Rominov School for Vampires

Bram placed his now warm hands on her soft flesh slightly pressing in the different areas and watching her reaction to it. He could feel the ribs were fractured a slight breakage in the bone. He let out a sigh "It seems you have a fracture." He grinned at her. grabbing the ointment and putting it on the tip of his left middle, index, and ring finger and moved it to her skin. The ointment was unfortunately cold, he could feel her shy away from it as he pressed it against her bare flesh. He slowly began rubbing it in as to not hurt her anymore. "You will have to re frame from getting hit like that again if you want it to heal." He smiled at her trying to show she was alright he finished massaging the ointment into her skin and he carefully wrapped the bandage around her his hand sometimes brushing her skin lightly. He was undaunted by this,​ he was treating this as he would treat any other Knight in the order. He finished the wrap and looked at her. "I am going to give you this." He screwed the cap back onto the tube. "Put it on after you shower and slowly massage it in. You should heal faster with it so you must avoid strenuous activities for a week after that you will be fine." He got up and went to the suitcase and grabbed another set of bandages and tossed them to her. He then began to wipe his hand in a towel and made his way back to her, sitting on the bed next to her Bram stared at her. "If you ever need anything come find me." This will never happen again.
Hannah dropped her shirt down again, "It sounds like you've done this before..." 'That really hurt...' she thought to herself, 'My eyes were watering and I nearly yelped...' Hannah sighed, "Are injuries common with your family? Regardless, thank you a ton... you didn't have to be so sweet. Besides, what makes you like me so much? You looked like you wanted to rip the other's heads off. I am just a lowly human, food as it were." Hannah shook her head, then leaned into him slightly, "Why are you so kind to me, but seemingly not your own kind? Come on Bram, you can open up to me. I won't tell anyone. Promise." She smiled big, sat up, and crossed her heart, "Cross my heart and hope to die. You need someone to open up to. You seem pretty stiff."
He could smell her her fresh scent her delicious fragrance... her blood. His eyes were turning glassy and his skin was ever so slightly fading in color. His breath escaped him as she leaned in. No stop... I wont do this!!! He squinted his eyes in pain as he subsided it. He took shallow breaths over and over his body was rebooting back from his sudden bout with death. He collapsed onto her his head in her lap staring up at her. "I want to be different, different from them... better than them. I want to make a world where you can always smile." His words drifted from his mouth like a soft breeze. His eyes slowly drooped closed to the incoming sleep. "let me... res-.... moment." his voice trailed off as he went to sleep his chest going up and down in a slow and solid rhythm his skin glowing a light peach his lips a soft ruby. He could see her golden yellow hair as he drifted into his dreams her picture ever clear in his minds eye.
Hannah's cheeks went bright red once more. At first she had been concerned, his quick breaths seeming odd, and her concern grew when he laid in her lap. Now she had a boy, asleep, in her lap. She really didn't know what to do, so she kind of froze. After a short while she laid back herself, his head still on her lap, and eventually she fell asleep as well. In the back of her mind, as she drifted off, she wondered what the hell she was doing.
Bram was a soldier a knight of The Order he would not need to rest for long his body knew when to wake. His eyes drifted open slowly to see that he was still on her lap he turned towards the wall of the bed and say a chest rising and falling gold strands flowing from the sides of her body. He smiled as he carefully raised his head off of her lap. He looked over her a smile on his face. He stood up from the bed and positioned himself standing next to her. He drew back the covers of the bed as far as he could before it hit her body, then placed his hands underneath her slowly and gently raising her, he layed her inside the bed and rested her head on the soft pull and pulled the covers over her. He felt oddly at peace when he looked at her. He laid back down on the bed outside of the covers next to her warm body and fell right back asleep. I will be your knight.... i will protect you.
Somehow Hannah ended up snuggled up close to Bram, her head against his chest when she woke up. Her first thoughts blew by before she could even hope to register them. Hannah shot up into a sitting position fast, probably waking him up. She sighed, relieved, when she remembered what had happened. The bruise and whatnot. Then she remembered the odd breathing pattern, and turned again to Bram, still sitting.

