
"Maybe we should rest here. We can only see, like, three feet ahead of us," the high executioner says.

"Sure, why not, I'll just grab my bow & arrow in case anyone attacks us." Marcus says dropping the narrator gem and sitting down.
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"Not really, just a cleric," replies the executioner. It's true. He used to be the leader of the Bloodshadow, a satanic group.
The fog closes in more, soon obscuring most vision. "Welp, see ya when the fog is over," says the executioner, crawling into his tent.

This is not natural. Here, stay in this. And stay on guard.

A small wooden 'house' (too lame to be a house. Or a shack.) materializes. There's a sign nearby that says, "Beware of genocidal stone."

The gem materializes beside the sign, in cover of a magical veil.
The fog closes in more, soon obscuring most vision. "Welp, see ya when the fog is over," says the executioner, crawling into his tent.

This is not natural. Here, stay in this. And stay on guard.

A small wooden 'house' (too lame to be a house. Or a shack.) materializes. There's a sign nearby that says, "Beware of genocidal stone."

"Don't tell me that the Faschists made a stone golem!" Marcus exclaimed
(Ohhh fries im late xD!)

He said the Owl it was an device that could bring you from A over B to C, so not even seeing or touching B, like you just pop out somewhere.
He didn't want to force them building it, so he begann to walk to the Evelator. He wanted to explore the World and find some Super-Dangerous-Thing, aka. an reason to build the teleporter.

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