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Roommates to the Maximum (SO and PB)

(We can use the same sheets, and honestly whenever you'd like. I have a idea which I'll pm you.)

"I can't do this!" Jess cried as she ran into the girls bathroom.

"Shit... shit shit shit shit..." she rocked back and forth in a stall. She thought of Kylie and how sad and disappointed she'd be in her. Jess composed herself and decided to give it a shot. She got out and went onto the forth floor. she picked a seat right by the door and waited.
Kylie walked into the classroom pretty bravely, but after seeing the nearly barren classroom, she breathed out in relief. She was glad that she was early, otherwise a whole hoard of eyes would have been watching her every step into the room and she didn't like that.

Picking a seat near the middle-front to get a good view of the teacher and the board,s eh got situated and ready for the day.

She had no one sitting beside her, and the flow of students walking in was rather slow for the most part. She could only hope that Jess was doing well with her class.
"This was a horrible idea." Jess muttered as all the students walked pretty close to her as they entered. It was causeing her senses to spike all the time.

"I'm going to have to sedate myself to get through school." Jess said. She finally calmed when the teacher waked in and class started.

"Hmmm." Jess read over the syllabus .
People had begun to file in not too long after Kylie had gotten settled in her seat. She shifted a bit as a few students' gazes fell upon her and lingered for longer than she would have liked.It seemed as if they all were trying to avoid her as they filled up the seat farthest from her, but she shrugged it off. Their loss, she didn't care if they were wary of her nor what they thought, but it did bug her how quick they wrote her off as someone not to mess with. What did they think she was? Some snobby girl? Surely not a thug, she looked nothing of the sort. Deciding to ignore them all, she looked over the informational papers that she was given after she enrolled for the class. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to Jess again, she was worried about her.
"Por...que!!!!" Jess cried to herself. Looking at the online homework she had to do.

"Why so much?" She sighed before glancing around the classroom at the other moans and groans. Jess didn't like all the people so close to her. It bothered her to a great degree actually. When she looked up and saw the time she tensed an then lept out of her seat and into the hallway.

"Find Kylie!" She said as she went down and into the open air outside.
The first day of the class wasn't as bad as Kylie had expected it to be. Packing up her things and leaving the room, she made her way out to meet up with Jess to head to their next class together. Looking around she caught glimpse of a flailing figure approaching her and tried to stifle a laugh.

Jess was frantically leaving her class to find her, but honestly it warmed her heart that she looked so forward to seeing her.

"Jess!" She called out, waving the girl over. She could tell that her first class didn't go over too well, but if she needed help, Kylie would gladly do anything. Heck, she'd help Jess hide a dead body. Actually, haven't they already done that...? Oh well. doesn't matter.
"Sister!" Jess got to Kylie and wrapped her arms aroun the girl tighty

"It was bad." She squeaked into Kylie's shoulder. "I really don't know if I can keep this up sister." Jess felt herself tremble. She was slowly realizing how much she needed Kylie in her life. She always thought of as the leader even back a the school. She had been trained that way after all, but it had become obvious she wasn't nearly as strong as Kylie.
"Hey Jess!" Kylie smiled, doing her best to embrace the frantic girl who was squeezing her guts out basically.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been there, but hey! We get the next few periods together! And lunch isn't too far from now." She assured her, looking up at the taller girl while stroking her hair comfortingly to try and calm her down. She wasn't used to seeing Jess so upset, and it really made her sad and a bit worried, but she had faith in Jess. She always had that 'Leader' type of aura when she was comfortable which is a trait that Kylie admired when she had first met Jess, but she knew that right now she was just too far out of her comfort zone to be the fierce Jess she was used to. It kind of made her happy that someone relied on her at all though, so she didn't mind the state her sister was in currently even if it made her a bit flustered being that they were in the middle of the campus and she could feel the looks from other students who happened to be walking around.
Jess whimpered alttle and shut her eyes tying to relax. Jess always loved her hair being played with and it helped her panic attack. " I was so scared...." She looked to Kylie her eyes showed a great level of fear and panic. "I don't want to go anymore!" She buried her head into Kylie's shoulder .
Kylie sighed, feeling horrible for her best friend and claimed sister, but she knew that they needed to go to college. "You know you can't just quit. We have to do good here. Hey, we'll have most of the day together okay? It won't be that bad with us together, right?" She tried her best to calm and cheer up Jess, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to keep the panic Jess was feeling away for very long.
"I... I want to be next to you okay." Jess said softly.

"I can't go through another class alone... Not today." Jess pulled herself into a standing position. Kylie's words struck a cord with her.

"We do have to do well here... For the others like us." Her leadership coming back to her suddenly.

"They look up to us."

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