RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

She tried to keep a straight face but failed and giggled. "I can't help it."


"Kay," he picked a spot on the floor. "I want to sleep here."
She soon stopped laughing and frowned, "My tummy hurts, I laughed too much."


He took his shirt off and lay down, looking up at the ceiling.
She looked at him with big worried eyes, "Why are you sighing? Did I say something mean?"


"Night," he said and five minutes later he was snoring softly.
"Kaykay," she smiled and picked up Cupcake. She left the room then went back, "Night." She left again and went to Alex's room.
Connor picked up cupcake and went to Alex's room. He walked in and went over to May. He bent over and shook May a bit "Here, Cupcake wondered off." He said putting the cat next to her.

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