
"SHOW YOURSELF!" Marcus called out as the rustling got closer "I I HAVE A GOD WITH ME & I'M NOT AFFRAID TO USE HIM" subtle chanting could be heard "бог будет дефект в Лихо, бог будет дефект в Лихо"
«Oh, fastidiousness,» says Narrator. «And my name is..» Narrator pulls out his sword and a loud, blaring "JOHN CENA" can be heard, along with the theme. The noise fades away.
«Oh, fastidiousness,» says Narrator. «And my name is..» Narrator pulls out his sword and a loud, blaring "JOHN CENA" can be heard, along with the theme. The noise fades away.

The cultist suddenly cowered by the power of the intensive sound waves, after the sound faded he was paralyzed meanwhile the cultists at the bonfire had their ears ringing as if a grenade went off before they cried out "сосать кровь мага" before they ran at them with daggers.
A pentagram appears around Narrator and Marcus.

Marcus transferred light energy to the arrows, bent the bow back, hit a few cultists in the arm causing dark satanic energy to pour out of them like an oil spill as the cultists continued to stop charging, chant "они должны быть прокляты,они должны быть прокляты & hold hands as they start moving around the pentagram while Marcus shoots a few with moor dark energy pouring into the world.
Seven cultists start circling Narrator while he is in statue stance. Nothing happens to Narrator until he releases positive energy. The cultists collapse in on themselves and a horrible crunching of bones can be heard. «Who's next?» But I guess the party was damned or something, idk :\
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Seven cultists start attacking Narrator while he is in statue stance. Nothing happens to Narrator until he releases positive energy. The cultists collapse in on themselves and a horrible crunching of bones can be heard. «Who's next?» But I guess the party was damned or something, idk :\

All the cultists eventually imploded untill they were piles of bone meal with visible black streaks eminating from the crushed bone meal. The black streaks  merged into one and started swimming & swirling in the sky "well, they're gone for now" Marcus said.
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«So what now?» asks Narrator. "To we have to fight the Communist demon?"

"He's probably going to help the Anime shogunate make more ship girls or something like that, I don't know what'll happen, but it will cause problems down the way, but for now, let's press on" Marcus said
All the cultists eventually imploded untill they were piles of bone meal with visible black streaks eminating from the crushed bone meal. The black streaks  merged into one and started swimming & swirling in the sky "well, they're gone for now" Marcus said.

The Shiba Inu nuzzled up to narrator and said "much God such hero wow"  Marcus looked on with suprised and said "THAT THING CAN TALK?!"
«Many thought. Such name. Much Doge,» says Narrator to the Shiba Inu. «Yeah, his name is Doge!» Doge repeatedly says 'wow'
«You will see. Doge, much meme!» says Narrator. Doge's wows are now visible and do a small amount of damage. But the good thing is that Doge says "wow" ten times per second. Wows fill the air.
«You will see. Doge, much meme!» says Narrator. Doge's wows are now visible and do a small amount of damage. But the good thing is that Doge says "wow" ten times per second. Wows fill the air.

"That is an annoying little bastard!" Marcus said while holding his ears "are the wows its way of barking!"
An unusual arrow drops to the ground. It is glowing blue. «Good wish,» Narrator said.

Marcus picked up the arrow, put it in his bow & the structure of the arrow left it as a perminant fixture in the bow. He then continued to walk in the woods with his new infinite arrow.

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