"Bram...?" Hannah said slowly, "What was with that... whatever that was... that happened before you passed out on my lap? You seemed genuinely distressed, and your breathing was off." She paused, then added, "Do not try to play it off as asthma or something stupid. I may be human, but they made sure I had an education. I want to know what was wrong. It was a bit disconcerting..."
Bram's eye opened slowly looking at this girl who was glowing in the darkness of the room. "If I tell you... you can not repeat it to anyone else understood. He arched himself on his elbow lifting himself barely off the bed. He eyed her in a way that was not usual to him. I'm sorry Hanna but i am going to lie to you. He smiled at her softly before he used his other arm to gently pull her back to a laying down position he rested his head near hers looking at her waiting for her answer.
Hannah nodded eagerly, wanting to know what was wrong. "Not only am I genuinely concerned," She said, half-smiling at him, "But no one ever really tells me anything. I get stuck in the dark about most things." Hannah smiled, happy she could trust someone besides Evangeline.
Bram slid closer to her face on the pillow. "I'm dying..." He smiled at her. "I have a rare condition my body is slowly deteriorating and sooner or later i will turn to ash." He smiled at her as he said this to show her comfort in his words. Bram was lying of course but it came so natural the pauses the way he said it. I'm sorry Hannah maybe when this is all over you will understand. He placed his hand on her open cheek as he smiled at her.
"I'm... sorry?" Her words sounded like a question. Hannah didn't really know how to reply to that. She had never heard of such a condition, and it seemed impossible, "You were born a vampire then? That is the only way I can think of you having something like that..." She frowned and furrowed her brow, wanting to believe him, but she really couldn't. 'Vampires heal super fast and live forever dummy,' she told herself in her mind. The half of her that wanted to believe was speaking to her softly, 'Maybe its true I mean... anything can happen right?'

She shook her head slightly and placed her hand on top of his, "I don't know your name though. I've had to deliver letters to all the Pure blood families..." She held onto his hand for a moment then sat up, sighing and biting her lip. She decided not to believe him, "It isn't possible..." she began slowly, "You are a vampire. Vampires heal really fast. Especially combat ones, and you do not look like a magic user at all. A disease as such, no matter how rare... it wouldn't be possible to have me not hear of it. I basically belong to the top family. They know about nearly everything dangerous to vampires."

Hannah slowed and turned to face him, sitting cross-legged on the bed, "You don't want to tell me. I get it. Just... don't take me as that stupid please. I won't pry any further if you don't wish to tell me. However you could have at least given me the dignity of not lying. You want to be better than the other vampires? Start with not lying." She winced and looked down, regretting the words as soon as they were out of her mouth.
Bram sat up and looked down at the bed avoiding her eyesight "I am the bastard son of the Tepes family the oldest line of vampires... This condition is when a pure blood takes a woman as his child's vessel even then it has a low chance of happening." he muttered to her. "I do not expect you to believe me through words." He suddenly said more loudly He took out the butterfly knife from his pocket and flicked it 3 times before it rested. He extended his other hand out to her his palm facing the ceiling. He took the knife and cut it. Bram did not wince at the pain, this was nothing to him. The crimson liquid poured from his hand as he brought it up near his face he clasped the towel he used to clean his hand around his wrist. The with was turning a red color. He then moved the towel to his palm and wiped it off. He then extended it back out to her. the blood still poured from the wound and back down to the towel. "I don't heal..." Why do I care if she believes me. I could have easily just demeaned her instead of injuring myself. No this will work what madman would injure himself to try and lie. Brams voice became a low whisper "and i will die..." His eyes had tears in them as he thought of tricking Hannah the only friend he had made the one who had trust him... these tears were real.
"You dumbass get a bandaid or something! Proving something to me is not worth getting hurt," Hannah said and sighed heavily, then grabbed the kit quickly, nearly falling off the bed in the process. She rummaged around in it until she found a bandage big enough to cover the cut on his palm, "Also..." she muttered quietly to him as she took his hand and put the bandage on it, "That is a common human misconception. They always think that the Tepes line is the oldest. That Dracula started the vampire thing. Vlad Dracul and his son Vlad Dracula... his actual name being Vlad Tepes, they were born in Wallachia I believe. They lived in the early to mid 14 hundreds I believe. The Aeternus family is much older, King Dagan being the first vampire."

She shook her head and held onto his hand lightly, rubbing the bandage with her thumb, while she wiped a tear from his face with her other hand, "Again... If you do not know that history... you are lying. I do not know why your hand isn't healing like it should, and I don't know why you didn't know that.... and I don't know why you are crying... but if you want to lie, fine... I would much rather to be told nothing, and just know you were lying though."
She must be lying to me now about the Aeternus family being the oldest, The Order has been around as long as Vampires existence, I think she is using a bluff to try and slip me up. There is no way I would make a mistake like that. "I don't know what your master told you but he is wrong." Bram would not back down from her challenge. "I am not lying to you nor do I have a reason for it. If it is so hard to believe me I apologize... But I am the discarded remains of a fraudulent love. It's hard enough for me to find self worth in this world. I don't need my friend to take it away from me as well." Do not battle me Hannah I have far to much to much to lose, If you get in my way I will kill you.. Bram was back to his old self now. The smitten feeling he had for Hannah had all but dried up, like his trust with her.
"There's a music room with a piano..." Ene said, with a hint of awkwardness. She didn't know why she felt awkward when talking to this man, but assumed it because he was probably playing where he was for a reason. Her mind almost wandered off if Melost was still in the room, waiting for her to get back, but she shook her head, letting the thought go awayaway.
Damon smiled down to the girl, giving her a crooked smile. He nodded and scratched the back of his head. "I'm Damon." He paused and looked at the other group then back down to her. "You are?"

