Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

November 2nd. The day people started lining up for SAO game. Sales began on November 5th. At 1300 on November 6th, the game begins!

The blonde-brown haired young girl, at exactly 1259 put her nerve gear on, and waited the 50 seconds for the game to be online.

When it was online, she said happily "Link Start"

Her name was Shakuntala. In Game, she was "Suki".And as she was sent into the world of Sword Art Online, she looked about. finding herself in a town. She checked her inventory, finding a basic weapon, some coin, basic armor and a health potion, and looked herself over. Her appearance was how she had set it, actually not that much different then her real life appearance-just slightly taller with brown hair and dark brown eyes instead of blonde and a light brown eyes

She went straight to a NPC merchant, finding a free guide book, which she took. She sold the basic weapon, and brought a weapon more suited for her, a shorter length, one handed sword. Pleased at that, she brought another health potion, and pondered about learning how to make them herself.

Ready, Suki headed out of town at once, quickly learning how to fight. She spent a few hours fighting Frenzy boar, getting a few item drops, and basically focusing on leveling. She was having fun, and pondered walking to the next town. She didn't know if she could get there before she had to log off, but it might be better then staying just outside the first town. She headed back to the town, to see about a map. She didn't think anyone she knew had access to the game. Her brothers had saved, and waited in line, for her copy, while most of her other friends didn't like computer games.

She explored the town, debating about trying to make friends, but decided against it right now. She sold the few items she had gotten from the boars, and glanced at the time. 1800. How had it gotten so late? She went to log out, because she needed to help out with dinner. As she went to sign out though, she couldn't find the log out button. She checked her menu thoroughly, but it wasn't there.

A bug? It had to be a bug, didn't it? She went up to another player, to see if they had the same problem, when light engulfed her, and those around her. A forced Teleport? She blinked as she appeared within a crowd of people. Was the whole 10,000 players here? She looked about, seeing shocked faces all around her.

And that's when Akihiko Kayaba appeared and told them that they couldn't escape the game. If they died, they died in real life. If they wanted to be free, they had to beat all 100 floors. Suki was staring at him in shock, and fear, when he said there was a little gift in their inventories. She opened hers, finding a mirror.

She took it out, and her own reflection, her real life reflection was there after a quick shimmer. Her blonde hair, when her avatars had been black, fell over her eyes and she dropped her mirror, shattering it into a million pieces of data. She fell to the ground, but only for a few minutes. She pushed through the crowd, knowing she should start to the next town, killing what she could to survive, and basically get out of the place where 10,000 players were trapped. She broke through, and started running down the street as if she knew what she was doing. She had no friends in this world, and as she stopped, she turned back to the crowd, hesitating. Would it be safer to be in a group, or solo? She didn't know. She stood there, probably looking like an idiot as she tried to decide what to do.
A small, rare smile played across Aoyama's lips as she ran her fingers over the cold plastic of her Nerve Gear. She'd finished her schoolwork early just for this, blitzing through it at a pace that was fast even for her.

And this. This was her reward.

Donning the heavy plastic helmet she lay down on her bed, relaxing into it as she readied herself for what came next. A small status message reading 'Online' appeared in the corner of her vision, and as it did Aoyama spoke in her usual calm tone.

"Link Start"

It was like she was being pulled into another reality, a stream of multicolored light bringing her into a character create screen where she paused for a moment before switching the gender. She really hated when guys tended to end up gushing in multiplayer games just because she was a 'Girl Gamer' and had gotten into the habit of playing male avatars so not to draw as much attention. She ended up with an average looking blonde male and hit the confirm button, now being transported into the full game.

It was amazing.

It was just like being there. She'd thought she'd known what she was getting into but this blew her expectations out of the water, everything looked so real, everything felt so real. Oh yes. She could see herself spending a lot of time in here.

After checking her inventory and swapping her basic weapon for a rapier she set out to get a hang of the games combat system, soon finding herself fighting alongside a small group of other players who had the same idea. She spent a good few hours like that, farming Frenzy Boars and chatting with the small group of players she'd partied up with.

She was in the middle of fighting a Frenzy Boar when it happened, she, along with the rest of her party was engulfed by a bright light, soon finding themselves in a crowded town square. Everyone else seemed just as confused as they were. Aoyama brushed it off, figuring it was just some sort of opening ceremony event.

It was around then Akihiko Kayaba, the games head developer, appeared and explained what was happening.

"My name is Akihiko Kayaba. And as of this moment, I am in control of this world. I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menus -- the log out button. Let me assure you, this is not a defect in the game. I repeat, this is not a defect."

Aoyama didn't even have to check to know he wasn't kidding, the quickly rising panic among the crowd was more than enough to confirm he was telling the truth.

"Defeat the boss on Floor 100, and you will clear the game. Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please have a look."

Pulling open her inventory she found a new item, a mirror to be precise, tapping the icon it appeared in her hands, and she peered into it. It simmered a quick moment after she did, her own reflection looking back at her after it did. Not Hayami. Her. As soon as she realized that a blue fire washed over her, replacing her avatar with an exact duplicate of her real life self.

"Right now, you are probably wondering why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and NerveGear, do this?"

It was around then she stopped listening.

Somehow. Aoyama had managed to keep in a composed state as through all of this and she began pushing her way to the back to the crowd while everyone else panicked. Because she'd made it to the back of the crowd she was able to slip out before people began swarming the streets.

She knew she'd need to group up, and with her drastic change of avatar the guys she'd partied up with earlier were out of the question. Right. Step One, Make some friends. Sighing a bit as the thought played across her mind. Easier said than done.

Shaking those negative thoughts out of her head Aoyama began to wander to streets with a bit more purpose, looking for anyone else who'd had the sense to get out of there early like she had.

Status: Neutral - OMNIROX
Location: First Floor, Boss Chamber


The game has properly begun. The genius who had invented the game, Akihiko Kayaba had activated most of the dungeon mobs in the First Floor, as he was speaking to the players in the Starting City.

The OMNIROX boss sat at the centre of the room, not moving or wandering around, since it wasn't programmed to. Not until a player has walked into their demise. It'll wait. Not patiently, but waiting is the only thing it can do for now.

Current Status: Neutral, Untamed

HP: 4 Bars Maximum

Strength: 19

Agility: 17

Town of Beginnings - Crowded Town Square

NPC - Adonis Fidler [Warrior Class, Shield and Sword wielder]

Adonis' programming was to lead a party of players to the dungeons of the First Floor. Successful or not, it didn't matter. The NPC could die like an ordinary player, but will always respawn in Town of Beginnings. It was also hard to tell if Adonis was a pre-programmed character or not, since the person who created Adonis was played by a real person assisting Akihito on developing Sword Art Online. Players can invite him into parties, trade and vice versa, but are not able to send a friend or guild request.

