
"Of my currently built forms, excluding all the alphas, I have 23 bodies," replies Narrator. He psychically opens three books at once and reads them simultaneously. While listening. Without eyes or ears. Because he can do that.
"Of my currently built forms, excluding all the alphas, I have 23 bodies," replies Narrator. He psychically opens three books at once and reads them simultaneously. While listening. Without eyes or ears. Because he can do that.

"Do you ever like, need to sleep?" Asks tiny box Tim
Narrator shakes his head. "Sleep is for the weak," he jokes.  "In all truth, no. I found it to be.. a timewaster. Anyways, see ya later," Narrator saus, absorbing back into his reading while drinking herbal tea. One might think he has an addiction.
Narrator shakes his head. "Sleep is for the weak," he jokes.  "In all truth, no. I found it to be.. a timewaster. Anyways, see ya later," Narrator saus, absorbing back into his reading while drinking herbal tea. One might think he has an addiction.

Meanwhile Lihko tries to make a telepathic deal with the Red wizard via telepathy. His pentagram was glowing neon red as he was looking for souls of dark conjerers throughout the kingdom of dankness when he came across the spirit of the red wizard, so he telepathized "Dis is General secretery Likho end AI woud like tu negoshyat with you" @Salsa 
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The Red Wizard smiles. "«Да, Лихо,»" he replies, noticing the accent.

Lihko proposed "я понял , что , возможно, мы могли бы объединить свои силы , потому что я хочу , чтобы сбить королевство dankness , а также"
The red wizard thinks about this for a second. "«Возможно, это можно устроить , Лихо . Где и когда мы встретимся ?»" he asks.
The red wizard thinks about this for a second. "«Возможно, это можно устроить , Лихо . Где и когда мы встретимся ?»" he asks.

«мы могли бы встретиться в одном из моих зданий управления в аду» Lihko responded
The red wizard teleports to a gate of Hell and enters, looking at his surroundings. "Very cozy," he says, waiting for Likho.
A 13 foot tall orb appears by the red wizard eventually fading away to reveal Lihko's mucular form standing next to the red wizard. Upon seeing the red wizard, Lihko says «не волнуйтесь , у меня есть ключ» before holding up a black steel key. @Salsa
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"Хорошо," replies the Red Wizard, stepping aside.

Lihko opens the gates and there is an elegant looking federal building with a large courtyard and uniformed guards with hellhounds patrol the premises. "Подписывайтесь на меня" Lihko said while walking towards said building


(whitch looks approximately like this except a statue of Lihko up front)
The red wizard silently follows Likho.

(Sorry about the long time between replies, playing YuGiOh)

(It's ok, I have other RPs anyways)

Lihko opened up the door and a demoness sat behind a main desk & she asked "Генеральный секретарь , Лихо этот человек , чтобы принести в жертву?" Lihko in response said "нет, нет , мы будем делать бизнес о идеологической крестового похода" the secretary responded "ой весело , просто убедитесь, что он допрашивал , когда он возвращается на поверхность" Likho playfully responded "не волнуйтесь, ваш довольно маленькую голову, я" before walking the red wizard down the hall.
The red wizard says, "Позвоните мне Сальса."

"сальса?" Likho said "это очень пряные имя, мне это нравится" Likho then escorted him to the (unoccupied) governer's office with the nameplate 'Губернатор Эдуард Хиль' above a Blackwood desk, Likho then politely said "Присаживайся" before siting behind the governer's desk.
Salsa proceeds to sit down in front of the governor desk.

"если я собираюсь сбить королевство там" Likho said while pointing up "нам нужна армия, у меня алый круг последователей и как вопрос любопытства у вас есть армия?"
Salsa smiles. "Почему да . У меня есть массовые армии ."

Likho says while trying to get out a map of the kingdom "идеально , тем больше , тем лучше!" Likho laid out the map on Eduard's desk and said "не могли бы вы указать на этой карте, где ваши базы и лагеря находятся в царстве выше?

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