[Rushing Toward a New Age] Discarded Threads of Fate


One Thousand Club
General OOC thread and questions and stuff. We'll talk about scheduling soon ^_^ I should know more about my own schedule soon.



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A few questions regarding Lunar chargen:

1) Since the overwhelming majority of Lunar charms are locked behind an excellency pre-requisite and everyone gets an excellency with purchase of charms, are those requirements lifted, or do all Lunars need to either take three excellencies or start with one of the odd charms outside that structure?

2) If we are equalizing XP costs, does that reduce Knack XP for Lunars, as in these rules?
Knack XP cost is 9, which seems to be in line with the original intent of Knacks (notice that in the Lunar book, Knacks are priced between the favored and non-favored Charm cost, while 9 matches that perfectly when using Solar XP costs instead). I didn't realize I hadn't put that in the rules, I will do so shortly.

I think I made a paragraph specifically to handle the Excellency prereq situation you mentioned in the house rules, because I didn't like it that certain trees (especially Solar/Abyssal Presence and many Lunar trees) were hard to start without taking an Excellency first. Basically, you will still end up with three free Charms.... buy one Excellency, get another free. Buy another Charm deeper in the tree, get the last Excellency free. Buy another Charm in the same tree, get any other Charm in that tree you qualify for free by swapping it for the Excellency you paid for before.
Are we trying to fill both circles of the Solars and Lunars? (Totaling 8 players) Are we limiting it to one caste in the group? I feel like we've gotten like... 3 Dawn applications, and wonder about that.
Nah. I'd prefer a perfect circle of Solars, but we're not going to get that, so it's all fine. A few people are coming forward now with concepts I hadn't already seen, and we've gotten a little overlap, but nothing too bad yet. We seem to have two Twilights, but fortunately their concepts seem to be complimentary rather than conflicting (one is taking Medicine because he has to for his Crafting focus, and the other is taking Craft just to help him with his Medicine focus ^_^ ). Sun Wu and Jin are both primary fighters, but I'm thinking their styles will quite different, so that should work ok. The two Lunars we have so far are nothing alike. There's a Zenith concept still in the works from Coyotekin, and a Night from a Wayward Inn member named Silverwolf. I'm expecting Arion Wind and maybe one more person to submit concepts... which means I'll likely end up needing to cut one or two, but we'll see. I don't mind a big group myself, but live games are hard to schedule for big groups.

---Read below---

The other news is that I just found out today that my most likely shifts if I get the job I'm working toward are night shifts. I didn't know they worked nights, so that surprised me entirely. That may throw scheduling all for a loop. If that happens, I'll see if we can still find a time that at least 5 can work with, if so, we'll proceed ahead. If not, rather than give up on this idea, it will probably convert to a forum game. I know a few members joined specifically because they wanted a live game, I won't blame those players in the slightest if they withdraw in that case.

I apologize for that curveball. I wasn't expecting it - I had no clue the Amazon.com warehouses were actually running at night. As usual, as soon as I know more, I'll let you know. Once I have a solid schedule, I'll post my available hours to play and we can get down to figuring out when to meet. If we can't get a group together at a regular time because of my schedule, we'll play on the forums if anyone still wants to. I'm expecting to hear something this week, next week at the latest. In the mean time, I'd like to try to run a prelude with everyone that wants one, mostly just to make sure that everyone can connect to Teamspeak and find the IRC channel and gets the hang of Exalted-in-a-chat-room.

Thanks to everyone for bearing with me during all this - after four years looking for a job, two years of it entirely unemployed, as soon as I decided "Well, I have all this free time, I should run an Exalted game," Fate decided that NOW is the best time for me to get a job offer I can't refuse. I have every intention of seeing this game through to the end, after you guys have put in so much effort in backstories and fiddling with mechanics and helping me finetune house rules, I can't just walk away, even if I wanted to. I'm sure we can find a way to make this game work despite Real Life jumping in and trying to drag me away.
Totally understand and empthazie ya circumstances.

We can't live on imagination only, we live in reality.

You have my support! Cheers!
I'll get my concept posted yet this morning - I've been a bit busy with other stuff the last couple days, but ideas have been percolating so I've got a pretty good idea where I'm going with it.

I do want to double check though; is Crystal Chameleon style martial arts acceptable for a night caste solar? I could do something else, but that's my first choice.
Thanks again ^_^ I'm working out when the best times will be. If we can't find a time that'll keep a few of the best concepts, I'll convert it to a forum game. I'm worried about one concept I'm nearly sure we'll lose if we do go forum-only though T_T

I don't recognize the style, Jondera, which book is it in? I have several fan compilations I haven't read through all the way yet, so I probably have it, and just haven't looked at it yet.
Ah, I've only looked at Glories: UCS so far. Assuming it's Celestial, it's probably fine to start with, but I'll look at it and be sure. You might need to justify it somehow if it's typically only known to Sidereals (Artifact[memory crystal], Mentor [Gold Faction Sidereal], Merit [Past Lives], something like that), especially if you don't start with it mastered and want to gain more of its Charms in play.
I'll be putting up a concept probably Wednesday night (At GMT-5) or Friday night. It's the week before finals here along with pre-trial conferences at work, so until the 18th my weekdays are going to be swamped, with weekends finishing out any schoolwork or motion drafting I didn't have time for in the week.
gatherer818 said:
Ah, I've only looked at Glories: UCS so far. Assuming it's Celestial, it's probably fine to start with, but I'll look at it and be sure. You might need to justify it somehow if it's typically only known to Sidereals (Artifact[memory crystal], Mentor [Gold Faction Sidereal], Merit [Past Lives], something like that), especially if you don't start with it mastered and want to gain more of its Charms in play.
It's a celestial martial art that focuses as much on stealth and movement (requires dots in Stealth and Athletics) as it does on combat. Invented by a chosen of Journeys during the primordeal war, but it's also apparently common in Autochthonia. I could take a bit of past lives or something as a reason for being able to learn it, though.
My schedule is probably going to be a regular 9-5 EST workday during the week, but open pretty much anytime else.
eh, if it was common enough in the First Age, you can find it without needing a justification. You're good.
Okay...sheet build-out is almost done (went with the XP build), but I want to make sure I got the charms done right. Let's say, for example, you snag one Manipulation charm, one Stamina charm and three Charisma charms. If I'm looking at it right, that would mean getting one Manip and Stamina Excellency of choice as well as three Charisma excellencies, correct?
To help make sure the characters are something close to balanced, I'm planning on changing the amount of xp those characters made with the xp method start with to better reflect the xp totals of the standard chargen characters. If you're making or have made a Celestial Exalt using the standard method, please let me know, I'm going to use your starting xp total to help find a good starting point for the xp-characters.

So far, I have Coyotekin's character and Esbilon/Karrilah. Anyone else making a Celestial Exalt with the standard chargen?
nah, just use 400 for now, since that's the base, and you can increase it later if I raise the total. Right now the average amongst those two is around 475 (one of them actually managed a BP character with only 405 XP, I was amazed. I've never made a standard character under 500.) That said, if someone is using the standard method, please give me a copy of your sheet from BEFORE you spend the xp from the bonus xp thread, so I can see what you had at the end of character creation, lol.

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