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RP partner needed

Aria slips off into a deep sleep. This allows for James to work on the map in peace. He hears the steady rythem of the ac unit cool the room and aria's breath fillin the room. The night passes rather quickly and the morning is there before either of them realize it. Aria is get up and says, "want to go get breakfast?"
James looks at her and smiles and nods- yes, I would love that -He gets up and stretches, some of his muscles flex and are showing and doesn't notice-
James smiles and nods in agreement then says- yes, we should -walks down to the cafeteria to get breakfast with you-
Aria makes her a simple breakfast of cereal and coffee. "Did you get a letter to bring you out on this journey?" She asks as she stands thier adding creamer to her coffee.
"I did. I got a wierd letter in some writing that I couldn't read." She adds, looking over the coffee. The steam is rising and she gives him a warm smile. "Want to head out right after breakfast, James?"
James looks in his bag for a letter from the begnning of his trip and he pulls it out and reads over it and nods- yea i got a letter, but i could read all of it -he says looking up at her and smiles and nodding- Yea we can head out soon -grabbing coffee, and a small granola bar-
"I wonder if it was from the same person. " Aria says with a smile. She eats her cereal slowly. She doesn't know if she trust him. He didn't harm her all night, but her hadn't shown her his letter. Not that she had asked him to but, she wasn't sure of him. She couldn't trust just anyone that's how you would get your self killed especially when he was good looking.
James thought to himself as he looked at the last few words on the letter that said " From, A Friend. " He had gotten a letter given the same addressor before, he was sure of it, but he couldnt put his finger on it and he looks up at aria and asks- " Would you like to look at my letter as well? " -James smiles softly and friendly as he drinks his coffee and eats his bar before looking over at her softly as he hands her the note, looking at such a beautiful woman, yet not trusting her completely yet, has taken a toll on him but he turns back to his coffee before looking at the small important part of the map that he just folded up not to long ago-
"That would be nice. Thanks, james." She pulls out a fold sheet of paper, "here's mine if you want it. I couldn't make it out. The map on the back pointed north so I left to go. Marked this hotel, as well" She added taking his letter leaving hers on the table for him to look at. What does a friend mean? Is this a sick joke? Is he going to rob me?

His is in the same wierd righting as mine. She thinks to her self.
James looks at her with a calming look and shakes his head- " No, if it is the same style as the last time like im thinking, we will want to find this person to help up anyway we can. " -James looks at her letter and it says the exact same thing and he looks confused- " How does this person know you as well? It says from a friend here too? Curious. " - james says softly as he finishes his coffee and his granola bar-
"I don't know. I couldn't read the letter at all. I find it very annoying." She says. "Nor am I informed on who could know us both. I haven't ever meet you." She shurgs. Aria finishes her cereal and coffee.
James thinks and shrugs lightly and says- guess we will know soon enough wont we? -he says with a soft chuckle and smile looking at her finish up and says- Shall we be off then?
"Yup let's get going. We shouldn't burn more daylight than what we already have." Aria smiles and says, "let's get going." She stands gathering her trash to leave. "Ready to leave?'
James nods and smiles standing up and getting his trash thrown away and picks up his belongings and checks if the weapon in the bag is still there- Heading north?
"Alright, let's set out then." She says with a smile. She leads him out of the two, and starts to head out of town. "This should be fun. I've never actually been on a really adventure. Do you do this for a living?" She asks.
James smiles and follows her and nods to her question- Yea this is mostly what i do, people pay me to go look for things for them and bring them back. So pretty much travling is my home and life at the moment
"Doesn't that get lonely, and boring." She asks. As they exist a town, a small cluster of humans start to follow them. "Are they following us, James?" Aria asks. As she asked, that particular question, she shifts closer to him. Something about this just doesn't feel right and if there is one thing she has learned in her short Time traveling, always trust what your gut is telling you.
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James is ready to reach into his bag for the sword as he says to her- It get lonely sometimes when im not with anyone yea -he smiles softly and then says- i got these guys, -Stopping and turning around to them and has his hand in his back and on the hilt of the sword ready to defend him and ellie and says kindly-Excuse me guys, why are you following us?
"following you two, sir? I didn't realize it was a crime to take the only exit out of town. We happen to be taking the same path. No need for violence." The man in the middle, who clearly is the leader steps forward so he can be seen clearly. Now that they are facing the group, Aria and James realize the group has five members. Three woman that were wearing long pant, and short sleeve shirts. The woman have thier hair pulled back in braids to keep it out of their faces. There is also two men that where in leather pants and vest that match them. The one that stepped forward is in dark jeans and a white shirt. the two men reach for there weapons.
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James reaches for his sword and pulls it out and says Angrily- No violence huh?! -James looks at all the people and growls- You have no reason to be reach for your weapons unless you want your hands cut off i advise you to show your hands. You all can go ahead of us, if your just "going out of the only exit"
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"Your the one who reached for his weapon firsted. You showed the first sign of violence." Calls one of the woman in a high pitch voice. The main man says, "we will leave before you, that is helpful. Thank you good sir."
James nods and holds ellie hand as they pass to make sure shes safe and when they pass he puts his sword away and walks slowly with her to make sure they dont walk up on them again and looks over at her- Are you alright?
"Of course. I don't like them. They are trouble makers. " She says, looking in front of them as the group is letting more distance become between them.

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