Role Play Classroom (Better your RP Experience).


So I would like to take this time to write in an Out Of Character (OOC) format, Before kicking off this thread. In my days as a Role Player, I have noticed there are a lot of different ways people like to Role Play. Be it third person, First person, old time setting, new time setting, fantasy, realistic, or any other variations that you can come up with.

But as a bottom line, there is still a level of dedication one must be willing to put forth if they are going to succeed as an RPer, or even more as a writer in general. No one is perfect, including me, and any one claiming to be is too blind to see their own mistakes.

So with out boring you too much, I will get to the point. This thread is in no way going to make you a perfect Role Player, and in no way can I teach you how to Role play the way YOU want to role play. Each person has their own style, and as such, each person will walk away from this with more or less that the others.

The point of this Thread, is merely to have those that are not comfortable with their Role play abilities, come in, and (Hopefully) walk away with confidence in their abilities to the most they can. I am not perfect, and will only be a guide line, used to point out the "Do's" and "Don'ts" and to guide those I can in to finding out where they are comfortable in, and give advice on how to possibly expand out of your comfort zone and potentially grow to be able to role play any scenario they wish.

So, with out furthering my rant, I will start this thread in the next post. And Will end this one by saying that there is no sign up sheet or pre-conversational agreement to join required. If you want in, post some form of intro, after I post mine, and we'll be off. Anyone can jump in at any time, and anyone can leave. There is no story line, so there is also no post order. I hope this helps any that need it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

A man stood at the front of the class room, Arms folded, and back leaning against the empty chalk board. A pair of loose black slacks, with a black jacket over a white T-shirt, complemented his black hair.

Rynmaru knew he was "Supposed" to wear a tie, but he didn't play by the traditional rules when teaching. They knew that the day they hired him, and not a single person said anything about it. He did things his way, and thats why he felt he was an appropriate candidate for this position.

Eying the room, in a nonchalant manner, Ryn pushed away from the wall gently with his left foot, and then brought it forward to catch his weight, before gracefully pulling out the chair from the desk, and spinning it with his right hand and plopping into it.

Rynmaru did not know what to expect with this group, if any decided they wanted to show, and so he eagerly awaited for even just one mind that he could hopefully help.

Those that can't "Do", "Teach"... Isn't that what they say? Well that's a laugh, atleast... for this case anyways. Ryn thought to himself with a smug smile, and leaned back in his chair. This should be fun
A woman, no older than 19, enters the classroom. Wearing her signature lucha libre (mexican wrestling for those who don't know what is lucha libre) mask, which the colors are purple and black, GoddessofDarkness looks for a seat. She also wore a purple jacket that perfectly matches her mask, a pair of black sweatpants, and a white pair of Lacoste shoes. She took a seat in one of the front-row desks. As she sits down, she removes her ordinary backpack and her jacket, revealing a white Affliction thermal, taking out a pen and a notebook.

"Um excuse me, are you the teacher of this class?" she asked.
Ryn would watch as the female took her seat, and adjusted herself. Noting the outfit, he thought it was strange indeed, but nothing as bad as he had seen in the past.

"Um excuse me, are you the teacher of this class?" the female asked him.

"Yes, I am. I am Rynmaru Deathsong Kotomori. However, you may call me simply Rynmaru, or Ryn, if you wish." he commented politely.

Standing up, Ryn would stretch his legs. taking the mere two steps it took, he would stand in front of the black board (though he never knew why it was called a black board when most of the ones he had ever seen in his days were green.) Picking up the brand new stick of chalk, that he had laid out before hand, Ryn started to write on the board. The contents were as follows;



1) Do's and Don'ts of Role playing

2)First person vs. Third person

(Getting started)

3) How to expand an idea

4) Broadening your comfort zone

(Putting it all together)

5) Creating a Role Play

6) How to keep a Role play alive

*Please note, this Agenda is tentative; As the class progresses, it will (with little uncertainty) be changed. If there is anything you wish to have added, removed, or changed, it should be brought to my attention in any manner you deem fit, and will then be brought to a class vote.

Nestling the chalk back into the grooved surface that it originally rested upon, Ryn stepped back, and settled back into the chair.

