RP: Battle of Guilds

Reito glanced to Radehgieh, her eyes lingering for a second before she returned to stomping out the flames, making her way around the camp into a full circle until all the flames were reduced to smoke. She exhaled, finally relieved that her precious forest wouldn't be burned down. She turned her head to address the man asking the question. "I'm Reito Nakima. I come from everywhere, meaning I'm not into any guilds." She glanced around at the group, her once agitated state now wary of them. Her eyes fluttered over each and every one of them, once again deciphering an escape route and all the possible ways she could make it out.
"Emmendil. I was captain of the mercenary auxiliary regiments for the Eastern Alliance but seeing as some of my men were hired by the Thieves' Guild, our supposed allies, to try and kill me, I'm not so sure I'll be going back there any time soon."

He glanced at the others, Radehgieh especially was a high ranking officer of his previous enemies. Although he had never fought against them, rather he had been focussed mainly on dispersing bandit groups, he had still been an enemy before hand and he could not be sure of mercy.

In order to foster good favour he threw his bow towards Radehgieh, it tumbled to a stop at his feet.

"A show of good will. I'm not saying I will join the Hand of the Royally Divine but it seems I'd be safer amongst your people than my own and for that reason I will call you my captain for now."
Ciel Phantomhived


Ciel interlocked his finger's. November appeared from the back and gathered his tea cup. She dissapeared to the kitchen leaving Ciel and the Younge Prince alone. Ciel listened to his Word's, and considered them. But out of all the mess, he turned his head and smiled slightly. The rare sight was odd. "You've Learned Your Majesty." Ciel spoke, the smile fading as quickly as it surfaced. "You are Not Responsible for the one's who don't stand with you. Your Army, Your Family, Your Friend's are the Only One's who care for your sake. You should only Protect those who care." He reccomended.

Ciel could see in the Younge Prince's eye's Change. Maybe the Scarlet Rose would heal for the better. "But, " He mumled, "You are the Next for Throne I Assume, You can Bring Change to You Land and The Rest." Ciel prescribed. He leaned back in his chair and quietly watched the Boy's Expression. Ciel's epression was plain as always.

Radehgieh nodded. "I wouldn't ask that of you, to join my guild, but if you wish to travel with us..." he paused, looking at the others. "Then...you may." he said slowly, unsure of how the others would feel.
Nileriel nodded at Ciel's words. Ciel was surprisingly wise and it always amazed Nileriel how wise he was about things. Sometimes he thought it should've been Ciel who was prince not him. He had never wanted the throne really but always had grew up expecting to inherit it. "I will work on finding my sister and few trusted others. I think I will seek out Radehgieh-if he has survived- and ask for his asisstance as well. Though I doubt the Hand will be willing to give me even the slightest bit of help after all they have suffered because of my guild I have to try anyways. I will not ask for their help on behalf of the Scarlet Rose but rather just on behalf of my sister and I and those who are truly loyal to us- our friends and family.

(Ah, I know there's an OOC thread but I figured I'd post it one here too. The rp has died off a little and I'm not quite sure if I'll just call it dead yet and give up on it. Probably not but it's slow and I've been trying to figure out which rps I'm giving up on since quite a few of them have died and I want to move on. I know your all busy with things, on and off the site so it's no worries at all if you can't post. I haven't completely decided about this one yet though, so if I decide to give up on it later I want to thank you all ahead of time for your commitment and participation since it really has been fun.)
(K I've just decided to officially stop the rp, since it was already dead. Thanks guys though for joining and sticking with it while it lasted, it was really fun.)

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