[Rushing Toward a New Age] Discarded Threads of Fate

gatherer818 said:
I can't find this Terrestrial Edification Method, I'm assuming it's from a source I'll need to ok, although it doesn't sound like anything I'm concerned about. If it takes a week to train a Charm, it's hardly better than standard training times. :P .
Well, it's more to stock up on super powers if you are in a crunch. Charms >>> Everything Else in the long run, so any extra bit helps.

As Esbilon said, it is from Dreams and has been rewritten in the scroll of errata. It allows the training of traits up to the max for one's age (5 pre-100), charms, enlightening mortals, and raising the essence of of E2 supernatural creatures to E3 (Useless for exalts, since that is instant for them).

Edit: Apologies snake, but Meliah doesn't know sorcery. So no luck there.
heh, the name is broken in the errata pdf, that's why I couldn't find it no matter how many times I checked my spelling. It was spelled "edifi Cation" when I copypasta'd it from the pdf directly. The permanent awakening effect is... impressive, but not imbalanced. The rest is fair. Consider it approved.

As I'm thinking the last time I mentioned the books in play was in the recruitment thread, I'll reiterate that the corebook and the Manuals of Exalted Power, as modified by the 2.5 errata, are all considered fair game. Any total stupidity ETP might have left in them I'll deal with :P DotFA, Ink Monkeys, and any fan compilations should all be considered custom Charms that need approval. The "official" books will normally be approved, but I do want the chance to look at them first to make sure they're not simply ridiculous. Fan Charms will... honestly, they'll just follow the same guidelines.
Incendius said:
Well, it's more to stock up on super powers if you are in a crunch. Charms >>> Everything Else in the long run, so any extra bit helps.
As Esbilon said, it is from Dreams and has been rewritten in the scroll of errata. It allows the training of traits up to the max for one's age (5 pre-100), charms, enlightening mortals, and raising the essence of of E2 supernatural creatures to E3 (Useless for exalts, since that is instant for them).

Edit: Apologies snake, but Meliah doesn't know sorcery. So no luck there.
Not anymore ^_^ I did finally find it in the scroll of errata, despite the broken name. It is unfortunate that it doesn't include a way to increase Essence training speed... yet. Of course, Hoisen's disturbing offer stands. I intend to introduce a way to help mitigate that training time, but it'll be at least story 2 when that happens, and will also depend on story development...

Of course, the longer the game goes on, the more downtime you can expect, until Essence training times and artifact crafting times are the only thing we really bother tracking.
Ah, sorry. I forgot about that. I should make a list then; a few of my charms come from outside sources.

Unparalleled Acumen Meditation - Dreams of the First Age, Minor edits in the errata. Indefinite charm that keeps E2 athletics charms active, as long as they are non stackable. My approved charm expands it for up to (Essence) activations of stackable E2 charms.

Racing The Sun - Glories of the Unconquered Sun, makes Lightning Speed stackable.

Flying Faith Legion - Thousand Correct Actions, Gives all the Solar's athletics charm the Leader keyword, allowing them to apply in Mass Combat

Halo of Ministerial Dominance - Dreams of the First Age, Minor edits in the errata. A charm that grants backing 5 in a bureaucracy, if the Solar succeeds at a check opposed by the bureaucracy's leader and the magnitude of the bureaucracy.

Magic Shattering Strike - Scroll of Errata under Dreams of the First Age. A supplemental charm that enhances an attack to act like a counterspell.

Armored in Righteousness Stance - Buffs Iron Kettle Body and allows it to stack with armor for a surcharge.

Invincible Essence Reinforcement - Ink Monkeys Ultimate Compendium, raises Soak from stamina to (Stamina)+3, may be purchased up to (Essence) times for +3 soak each time, and grants 1 hardness per purchase.

Edit: Re: TEM training Essence. I would think that is at least an E6/7 upgrade, since training Essence is VERY powerful. None of Cecelyne's wish charms can do that (cept for enlightening mortals), and they can do basically anything.
I should probably do the same.

