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RP partner needed


I have been roleplaying all my life, but I have never used this cite. I am looking for a role play partner that will develop the plot. I'm not hard to get along with, I'm not the best at pre-planing but i can do that if that's what you need or would wish for. I'm personally looking for an adventure RP that is going to be exciting and different. I normally only use OC's, the reason is that I like the mystery of how they are going to react to things. I also don't have a set gender our perspective i play out of we can figure that out together.

If you have any questions, or anything PM me and I'll answer them. Also please take this as something that will be long lasting.
hey, i would like to be a part of this role play, i never did an adventure one so id like to give it a shot cx
Sounds good. I was thinking just a one on one or maybe with just a couple (like one other person) I'm not sure how to start RP threads on here. Also, thanks for being interested.
No problem, just tell me a bit about how you want to start this and ill go from there, and how long do replies have to be?
I was thinking that we could start off by our characters meeting because of some sort of quest, mission, I'm not sure what the quest or mission is for. We can work that out together. The replies should be of decedent length and should be relevant to the story line to further move it long in some form. I normally do the matching length of the previous post. This just normally keeps it from being to short. I sometimes won't have a bunch to say if there isn't a bunch going on that i can do on my own, which i'm sure will happen to you as well. If you have any ideas, i'm more than willing to listen to them, i'm up for doing anything. Do you personally have prospective you RP from?
i mostly do a third person if im doing actions or something, but first person when talking, and ok, that makes sense, we can figure out what the mission and adventure will be together, and if we get into any snags we can talk in the out of character place to figure stuff out :)
What if they were sent to retrieve an item from the land of Ikenam, which is quite the journey from their homeland?
oh, haha sorry, i thought i had already answered that. I RP out of many different prospectives. I normally do first person on one on one RP's but I can do third person. I'm versatile, i follow the lead of what the people I'm Rping with do.
oh right, lol my bad i remember reading that now sorry cx and is there anything else you wanna get out of the way first before we start rping? cx
definitely. I am always down for them, if they aren't all powerful beings that you create or use. like creatures and stuff haha
haha, we can use some powerful beings in this role play to make it interesting so they have to learn to work together or learn stronger magic or skills to defeat

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