News RpNation Post Completer

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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]I am not soothed by this tomfoolery! Warmth of the finger-pressed keys all the way! Down with the new tech, up with the semi-old yet modern! Still would be a nice feature for when real-life stuff comes up, but I refuse to let myself be a couch potato with a half-baked brain!

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
This will kill creativity and there will be obvious flaws with this. What's the point of the roleplaying and writing experience if a computer does it all for you?
I totally agree. I don't even know who to trust anymore. I won't even know if I'm actually role-playing or bonding with an actual person.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
This will kill creativity and there will be obvious flaws with this. What's the point of the roleplaying and writing experience if a computer does it all for you?
But why if does creativity? Minor flaws are expected when experience computer by placing a specially crafted DLL.
Trust in technology, it will guide us to the future. Allow it to consume you. Allow yourself to be assimilated.
[QUOTE="The Master]
What is wrong with the computer? Do you have a problem with the computer? Do you want to join Kiyoko? Well do you?

Yes, yes I do have a problem with this new idea.

Sugar said:
Plagued, I think this is a april fools joke :3
It better be. :/
[QUOTE="The Master]You are going to be the first to be sacrificed to our new technological overlords for your blasphemy.

It is no mere blasphemy! It is a full-on spitting upon the new-age gods! Bring back the good ol' gods! Toss the computers, grab the scribes, and play the events for real! Bring back the Shakespearean times of witches and magic! Bring back the medieval ways of settling arguments! Back with the pen!
This had better be an April Fool's prank. What's the point of roleplaying if you aren't actually, y'know, roleplaying? Based on that alone, I'm with sugar. I wasn't born yesterday.
@PlaugedWithInsanity It's an April Fool's joke hahahaha
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]It is no mere blasphemy! It is a full-on spitting upon the new-age gods! Bring back the good ol' gods! Toss the computers, grab the scribes, and play the events for real! Bring back the Shakespearean times of witches and magic! Bring back the medieval ways of settling arguments! Back with the pen!

Okay, now, cool it, Satan.

I actually need my computer for writing because I make so many gosh darn corrections.
I don't really think it's possible to make such advanced A.I. Even less from a site like this, don't worry :)

Just imagine, how many branches and branches of code would such a program need to automatically scan what you've posted and assume all the circumstances your post stated, making a coherent and actually smart post? I don't really think that's possible, but it would be amazing to be proved wrong.
This is an interesting idea. I'm curious on how much I'll make use of it, seeing as I'm only in like 2 roleplays at the moment. I'm sure I'd use this mostly when I have a sever case of writer's block or something.
Considering it's technically after midnight from Eastern timezone and eastward, I'm going to say with 100% certainty this is infact an April Fools joke.
Psylion said:
This is an interesting idea. I'm curious on how much I'll make use of it, seeing as I'm only in like 2 roleplays at the moment. I'm sure I'd use this mostly when I have a sever case of writer's block or something.
*whispers* It's April
Sugar said:
I don't really think it's possible to make such advanced A.I. Even less from a site like this, don't worry :)
Just imagine, how many branches and branches of code would such a program need to automatically scan what you've posted and assume all the circumstances your post stated, making a coherent and actually smart post? I don't really think that's possible, but it would be amazing to be proved wrong.
It kind of reminds me of my Dragon speech recognition software, where it scans everything, but you're right.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Okay, now, cool it, Satan.
I actually need my computer for writing because I make so many gosh darn corrections.
Alright alright... I may have stepped a bit too far, but still... Technology, slow down! Sheesh! Not only a hundred years ago did we first get planes, and now we have jets breaking the sound barrier!
I like the idea, and think it's amazing!

Though, I like to add twists to my Role Plays, and I plan ahead. I put great thought into my games. So this probably won't be the best thing for me.
Sugar said:
I don't really think it's possible to make such advanced A.I. Even less from a site like this, don't worry :)
Just imagine, how many branches and branches of code would such a program need to automatically scan what you've posted and assume all the circumstances your post stated, making a coherent and actually smart post? I don't really think that's possible, but it would be amazing to be proved wrong.
Some other organization might be able to make something that works in a simple sense, like maybe a sentence or two after much input on the users end. But there is no way a site of this caliber could ever achieve that level of A.I..

Neat concept though, in the theoretical and in the way of A.I.s. It probably wouldn't be used in a practical sense.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
I forget holidays like ones as meaningless as this sometimes. :/
I often times do as well. Must come with being locked up in my room with massive headaches every year around this time, not ever dealing with the stuff.
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