The Warrior was hiding in the shadows, his pale grey eyes skimmed the panicked and quickly dispersing crowd. Adults, teenagers, and even a few kids were now scattered about in the Town-Square.
Any of them could become a candidate on taking on the first floor. He would guess that the players would want to grind first, but there were Beta testers out there, they would already know a way to pass this floor and thus take all the good leveling spots.

Adonis rubbed his chin with his armor-plated glove and hummed. Clearing his throat, hopefully thinking that he was able to be heard over the loud chatter, he announced to those who were willing to listen.

"Any players, no matter what level, may party up with me!" Adonis yelled, swiftly moving pass the players while checking their reactions. "Those who wish to do so, meet me at Town of Beginning's church, we shall discuss further there!"

And so, The Warrior took one last scan across the crowd and made his way to the Church.

Current Status:

HP: 2547

Level 19, NPC/AI
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Shafts of warm sunlight peered through the room's thin curtains, and illuminated the bland room. White walls, white floors, white bedding...It felt so impersonal just to stand in the room, and the obnoxious beeping of machines often kept him up at night. The only reason he stayed, was for his little sister and mother, either of which could awaken at any given time. It wasn't the first time he's visited them, it has been going on for a few months now. Ever since visitation was allowed. Every Tuesday he'd go out just to see them, the remainder of his closest family battered and broken on hospital beds. It was painful, and almost unbearable; which is probably why he just slept when he was there, it kept things calm. Sometimes he'd bring a gift for them, a bouquet of roses for his mother, and a small stuffed animal for his sister. It was when he got home that things got bad, he'd break something or immerse himself in a digital world to try and take his mind off of things. He also had the unhealthy diet of ordering out for almost every meal he ate, but that was partially due to it being a type of comfort food. Hospital visits, video games, and the like were about all he ever went out for. Ryu said his goodbyes and left for home, if you could call it that.

Ryuichi had gotten SAO on the day of it's release, and today would be the day the servers went up. After calling in and order the usual from pizza shop, he took for his room. Passing old photos of him and his family as he went. He used to smile a lot, and he had good reason to. Life was good, and life was fair. He saw his reflection in the glass of some of the frames, he still had red unkempt hair, rubine irises that have long since lost their glimmer, a tall wiry build with a very softly toned muscle, and the remnants of freckles that dotted his left cheek since he'd been a child. It was a rarity, especially since his mother had black hair and his father was blonde. He arrived at the door to his room, and turned the knob slowly. Something felt, different. An inkling of things to come that he couldn't imagine; he knew it must sound odd to feel...But, he looked at his room, and the door to his parent's room as if he'd be seeing it for the very last time. It was silly, just a game. He shut his door behind himself, and sat on the edge of his bed. He'd bought everything just the other night, and before he left this morning made sure to have it set up for when he'd return home just minutes before the servers went up.

Ryu picked up and placed the Nerve Gear upon his head with extreme caution. Careful to not bump it around or cause any unnecessary cord movement. It felt uncomfortable, seeing his own eyes gaze back at him as the technology hummed during it's start-up sequence. He laid back on his bed and got comfortable. It was calibrated the night before, so all he really needed to do was say those magic words.

Link Start”

Someone had turned the lights off, or that's what he though as he was thrown into pitch blackness for five seconds, maybe more who knew. He'd decided to keep his Avatar simple, the only difference between him and the avatar being their names and height. Other than that, he was still the fresh faced teen who'd bought the game earlier that morning. The dive experience was like nothing he'd ever imagined, but it was everything he hoped for. The warmth of the sun against his skin, it's blinding rays causing him to shield his own eyes against it. The breeze that danced throughout the small town in which he'd spawned smelled crisp and clean. The streets were filling up quickly, bustling with new players and friends. It was a dream come true. He remembered skimming the forums all week long, and knew to instantly stop by and grab himself an information guide. He didn't have much Cor, so the Basic weapon would suffice until later. Oddly enough, he'd chosen to go with a two-hander. Normally he'd do a sword and board tank for it's mere practicality and versatility, but he wasn't playing to be practical this time around. It was all fun and games. It was hard to tell just how people would react. Most came with friends or were waiting on some. The few solo players preferred to be solo, and he couldn't quite charm his way into anyone partying with him. For a good bit he sat down near the center of the town and read on how exactly one was to play. From the Sword Skills, to the out of combat skills. Professions, and the like were merely glanced over. It didn't take long for him to become bored. It was then that he took to the fields. The thing about physical activity, is that if often reflects how someone feels. What people saw, was a berserk wounded animal slashing at anything that moved to oppose it. It worked, at the cost of most of his HP. The first boar had taken him down to 2 HP before he felled the beast. Dancing with the Devil has it's rewards, because just as another boar had aggro'd onto him, blue shimmering lights carried him back to the town before the last of his HP had been taken from him.

(Big old Server master speech and mirror witchamacallit. Sorry, lazy.)

It was a shock really, he'd practically kissed death and gotten away like a thief in the night. Ryu glanced at his HP, it's low number gave him anxiety. Even in the midst of the panic he knew being in the crowd when it broke out might lead to a riot. The mad dash for supplies and XP. If what that Server Master had said was true, then he wanted to move. Fast. He was smart, and bought a few healing potions before leaving for the field, he equipped one to regenerate as he pushed and weaved through the awestruck crowd. He didn't have much to go back to, but if his sister woke up and found him gone too...He just didn't want her to endure even more shock than she would when coming back from death's doorstep. Few of the players did the same, he could see heads bobbing and moving, towards the outer rung of the large assembly of players. Friends were going to be scarce, and when shit hit the fan...It was just going to be utter chaos.
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Suki didn't even hesitate as a man tried to jump, clearly wishing to test the death thing. She began to run, not wanting to find out, but there were the screams and cries as the man didn't materilise again. This was real, and thats all she had to know. A flash of anger rolled through her, how could anyone do this to 10,000 people and get away with it? A voice seemed to echo through the land.

"250 people have already died as their family tried to disconnect their nerve gear..."

Suki let out a frustrated yell, and as soon was out of the safe zone, she began to attack frenzy boar. As she killed the first one, there was a "Congratulations!" And she leveled up. That's what she should do. Grind and level up. That had to be a good thing, didn't it? To level up, to survive?

It was about ten minutes later, as she killed her way to the next town that she began to calm down. She thought on her brothers, her father, and she shuddered. How would they be?hat would they do? She crouched down, dropping her head in her hands, wondering what she was going to do here, it was fun when it was just a game, but now...She'd always had her brothers to protect her.

