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Role-play Partners Wanted! (ignore post #s)

I'd love to try gypsies, if never quite seen any like that before- it seems unique.
Yesss! :)

Like it says in my first post I don't really have any plots but a few ideas to pick at. I'm open to working on one :)
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This is slightly embarrassing. Since I forgot the password to my old account, this account is fairly new and I can't yet PM people. However, my idea is:

Person A is a gypsy and travels around with the circus. Person B, however, is completely contrasting and they come from a rather respectable family. When Person B goes to see the circus with their sibling, they fall in love with the atmosphere and after talking to Person A they decide they want to join. The circus is only in town for a few weeks but the two get considerably close, though they must sneak around about it. (It's not acceptable for the time for both classes to mix- say this was like 1912 or something). However, as the weeks come to an end Person B must decide whether or not they want to run away with Person A's Circus. And, equally, Person A must decide whether they are worth the trouble of teaching and maintaining the secret.

I'm sorry if this seems a little complicated. Though I think this would really develop into something good! Also, a circus in the early 20th century would have been a little less comical than those today. It would have included many exotic animals, acrobats, and such. Hence the reason i picked the era.

If you don't wanna try this, it's completely fine. It's just an idea.
Hello! :3 I am interested in:

● vampire×Human


Pm me if you still looking.
So I have kind of a specific plot idea, lemme know if it interests you. Basically, a witch/summoner type who's kind of new to the business tries summoning a demon servant that's way out of her class, and fudges the summoning a bit. Perhaps she's trying to impress a teacher or prospective employer, or get some sort of job done that requires a high-class demon. The demon comes, and is bound by the basic rules that keep it from hurting the summoner directly, but has no obligation to actively try to keep her safe or obey anything except the most carefully worded commands (basically genie rules - like a proper summoning would force a demon to obey the spirit of the words while a weak one requires more and more elaborate command expression). So now it's a matter of the witch trying to control the demon or reason with it while figuring out how to banish it, and the demon gleefully taking advantage of being in the human world with next to no restraints.
Interested in:

Werewolf x Human

Wife x Brother in Law

Can do plots for either, depending on personal preference. Otherwise I tend to write on the lengthy side, grammar is of no issue and I look forward to a good plot!
Hey remember that one plot that you had about the girl in two worlds, etc? If you could explain that a little more to me I'd love to do it and would be glad to play a guy.

I am very new to this site and this is the only thread so far that I have been interested in, it would be an honor to work with you!
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Create said:
Interested in:
Werewolf x Human

Wife x Brother in Law

Can do plots for either, depending on personal preference. Otherwise I tend to write on the lengthy side, grammar is of no issue and I look forward to a good plot!
For the werewolf role-play the plot is loosely this: a teenager is sent to live with her grandmother for the summer and she is attacked by a local drunk. A wolf appears and saves her but not before sustaining some injuries of his own. A day or two later a young man she's seen around is cutting wood for her grandmother and she notices the wound on his back similar to the one the wolf had gotten during her rescue. Prior to this there have been strange things happening on the island: wolves being tame and approaching her on the beach, her grandmother going to secret meetings weekly, people treating her oddly (either with respect or like she's diseased). There is an element of romance in this plot after she works past the idea of werewolves and that her grandmother is an Elder for the pack. Things stem from there and can take any direction we wish.

For the brother-in-law x wife plot it's very vague. They had an affair pre-marriage and after the marriage the wife got pregnant. She's certain it's the brother-in-law's but doesn't know what to do or if she should tell him. The BiL wants to continue their affair and makes advances on occasion that she doesn't necessarily shut down or avoid.

If you like either or both send me a PM :) (or let me know if you can't and I'll send you one!)
[QUOTE="Edric Yuma]Hey remember that one plot that you had about the girl in two worlds, etc? If you could explain that a little more to me I'd love to do it and would be glad to play a guy.
I am very new to this site and this is the only thread so far that I have been interested in, it would be an honor to work with you!

Hi! Thanks for you interest! :)

So it's kind of confusing but I'll explain it as best I can: There is a realm that exists simultaneously with Earth and it's the opposite of here (not in physicality but in regards to magic, mythical creatures, all that jazz). Two kingdoms rule in one area and have been at war for years. The more military focused kingdom managed to kill the king and queen but not before they sent their daughter to earth for protect and to grow up unnoticed. The girl finds out when she is 17 (and nearly finished high school) that she is a secret princess who has elemental based powers and is begged to return to salvage what's left of their old kingdom. Meanwhile the ruthless king from the neighbouring kingdom had a son who he trained his whole life to find the princess, kidnap her, and bring her to their kingdom where she would be killed, thus ending any hope of a revival. The son goes to Earth, finds her, and is charming and friendly and she ends up developing feelings for him. He gives her a gift of a necklace that locks away her powers to make her easier to kidnap and takes her back to his kingdom.

(the middle bit is kind of up in the air depending on how we want it to play out)

She eventually escapes and the kingdoms go to war. She kills the king and the prince basically becomes useless and is shockingly heartbroken over the loss of her company.

Where we want it to go from there is up to us :) if you have any questions about anything just let me know!
Sounds nice! For the prince thing, am I portraying him as a person who is cruel or just had this destiny forced upon him?
[QUOTE="Edric Yuma]Sounds nice! For the prince thing, am I portraying him as a person who is cruel or just had this destiny forced upon him?

Forced destiny, I think. It is possible for him to have picked up some cruelty from his father but it could potentially fade away after he meets her.
Alright, that sounds fun. I have a couple other questions, can you pm me? I don't have access yet ;-;

Or I can just pm ASAP, probs in about a couple hours
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I also require a pm as I have yet to finish my sentence as a new member (Definitely not exaggerating). I'm for the most part interested in the wolf role play but if you've a specific thing you'd like to try I wouldn't mind doing whatever it may be.

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