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RP partner needed

When he started to rub her shoulders she moved away from him statled. "He's fine. I like him sitting on my shoulder. I use to have a falcon." She says with a smile. "I know you didn't but that's how your treating me."

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Im not treating you like anything Aria, i was simply saying something, that's all nothing more to it. -James sighs slightly and walks over to the water and lays down closing his eyes-
She shakes her head. She wasn't imagining it. He was treating her like she was something that needed his protection. "So, how long do you want to rest here?"

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"Thanks." She says, Aria slides off her shoes and let her feet soak in the running stream. "Do you want me to make something for lunch?"

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"Some friend fish over an open fire. It'll be simple and a light meal for us to hike on in a while." She says. Aria leans forward to snatch a fish from the stream.

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James smiles and nods and says- that sound quite good actually. Ill go get the firewood for the fire -james say getting up amd to the brush-
When James returned with the fire wood, Aria had couple of fish up on the bank. Albus was also ripping his long beak into one and devouring the meat off of it happily.

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James happily builds a fire and places the fish on sticks and rotates and cooks them evenly and hands one to aria and to himself-
Aria happily starts to dig in. She was starving, this journey was taking its toll on her and they weren't even that far into it. "This is wonderful. Very well cooked," She told James with a small smile trying to be polite. She tore off a piece of meet for Albus and feed the bird out of her hand.

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James smiles and nods- I appreciate the trying to be polite but i was also starving -james says happily and eats some of his meat-
She laughs. She was enjoying the extreme hot day with her friend. She wasn't sure why bit she was. She really liked james.

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James was really starting to get feelings for Aria, and he liked those feelings and smiled with her as she laughed, also enjoying the good day-
She picked up thier feathered friend, puttingb him on her shoulder and head back through the grass to get to the dirt path. "Atleast we have shade to help block the heat from our bodies." She says to James working on repulling up her hair.

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