Rominov School for Vampires

Dimitri finished unpacking the last of his belongings, then decided he really needed to visit the feeders. Being a combat specialty, he didn't need to feed nearly as often as the mages did, but eventually the lack of nourishment from blood would get to him. Wanting to be on the same side, he went to the main building where both the cafeteria and the feeders were located. He knew getting human food from the cafeteria would hold him over for a while, but it had been far too long since he had fed and it was more than just a grumbling stomach at this point. He walked down the long hall leading to the feeders room and saw a line. Many new arrivals were lined up for blood as well, and it seemed to be quite the wait. However, the need was strong enough that he got into the line anyway.
Ember sat down looking at the line for feeding. "I wonder if we can leave the school..." Ember chuckled. "I dont know Ember..." She shook her head and glanced around.

Damon looked up to the boy. "Yea I know a few." He smiled. "They are rock songs though." He then perked up. "I'm Damon by the way... You are?" He asked nicely
"Rock songs are the best songs," Bitter commented. He blinked at Damon and spoke his name,"Bittersweet Harlequin. Call me Bit."

He yawned," Okay, Damon, show me what you got." Bitter spoke in a slightly demanding tone, but still polite.
Dimitri heard someone talking. Looking down, he saw a girl talking to herself. It was very odd, but then again he was odd too in his own way, and was never one to judge. As tall as he was, he towered over the girl, as he did most girls and even the majority of the guys at the school. He wondered what she was talking about, and realized she was complaining about the line for the feeders. He tried not to smile in amusement. She must be new here if she didn't already know that the night before school starts is always the busiest down here. He tried his best not to listen in on her conversation with herself, not wanting to be rude.
Ene ran off after them and into the music room. "I'd rather not go back in here the audience is terrible." She looked around the music room in a rush, as if she were trying to find something, and as she turned away from the closet, a red haired Melost came out, sneaking up and saying, "I can't possibly be that bad, can I?"

"Ok ok..." Hannah said quietly, she didn't believe that Evangeline's bloodline wouldn't be the first, but she didn't want to argue any more. "That was so out of place for me and I apologize. Perhaps Dagan was wrong, or had lied... I am sorry... Please forgive me..." Like a baby, Hannah started tearing up, then crying. Only a little, but it was still noticeable. 'Such a great first impression to give the guy,' she thought, 'Maybe he really is dying and you just made him feel horrible. Good going Hannah.' Hannah bit her lip and hugged Bram, "I am really sorry! Please don't hate me... If you really are dying I will be your friend for as long as you have left, ok? Through thick and thin."
His eyes shot open as wide as they could go as she hugged him. His mind flashed back to a memory back at the order

*"Helsing who was the first vampire in existence?" an old man with grey beard down to his chest asked adorning a white robe with a blue cross on it. "That's easy" Bram shouted in excitement " Vlad Tepes!" the old man chuckled at the boys answer "That is a common mistake Bram to think that, in fact the oldest lineage can be traced to many roots some in ancient china and Egypt have found cases of vampires. The claiming of the first real vampire is impossible to determine but many believe different things to suit their needs." The old man patted Bram on top of the head.*

