
"I would like to go to floor three," says Narrator.

The elevator closes & plays this music (narrator would first hear it when it's 0:30 in)

oh and it also advances the floors one, two, three before the door opens revealing ornate looking office space with floors of hardwood, and a long hallway leading to a set of double doors.
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"Hello, may I speak with the leader?" asks Narrator.

"Of course, I'll show you to his camber" the desiple said escorting narrator to a large ivory door at the back of the grand council room & opens it, "the leader is right this way" the desiple said as she points down the hall.
Narrator stops for a moment and rests his left hand on the All-Seeing Sword. "What can I do?" he whispers to the sword. "audere est facere," the sword replies. Narrator nods. (All the All-seeing weapons and armor speak Latin.. so yeah) Narrator walks up to the doors.
Narrator stops for a moment and rests his left hand on the All-Seeing Sword. "What can I do?" he whispers to the sword. "audere est facere," the sword replies. Narrator nods. (All the All-seeing weapons and armor speak Latin.. so yeah) Narrator walks up to the doors.

The desiples collectively chant repetitively "Narrator omnipotens est in conspectu nostro" 
"Salve, George Bush II," Narrator says. He notices a painting of the 15 All-seeing objects. "Si inveni," he says, "I tenebat.." He coughs for a second. "omnes item ?"
"Salve, George Bush II," Narrator says. He notices a painting of the 15 All-seeing objects. "Si inveni," he says, "I tenebat.." He coughs for a second. "omnes item ?"

"mortalium esset semidei" George said while motioning narrator to sit down before getting into his own seat behind the executive desk and saying "Sed quia iam tu Deus noster qui nihil reliqui esse collective somnium borderless mundi lucem atque trans orbis terrarum."

(Yes, now respond to my translated sentence: then it will cause you to reincarnate into a more powerful version of yourself with fifteen all seeing eyes throughout your body, you would even have the powers to create life out of your hand or even close black holes!)
(Fifteen eyes?! But.. There are:

  1. All-Seeing Sword
  2. All-Seeing Shield
  3. All-Seeing Left Gauntlet
  4. All-Seeing Right Gauntlet
  5. All-Seeing Helmet
  6. All-Seeing Chestplate
  7. All-Seeing Leggings
  8. All-Seeing Left Boot
  9. All-Seeing Right Boot
  10. All-Seeing Left Shoulder Pad
  11. All-Seeing Right Shoulder Pad
  12. All-Seeing Helmet
  13. All-Seeing Crossbow
  14. All-Seeing Scroll
  15. All-Seeing Eye

There would technically be eight: the All-Seeing Eye, All-Seeing Crossbow, All-Seeing Shield, All-Seeing Sword, and the All-Seeing Chestplate [with four eyes]

At least.. how I envisioned it)
(Fifteen eyes?! But.. There are:

  1. All-Seeing Sword
  2. All-Seeing Shield
  3. All-Seeing Left Gauntlet
  4. All-Seeing Right Gauntlet
  5. All-Seeing Helmet
  6. All-Seeing Chestplate
  7. All-Seeing Leggings
  8. All-Seeing Left Boot
  9. All-Seeing Right Boot
  10. All-Seeing Left Shoulder Pad
  11. All-Seeing Right Shoulder Pad
  12. All-Seeing Helmet
  13. All-Seeing Crossbow
  14. All-Seeing Scroll
  15. All-Seeing Eye

There would technically be eight: the All-Seeing Eye, All-Seeing Crossbow, All-Seeing Shield, All-Seeing Sword, and the All-Seeing Chestplate [with four eyes]

At least.. how I envisioned it)

I can't tell if it's OOC, but in case it isn't: George explained "unusquisque in oculum se colliget item forma pectore laminam Narrators singula duos ex ea nasciturum" (now, each eye from the item will integrate itself into your form, with the chest plate, two more separate narrators will be born from it)

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