She pushed herself up off the ground, out of her sorrow, and looked about, starting to walk, even as she looked for someone to join up with. That would be good, right? To pair up, have someone to watch your back?

She vaguely remembered that someone had called out, to say that anyone could join them...but did she want to go back to the town of beginnings? With roughly 10,000 confused and terrorized people? No, she did not.
" Thank you, please come again~ " Fai said cheerfully as she handed a bag to the customer.

With her friendly manner and easy to talk to attitude she was an exemplary employee. She was currently at the cashier checking out games to customers of all ages, children, adults, as well as kids her age. She treated them all the same with a her business smile on her face never changing. Once her shift was over she switched with another worker on break and got her bag, ready to leave. Until a gruff voice called...

" FAII, WAIT, BEFORE YOU LEAVE COME HERE!!! " It was her boss, shouting across the backroom which shocked the people in the store.

Sighing she obliged to see if it was important and went to the storage room where her boss was. Once she opened the door she wasn't impressed, as she knew it wasn't a good thing if her boss, a old muscular burly man looked at her with puppy eyes and a pouting mouth just waiting to ramble. Seeing that it probably wasn't important she hastily tried to close the door, but was stopped when her boss held on to the other door knob. Not giving up she used both hands on the door knob and pulled on it as hard as she can with no luck, as the door didn't budge an inch. She finally gave up when she was tired, with her boss unphased he playfully pulled her into a room.

* This must be something stupid * she thought as she avoided the mans pleading face. Then without further ado he opened his mouth, letting out a feminine voice.

" Oh, Fai-chan~ Sweetie~ I was wondering if you could do me a favor~ "

" N- " When she was about to refuse she was cut off.

" Oh my gosh, your such a darling, since you're such a good kid I'll give you a raise. "

Once she heard the word ' raise ' she began to focus seriously at his request. Getting straight to the point the boss handed her a strange device she had no idea of. This was the nerve gear, since living alone she had no TV or was interested in the latest trends, all she did was study and work. Giving a confused look she waited for the guy to explain.

" You see, Fai-chan, this is a nerve gear I bought months ago. But due to reasons my wife wanted me to throw this out, she's mean ;c. So I want you to keep this at your house for awhile until I can come back and retrieve it. " Then did a dogeza.

" You're the only one I trust, since you're the only one I know who doesn't care about games and wouldn't go off running with it " He ranted. Seeing the reason was too stupid to consider she wanted to refuse until she heard

" 1200 yen a hour " and accepted his offer, which she secretly regretted as she was forced to carry a lot of junk from the store and to her apartment.

After coming home she gently placed the things on the floor, and ate lunch. Once she was done she stared at the nerve gear slightly interested about what virtual meant. She looked through the stuff unable to contain her curiosity and looked over the manual. Getting more interested she started to have a desire to try it out herself, looking at the clock that was approaching 1300 she hooked herself up waiting for it to read her * I doubt he would notice anyways * and said.

" Link Start "

Her eyes were greeted by a pitch black screen as she was introduced by the character creation. Not entirely sure what the controls were she ended up randomly choosing her customization. Once she entered the world there were flocks of people crowded around her. Unguarded she was surprised as she was swept along with the crowd until she was pushed off to the side, speechless. * What the fudge was that?! *

She was left alone to wander around talking to many NPC's before finding the training grounds which was not as crowded as she expected. Prepared to do what she was taught in the guide she pulled out her character screen which had her stats, skills, inventory, etc. Dragging her finger in the air, she pressed the inventory word, which opened up another screen with nothing except a sword. Once her finger was over it a description popped up with the words ' Basic Training Sword ' and following the guide she double tapped it. Later both of the screens closed and without her noticing she was just holding a sword. She was dumbfounded, she looked at the sword and felt it with both hands amazed at how real it felt.

Then curiosity struck her as she began to wonder if she could feel pain as well. She stopped feeling the sword and looked around finding a singled out boar. With eyes on the boar ready to play, she held the sword with both of her hands, obviously showing off that she had no experience with one whatsoever. Even if she didn't know how to wield it, she had the impression that she would be able to defeat it by whacking it to death. Without a moments of hesitation she charged at the boar and jumped with her arms over her hand and swung her sword down at the boars head straight on as she landed. Leaving her with a system message ' Critical Hit! Boar has lost 8 HP ' Feeling the sense of accomplishment she did a mini ceremony in her head, making her unguarded. A surge of pain then surged through her side as the boar charged at her with it's head, which left her flying back a couple meters, losing about a tenth of her hp from the attack and a additional 5 from her fall.

Not used to the pain she dropped her sword next to her, having both of her hands clutch her side, which was throbbing. Having herself in a fetal position she had no time to react when the boar was there for her, attacking with its hard numb skull. She thought nothing as her hp was slightly decreasing after each attack. It was useless to hold onto her side anymore as there were now more places that were hurting, and she lost strength to hold on, and relaxed her hands. Not wanting the pain to continue she stretched her arm to reach for her sword. Grasping the hilt of it with her fingers she gripped it hard so she wouldn't let go, as if her life depended on it. She held it up stabbing the blade accurately at the boar's eye, making it let out a high pitched yelp as it frantically got off her squirming around. Ready to land the final blow she lifted herself up, with heavy breaths, as she slowly approached the confused boar. Holding the sword back she readied herself to launch a thrust at its heart, with a huge yell she pushed the sword with all her might.

But her hit never connected as when she was about to kill it, she was enveloped in a blue light taking her back to town. Puzzled she looked around seeing many players and followed where their eyes were staring at, leading to a cloaked figure in the middle of the sky. Of course she had no idea who the man was, but he called himself Akihiko Kayaba. After hearing his speech she almost held in a laugh thinking that it was stupid, not believing his words. Even after she held the mirror showing their real appearances she still thought it was nothing but a joke, just to scare all the players, after all this couldn't possibly happening to her.

But after the figure was gone she looked at the crowd that was still there even though it dwindled there were still lots of players. With their faces distorted with fear she obviously couldn't take it just as a joke as she initially wanted to. Remembering her fight with the boar, she placed a hand where it had first hit her, and remembered the fierce pain that came with it. There was no way she could keep smiling after this, and soon let out her feelings too as her eyes began to water, angry at herself and the world .

* ...Why me? If I only didn't touch it like I was told to. If only the boss didn't hand this to me. I mean seriously the first game I've ever played and this happens? Just my luck. *

She looked at the others like her and wondered if she looked like that too. When she ran out of tears to cry there was only a small group around her. Quickly she held up her arm and quickly wiped her face telling herself to stop.