Bram snapped back to reality I made a stupid mistake... She knows I am lying, she will tell her master about me... Hannah I'm sorry but you will have to die. Bram slowly pried her off of him. His face was masked in the darkness of his bangs he stood up from the bed slowly and walked to the door leaving Hannah on the bed whimpering to herself. The sound of the iron lock clicking closed echoed in the room. He walked back to the bed and looked down at Hannah his eyes were like glass jewels, his eyes were no longer soft and compassionate to her... these were the eyes of a killer. "You asked why i was crying earlier..." a slight grin appeared on his face. "It's because I have to kill you Hannah." And with that he grabbed her by her shoulders and lifted her off the bed. His face darkened in shadow he snatched her neck in his hands and slammed her against the wall in the room. Slowly lifting her up off the ground. Brams hands were firm but not choking her yet, he was fighting in his mind about her fate... I'm sorry Hannah...
Hannah had a look of confusion and hurt on her face when Bram got up, but then he locked the door and she furrowed her brow, "Bram...?" She yelped out when he grabbed her by her neck and pinned her against the wall. Her hands were on his arm, and she was truly afraid, but spoke as clearly as she could, "Bram... why? I told you already... cross my heart and hope to die... I won't tell anyone anything... Even Evangeline if you really want me to..." Hannah paused, sniffling slightly, clear tears running down her cheeks, "You don't have to do anything though... Its your choice... I mean... what could I do to harm you? I'm a human... If you were crying because of that... then why do it? Why kill me?" Hannah got quiet then, looking completely helpless and defeated, her bright blue eyes looking into Bram's eyes, "I guess there would be no better way to die though... if you have to kill me... getting killed by my only friend besides Evangeline..."
"Friend... friend... friend..." Her words echoed in Brams head, his arm steadfast as it left her dangling from the ground. He could feel her tears falling on his wrist the warmth of the liquid splaying and fraying as it slid down his arm. Bram's eye ceased the cold stare as the color returned to normal. He looked at Hannah his eye teaming with life now. His grip softened as he slowly slid her back down to her feet. where she fell onto the ground. He looked down at her. You don't need a friend like me.. A single tear escaped from his left eye as it slowly descended to his jaw it gleaming in the light of the room. It fell sparkling like a falling star as it flew farther and farther down to the floor. "I'm... sorry..." his voice came out a low wisp floating softly in the air and down to Hannah's ears. He slowly turned and slightly stumbling he sat at the edge of his bed. His hands resting in his hair and his elbows on his knees. I've worked so hard to get here I have given up everything. I have endured so much... and the only way to keep it going is to kill one of the ones I wanted to protect. I will not be a monster I cant... I have to kill her.... She will tell them and I will be killed... Bram removed his hand and placed them on the bed behind him holding himself up he leaned back on them. Bram Looked toward the ceiling a smile on his face. I just cant do it i know ill die... but i just cant kill her.
Hannah fell to the ground once Bram released her, her brown skirt splaying out around herself, "Bram...?" She sat on the floor for a while longer after calling out his name questioningly. After a time, she climbed up on top of the bed and sat, looking at him, unsure what to think. "Please... tell me the truth..?" Hannah said quietly, knowing it wasn't the best time, but she wanted to know why she had almost gotten killed. Hannah felt awkward, staring at him, a confused expression on her face as she wiped away tears, "Now there is no doubt you lied... and its ok... I'm not mad, not even for you... almost killing me..." She traced imaginary patterns on his hand as she waited for a response, frowning, her brow still furrowed. She was concerned, of course, to be in a room with someone who wanted to kill her, but what could she do?
Bram looked at her his eyes gleaming. What harm could telling her the truth be now... she knows I'm lying and if she said what i told her to her master Elizabeth, she would surely look into it... Tsch its only a matter of time. Bram sighed heavily "I am not a vampire..." Bram moved his gaze away from hers looking down at the floor. he arms clasped firmly atop his knees. "I am a Knight..." He knew she would know what being a knight meant. He was a Templar, a chevalier to The Order, the ones who hunt and kill vampires. Bram unclenched his hands and looked at his palms. The cut's presence was gone to him the stinging had faded. His eyebrows rose up in sheer bewilderment. It cant be... He slowly put his palms back down over his knee's and looked at her. "I may have lied to you about my past, but i did not lie about dying soon." Bram's face forced a smile to try and hide his obvious sadness. He placed his forehead on the corner of her shoulder "I cant kill you Hannah..." His head slowly shook back and forth forehead still resting on her shoulder. "And once they know of this, I will undoubtedly die..." He spoke these words softly to her almost making them a whisper. He removed his head from her shoulder slowly peering up at her eyes and face to see her expression.
"H-how...?" Hannah said, feeling utterly stumped, "How can they not smell you? How can you be human if your cut is gone? How... just... how?" Hannah shook her head, unbelieving, "You are one of them..? The ones who kill their kind?" She paused for a long time, "I should... I should report you... I should tell Evangeline... tell someone..." Hannah looked at him again, her breath catching, "I can't though... I basically promised you I wouldn't..." Hannah cupped a hand over her mouth and shook her head again, "I can't tell anyone this... but... you'd have to kill Evangeline..." She turned fully towards him suddenly and grabbed his hands, "You can't kill Evangeline. She was born a vampire. It's not her fault what she is. She is a good person though, once you know her, you'll know she is a good person..."