Ember made it to her room to see the otherside was ocupied with thinkgs from her room mate. Ember walked from her place in the from and down the hall. She walked untill she seen some humban that where feeders. "How sick isnt it Ember?" she nodded. "How can they feed of thoes humans.?" She laughed and shook her head "I dont know..."
(( [MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION] sorry for the delayed reply ))

"Yes, come in." Anastasiya looked up from her work to see someone coming in. Boy, there were a lot of unexpected guests today. They must have had a lot more new students enroll for this year than she thought. "Please take a seat, how can I help you today, dear?"
Bittersweet continued his melody, resonating throughout the music room. The sound of his violin hit a sharp high note, causing a swift thin gust of air to plow forward, shaking the chairs a bit. His sound finally ended, and the room fell silent again.

Bit sighed. His turn was over. He packed up the little violin and started his way out, silent as a deadlock.
"Is this where we get our schedules?" Adaline asked her. Though she had been a bit nervous at first, it had been mostly due to the largeness of the school, and Ms. Rominov seemed nice to her.
Izio just stood there waiting for the two to come back. "That was wierd I guess it's just you and me now Liliya. So do I still get the tour around the school? I don't think they are coming back." Izio walked up closer to Liliya. "Hey Liliya which place is your favorite? We can go there first." Izio gave a smile to Liliya. "So far my favorite place is the garden." Izio looked back at the beautiful garden in the moon light. "You know it's a full moon right? That has always been my favorite kind of moon." Izio paused for a moment to look up at the moon then looked back down to Liliya. "Oh sorry I get distracted from time to time. Where to first?"Asked Izio.
"Yes it is," the headmistress replied. The girl seemed nervous but like she was becoming calmer, which may or may not have been from the older Vampiress's charm. She often emitted a soothing magic when around the students. She found it to help calm nerves and let them speak more openly. She went back to her filing cabinet. "And what was your last name?" She asked, leafing through the folders.

Boy, this guy just couldn't calm down. Liliya's mother knew some sort of magic that made people be more at ease, and Liliya really wished she knew it now. She didn't have much of a chance to respond to all of Izio's questions. "Yeah, we can continue." She interrupted. "We can still go to the classroom buildings if you want, or the rec room. I don't care which." She looked up at the sky and realized the moon was lower to the ground. Was it really that late? Soon the sky would brighten, and the sun would rise. All students were supposed to be back in their own dorm buildings by 4 am, with no students of the opposite gender allowed after that. She suspected it was somewhere between 2 and 3 now. "But we will have to walk a little faster. I think it's almost curfew."
"My name is Ene.." She replied, and looked in the direction he was and stared. "Why do you keep looking over there? Why not just talk to them if they're bothering you?" She looked back up at Damon, almost cocking her blue head.
Damon shook his head and chuckled. "The threat is gone now beautiful." He smiled and turned toward the hall the music room was located at. "Shall we?" He asked as he turned back toward her.
Bittersweet strode down the hall. He absolutely loved to have little concerts by himself in the music room, but sometimes wished there was someone to hear them. No matter, he walked down the hallway.

Down the path, Bit could see two people. A guy and girl. He glanced a hello, teying to be polite.

(Ene and Damon, cuz im lonely in a one-person scene rite nao TTnTT)

"Ah.... Are you two heading for the music room...?"
Damon looked up to the boy and gave him a grin. "Yes. Join us" He smiled as he glanced down to Ene. He looked back up at the bow and walked off toward the music room. He plopped down on the side of the piano and strummed his guitar some trying to tune it.
Bitter gave a silent nod, a bit amused by this boy's character. He glanced down at Ene, blinking a silent hello.

Bittersweet followed Damon down the hall to the music room he had just occupied minutes earlier. He sat down in a stool near the piano where Damon was playing his guitar. He held the violin case that clung tightly in his hand. He smiled," ... You play nice." Bit commented," Do you know any songs?" He tilted his head.

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