* Crying won't help with anything * Leaving the town center she went around town talking to NPCs to gain as much information, as possible, not risking to go in the training grounds without preparation.
"Sword Art Online."

It was all she could say, whilst looking around in wonder, for the whole game nearly made her that speechless. This was the first virtual game she decided to play, and admittedly, Haruka Yamagishi--who was now Reika in-game, did not regret doing so. She looked down on her open palms, and examined her appearance from as of now. She indeed had straight black hair that reached her waist, and a more slender physique. She was a little taller as well. Her eyes remained turqoise, though.

All she knew was that she was in the Starting City--which was also known as the Town of Beginnings. From the plaza wherein most players seemed to spawn and 'begin', just like Reika herself, she walked towards the central market. She actually took the time to look around most of the shops and whatnot in the streets, and found a sense of elation while talking to NPCs and some players as well. Somehow, she was a little glad to be able to find a few players who didn't mind being friends.

In this new world with a new identity, she felt but secure.

She followed a beta tester's advice and got herself a guide book from some NPC, and a dagger that she soon got used to, after fighting a lot of «Frenzy Boar» located at fields that many players were grinding from as well. Of course, she sold her starter weapon for some col, and decided not to bother about getting much armor just yet. She was thinking about enhancing her agility and strength more than anything, anyway.

She was kind of surprised for male and female players alike to not be having fun of a girl like her. But it was probably her new look, how fierce and determined she was in battle--and maybe her calm demeanor taking over at times. She obviously tried to be as friendly and cheerful as she could be. She was grateful to have found a party of players which were surprisingly kind beta testers. She even got a chance of knowing lots of things she didn't think were so.

So far, things were great.

"So, girl, meet you at the next floors!," a player was waving off to her.

She nodded and waved back. Now, she was alone, and she probably wasn't going to see them again. She had a feeling that either she, or they, would advance and or get left behind. It's just a feelng, she thought to herself and turned around to face the fields once more. She was about to walk when she saw a bright light envelop her, and seemingly, every player around as well.

Before she knew it, she was back to the Town of Beginnings, only now, along with the thousands of players. For a welcoming event, the atmosphere seemed too dreadful. She could sense the panic rising between every player, but all she swore she sensed while listening to this man called Kayaba Akihiko, was wonder, curiosity, and probably, a little bit of gratitude. She would get to stay in this game for a long time...

And she had no problem with that. Her life in the real world was barely worth living anyway.

She was not as fearful as the ones around her nor as determined to selfishly top the rest of them. Maybe she would. But as for now, the closest to negativity was the mere annoyance she felt. I really liked that avatar, Reika thought, running her fingers through her blonde locks. Now, she was just like in real life--younger, less intimidating... the exact opposite of what she wished for. That mirror was just, to her, the worst gift ever.

"This is ridiculous!"

Reika spared a glance at a player whom she knew she had trained with and talked to earlier. As he mentioned, the beta tester's appearance was not so different from how he really was--his hair was only longer and now he was taller. He really wasn't kidding when he said he was in his mid-twenties, because unlike his previous youthful avatar, the fear-stricken expression on his mature face was now obvious. His player tag was in her view, and so was his name.

"You're all really going to believe this?!" He was shouting to nobody in particular, as everyone had started running and dispersing, all but with at least the slightest of chaos. The girl wanted to help him, but she wasn't sure how. The crowds was enough to make her head want to hurt. Before she could approach him, she heard a voice from close range. Someone among the clusters of players was announcing something, about partying and discussing further details. Soon enough, whoever that voice belonged to passsed by, just inches in front of Reika.

She glanced at the still-panicking beta tester and the remainder of players in the plaza. Wondering where such the majority might ever think of going, she flipped her blonde hair to her back, and started following the player towards the Cathedral. All she could do then was trust the players, and believe that they'd soon get themselves together... and not do stupid things in the process.
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Suki soon gained control of herself completely. She sighed at her own foolishinish. What was she doing, fighting herself to exhaustion, in a death game? How much of an idiot was she? were her brothers right to try and protect her from the whole world? She was not going to let herself slip, to die here. was her chance to prove hersel. To prove she could survive.

And survive she will.

"Okay, Suki" she said to herself "you know what you have to do. Go back to the town of beginnings, go back to find anyone to work with. You can do this"

Now she was talking to herself. She sighed, and loosely holding her one handed blade, she started back to the town of beginnings. She wasn't too far from it, and she killed some more frenzy boar, counting as she did. 20 boars. She wondered how many she would have to kill to level up again. She was currently level three, thanks to the training she had done earlier.

As she reached the safe zone of the town, she stopped, and applied the extra stats points. All together she had the five base points for each stat and six from leveling twice. So 16.



She was satisfied with that. She knew what she wanted to be in this game, and would work her way up to it.

Then she took a deep breath and walked to the church, where someone had said they would meet up. Would anyone be there? Was she too late?
After meandering the whole town almost three times to make sure she didn't miss a single thing. After talking with other NPCs she was able to map the whole town, knowing where everything is. She made sure to look in the shops but with no luck she ended up empty handed. Apparently even in the game world she was a scrooge, as soon as she entered the weapons shop, without testing out any weapons she literally ran out the door when she saw the prices. Being cheap as she was she didn't want to pay for things like that, it wasn't worth it. And so the same patterned happened with the other stores she checked out, the armor shop, crystal shop, etc, with her not spending a single penny. Now she was just having a stroll in an alleyway.

* Jeez what's with these prices are they trying to rip us off!? * she thought as she vented her anger, on a poor barrel.

Now the only thing she had with her was her sword, which was pretty nice in a way. It reminded her of a novel she once read, a lone hero left to venture off into the world with only their sword by its side.

* Then they would end up meeting nice people and travel together with them, and then... * she thought happily, she loved those stories.

Now shooing off her fantasy, she opened up her bag and took out the guide she got from the general store, for free of course. She began to open the pages as it thoroughly explained the monsters, skills, and other information on the floor.

" Hmm, so that's how you do it. " Fai mumbled to herself.

Excited to test out her new found knowledge she encouraged herself with a yell, and rushed towards the beginner hunting grounds which were filled with boars prancing around the grass.

* This time I won't fail * Fai said to herself with a face full of determination, going with a strategic approach, she used «Search», to scan the area and fine a lone boar separated from the others.