"Why will you die soon? You can't. Ok. You just can't. You'll have to be careful, and nice, and... and not kill anyone while you are here," Hannah said, the shock at least partly dying down as she hugged him, "If I can help you I will, but you can't kill while you are here. Most of these vampires... they are trying to make a new life for themselves, and be better than those who came before them." Hannah pulled away from him, and cocked her head to the side, her blonde curls all falling to one side, "How in the world did you get such a simple fact so wrong? Dagan is the first, and no one really knows how he came about."
Izio stood there thinking about which place first. "Well I think we will be spending alot of time in the classrooms so lets go there first I wan't to get aquanted with how the classrooms are." Izio smiled as he began to walk in a random direction then realized that he was just randomly walking and walked back over to Liliya. "Sorry I'll follow you." Izio bowed and said. "After you maam." Then lifted his head as he followed after her.
Bram placed his hand on top of her head."I just cant lie to you i guess..." he laughed his smile returned. "Besides its impossible to know who the first vampire really was there are cases of them in Egypt and ancient China, even Mesopotamia, his claim as the first suits his needs." Bram remembered what the elder told him. He withdrew his hand from her head and now looked at the palm of his hand rubbing it with the thumb of his other hand. he slowly drifted back to looking at Cana "I am not a vampire.... nor am I, a human." Bram extended his arm and put Hannah's chin between his thumb and index finger and slowly and gently turned her face to his. Then sliding his hand onto her check and jaw He smiled at her slightly then it vanished his eyes furrowed his voice became soft "I have to kill them all... to protect you and everyone else." He moved her curly blonde bangs away from her face then brought his arm back down to his lap. "No matter how good you say they are, or what you say they're intentions are... they are still monsters and inevitably they will do what monsters do... and for that they must be purged." His hands turned to fists.His gaze now focused on wall opposite of them. I have seen them kill hundreds of my friends and people I called my family. Your words are falling on deaf ears Hannah. For me to be happy, I must get my revenge...
Liliya watched him walk off in some random direction. He must have caught his mistake, because within a few seconds he was back. He'd asked to see the magic building, so she obliged by taking him there. "We have to take normal classes alongside our magic classes, but both are in this building." She said.
"So what now? I mean... You are one kid... human or vampire or something in between, there is one of you, and tons of them. I understand where you are coming from. There are reasons I have never seen my mother or my father... but to go up against so many would be suicide. If you want revenge, don't be stupid... I can't let you hurt Evangeline though... it would kill me. I won't tell her, but she is still like a sister to me Bram. Vampire or not..." Hannah hugged him tightly, holding on and sighing, unsure how to feel, or what to do. She knew vampires were usually quite mean, but why kill every one of them, when there are some who are truly kind?

She shifted and stood, looking around at the room, "Purged... interesting word really... its funny. You are from a organization that wants to kill vampires, and I, as a servant, have been always taught to look out for you guys, to warn or die trying." Hannah rested her hands on his knees and leaned towards him, her face only a few inches from his own, "I don't hate you though. I thought I would hate one of you guys, for wanting to kill vampires... but I am happy to have met you, not for the killing vampires thing, or for wanting to kill me, but for meeting you as you Bram."
Bram laughed "Thats good that you dont hate me." He then looked at her very sternly "And That's not true, I never wanted to kill you... I cant kill you." Bram looked at Hannah and smiled at her that was short lived as his face went back to being serious "There will come a time when you are faced at a cross road one trail leads to freedom with me, or servitude with Elizabeth. But until that time I hope, I can be your friend." he placed his forehead on hers and slipped his hands inside of hers the warm touch of both of them touching was almost overwhelming his senses. "You are something that is important to me..." His small smile returned "I will keep you safe." He exhaled slowly as he looked into eyes. He slowly slid back from her his hands slowly falling out of hers as he leaned back.

whichever road you take one you take one of us has to die, Me or Elizabeth and you know that. I wont stop hunting them, and Elizabeth and her family wont stop till i'm dead. I wish we had never met, I wish i had never known you.

