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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Nathaniel York

Nathaniel was by the window when he heard what he thought was the door close, his room mate must have arrived. He turned around and saw her, she was inspecting the beds and hadn't seemed to notice him; he was also surprised that it was a girl - weren't two of the same gender usually put together? Not that he was complaining. He didn't know how to get her attention, he stood for a moment trying to think what's best to say first, how irritating that a greeting could be so pinnacle at this moment so he decided to go for the classic and cliché, "Hey there.."


makes her way back to the schools cafeteria and takes a seat by one of the emty tables, she puts up the letter that told her she got in and reads it again, in tiny letters what room she would live in but not with who.

*sigh* why do I never read things properly? Well I didn't get any key, so perhaps my roommate has an extra... She thinks

Angeline stood up and one again took her bag and walked up twords the dorms in hope that her roommate had already arrived.
Ryder Goebl

Ryder caught the pillow she threw back at him before sighing heavily and fidgeting with his phone. Of course, cell phone games were entertaining, but they weren't fulfilling his gaming needs at the moment. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Amy pull her laptop out of her bag and become absorbed in whatever she was looking at on the screen. He opened his mouth to speak, hesitated, then huffed quietly and looked away. He wanted to ask her if he could play video games on her laptop. but realized that it'd probably be a bit rude to ask, considering the pair hardly knew each other.

His focus was instantly back on the TV. Sliding out of bed with apparent difficulty, Ryder scooted across the floor to his game system. Everything appeared to be hooked up but for some reason it still didn't work. In his haste, however, he hadn't realized that he hadn't even attempted to change the channel. "Ummm," he started, dragging the two letter word out, "Any good with hooking things up?"

@Fantasy Crazy

Grayson Coleman

Grayson was so absorbed in the roommate list, he hadn't noticed the girl who had waved and then approached him. Her voice startled him from his intense studying of the paper and a quiet swear escaped his lips. He turned more towards Aria after he had learned her name, allowing a playful smirk to creep onto his lips. "Well, Aria," he began, the corners of his lips raising even more. "I'm Grayson, some people call me Gray though." Grayson shook her hand politely, quickly noting that she had really soft hands, especially compared to the roughness of his own.

Sarah McQueen

Sarah heard Alexander's offer of help and turned to him. "Ummm...no I think I got it handled." She said smiling at him. She then climbed off her bed and reached for her other suitcase, which held all of her clothes and toiletries. Her MacBook was also contained within, and she set it up in the 'office' area of the dorm.

Amy looked up from her laptop, she then looked at the TV and chuckled a bit, "You forgot to change the channel," while the gaming station was hooked up perfectly, the TV was still on the channel used for watching actual shows.

He nods at Sarah, assuming she can see him, and he drops himself on the bed. He closes his eyes and practices arm movements for dance routines, lowly humming the tune of the song, "I'll be here if you need me."


(sorry for the short post, I'm traveling)
Wendy Schumer

Wendy briefly said hello to the person at the front desk and received her key. She thanked them and scooted up the stairs, slowly. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this. She pushed the key into the lock and pushed the door open. The room was larger than she had expected, as was everything else, she had noted. Pictures just hadn't done it justice. She walked in, not expecting anyone to have arrived yet, and shut the door behind her. She dropped her little polka dotted bag of clothes onto the bed on the left and began unpacking, since she had nothing else to do.

Wendy sat on her new bed. She felt like reality had punched her in the face -- and the gut -- and the throat. Then she couldn't stop herself. She felt her eyes begin to sting and her throat swell a little, like it always did before she broke down. "Dammit," she said, between her sobs. "I fucking hate crying..." She forced herself to stop before the next person came in. She hoped that she didn't look too horrible. She was only crying for a minute or two, but she felt like crap.
Aria grinned at his apparent kindness. "Always nice to meet new people, Gray! Hey, are you into music?" she asked, eagerly. She wasn't one to bother people who seemed busy, but for some reason, she got good vibes from him.
|| Aylessa Kyo ||

'Hanging out? Is that what we were doing? I just was here because he dragged me down here.' Aylessa thought wrapping the one half of the bagel she didn't eat. "You don't have to walk me back, I know my way back. You can go and explore or whatever." She said standing up with her bagel and hot chocolate. She started heading back to the dorm room. @Raidenxp
James Rite

"Oh ok"he said sounding a bit down.James entered the main hallway and started walking around he passed a few rooms then he saw a door that said pool.James was already running when he saw that he rushed through the door and a giant pool.James was astonished he was going to come here tomorrow.Staring at the pool for a while he started walking back to his dorm then he remebered he had his earphones and phone and started listening to trap queen and started to sing it to himself.

