RpNation: The Convention

After she had been missing most of the convention because she was trying to drive to the building, Ene finally arrives at the room as late as ever. She looks around for a clue to where she might find out what she was supposed to do. She had friends here, but didn't know what they really looked like or where she'd be able to find them.

She was wearing a white shirt and a long grey sweater, as well as jeans and black boots, with her copper-colored hair tied up in a french braid, other then her side bangs that swept over her steel eyes. A black, hardcover, "ProArt," notebook was tucked under her arm and against her side, because she always carried it with her, and her evil eye necklace was hanging loosely around her neck.

Ene continues stepping closer to the room. A lot of the people here were older and/or taller then her, but 17 year-old's who were 4'9" didn't usually stand a chance against anyone of 5'0" or higher. At what, Ene had no idea, but she was hoping that there'd be atleast one person as short or shorter than her.

You see, Ene was competitive at EVERYTHING about herself, though her shy and unconfident looks can seem pretty deceiving. She wanted to look better, be taller, be faster, be smarter, be better than everyone else. That's pretty much Ene's bad part.
She was sitting beside her with her right leg over on to her left. She had leaned back in the chair and began to play some dub step she downloaded. She hummed the tune when the chance came for her to. Flipping through image on her phone before hoping on a site to see the comments and whoever was on. Slightly glancing at her batter life to see if she needed to stop. "So what do you like to do...your name again." She said with half a smile. Her eyes stuck on the scree but was listening to the girl, her ears would move up for a second.
I stood off to the side, watching people weave in and out of the crowd like waves as I casually sipped my coffee. (Don't worry, it's decaf.) This wasn't my type of place, I realised. Everyone had their own little groups, their ways of conversing and having fun, their ways of fitting in. And here I was side by side with a broom, pretending it had a face and was capable of carrying out a psychic conversation. (I wasn't going to talk to it out loud, of course. That would be embarrassing.) Turning my head to the sweeping utensil and giving it a knowing look, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started counting seconds. When would the storm end? I guess I'd just have to wait it out.

Slipping into a vacated room, I glanced behind me just as the door creaked shut. I had my guitar slung around my back, so I let it slide off my shoulder, then I set it down and uncovered it. I'm not sure why, but I just liked to have the acoustic with me. Slumping against the wall, I pulled my headphones over my ears and propped up my tablet. Switching it on, I selected one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite artists.


Strumming softly to it, I sang the words to myself, hunched over the guitar. And at the same time powning Sugar Crush on my Nook with my toes.

(Meh. I'm tired. Haters gonna hate.)
She had good ears, best of the best in her family. She could hear the strumming of a guitar. But she knew it was an acoustic, maybe a 12 string. She had on similar. She had gotten up telling the others to hold on. She walked toward the sound, knocking on the door and opening without getting the okay to even enter. She looked in and smiled, knowing the guitar. "Ah I have one too, what music do you play, mind if I come and sit in."
(Ah, missed so much in such little time.)

"Squishy!" Was the shout that tore her from her self-induced daze. With narrowed eyes, Coolaloo scanned the crowd in front of her in search of anyone who might have been referring to her. But the chances were close-to-none, though, since there was only one person knew and called her by that nickname (not to mention that said person should be taking residence in California).

"Maybe something happened to induce such a word to spill from someone's lips?" she thought, still looking at the mass of bodies in front of her. Anyways, unless there was some pain-stakingly obvious clue that it was indeed the person she had in mind, she wouldn't be able to pick him out from the crowd. Too many people could fit the rather-vague description that she had in mind, aside from his height. But her sense in measurement was totally out-of-whack...

Sighing, Coo pulled out her cell to solve this mystery. Hey, you wouldn't happen to be out of the house, would you? A simple text message and everything should be cleared up.
Noah had fallen asleep while more people came in. "Ugh... darn jet lag..." He says groggily while collecting his drawing stuffs and puts them in his bag. He then looks around to see what had happened. He barely hears the sound of a guitar over the noise and chatter of the convention. A person is dancing and other groups of people mingling. The thought of joining in was always a antiquating task for him. Noah wasn't exactly the most social person to go up to someone you meet on a website and say 'Hello.' Instead he begins meandering towards the sound of the guitar being played. While doing so eavesdropping into conversations others were having. Years of practice enables this teenager to listen into others conversations without turning his head. Most of the time, Noah uses his peripheral vision to spot out other roleplayers.
Ene looked toward the sound of a guitar, but saw a tight crowd around it, so stayed where she was. She checked her phone to see if anyone had replied to her rp, but then remembered that it was still in progress of being designed and checked her twitter instead. Of course the only tags she was getting were tags from people on her cross country team talking about how they missed their, "El Baguette," and needed her back for the upcoming race.

She laughed silently and found herself drifting towards the table as she replied to her friends and sat down. She put her phone back in her pocket and put her book on the table leaning back and looking at the ceiling, the seat wedging in between her head and her neck.

She sat back up and opened her book, continuing to work on the same sketch, but closed it after five minutes till she was bored again. Their were people to meet, like Toast and Hyli and Pai, as well as Humor and Sol and Xeno and Mari, but she continued sitting, feeling that this wasn't her job to lead.
I glanced up, humming as I sucked on a sucker, but did a double-take and almost choked when I saw someone approaching me. Fumbling the guitar and making a discord noise, I did a ninja pose, my pupils shrinking to dots.