Without any crystals on her, she needed to defeat the boar without losing as much hp as possible. Carefully she took the long way around the boar using the «Hiding» skill to conceal herself in the trees and bushes. As she gradually decreased the distance between the boar and herself to a swords length. Nervous, her breathing gradually grew as she tightly gripped her weapon with her hand coated with sweat. She waited until it showed its back to, she gulped before rushing out of the bushes, and stabbing the pig in the back, making it lose over a third of its hp. Unlike the first time she won't be an idiot. Before she didn't know the pain. Before she didn't know that she would die. She didn't celebrate, after all she could only celebrate once the enemy was dead. Not waiting for the boar to recover from the blow she closed in with a leap, slightly lowering the sword at an angle, and swung it up diagonally, which swept the boar off his feet. Still it wasn't enough for it to take away all it's hp. With little health remaining, followed by her upwards swing she slammed her blade down onto the half dead animal, leaving it's health bar empty.

' 2 Hit Combo, Success! '

' You have learned 2-hit sword skill Slash and Bash '

Then the pig was crystallized and dissipated into tiny fragments. She let out a huge breath of relief and a surge of excitement overflowed her body like a little kid with a new toy. Her heart couldn't slow down, but it wasn't out of nervousness, but a thrill, it just kept beating faster and faster, enough to make her feel the blood flowing throughout her body. When she finally calmed down a system announcement popped.

' Congratulations, You Have defeated Frenzy Boar! '

' EXP Gained:26 | Col Gained: 30 '

' Gained Boar Hide '​

She did it, her first monster! She eagerly went to collect the loot, cheerfully humming as she took the piece of boar hide and put it in her inventory. Following her streak she repeated the process of hunting boars by using «Steal» and «Hide», making them both 33% to the next skill level. After many hours of the slashing, breaks, and fighting, another system announcement popped up as a white light enveloped around her with the words...

' Level Up! You are now level 2. '

' You have 3 new stat points to allocate '​

This was what she was waiting for. Opening her stat window she immediately invested all her points on agility, not wanting to experience the pain of another blow, she wanted to focus on speed to dodge attacks. It was then when her internal alarm grumbled saying it was time for her to go back to town and rest for today. Avoiding monsters she stealthily went into town safely. Knowing where to buy food it didn't take long for her to get herself dinner, though it was just the cheapest bread in the store. She decided that she would go look for an inn later, and sit outside the cathedral to eat instead. Arriving at the front of the building she sat on one the benches for a front row seat. Mesmerized at the building's beauty she forgot her hunger for a moment. The building was simple but unique filled with painted glass which reflected light. Though the sun was setting she still admired it as it reminded her of her life in the real world, not where she was now, Japan. It reminded her of the days she traveled the world, the days with her dad.

* I miss him * she thought depressingly.

She then shook her head to get rid of such thoughts, because it would do her no good, since at the moment it would be impossible. She turned her attention towards eating and took out a peace of bread out of her bag. Due to hunger she ripped a huge piece of bread, and was now chewing excessively at first but started to slow down as the rough dry taste filled her mouth and mumbled.

" ...Gross "

Current Status

Phantsasia Lvl 2 Beginner

Strength 5 | Agility 8

HP 425
Hayami stood near the back of the church, leaning against a wall with her arms folded, absorbed in thought.

After the 'opening ceremony' she'd headed outside the hunting grounds, deciding to farm the starter mobs before the oncoming rush of people mopped them all up for themselves. She'd only manage to level up once before her health started getting low though, and she'd neglected to buy any health potions so she'd spent the remainder of her time watching the other players in combat, trying to see if she could spot any patterns in the A.I's attacks.

Unfortunately, that plan was a bust.

Either she wasn't as smart as she thought she was or the programmers of this game were just a genius as everyone said they were, as she hadn't been able to find any patterns of behavior in the boars. It was like... Well it was like watching a wild animal. The mobs behaved in just the same way as a frenzied animal would, not like the typical MMO enemies with the same repeated attack patterns.

Well, that was some handy info in and of it self she supposed... More importantly, she'd leveled up and had yet to distribute her stat points.

Level 2_

Agility -

Strength - 6


Hayami figured she'd pool into Agility early, seeing as it wasn't likely the first mobs would hurt too much if they managed to land a hit.

Swiping away the menus Hayami looked around the church. A few people seemed to have gathered already, presumably to take up the same offer she had. As more people began to trickle in she thought about getting to know some of them, and she almost approached them too, but then the group she'd been with earlier strolled through the doors.

Well. Socializing could wait right?

Sighing as the thought ran through her mind Hayami leaned back into the wall, closing her eyes and waiting for something to happen.
Out of the busy square and onto one of the paths that were leading to the Cathedral, The Warrior went through his program instructions again. Nothing to interfere the players with their combat activities, only to point them to the right direction. Adonis' plastered a soft smile on his lips as he nodded quickly at some of the panicked-stricken players before moving pass them.

In the distance, he could spot the Cathedral with players streaming inside while others loitered outside of it. Adonis was pretty happy on the amount of players that have gathered at the Cathedral, maybe most of them were there just to be...there. Nevertheless, he still went on with his motive.

With his shield strapped on his back and the tip of his blade stabbed between the concrete floor, he scanned the faces of the players.

"Are all of you here to join as a party to raid the First Floor Dungeon?" He asked, his grey gaze stopping at a certain blonde haired player then moving onto a figure leaning on the wall of the Cathedral. "If so, please gather in pairs or a minimum of four. After everyone has partied up, we'll head off to the dungeon or if anyone else has a suggestion, speak up."
Suki arrived at the church, looking about worriedly. How many people were here to join? It seemed like there was a lot of things they would have to do-level up for one, and get a collection of good gear, potions, she was sure she had heard something about teleport crystals, and there were quests.

She looked up as the guy started to talk. She frowned. He seemed not to have any idea what the game entailed-the fact that Tolbana, the town closest to the boss's Labyrinth and therefore the boss itself, was according to the guidebook, a few days travel. Sure they could level up, but going straight to the boss's labyrinth? It seemed suicide.

She cleared her throat and spoke up, managing to make her voice be heard, despite her short stature and said "the boss's room is by Tolbana-we can't travel there quickly, and besides, most of us aren't that high level, I wouldn't think anyone is higher then five. The boss is meant to be hard, right? So it would be suicide, even with large numbers, to fight the boss now. We can't fight as we would have before-now we have the fear of dying." She said, finishing her speech.
Hayami frowned as the man made this announcement. The first boss room already? What was he crazy? People had barely gotten over the panic of getting trapped in this place and he wanted to take on the boss already? She was only level two for Christs sake, and the others here hadn't done much more training than she had.

Before she could voice her objection though, another girl piped up before her, voicing her own issues with the plan which turned out to mirror her own thoughts.