(Oh my. I seem to be a bit late to the thing... Um... My characters are just going to be late, then I suppose. Woops! I'm sorry!)

Xander Kaxx / Ace Kaxx

Stepping out of a sort of torn up black van, a black haired male scolded the driver. "You're such an idiot! We should have, you know, arrived earlier!" The male angrily grabbed a black luggage bag, and threw a batman backpack over his shoulder. He moved away from the door he exited, and a sort of similar looking bright blue haired boy stepped out as well. The blue haired boy simply looked at the other, and quietly said, "U-Um... X-Xander... Please... Stop.." The boy was rather short compared to Xander, but still looked the same age and almost exactly alike, so they must be brothers, or twins. The boy even had bright blue eyes, and a blue luggage bag, proving his favorite color was definitely blue. Xander stopped scolding the driver, and looked at his shorter brother, sighing. He ruffled the boy's hair, smiling and acting as if nothing happened. "Sorry Ace! Won't happen again!"

Ace gave his twin a gentle smile, before looking at the building. It was obvious the male was nervous. Aside from his normal looks, Ace wore a dark blue jacket, which was obviously pretty big on him, a black and slightly tight fit "A Day To Remember" band t-shirt, along with blue skinny jeans. He also wore black and gray converse. His right arm was covered in band bracelets, but one of the bracelets was a bright rainbow. He sighed, grabbing a superman backpack out of the vehicle and slinging it over his shoulder. The driver smiled at Ace, apologetic. "It's okay grandpa, we understand. Just go."

Xander, on the other hand, glared at their grandfather. Xander was obviously the stronger and more dominant of the two. Standing next to his brother, he looked much older, well, he would if he didn't look and act so childish. Xander, unlike his brother, obviously liked batman, and the color red. Xander wore a dark red pullover hoodie, with bear ears on the hood and a black t-shirt with a skull underneath the hoodie. He also wore slightly faded blue jeans and batman converse. Like Ace, Xander wore lots of bracelets, two of which were batman, one of the a musical bracelet, and another, which he wore on his left wrist alone, studded. The rest of the bracelets had band names on them. Xander also had snakebites.

The two brothers watched as the torn up and rusty black van drove away, before turning and staring at the building. Ace quietly spoke up,
"This is the right place... Right..?" Xander glanced at his brother, unimpressed. He rolled his eyes. "Let's go shorty." The two brothers slowly walked into the building. Coming up to the desk, Ace stepped behind his brother and allowed him to do the talking, but Ace was forced to at least say his name. Ace knew Xander disliked how he was so shy, but he couldn't help it. They received their room numbers, and slowly walked past the desk. Xander sighed, and put his arm around Ace, giving him a gentle hug. They soon parted ways, and went to their dorms to unpack.

Ace stared at the piece of paper in his hand, burning the number into his head before beginning to walk down the hall. Ace hugged his backpack close to him, dragging his luggage behind him. He barely looked up to look at the numbers while he walked down the hall. It was very obvious that he was frightened, but the reason why was definitely mysterious. Seeing the number that was printed also on the paper in his hand, Ace quickly entered the room and set his backpack on one of the beds, and his luggage next to it. Ace glanced shyly around the room, noticing that no one had been there yet.
Maybe they just... got lost or something... Or maybe I don't have a dorm partner or.. or.... Ace shook his head, breaking himself from his thoughts. He grabbed his backpack and slung it across his shoulder and setting his luggage on the bed he chose. Deciding to try and stop being shy, the male slowly walked to the door. He peeked out shyly before exiting the room.

Xander, on the other hand, had already found his dorm and was already setting things up. He didn't want to go and greet people because he knew they'd end up thinking he was weird. Yet, he was definitely worried about Ace. He knew Ace wasn't going to ever stand up for himself if he was bullied. Xander sighed, and decided to finish making his bed, and leave to try and find Ace so he knew he was safe.