Final Sunset Stance (IM 18): Reflexive charm, ticklong, adds +1 to my parry DV, ignoring caps, and if I succeed, I get a free reflexive attack for later use.

Dawn's Parable Defense (IM 18): Reflexive charm, defense agianst flurries. You should read it.

Immortal Blade Triumphant (SoE 184): Simple charm, scenelong, adds my Essence to my parry DV and lets me convert Essence damage dice to sux.

Panoptic Fusion Discipline (IM 24): reflexive charm, scenelong, always count as aiming with +3, and +1 dv that ignores caps.
Yup, you actually mentioned most of those to me at some point, and the rest are fine. Speeding up Essence training is a pretty powerful effect, yes. The way I intend to introduce just helps a bit, doesn't entirely eliminate the training times. I'd think that any effect that trained Essence would also not permit you to go into debt to do so, which might be why hardly anything canon does it yet...

Yours are good, Esbilon.
Well, if Innomin wants a bit of my blood, she should know: You can sweet-talk your prey all you want, but if you want a meal, you´ll still need to hunt...
hrm, I should clarify: You can only be under the effects of one iteration of a (non-Stackable) Charm at a time, so you can only learn 4 traits from Meliah or Karrilah in the month of downtime. However, you could learn a trait from each of them in the same day (10 hours) - you'd get the traits at the end of that week, instead of instant, but you'd still have your other 6 days that week to rack up training time for other stuff.

Also, on a re-read of Terrestrial Edification Program, I should note that it can only teach the three Sorcery Charms, spells, and the Thaumaturgical Degrees that Meliah knows, not any Charm on her list. This gives me a sad, but it makes sense. Total she can train:

Any Virtue

Perception, Intelligence, Charisma, Manipulation, Wits, and can stunt to train Appearance

Craft, Investigation, Lore, Linguistics, Performance, Presence, Socialize, Awareness, Bureaucracy, Integrity, Larceny, Medicine, and Occult

Enlightened Essence Blight, for mortals who aren't enlightened.

Sorcery Charms, spells, and Degrees.

up to whatever level she has these traits at.
Heh, Jerias doesn't ask for blood, and he can help to rapidly train people in a lot of things. He would only need to make a deal with the person, mainly with the focus to help secure the safety and more of the White Lotus Society. :)
I'm out of this game. I feel like I am contending with Hoisen to find a niche. It seems like it is near-impossible to find something to focus on that Hoisen doesn't already have covered. This ultimately has taken the fun out of for me.

Thank you gatherer for having me in your game. I really enjoyed your gaming style.
Okay, on the one hand, I'm interesting in trying this. On the other hand, my schedule is really unpredictable from week to week, and I can't really count on any given day being consistently free. Are the IRC scenes a "This time every week, no exceptions if you're going to get anything done" thing? Or are they a bit more flexible in nature?
A bit more flexible, although we've been trying hard to set a time to play every week, it's not exactly mandatory. From what you said on IRC, I'm guessing you'll be able to show up to "the big session" often enough to stay relevant, even if not every week. You might consider working that into your character concept - which, when you're ready, you can post here: http://www.rpdom.com/threads/rushing-toward-a-new-age.51933/
Good to hear--and depending on what actual time it happens, even the ones on days I'm not off on, I might still be able to catch the tail end of.

Character is in the works then, I'll try to post them up sometime in the next few days.
Foolish13 said:
If there's still some time, I wouldn't mind having Kai meet up with the rest of the team. He owes some, especially Priestess, an apology or two, and it will help me finally figure out how his Virtues build up his personality. So far, I have an intense and reserved rogue, who will look out for himself when the chips are down...however, his Temperance and background also means that he should have exquisite manners...something that wasn't present in his first session with you guys.
So it gave me a few ideas about his flaw...err, I'll continue this in the OOC thread, I need your input badly.
So, like I was saying, the way I played him, it looks like his current Flaw:

Foolish13 said:
Virtue Flaw:

Conviction - Death of Self

Limit Break Condition - Every time his motivation is delayed.