"She's absolutely right you know" Speaking not long after the girl finished talking, before anyone else to cut her off. "We should still split off into parties, but we should spend a few days in groups farming first, once everyone's properly leveled and geared up then we should try and take out the boss" Throwing out her own, in her opinion, much better plan to the crowd, hoping they'd be intelligent enough to see the logic in waiting before they struck.
Adonis smiled. The reason why he asked if others have suggestions, they would reply with some sort of opinion or argument against his own, but these were the proper ones he was looking for. Some players would actually just head-on tackle the boss room, but those few are inexperienced or just...don't think properly.

"Both of your opinions are highly regarded, and thus I concur. Apologises for 'rushing' to the boss room so early without the thought of it being suicide." Adonis replied, noticing some of the other players roll their eyes and mutter on agreements on what the two girl's were saying. Suicide wasn't something he would be afraid of, since after all he was just an AI.
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It was all one big gigantic blur. He never did find anyone to pair off with during that chaos, nor did he want to. They acted much like he did the first day he learned of his parent's accident, and knew that talking some sense into them wasn't much of a task he could accomplish. Ryu ended up leaving the town of beginnings, stayed in the hunting grounds until people began to show up. There were some who had the idea as well, but they looked to have the same mindset as him. People, when they hurt; aren't rational. And so, he began to grind for that short period. His HP at an almost constant orangeish red, he knew the risk, and the rewards were well worth it. Plus, conserving the healing pots was the only thing going through his mind. Using them sparingly would end up keeping him alive, even if it meant running a high risk of a crazed boar just getting the jump on him.

One...Two...Hell, he couldn't even remember how many he felled. Most times he hadn't even paid attention to the game's alert messages. That was around the time more players took to the fields, and he fled back into the town. Safezones, people would flock anywhere they knew they couldn't die. Sobbing people in the streets, friends or passersby failing to comfort the rattled souls. Ryu wanted to help, he really did. But, even in this game world you could feel fatigue. He had some things to do before he'd let sleep even take him over.

Ryu grumpily scanned through his inventory, other than the seven boar hides and a few loaves of bread it was pretty empty. It wasn't until he opened his own stat-tab that he notice he'd leveled up. Sure, there was a big ol' message about it, but he must have pushed it to the back of his mind while fighting for his life. Or in his sleepy haze, forgotten about it entirely.

竜道化師'Dragon Clown'

Level: 2



He didn't take long to assign his stat points as he thought them to be accurate, the blade was heavy and he needed the strength, although he sacrificed some mobility. However, if things kept going the way they were he'd be needing that mobility, or some kind of defensive skill. Speaking of...He didn't learn many skills yet, sword skills anyway. 'Slash' was about the only thing he knew, and it wasn't the game's fault. He just wasn't composed when he fought, didn't try anything but lashing out at the enemy wildly. Ryu's mind flashed to Conan, and he couldn't help but chuckle as he sold off the boar hide, and used the Cor gained to get himself a room.

He couldn't sleep. There wasn't any background noise, even the shouting outside was enough to occupy his mind. Ryu was getting to that dangerous place again, and he wasn't likely to stay here until that same state of mind that affected those players crept up on him. He was back out the door within minutes, a new found vigor powering his steps. He'd heard of a small group meeting at the cathedral, or it seemed where most players gathered. Players that wanted to survive, to fight this world and get back to their own. That thought hit him like a ton of bricks, back to his own sad little world? Where his father and younger brother fell victim to a drunkard? Where his mother and sister lay in hospital beds, barely alive? What did he fight for, to go back to that place where life was more a burden or a bother, just too cowardly to take his own?

Ryu let his hand fall from the Cathedral's doors, and slowly raised it diagonally before it crash down onto his cheek. Those were exactly the thoughts he hadn't needed. That slap was to pull him out of whatever hole he wanted to crawl into. He needed someone to take his mind off of things, quickly and as soon as possible, lest his sanity crumble away. He pushed open the doors just as a man had begun speaking of taking on the boss. Two other spoke out to him, one giving information on he boss, and the other seeing that we level the party to take the boss on. The man hadn't disagreed, he was flexible. “Say we take on this boss.” Ryu's voice was hoarse, and his mouth was dry a tongue like sandpaper touched his bottom lip. “You could die in the real world, by just stepping outside your door. Yet, you do it anyway. Don't you?”. He cleared his throat, it's not that he was against either opinion; it just bugged him that someone played the death card so openly. “The people out there, some of them, don't want to fight. You can see it in the way they act, broken up and clinging to anything to give themselves comfort.” Ryu cracked the slightest of smiles 'Speaking from experience, are we?' He thought to himself. “They fear dying, and refuse to even budge since the announcement. You came here to fight, any doubt while attacking will get you killed. Thoughts like 'I might die, I can't' or 'I don't want to'. Those are things that get people dead in parties, groups even.” Ryu, felt pretty weird, he wasn't a public speaker and having more than two people's eyes on him made him want to do something funny, lighten the dark and pressuring mood he'd just set upon the room. “Besides, I don't know about the other guys here, but pretty boy.” Ryu stated nodding at Adonis, walking up and slinging his arm around the man's shoulder. “If you want me to join, I'll be needing a kiss.” Ryu's smile stretched from ear to ear as he tapped a finger on his cheek.
Suki listened to the depressing speech. She frowned then shook her head, she agreed somewhat with what the guy was saying, but saying it like that? It just set an even darker mood over this situation. Right now was the time for motivation. She stepped up, and her voice clear and loud seemed to ring out from the church square.

"Yes, there are people who don't want to fight-that's fine they can help in other ways. They can become blacksmiths, chefs, alchemists. They can be there to support those of us that wish to fight. For those of us that wish to fight, there's a smart way to go about this. The boss will be tough. Way tougher then frenzy boars, these weapons we have? The ones we got in the beginning, they will be useless. We need to train. We need to undertake quests. We need experience, col and better gear. Not fighting the boss is a smart thing right now. Not a coward thing-if we all sacrifice our lives then what's the point? I will not become canon fodder, nor will I let others become cannon fodder. I'm going to the next town, Horunka tonight. If any of you wish to join me, you can. Oh"

She turned to the guy that had spoken and then demanded a kiss from the other one to go with him. She didn't even hesitate, and kissed his cheek. "You said you wanted a kiss" she jumped down from the steps, and was more then pleased that she didn't blush. She started through the crowd, unsure if anyone would follow her. She didn't know where she got the courage from to speak up like that, to do that, or even the knowledge of what to do here. But she did. And that was all that mattered right then.
Even though the piece of cardboard, in which they called bread was disgusting, she still ate it. With her stomach empty, she couldn't care less of what she ate anymore, and gently nibbled on it to satisfy her hunger. Sooner or later she was able to finish it, she whipped out her water sack that hung around her belt and held it towards her mouth, taking big, huge gulps. Once she was done she stretched both of her arms straight up, feeling refreshed. Resting long enough she leisurely checked what she had. Putting her thumb and index finger together, sliding in a downwards motion, she heard a ring in her head notifying her that she opened the main menu window

" Now let's see what I have " Fai said to herself as she pressed the inventory tab, counting her loot.

