
Narrator nods. 

(the eyes will not all appear on your face, they will appear where the pieces of armor would appear if you were wearing them, like the gauntlets will be on the back of your hands, the sword would be in your palm, you know) "non apparet in conspectu tuo, in qua apparere videtur si partes arma gerebant , similis erit caestus tergum manibus ferrum in manu sit , tu scis" George said
(brilliant, so i'll summon you when you have gotten five of the all seeing items) "egregia vobis et ego convocabo omnes quinque cum item fecisti" George said @The Narrator
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Salsa opens the door with a flick of his hand. "What do you need?" he asks, turning around with his staff.
The wizard checks the letter. Inside is a slip of paper showing the middle finger and five thousand gold. "Thank you, samurai," he says.
The wizard checks the letter. Inside is a slip of paper showing the middle finger and five thousand gold. "Thank you, samurai," he says.

"Sensei, Wuat do yu wuant me to du with da letta, becaus Mark is still at a my haus" the samurai asked
"I can do it," replies Salsa, writing down:


Mark remains here, umadbro?


He kills the raven and sends the message on an undead bird.
"I can do it," replies Salsa, writing down:


Mark remains here, umadbro?


He kills the raven and sends the message on an undead bird.

The samurai said "As yu wish sensei" he bowed and walked out of the building and back to his home on pot street. It is a small villaige home with three rooms, a bedroom, a living room & a dining room. Mark can be seen tied up with rope lying flat on the living room floor as usual.

'where's Narrator' Marcus thought as he payed the dinner bill of 30 silver.
Marcus & Tim walk back to their room to find that they are locked out 'narrator, where are you!'

Marcus walks into the room as it was already nightfall & narrator was getting the first prayer of the evening "Narrator, I pray in hope that my cat's tumor won't get worse"

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