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Fantasy Roll Initiative: A D&D Game with a Twist (Lore)


The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus
Although the Dungeon Master threw the parties in blind, not revealing that much about the world a few details were disclosed.
(This page will be updated as the RP progresses).


Welcome to Ubor
Separated from the brutality of the Northern tribes, the tyranny of the Skoye Empire and the horrors to the far East of Vargil. Constant wars defending Ubor's borders from both the Empire and Northern tribes have left the inner parts of the country undefended, and with the exception of the cities and larger towns the land tends to fall into lawlessness. Many roads are patrolled by bandits, the forests full of dangerous creatures such as the dreaded Owlbear and tribes that may not take too kindly if you destroy the greenery.

Criminals serve out their sentences as soldiers defending Ubor from Oprierus, or are sent South to Asyne to deter the Skoye Empire from launching an invasion by sea or by air.

Ubor, despite it's population mostly being humans and Dwarves is still a country open to all. Even Goblins, Drow and Kobolds are allowed to own property and work the land, so long as they obey the law. Lifestyles viewed negatively by it's neighbours are also accepted. Uborians come in all shapes and sizes, and due to the constant threat of invasion many nobles and religious types choose to accept kinds of people they would usually spit on, or (in other parts of the world) burn at the stake.

In terms of technology, the DM described Ubor's level of being close to the 1700s. It has access to gunpowder in the form of cannons too large for even Goliaths to wield, while having flintlocks and the (rare) blunderbuss for being openly carried.

To the South, Asyne
For centuries, the High Elves of Asyne ruled Ubor and even parts of the North and South. Although they granted Ubor it's independence four centuries ago, there was a massive shift in power just one century ago as the Skoye Empire emerged from the shadows and drove the Elves to the North. The Elves faced genocide and slavery as the Skoye Empire made their way North.
With most of their numbers depleted in the war of extermination, they turned to Ubor for help. Recognising the danger posed by the Skoye, they agreed and the Skoye were pushed back to their own borders.

But the damage had been done.

Asyne was once a bustling Kingdom full of people, the majority of it's landmass taken up by glistening cities while airships patrolled the skies. Since the war of extermination, these cities have become ghost towns, the skies only patrolled by the occasional passing airship. Nature is starting to reclaim the land, even if Wood Elves suffered a horrendous loss as well. While the High Elves lived in glistening cites, the Wood Elves stuck to their forests in the West. Entire cities built out of gargantuan trees.

These lie empty too, even the Drow cities of the Underdark seem quiet.

Asyne may have access to better technology, having heavily integrated the likes of gunpowder with magic but they lack the overall numbers of Ubor, their only ally left in a seemingly kindless world.
Isle Of Mind
To the West of both Ubor and Asyne lies a mysterious and recent island. During a heavy storm (one brought about by magical energy) a floating island emerged from the sea fifty years ago, and since then many have theorised as to it's exact origins. Many a Wizard or Scholar has travelled there to uncover the various mysteries and riches the island offers but very few return. The island is surrounded in a thick cloud of blue fog from the sea level up to the skies, and seeing through it (even with magic) is incredibly difficult. The Nobles of Ubor and Asyne warn against traveling there, but if anything that encourages some adventurers to make their way through the fog.

Those who return talk of lush greenland covered in mysterious creatures, and mountains that pierce the sky even having dragons. They talk about their minds being opened upon reaching the summit, from which the island gets it's name. They talk of the island testing those who arrive, and that many who don't return have simply opted to remain there while there are those who have perished.

To the North, Oprierus
Oprierus is a cold and unforgiving land to the North of Ubor, and the two countries share a border that Ubor keeps heavily guarded. To keep things in Oprierus from getting in.
To the far North there is civilization in the form of Dwarven holds that live under the mountains and even cities ruled by Goliaths but between them and Ubor's border are thousands of miles of horrors. Between tribes of cannibals, Frost Giants, Yetis and even White Dragons, little no no contact has been made with the Mountain Dwarves.

Travel by airship is just as dangerous, with blizzards capable of tearing trees from the ground ripping ships to pieces, and flying predators.

To the East, Vargil
This land of opportunity often carries a heavy price for those unprepared. Vargil is home to the free cities, but beneath the sands and within jungles to the far East lie many horrors. As such, the free cities are kept afloat using magic and travel across the Eastern Sea is done by airship. Those ships that fly too close to the ground are often never seen again, snatched up by Yuan-Ti or even Purple Worms.
The largest of these cities, Waziden was recently conquered by pirates. It had once belonged to a Yuan-Ti high Priestess, who's skull not decorates a pike outside of the main palace.

Up until a century ago, Skoye was a lush, large Kingdom ruled by the Elves. Their Empire stretched beyond, to isles even further South as the known world belonged to them. Overnight, that changed for the ground opened up and creatures from below conquered the surface. Elves that fell in battle were transformed into undead minions, while those who were captured were brainwashed into Zealots who worship a new Goddess named Borzea.
The land itself is not green anymore, for it has been corrupted by the magic of Borzea's followers. Fields, instead of growing crops are breeding grounds for giant insects. There is no more green on Skoye, for only a small number of Zealots need fed.
The rest join the ranks of the dead.

Most of the world beyond Skoye has fallen already, the remnants of the Elven Empire lost forever in hordes following a brutal Goddess.
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Ubor NPCs
(Will be updated as RP progresses)

Patrick O'Marra
Halfling old man.jpg
First Encountered: Post 5
Patrick O'Marra is the patriarch of the O'Marra family, the owners of the Chrysalis brewery, which is located not too far outside of Kentown. He sought the party's help in dealing with Goblins who had overrun the brewery and taken his family hostage, wanting his head in return for their safety. With the military occupied at Ubor's borders, he was more or less forced into taking matters into his own hands.

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