In the end all she had were some loaves of bread, boar hides, the guide,and some random items she picked off the ground which were either useless or had ??? in their description. Getting the guide she looked up what she could do with the items she had left and noticed that she had enough hides to craft armor. Looking down, she checked herself out in the now tattered beginner garments and decided to go to the NPC tailor tomorrow to get new clothes.

It was then, a huge thunk took her attention away from her window and looked up to where the origin of the sound was. A man with a sword smashed onto the cement floor, giving a speech in front of the cathedral surrounded by quite a number of players. Being slightly further away she really couldn't make of what the man was saying and used «Straining». Once she activated this skill she was able to hear the man clearly, and sparked up hearing «First Floor Dungeon». If she remembered correctly in order to complete the game, all 100 floors must be cleared. That means once they complete all 100, they would be able to go back, to real world.

Blinded by the near impossible possibility of going home, she stood up going towards the crowd surrounding the man in order to get some information, with an intent to join the raid. Even when 3 other players, voiced their own opinions, such as the risk. But to her ears such thoughts were blocked off, she didn't care about the risk, or how reckless it was, she just wanted to go home fast. So she was disappointed as she thought they would have to wait longer until their levels were high enough to face the boss, though logically this was the best answer.

"..." In the state she was in right now she couldn't be her usual self like before. She was too tired to, plus she didn't feel like giving a speech, or more like she couldn't. Just a few hours ago she would've but for some reason she didn't have it in her. After listening it felt like they were talking to her, even though she was able to beat boars, she had no confidence in fighting monsters stronger, she felt cowardly. But, after hearing the small spunky girl's speech in front of everyone, she felt encouraged. Thinking

* If it's her then... * she then stopped watching silently from the crowd and stepped further in the center, pushing her way in.

Once she squeezed her way in the middle just inches away from the main people speaking, and looked at the little girl. Not sure how this entire thing was suppose to work since she's never done it, she ran towards her grasping both of her hands and softly muttered the word " Party " only leaving people close to them to hear.
Adonis curtly dismissed the red-head player's flirtatious behaviour and the request for a 'kiss' which, in his relief, was done by the girl who decided on taking the lead from here to the next town to train.

His smile was seemingly stuck on his face now, and gently pushed others aside to accompany her and the players who would choose to follow. He got the point on what they were trying to say, and didn't want to add to it any further. They don't want to die, they need to train and get stronger. These were essential, of course, but it will take a while.

Most players were now shuffling their feet and glancing at each other, then in a heart-beat slowly followed behind. Another girl pushed herself into the crowd of dispersing players to suddenly grasp hands with the intriguing player, muttering the word 'Party'...

The Warrior glanced at her and finally thought of something to say.

"May we appoint you leader, Player who spoke with such moving words?" Adonis asked his eyebrows raised and attention directly focused on the little, blonde girl. If he had sarcasm, maybe he would using it right now, but who knows.
Ryu was pretty chummy with people, and Adonis' reaction was one he'd gotten from a few of his friends. Imagine how shocked he was when the girl he spoke out against was the one to grant him his request. Even if he was being bold, Ryu wasn't accustomed to public displays of affection involving anything to do with kissing. Given, she was making it a point, and she made it very clear. He leaned on Adonis' shoulder even more, gave the male's cheek a good pat and released him. “Sorry pretty boy, seems like it won't be working out between us.” Ryu backpedaled down and away from the low rise of the cathedral, and was only a few feet behind this..Girl. Ryu's cheeks were redder than a bushel of raspberries, and his outstretched arms locked behind his head. “W-well, I'd like to think myself a man of my word.” Ryu'd like to think he at least looked cool, but catching a glimpse of himself in a seated man's armor told him otherwise and he gave the crowd a cheesy grin.

Adonis spoke of her taking the reigns, leading the 'party' onward. That was a big responsibility, and if anyone died they'd most likely tape it onto the first person to call themselves a 'leader'. The man was a real snake in the grass if he'd ever seen one, and to think he gave that man the best few seconds of his youth. It might have been brief, but Ryu conjured one of the nastiest looks he could for the man. Sanguine pools lividly warning the man off, a small burrowed brow, and a nasty scowl. But, it was quickly washed away by his usual chipper self in a hop, skin, and a jump. “That's a bit cruel pretty-boy.” Ryu stated flatly as he quickly turned himself around “You started this, take responsibility and lead it. Shoving your mess on someone else isn't exactly the greatest of first impressions to make.” He glanced over his right shoulder, that same animosity revealing itself in his eyes.

Ryu didn't like being mean, nor did he like acting on emotions when he was tired and rattled. That didn't make it any easier to let this guy dump his, and everyone's life in her lap. You could swear up and down that nobody would blame her before it happened, but the second someone's HP dropped below zero...It would be the announcement night all over again. Just, slightly more savage and directed at a young girl, rather than a Game developer. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the church, your entertainment for the night.” Ryu made a rather simple and graceful gesture with his right hand, just as he walked out of the Cathedral's doors.
Suki walked, until the girl took her hands, and said party. Suki tried not to let the immense relief show on her face and failed. Someone was joining her. She smiled and nodded, quickly figuring out how to create a party, and invited the girl, quickly adding her to her friends list as well.

She looked up when the guy that had started all this joined, and began to make comments that she should become the leader. This shocked Suki. She didn't know if she was fit to lead, but she had started this, by interrupting and speaking up.

And then the guy she kissed came up, cheeks red, which only served to make Suki blush. "Ah. Thank you. But I wouldn't follow this "pretty boy". He seems set on suicide. No, I'll do this. And I'll make sure no one in my team will die. That's my promise" she said, and managed to smile.

What was she getting herself into? "I'm Sh-Suki. Pleased to meet you all" she quickly sent an invitation to the guy she had kissed, and reluctantly to 'pretty-boy'.
Delighted with the girl's invite she happily accepted as she read the new name ' Suki " on the party and friends list. Attached to the girl called Suki, she completely ignored, or forgot the existence of the others until the ' pretty boy ' and the one seemingly flirtatious guy spouted the little details they needed to say, though she practically wasn't listening since she had an attention span of a three year old.

