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RP partner needed

ok -smiles- )

- James is walking through a small town in the middle of a small wooded forest, looking for a place to buy some supplies and get some rest before moving through to the next town to find the one man he has been searching for, for the longest time, he is looking for the man that is waiting to give him a very important quest. What that quest is, is yet unknown to james, but he is looking forward to seeing what it is, and as he enters the small town he see's exactly what he was looking for, a general store and a nice looking Inn to rest up before tomorrow's hike. So james walked to the general store first to sell some of his stuff and to buy some food, some water, some matches and batteries, and other essentials for the trip, and pays the cashier and walks out happily to the Inn to rent a room for the night. -
-In the Inn, there is a below average height woman heading out of the door James just entered through. "Don't waste your time trying to get a room here. They just rented out there last room to the guy who arrived right before me, unless your honeymooning," says woman. "I'm Aria. By any chance would you be interested in playing a part with me?" The Inn's entrance room is pretty, it has simple red chairs that with wooden legs. The floors are wooden, as are the counters where the employ is standing, the top of the counter is marbled. The man that is working behind it is elderly with white hair wearing a a black shirt with a baby blue tie.-
James looks at Aria and smiles and shakes her hand and says- " Thank You for the kind head's up my dear, -James says kindly and looks inside the wonderfully made enterance hall and looks back at her and asks- And what would you mean by playing a part my dear? -james smiles and walks in with her and sits on one of the amazingly comfortable chairs and looks around and at the fire place and waits for her reply with a nice and sweet smile-
She takes a seat across from him, and answers with, "of my new husband, dear." Her voice is kept low so anyone that passes by can't hear what the two of them happen to be discussing. Some other customers that are staying in the Inn walk by. "it would be a good way for us both to save some money and get a room for the night, James." She adds with a small smile.
He smiles and thinks over the plan she is proposing and agrees with her, he smiles and nods and says softly- Ok sounds like a plan... Dear -james smiles and looks around at all the people in the Inn and says- Where are you from Aria? -he asks curiously-
"I'm from Irises, been traveling for awhile to get meet up with someone for a quest that I agreed to take on for them," she says shifting her one bag from her left hand to her right. "What about you? You look as if you have been traveling for awhile." Aria sets her bag by her feet to pull up her long, red hair into a pony tail.
Im from the Dawn Star, a land quite far from here, as it usually is snow-covered, i also came here to find someone to take a quest for. Maybe if our paths are going the same direction that we may walk together? -james asks softly-
Aria nod. "I'd enjoy having company on my journey. What kinda quest are you looking for? You heading north?" She ask quietly. "I think we should get a room, dear." She stands and waits for James to join her as she tons to head towards the front desk to check in.
Yes actually i am going north actually, i don't exactly know how FAR north i have to go but im going that direction too. -James looks at the front desk and aria walking towards it and says following her- Yes my love, we should get a room
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"Can we get your honeymoon sweet?" Aria asks the older man behind the desk. He nods and looks down at the book where he has all of the names wrote down. "Last name please?" He asks in a groff voice. Aria gives a side glance at James.
James looks at the older man and said " Shadow " -smiles and holds aria's hand to make it look official- Is it a pay upfront or after we check out? -james also asks-
"Up front. It'll be 250 tailens." He says hold our his hand. His hand has signs that his body is old. Thier is an ugly looking scar on it, it starts from his middle finger and runs up under his sleeve. "For one night. There is a sell going on for three nights it'll only be 650 tailens." He gives us a friendly smile. "We'll take only one night. A lot more journeying ahead of us." Aria says with a small smile at the old man and moves to pull some money from the purse that is hanging opposite of where James is holding her hand.
James lets go of her head and smiles letting her get the money out and leans against a pillar that comes down from the ceiling and he sees the scar on his hand and arm and wonders what happened to him-
James walks over to the bags on the floor next to him, gives the older gentleman a happy nod, and follows Aria happily saying- Yes deary
After they bored the elevator, Aria takes her bag and says, "well that wasn't that bad. Are you paying for half the room? If so it'll be 125 tailens." She hits the button for the sixth floor. "I can take my bag if you'd like." She says, as she reaches for the bag of hers that he is holding.
Janes nods and gands her the money and hands her the bed and pulls out the map from his back pocket and ears the elevator doors open and him and aria walk to the room and opens the door, as james says- ill be at the desk figuring out where we are gonna go next from here. -with a soft smile he sits down, opens the map on the desk, takes out a pencil and examin's the map and circles things every so often-
Aria says something that isn't quiet heard by James because of her muttering. She smiles and asks, " what are the circles for?" She moves, after sitting her bag down next to the only bed in the room, where she can see the map he is making the circles on. "I've actually never used a map when I was traveling." She stands behind him at the small desk. "Is Dawn Star located on this map? Sorry, I'm just trying to get a feeling for how far and long you have been traveling." Aria pauses for moment, "I guess I should be the one answering those questions first, right? Since, I'm asking them." She stops and looks at the map and spots her home town. "This is where," She says motioning to Irises located so its only like a couple of months from here." she says, smiling.
Well aria - james smiles and says softly- the circles are for the areas we can take stops in alongthe way to the north, -he looks at where her finger was poiting to and smiles- thats not too far away actually -james happily looks for his hometown and points to it and says- its a little bit further then yours, but not by much, only about 5-6 months journey from there to here -smiling as he said it, james thinks and erases some of the circles and circling more places to make for a faster travel and asks- You never used a map while traveling? How do you know ur going the right way? -chuckles as he looks over at the bed and says- you can have it -looking up at you- i dont mind fallig asleep here if i get any sleep at all
"I tend to just stumble upon what I need and get where I need to at the perfect time." Aria says with a small laugh. "I planned on taking the bed. Thanks for being noble. " She adds, trying to sound polite. "So, why wouldn't you sleep? I'm the one sharing the room with a strangw man." She says with a small shurg.
because i don't tend to be able to sleep, worrying about what all i need to do or get, never really leaves me with much time to relax or sleep and no worries you can trust me, im not a bad man "dear" -james says playfully with a smile-
"I'm sure your not. You can save the 'dear' stuff until tomorrow morning when we check out." Aria say. "You shouldn't worry so much. Stress will make your hair fall out, if you do it to much." She moves over to the bed and falls on it. Letting the feathers form around her body and hug her. "Thanks for letting me have this." She mumbles. James can hear the blanket being moved around like Aria is climbing under them. "I'm going to get some rest. PleasE don't be to loud."

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