RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

"Me too." She smiled, "My brother thinks I'm disturbed because I laugh at movies like Saw, Scream, The Grudge and The Ring."

Cupcake cuddled close to Connor.


"You're welcome," he grinned.
"Yeah." She giggled and whispered, "Told tell Jasper I told you but he's actually terrrified of scary movies."


He hugged her back feeling surprised.
May laughed, "I once pretended to be Samara from The Ring and he literally peed his pants."


"What's up with you?" he asked.
"Do you like cupcakes? I do, I love them that's why I called the kitten Cupcake," she smiled.


"Just wondering, " he chuckled.
"You're welcome," he grinned. He pulled away and went to go find his sister.

May smiled and then frowned when Jasper came in.

"What are you two talking about?" he asked.
Jasper pouted and looked at May.

"Go away," May said nicely.

Jasper left and walked back to Alex's room.
"Would you rather be killed by Ghost-face from Scream or by Samara from The Ring?" she asked curiously.


"I'm sad," he said bluntly.
"But wouldn't it be more painful to be stabbed?" she wondered.


"Connor's mean to me, so's May but she's mean to me anyway." He sighed and sat down on the bed.
He smiled, "I hate being sad from now on I'm only thinking happy thoughts."


Cupcake climbed onto May's lap and nuzzled her. She giggled and cuddled him. "What's the one thing you hate the most?" she asked Connor.
She stared at him for a minute then burst out laughing hysterically. "B-beans?" she managed to say inbetween fits of laughter.


Jasper heard May laughing and shook his head, "Her laugh's weird."

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