith, Warzii, and Mel

SSDA (no idea what that words is)- Saffron, Sova, someone who I can't remember, and Argen


HART- Made of Hazel (stings's second charater) and a bunch of NPCs

HA_ _ If you're going to at Nyx I can I really want to play with Hazel and Aqua's personalities
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Or course, Team HART has many spare slots, and the name can be changed to fit.

And I'm Open to it but I'm keeping Aqua-Marie

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