The Solar is usually an unstoppable force, but even they need rest, no matter what. This Curse forces the issue, allowing one's fatigue to instantly catch up, and drown them in it, leaving the Solar to quickly collapse in a deep slumber regardless of the place and time.

When mitigated, the Solar can force themselves to stay awake until sunset, when the Curse will kick in, a useful thing if the Solar is in an unfriendly location or moment.

Lasts for a full day and night.
...is HILARIOUSLY out of character for him, I mean, I had a reasonable concept with what I had before, planned on focusing more on Conviction rather than Temperance, but then I switched up and gave up the Unstoppable Dynamo for the Suave (hopefully) Inventor and Business Man. I hadn't thought much about changing the Flaw, but with that session. Well damn. Death of Self doesn't fit his theme any more.

So, I thought about something like this:

Virtue Flaw:

Temperance - Shattered Dragon's Grace

Limit Break - Every time he does not act with the manners and air befitting a scion of the Mnemon.
...which seems to perfectly explain why a well mannered kid would suddenly flip out and do everything possible to disgrace his upbringing, something that is very, very cathartic for one such as him. Haven't quite worked out the details, but basically, he'll be throwing out the rulebook on socializing and interactions, then do his own thing without a care in the world. Mitigated, he could either, a) Keep his mouth shut, or b) Be politely rude (social combat all the way for all his interactions).

Best part, depending on how Virtue Flaws are played out in game, I could reasonably use this to justify Zhou's slip up, or have him become really, really sensitive to how he reacts around everyone. The best part? He can't act too respectful to anyone either, as it weakens him and his position, and thus his 'house'.

Zhou may think he got rid of everything tying him back to his roots, but we all know better than that. The sooner he learns this, the easier it will be for him to work out something.

And that, is all up to the ST.


~It's all about the Character and Organic Growth~
I like it, although it feels... weak, mechanically, still. As I'm actually going to start paying attention to Limit come the start of the second story, it'd be great if you could tighten up the description a bit before we finish in Harborhead :D

It seems to fit better than the fatigue thing by far.
And here it is, already added to my profile:

Virtue Flaw:
Temperance - Dragon's Shattered Grace

Limit Break - Every time someone around him does not act as befitting their perceived Social Standing.

Everyone, Nobles and Commoners alike in the Realm have a particular set of standards that they are beholden to, from how low they need to bow to whether or not it would appropriate to cough a little. These are the standards that Zhou had studied as a scion of the House Mnemon, and these are the standards that he cannot but view Creation with. Each time those standards are challenged knowingly or unknowingly by anyone in sight of the Twilight, he twitches but holds back, his Temperance keeping him in check and reminding him that things work differently away from the Realm.

However, when even his Temperance is not enough to hold him back, everything he had ever wanted to say or point out spills forth in an insult-laden flurry of words. Every single being around him is a target, every being from god to human, free game. All their flaws in their manners and presence are picked out and mercilessly pointed out. Their replies to him are all perceived as insults, and he responds in kind. Even in the midst of battle, the words and insults still come forth, though thanks to his need to keep speaking, Stealth is impossible for him.

When mitigated, he can pick out which targets NOT to insult, but otherwise, everything else proceeds as usual.

This state lasts for a number of hours equal to his Temperance Virtue.
When mitigated, he can pick out which targets NOT to insult, but otherwise, everything else proceeds as usual.
I like it even more now, but THAT line could probably use a little clarification. As written, he could simply choose everyone as a person not to insult, and then poof, no limit break at all. Maybe limit it to... "He doesn't have to single out anyone he has an Intimacy to or persons directly related to fulfilling his Motivation, and may choose up to (Compassion) more individuals during the Limit Break that he can skip insulting." or something similar?
I would be iffy about flaw related to one virtue drawing on another. (Temperence) more individuals makes more sense to me.
Eh, that makes the flaw LESS effective as its linked virtue rises, though. I suggested Compassion because he's being nice to X individuals - that is, at least he's not slapping them around screaming out a list of their every flaw.

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