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Roommates to the Maximum (SO and PB)

(I know I said we could make a love relationship, but if you want we could have sisters and find the males later in the story, just a thought.)


Jess groaned as the sun hit her eyes through the slits in the window.

"Why...?" she pleaded..." WHY WHY WHY!" Today was her first day of college, something that she found extremely terrifying. She could face down a blood thirsty eraser with ease , but going to Spanish, yikes. She mumbled some curse words and got out of bed and into her bathroom. The small house she lived in with her sister Kylie was pretty nice, really nice when you consider it was free. Kyile wasn't actually her sister by blood, but they had that bond despite that fact.

"What am i even going to wear... it's not cold so I can't cover my wings with a jacket... maybe a light jacket..." Jess groaned as she dove into her closet looking.
Kylie heard the pained cries of Jess and snickered to herself. She snuggled into her comforter for a few moments longer until she decided to get up. Sitting up and yawning, she rubbed her eyes to make sure she didn't have any gunk in them before standing and making her way next to Jess. "Good morning, I can tell just how excited you are for today already." She chuckled sleepily, opening the closet next to Jess' which she had claimed as her own and began to stare at the clothes in front of her. Glaring at the material in front of her, she decided to just wear a dress and an over sized cardigan along with riding boots. Taking out what she needed, she looked to Jess again who was digging through her closet and tilted her head. "Having difficulties?" She teased, cracking a wry smile.
"YES!" Jess was tossing things to the left and right of her.

"It's like dude... these wings make it so hard to look decent and not let the whole world know your a bird kid at the same time..." Jess jumped out with some jeans and a tank top.

"Screw it, hoodie in 80 degree weather day, i'm just going to be that girl... the girl that no one likes." Jess grumbled before running a hand through her curlyish blonde hair. She eyed Kylie and gave a nod.

"Cute, per usual, do we have any of the same classes today?" she asked walking to the new backpack she had gotten the other night.
Kylie shook her head, laughing giddily at her best friend. "I'm pretty sure the classrooms are going to be cold anyways, so you shouldn't get too hot." She assured her, empathizing with the blonde. "And I like you, so who cares what those other people think anyways." She tried cheering Jess up. Smiling widely at Jess' compliment. She twirled in her outfit and struck a rather ridiculous pose. "Thanks, I try." She joked before standing straight once again.

"Yeah, I believe we have psychology, humanities, and physical education together. I have mythology first class though. She called off, getting a piece of paper from her backpack that had her schedule on it just to make sure she was correct.
"Why did we take PE?" Jess asked looking back at Kylie as she took out her own schedule."I'm just going to go out on a whim and say we are both better then anyone in that class. Even if I wanted to play and have fun that lack of competition is going to be boring." Jess rolled her eyes at the thought and started to change quickly.

"We've both dodged three hundred and fifty pound werewolfs who want to kill us... i'm pretty sure no one is going to guard me in basketball." Jess gave a cocky smile.

"Also we should talk about getting a pet, I want a kitten!"
"Because we're required to take it at least one semester and we decided to get it over with, remember?" She reminded her, stuffing the schedule back into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. Kylie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's true, but at least it will be an easy class. And it's our last class of the day so we won't be going anywhere all sweaty afterwords." She said. "Oh gosh don't remind me of those things. Blegh." She stuck her tongue out. "But yeah, I'm for for getting a kitten. Maybe we could go check out the nearby shelter today or something during a free period or something." She offered, walking into the bathroom to fix her hair, freshen herself up, and put on makeup. "Do you know if you want a girl or a boy yet?" She called out to Jess.
"I'm pretty sure you did all the talking, I was pretty scared to be in the room with that many humans." Jess said. she walked behind Kylie. She brushed her hair to make it wavy and half decent.

"I never remember anything, i'm pretty sure you reprogram me when I sleep anyway." Jess cracked a smile making a joke about Kylie's powers. She had let her in to help her deal with the fears of humans and it did help Jess, but she somewhere deep insider was wary of Kylie having easier access to her mind if she ever wanted to.

"My first class is Spanish and i'm going to die." Jess said as she walked out with her book sack.
"Oh yeah, well it doesn't matter anyways. Humans aren't all that bad as long as you keep calm and don't act suspicious." She said, finishing up her wing eyeliner and standing up to face Jess. She giggled at her accusation and nodded. "That is exactly what I do. I only let you know what I want you to~." She smirked playfully. "Nah, I'd never do that to you. I feel kind of bad when I control people, it's not really fair you know?" She said, sighing a bit.

Hearing what Jess had first, she gave her a sad smile. "Ah, that sucks dude." She replied, patting her shoulder for some sort of comforting gesture.
"It's super not fair... you could rule the world... like really it wouldn't be that hard for you." Jess said looking at her friend.