"Uhh... yes. I mean, no. I mean..." Collecting myself somewhat, I gestured for Goddess, as the nametag said, to seat herself. Putting on a smile, I checked to make sure I hadn't broken anything, clumsy as I was. "I'm just starting," I admitted, taking off my headphones. "You want to give it a go?" I suggested, offering her the guitar.

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Seeing a small girl, even shorter than herself. Patricia hopped off of her chair and waddled over to the girl, the strawberry candy still in her mouth. "'Ello there." Waving awkwardly, the girl thought that if she was going to be here, and not shopping, might as well socialize, right? Tucking her hands into the pockets of her bright red sweatshirt that had Canada printed across its chest, the one known as paipai900 waited patiently for the girl to reply.
(Holy bologna I missed some *comes to save the day*)

Ryan held his hands behind his head and watched quite a few people come up to Liz. She appeared to be the center of attention and he couldn't help but chuckle at how she reacted to it. He knew how she was, especially after role playing with her for so long. Ryan walked over and held his hand in front of her face, snapping lightly. "Don't drift off on me now." he said aloud, trying to bring her back from reality. "You alright?"

When seeing that hand in front of her view, the brunette jumped slightly, turning to look at who it belonged to with haste. A soft “oh” came from her lips when she seen it was Ryan, and she relaxed. Liz nodded to answer his question, pushing his hand back down. “I’m fine it’s just..” she paused, turning to point at the window with one single finger. “It’s still snowing.. are we going to be okay?”

Liz had always been the type of person to think ahead or in other words.. worry. When something is bound to happen, she either wants to know when to get out or how to get out. “I know how to drive in that stuff but.. aren't you a little worried?”
Ryan placed his hands to his sides and examined the worry in Liz's features. She was right in a way, but she was also a worry-wart - he knew this. The snow outside wasn't going to stop anytime soon but at least they were indoors where it was warm. "Why wouldn't we be?" he let out a laugh and gently gave the top of her head a pat. She was awfully short compared to him. "There's nothing to worry about at all."
"Don't worry, mom. I'll be responsible."

"Don't get raped!"

"I'll try my best..."

"If you do, make sure they use prote-"

"Mom! Too far."

xxxxxA young girl walked into the famous Rpnation Convention, too busy on her phone to register her surroundings as she brushed off the snow from her clothes She wore a pale, but thick blue jumper and black leggings, along with her favorite gray scarf and a beanie. It was a shame she could only wear such clothes a few times a year. Southern California's weather wasn't exactly in first place when it came to a cold winter. The fourteen year old girl was alone. If the plane ticket hadn't been so expensive, her whole family would've come for a trip to Disney World. "Anyways, I just got here. I'll call you later, okay? I love you! Bye." Deborah ended her call with a simple press of a button, a small sigh rushing out from her mouth. It was a habit of her, constantly sighing. It made people believe she was always upset, when really it was just a simple breath of air. "You would think the weather would be warmer in Florida..." She muttered, rubbing her hands together.

xxxxxThere were already a good amount of people here. It was just this huge amount of people with this overflowing ocean of awkwardness, and Deborah was here to add to that. On her chest was her username, scribbled onto a small paper nametag, "TheInfamousHavoc" in neat, and simple handwriting. She had a small schoolbag slung around her shoulder. She carried it everywhere. It was rare to see her without it on. In it were the most useless things that would be useful at the most expected times: Wet wipes, books, sketchbooks, more books, and a notable amount of food. Without thinking too much, she slowly made her way to the wall, were she would still be noticeable enough to be counted as unsociable, yet close enough to the action to know the gist of what was going on. Her eyes scanned he room, just barely squinting. The girl had such bad eyesight, it was laughable. Still, she was just too lazy to go through the trouble of putting on her contacts. What was the use of taking them off, or putting them on if it just took up more time she could use to sleep?

xxxxxWithout any luck of catching a familiar name (Much likely due to the fact that her eyesight is just terrible), Deborah just sighed once more, returning to her phone to play the wondrous game of Shot Zombie.

(( OoC:// But technically IC, since I am technically
in character, since the character is me.... Anyways, it feels so weird roleplaying as myself. xD I'm so much less confident. ))
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“It’s still snowing.. are we going to be okay? I know how to drive in that stuff but.. aren't you a little worried?” I had heard Liz ponder about and in agreement with Ryan, I said, "Naturally, it is unusual that would be snowing in Florida, but it is an interesting twist to the day. We'll talk more later, Liz. It was a real pleasure to have met you in person." I smiled as I offered up my hand to shake. I look around for a moment, noticing another familiar sod around. He was talking to a girl who seemed rather jubilant in her demeanor, which was always fun to be around, in my opinion.
O.o Should I get back to this Roleplay...



Okay. v.v Pity me, for my life takes me from the love that I adore, Roleplay itself.

If you loved me, you would find a way... *whisper whisper*...

Yeah, what he said. *snickers*

But... D: I... There are people watching us. o.e *scoots out like a suspicious potato.*

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