Sarah McQueen

Sarah smiled at Alexander's arm dancing and went back to unpacking her clothes. She set them up on her bed, organizing them into piles. Folded tops, folded bottoms, swimsuits, hanging tops, hanging bottoms, and dresses. Blushing, she scurried to a drawer and quickly stuffed her undergarments in there. She then stowed her large suitcase under her bed and began to put away the rest of her clothes. When that was finished, she set her toiletries in a shower caddy so they would be ready to go when she needed them. Smiling at the finished organization, she looked to Alexander.

"H-hey...I saw on the flyer that there was a cafe upstairs. I was thinking of going to grab a bite to eat. You wanna come with?" She asked him hesitantly.

@Ophiel (It's all good! ^-^)

Cassandra had yet to meet her roommate, however she was sure that she wouldn't waste time in weirding them out thoroughly. Padding up towards her assigned room, Cassandra opened the surprising unlocked door before sliding through and placing her luggage on the ground, she had somehow managed not to become lost on her drive here which was a feat on its own.

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⦿ Mallory Balustrade ⦿

Mal was bopping his head when his roommate finally showed up. The beats drowned out the sound of the door opening, but the nip of a breeze on his bare back alerted him to the door's opening. He peered out of the corner of his eye, still engrossed in his music, deciding to ignore his roommate until given a reason not to. He was a little bit hurt and confused when he received no greeting and, scowling, he returns to his computer.

His own decent-enough singing voice played through the headphones as he mixed his "sick beats" (cue: Little Bro Dave sniggering). He tries his best to ignore his roommate who seems to have no problem ignoring Mal.

"Dick," he mutters, not realising his volume with his noise-canceling headphones.

Theo Matthews

Theo smiled cheerfully at his new roommate, offering his hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Theo it's a pleasure to meet you." He stood in his place examining the room. His mother had drilled manners into his head ever since he was a child and it became obvious that they wouldn't be leaving him anytime soon. Looking back at Neveah Theo smiled his stunningly white smile again before trying to make conversation with the girl. "So where are you from? And are all of the girls there as pretty as you? Because if they are, I might have to visit." Theo asked the girl with a quick wink before dropping his backpack by the door.

Neveah Jacobs

When Theo held his hand out for her to shake, being polite she smiled at him, and placed her hand in his then quickly pulled back
"Nice to meet you, Theo" She looked back at her bed then sat down and kinda just watched to see what he would do next, " I've lived around here for like 5 years, before that Montreal, and I haven't seen all of the girls yet, but the ones that I have are pretty" She got up and went over to her suit case and laid it down on the floor and started taking her shoes out half of them were heels and the others were all of her high top Nike sneakers and started placing them in a nice order right under her bed. " What about you" she turned around so she was facing him.


Cassandra turned just in time to see the girl she was intended to room in, instantly taking in her awkward stance due to the case strapped on her back and the luggage in her hand. She held up a two fingers, saluting before standing from where she had made herself comfortable on the ground and setting her phone on a nearby counter. "Hey yourself, a pleasure to meet ya', do you need any help with your luggage?" She shifted on her feet before tilting her head in a curious manner. The girl seemed nice, according to the chart downstairs her name was Olivia.

Alex was zoned out completely. Starting to sing the song now instead of humming it. His feet began to kick a little. Oh man, he is in his zone right now! The arm movements got bigger and faster, his head nodding along to the beat playing in his head. "Too much.. nana.... your love.."

He shoots up in the bed to sit immediately after hearing his roommate's question. He drops to the ground and shuffles his way over to her, "A cafe? Ah yeah, I heard there was one. I'd love to go." He shoots a toothy grin at her and rocks his head from side to side. "I'm ready when you are."



Arriving he opened the door he didnt see Aylessa"Huh she problay stayed at the cafe for a little while"he thought to himself. He decided to play on his computer for a while he opened his latop and typed in his password then started playing Elsword but also playing Loyal by Chris brown he started singing it outloud and he was kinda a good singer he would say but he didnt even notice.

Xander paused, realizing there was someone else in the room. Suddenly, he felt rather mean, and turned to greet his roommate. But hearing the word "dick" escape from the other male's mouth, he flinched. "H-Hey... Um, I'm sorry, I was just so rushed and... I... Sorry.." Realizing the male had headphones on, he slowly approached him from behind, glancing at the computer screen before lightly tapping him on the shoulder. Xander was acting just as shy as his brother, now. He ran a hand through his black hair, awaiting a reply from his roommate.