Jess smiled and gave Kylie a hug.

"Why are they making me learn another language?(Quite possibly the realest thing I've ever said in a rp!)"Jess gave a fake sob before letting go of Kylie and walking out of their room and into the kitchen.

"You want Lunch or just want to grab a bite before we go?" she asked calling back over her shoulder.
Chuckling, she shrugged. "I guess so, but that'd be pretty lonely. To control everyone and be on your own." She replied, returning the hug. "Though, you could be my right hand woman and we could rule together! But I'd probably get bored anyways." She joked.

"You have to branch out a bit, if we decided to travel one day and we happened to go to Spain, then we wouldn't have to worry about a language barrier." Kylie considered, nudging Jess lightheartedly while laughing.

Following her out to the kitchen, she looked at what they had to eat. "I'll probably just wait until lunch, I'm not really hungry right now. But, if we still have some of those chocolate chip granola bars I'd gladly take one." She informed her.
"Fine then you take it!" Jess said smiling at Kylie. She paused at Kylie's words.

"Oh shoot let me look!" she went to the pantry.

"One left dude." she opened it and split it in half.

"Here you go!" she said smiling handing the other half to Kylie. "Oh and when you rule the world give me a hot boyfriend please." She gave a playfull grin and opened the door to the house.
"I would, but I chose German instead for my foreign language class!" She stuck out her tongue jokingly.

"That's good enough for me!" She grinned, chomping on the half piece of deliciousness. "Thanks!"

She almost choked on her granola bar from laughing at Jess' request. "Of course, my dear! Only the best for you~." She sang, stepping out of the room after Jess.

"Ah, I'm kind of scared to be honest. I'll be in a room full of total strangers and humans are so dang judgmental." She huffed, crossing her arms.
"I would argue with you, but it would be your words anyway." Jess said. She closed and locked the door behind Kylie.

"It's okay... we are sisters remember, we get to spend seventy five percent of the day with each other." she smiled and wrapped a arm around Kylie.

"We made it through worse, I think we can make it now."
Kylie looked up at Jess and made a sad face before clinging onto her. "Ah! Jess I love you so much!" She cried out, snuggling into the taller blonde woman she had grown so close to over the years.

"I just thought of something. If you get a boyfriend, and there's a high possibility that you will eventually, look at you, he better not make you spend too much time with him. You were my friend first." She pouted childishly, bus snickered soon after. "Nah, if you get a boyfriend you spend as much time with him as you want. But if he hurts you, I can get rid of him and make sure no one remembers him if you want." She joked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh stop, you are the only family I have, in till my husband comes along that is." she smiled and held on to her tightly.

"Also you better not leave me when you find someone, don't give me this I want to be single crap either cutie, sooner then later you'll be swept right off those feet of yours." Jess said as she snuggled her head into Kylie's hair.

"I love you very much, the best thing that ever happened to me was being put in a cage next to you all those years ago."
Nodding in pride of being the closest person to Jess she grinned to her happily.

Hearing what Jess had to say about Kylie finding someone herself, her face exploded red. "I-I definitely won't leave you! No boy could come between us, or I'd kick him." She stammered, kicking the air for emphasis clumsily since she was still flustered.

Kylie started tearing up at Jess' words and she cuddeled into her again. "Me too! Ah we better hurry or we'll be late for class." She chuckled, letting Jess go.
Jess smiled.

"Sometimes you are the biggest child I've ever seen, it's cute though." she couldn't help but grin and kick the air herself.

"I wouldn't trade you for anybody, but enough mushy stuff sister, lets get going!" she pumped her fist before heading off towards the campus.

"Id ask if you knew what building to go to, but you prepared me." she grinned.
Kylie smiled and popped her hip out in a sassy manner. "I know I'm childish, but I'm still fabulous." She snickered before nodding to Jess. "Yeah let's go!" She agreed, fist pumping as well as she walked by Jess.

"Yeah I did! Haha, good luck sis." She said, blowing her a kiss and winking after giving her a thumbs up.

"Be good and don't get into any fights while I'm gone." She teased.
""Dude no way!" she said laughing and caught the kiss before heading out in the other direction.

"Be safe." she called before breaking off into the next walkway. She looked back clearly scared when she couldn't see Kylie, but she took a deep breath and went to her class.
Kylie beamed at her sister before turning and walked towards her class with a skip in her step.

She was worried about Jess, but she had faith that she would do great. Kylie was a bit nervous herself, and she could only imagine how nervous Jess was, but she had to suck it up and survive the day. Thankfully the building she had to go wasn't too far from the one Jess was in, but it was huge. Gulping, she stepped inside.

(Are we going to make a character sheet or something for the guys and/or decide when to introduce them? I was just curious)

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