Once the young red head left with a cherry tomato face she chuckled at the sight, it was the first time she smiled ever since entering this death game. She was finally able to relax for a moment, feeling safe in town, happy to be with another's presence. Feeling as if the weight in her heart has been lifted, she opened herself more to the others, realizing that even if she was in a game, she was also living.

Right now her reality would be this game, which was no different then living in the real world. After all the pain was real, her hunger was real, and the interactions were real too. She convinced herself that this world was the same as her old one, just like what the others said, whether it is this one or the other there wasn't a difference. Make one wrong step in life could cost a life.

Like that she told herself to not worry, and let herself go, as she had barely spoken to anybody in hours, she was just dying to talk.

" Well, I guess I'm next " she said with a cheerful tone she straightened her back greeting everybody with a wink and salute.

" Hey everybody!~ My name is Phantasia, but you can call me Fai if you'd like. " Releasing her locked up personality, after so long of containing it in, her body couldn't help but to shake in excitement.
Without any much expressions planted on her face aside from the calm one, Reika listened to the conversation between several players from at the back. It seemed to be, so far, heading to a good direction. She intentionally let the other players be at front. She didn't exactly want anyone to see her anyway. She looked over to the player whom she followed towards inside the Cathedral. She thought that he had a good plan or tactic for all the players who dared to meet up with him, but it didn't seem likely.

Her small and nearly-invisible frown faded as the players around her had these smiles and certain expressions on their faces. They had hope. Good for them Reika thought, stepping backward and feeling the wall of the back of the Cathedral against her palms' touch. She could leave right now. She had plans on doing so. She had plans of being alone, maybe a solo player. After all, she was anything but someone who belonged to a group such as this. Reika could just walk out any time now, as all of the players were focused on the few who were at the center of attention.

There was that oddly cheerful guy, and the man who brought them here, and the leader, and one of those which had hope brought onto them. Suki and Fai. She'd remember anyone's names so easily. Their player tags and health bars came into view. As the next few players started introducing themselves and announcing their declarations that there was nothing to fear (as of yet), Reika found herself unable to move, away at least. The liveliness and interaction of the fellow players was unconsciously luring her in.

Turquoise eyes scanned the amount of players in the area. Even the beta tester she thought she would see her wasn't around.
Maybe I'll tag along, Reika thought wordlessly. She stroke the air downwards with her two fingers, to have the player menu in view. Without any hesitation, she pressed on one of the several items in her inventory (from the previous battles and quests) and let a hooded cloak pixelate and take form around her. It wasn't exactly for defense, as it was only made of thin cloth. But it was enough to keep any kind of attention away, she figured.

It worked for most. Players in front of her started talking and adding themselves as friends or in parties, without noticing her once bit. She had mixed feelings about such synergies and alliances--like wonder, and confusion. It was like she could but didn't want to do what they were doing too, at the same time. A thought popped in her mind, which gave her some kind of excuse to temporarily separate herself from these people.
"I can wait outside," she muttered to herself so silently that even she could barely hear it.

And she strode outside of the Cathedral.
Ryu was just outside the doors as he broke his stride and stumbled. The party invite was large, and blocked enough of his vision to make him almost immediately close the window. Ryu paused, his finger hovering over the accept button. If it weren't for that promise of hers, he'd have accepted readily. He was reckless, lost easily in the heat of battle, and couldn't properly manage his emotions. The promise, to not let anyone die. Would be lost on him. “It was nice meeting you Suki.” Ryu muttered under his breath as he returned her invitation to the party with a declination to join. But, with ease, sent her a friend request. “The name, is a bit goofy. Just call me Ryu if you want.” rubbed his eyes, and stretched just outside the doorway. “I'll tag along. There is no need to worry about me, keep your eyes on those three gauges.” Ryu hastily added to keep from making bad on his word. He rolled his shoulders, causing his basic and ratty gear to clink and clank a film of grime coated the blade among other substances, and the armor had more dents and tusk piercings than most others. Hell, he'd hadn't even spent a single Cor on gear yet. “I'll be stopping by a Blacksmith's before we head out, if you don't mind.” and with that, a single tap of his finger against the armor caused it to disperse. Broken upon impact and like dust in the wind it was carried with the passing breeze.

One foot in front of the....Well, who could have guessed that even the ground could attack players. It came so fast he wasn't even able to react. The lightheaded feeling, the quick descent from grace. He was gone before he'd even hit the ground. Well, he was cool for a bit, if that mattered at all. Ryu blamed it on the excitement, his own cowardice to close his eyes. Most likely giving everyone one hell of a scare, or a good laugh with his impact and sudden fumbling under the spotlight. Bodily functions were neglected, and he'd paid the price in full. Simply put, he'd exhausted himself to the point of falling asleep whilst walking. Broad daylight, just outside a church. Most likely scared a few of the people still unsure if dying in game meant we died in real life. The only thing making his wellness known was the slow and steady, rise and fall of his chest. Sleep, wasn't the word for it. There were no dreams, just an unsettling nothingness that swallowed him whole. Blacking out would have been a more suitable word for it, but he didn't see anything like that in the manual. Images, memories...Gone. Consciousness wasn't there but his body could...Feel it. Not something easily explained with a full dive game. He was just glad that it happened now, and not when he raised a sword to strike an enemy. Pathetic really, all that talk and there he was. Laying in the dirt, face down, with gear on the verge of disappearing should someone brush against it wrong. This would be a tale to tell in the future, but for now...For now, he just let himself be taken in. Letting his mind rest, and his body.
Adonis accepted the request, not minding the few glares coming at his way. He wasn't one to care for things, if he did though, he would've tried to put some sense into his dialogue. Strange thoughts running through a strange AI indeed.

As the party members slowly started to come out and introduce themselves, he glanced at the green gauges with player nametags on the top left-corner of it. The appointed leader, Suki and a young but cheerful player named Phantasia or Fai. The red-headed player was no where to be seen, and as Adonis suspected, he didn't join. Well it won't matter, will it? Since they should encounter one another again.

The Warrior watched a player open their menu and a hood crystallised and took form to cover the player's appearance. Then the figure walked away from the crowd and them, and outside of the Cathedral. Adonis blinked and shook his head, his long hair slightly swishing on his back as he did so. Not everyone would be in a party, he assumed. Maybe to not let themselves get blamed for a death or having anyone rely on them. But then again, this thought had been strangely on his program for a while, who would be there for a Solo Player if they're in a time of need? Would they die alone without anyone to save them?

He brushed that aside. No need to worry for them, they would try their best. Whether they succeed or fail, it isn't his business. All he knows is that he can die and come back, unlike the real-life players.
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