He raised his head slightly to look atop of her head and muttered "I'm Sorry." he didn't care if she heard him why would it matter anymore the damage is done he can not take back what he told her he wish he did.
Hannah sighed at the mention of crossroads, she knew what he meant, but dreaded facing it when the time would come. She looked at him and then huffed, deciding the mood was too serious, so Hannah leaned in and nipped his neck lightly. Not a bite at all, but enough to probably startle him. Hannah backed up a little, just enough to look him in the eyes, "No more sad depressing talk. We can't change what's going to happen so why not be happy now?" She smiled, "So. What are you then? Not human, not vampire... and how does it work? Do you thirst blood at all? If so, have you ever had any to drink?"
Bram brought his hand up to his neck to cover where he was bitten. "Ehhh... How do I put this... I am a Pure blooded human and a Pure blooded vampire..." He went into his bags and pulled out his silver metal case. He tapped on it with his index and middle finger. "I had a blood transfusion with a pure blooded vampire. I dont know how or why they had his blood or him. But when the order commands you to do something you do it. I'm half and half so to speak. Sometimes the vampire blood starts to try and take over the body so i have to purify it every now and then to pacify it. If I don't well i don't really knows what happens." Bram laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "I wish I knew how it worked but I'm a soldier not a scientist." Bram was finally at ease in all this he was happy with her. Bram slid his hand to one of the two pillow on the bed and grabbed it. He swung it and bopped her on the back of her head. then using his other hand he pointed to the ceiling and waved his finger back and forth. "Tisk, tisk, tisk, I am a vampire hunter you know, and I will not let a dangerous vampire like yourself have her way with me." He laughed at that a smile plastered to his face. As he bopped her again. It was good to have someone know his secret it was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, all the tension he had built up melted away with her smile.
Hannah was listening to him, honestly interested, thinking about how much she would love to be a scientist, when, moments after he was done speaking she got bopped with a pillow, "Hey!" She giggled like a small child, "No fair! I'm unarmed!" She changed that quickly however, and grabbed a pillow for herself. Hannah swiftly hit him in the face with it, then crawled under the bed. She stayed there for a moment before popping out the other side and hitting him from behind.

In the back of her mind, she screamed at herself, Get a grip! His life goal is to kill your only family! All you've ever known. He wants to throw it away. What are you doing?! Playing with some pillows with him?! Get away while you still can! Where he couldn't see her, Hannah grimaced for a moment, then shook the thoughts from her head, I can't worry about that right now... Hannah smiled again, wondering what they would do next.
Bram was able to relax now as he got hit with the pillow he laughed and smiled as she ducked under the bed he thought about how happy he was. suddenly a pillow smacked him in the back of the head. He looked at Hannah with sad eyes. "I'm sorry Hannah I'm going to have to cheat." He suddenly grabbed her and threw her on the bed and pinned her underneath him his hands holding her wrists down. He blew a burst of air to move the hair from in front of his face. He began to laugh as he slowly bent down to her neck "It's my turn now." He slowly descended to her neck and got there he nibbled on it for a second. The sweet smell of her flesh and blood twinged in his nostrils. He backed away at the realization and plopped down next to her laughing. He moved his head to hers. "Are you hungry?"
Damon looked up to Bit and smiled some as he thought. "Well... What bands do you like? Or songs..." He tuned his guitar a bit as he strummed some cords from the song. Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance. He smiled as he looked up to Bit.

Ember looked up to the male that glanced at her. "Oh lookie Ember... You need to stop others will think you are crazy." She giggled lightly as she looked away from him. "He's cute too.." She giggled to herself as she looked along the line.
Bittersweet started to like the song. Maybe he had heard it somewhere, but the tune sounded oddly familiar. He lifted the leather case and unlatched it, taking out a beautiful violin once more. He waited for several seconds and started to join in on his instrument. Bit started slow, but then got the jist of it, playing along with Damon in his violin.
Dimitri heard the girl talking to herself, and couldn't help but overhear. After all, he was only a few feet away, and now she'd looked right at him. She mentioned him being cute and his mouth went into a straight line, trying to have no reaction to it. Most people wouldn't openly talk about others like that, but it was kind of amusing in a way. He wondered what made her talk to herself, but figured it must not be too dangerous of a condition if she was allowed to remain at the school. He quickly looked away again after her comment.

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