Ace walked through the halls slowly, before noticing the Cafeteria. He shyly peeked into the room, before letting out a deep breath, calming himself. He slowly walked into the cafeteria and glanced around, holding his backpack closely to his chest.

(This one's quite a bit shorter because I'm rushed, I'm normally much more descriptive xc)

⦿ Mallory Balustrade ⦿

Mallory almost jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, ripping out the headphones from his laptop and blaring his music at full volume. He quickly scrambled to shut it off, slamming his hand on the space bar and pausing the pulsing music, swearing. Real cool, real aloof. No one caught Mal by surprise. His hand was just cold. He huffed, turning on the other male, finding he was a solid head taller. He twisted his mouth in silent observation, before sliding past to pick up his discarded shirt and tug it on, covering up his tattoos once more.

"Yo," he supplies lamely, resisting the urge to fiddle with the hem with his shirt, or shuffle in place. He stands, straight-backed and blank-faced, acting not the least interested in his roommate, but buzzing with excitement on the inside.

Kita took the last hit of his cigarette, lifting himself back into a seated position with an exhale of smoke. The music blaring in his ears was becoming tiresome as it started to repeat the playlist over. So he pulled his head phones down to his neck and stood, walking back into the building and flicking the filter into the trash. He sighed, pulling the sunglasses from his face as he made way back to his room. As far as he knew, his roommate had yet to arrive and it would be a perfect time for a small cat nap. After such a long trip he couldn't blame himself for being tired. Even if it was mostly mental exhaustion. "Hhhh," the teen yawned, his arms lifting skywards in a stretch before dropping lazily to his sides. 'Droll,' was the only word to describe how he felt about being here so far. He was unsure exactly what he expecting, but it was to his own drying amusement that he would expect something different from the last place. Intriguing, yet dull.

Kita shrugged, giving a smile to himself at his thoughts whilst he entered his room and flopped onto the bed he had chosen. Boney fingers curled around the long strands of his hair with obvious fatigue prior to him drifting off into a light sleep, laying close to his guitar.
Theo Matthews

Theo made his way over to the unclaimed bed, setting his duffle on the clean sheets as he listened to Neveah, nodding to show that he was listening. He began to take out his clothes and refold them as his roommate inquired about him. He looked up to look at her as he spoke, straightening up and tugging on the hem of his plain white shirt. "Well, I was adopted when I was little, and my family took me in to live and grow up in the Northern Colorado area. And that is where I spent all of my life before coming here." Theo nodded, concluding his short and brief introduction as he continued to put away his clothes in the dresser drawers nearby. He was being extra careful to keep clean, not wanting to upset his new roommate or make her think he had some sort of unlivable bad habit before could actually get the chance to know him


Xander jumped at Malory's reaction, taking a few steps back. Once his roommate appeared calm, he gave him a bright and very friendly smile, pushing his glasses up a bit. "Well, that was a bit odd, but hi! I'm Xander! I'm guessing you are... Um.. Malory, is it?" Xander began to fiddle around with his bracelets, appearing to be shy, but it was obvious that he wasn't. His chocolate brown eyes gazed on Malory, and a bright, toothy smile remained on his face.

Ace began to slowly walk around the cafeteria. He wasn't hungry, just curious if there was anyone around. He didn't attempt to make conversation with anyone he saw, though. Running a hand through his bright blue hair, he sighed, deciding to just head outside. He watched the ground as he walked, unaware of his surroundings, not that he cared to see them, anyway. He sighed softly once more, looking up, his bright blue eyes taking in his surroundings. The male had no idea where his roommate was and was curious to meet them, but was obviously afraid to even look for them. He pushed open the front doors, exiting the building, instantly taking a deep breath of fresh air. He sat down on the grass, setting his backpack in front of him.

@RoleGirl (Tagging you because your character is Ace's roommate)


Cassandra was secretly relieved to have such a pleasant roommate, of course it wasn't as if she couldn't be kind to anyone but it certainly made things more easier. She reclaimed her phone and perched on her bed before running fingers through her hair. "Um, so, I'm honestly starving and you don't have to come if you don't want to but there's some kind of cafe nearby and I wanted to check it out, would you like to come?"


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