"So, may I ask you're name?" he asked, with a curious tone.
The boy stumbles into the classroom. He looks no older than 15 years of age. He pushes up his glasses that are falling off his face and looks around the classroom to find only the teacher and one other student inside.

:Morning" he says in a cheery voice as he takes his seat and reads whats on the board.
A man sat in the back of the classroom, keeping to himself and staying silent. He chewed on the stick of a sucker tentatively, listening to what the others had to say and reading what was on the board. He wasn't here to learn, per-say, more-so he was here to observe. The man watched as the teacher fussed about and two students enter the classroom. The man looked out of place, of course. He was wearing a black suit with thin white pinstripes, matching slacks, a tie that was a dark crimson color, shoes that seemed to gleam in the sunlight, and black sunglasses. He occasionally stroked the thin goatee that adorned his chin as he listened to what the others said.

Hm. Let's see what they have to say about this... The man thought to himself.
A small girl sidled slowly to the opened classroom door. She eyed the few people she could see, Ryn and GoddesofDarkness, and swallowed fearfully. She cautiously inched forward. As she reached the teacher's desk, her wide eyes watched him intently. "Hello, I am Sylvia." she said softly and with a slight bow. An awkward silence filled the room as she finished her introduction. She glanced around a bit, waiting for someone to speak.

Finally, she backed away from the teacher and took a seat in a desk far to the left and almost in the back of the room. She seemed to hide her face in her shirt. They think I'm a freak... she thought to herself. Why can't I have better people skills? She laid down her head and silently cursed to herself.
The man noticed a newcomer, a small and shy girl. She was a bit awkward, but so was everyone else here. The man chewed on the stick and continued scanning the room. It was ordinary, with desks, a blackboard (Heaven knows why they call it that...), and other essential classroom items. He continued to remain silent as the people mulled about.
Sylvia observed the lesson plan written on the blackboard, or the greenboard as she liked to call it. She sighed, whipping out a notebook and copying down what was listed. As she finished writing, she scanned the classroom, noticing two other people she hadn't seen before. A young boy who sported glasses and a man who was smartly dressed. She kicked her legs up, resting her heels on the chair in front of her. Another sigh escaped her lungs as she closed her eyes. Just start teaching already... she thought.
The boy gazed around the room one more time before taking his notebook out of his pack. He wrote down the lesson plan on the board and put it back in his bag. He sighed and sat quietly in his desk, pondering about what he might be learning in this class.
Rynmaru noted the small girl that came in, and nodded to her as she introduced herself. Taking a few moments to prepare, he looked around. A small boy, a wrestler, a shy girl, and a man that looked like he could be CIA.

Interesting bunch... Ryn thought to himself. However, we have yet to begin, so how about we start that now?

Standing, Ryn would push the chair back and look around one last time.

"Hello, and welcome to Role play 101. I am Rynmaru Deathsong Kotomori, However, as I have already mentions to miss Goddess here, You may refer to me as just Rynmaru, or Ryn if you wish. Formalities are unnecessary here."

Smiling, Ryn caught his breath before continuing.

"So, without boring you with any more useless information, I shall start the class off. As you probably have guessed, the lesson plan is behind me on the board, and anyone that wishes to add or remove anything can do so through contacting me, and then having it brought up to a class vote."

Looking around the room, he wondered what interesting twists this group would come up with on what they wanted to learn.

"Now, who can tell me one do/don't of role playing?" Ryn asked.
Rynmaru would snap his attention to the small boy, a large smile on his face, while his pointer finer on his left hand snapped out straight at the boy;

"Yes! Good!"

Writing on the board, Ryn would define god-modding;

Power Lusting: aka: God-modding

Definition of Godmodding (or Godmoding)

In an online RP, Godmodding is the term used for those whom create a character that is, virtually, indestructible. This is frowned upon by other members of the RPG and is extremely annoying. This can also result in a possible ban.

Godmodding in general

Godmodding occurs when a player A describes an event, or a series of events he/she has taken against player B in the RP. The person who plays character B describes actions taken that completely nullify the original actions against them.

For example:

player A: "Joe strikes out at George firing a machine gun, launching a grenade at him and pulling down the walls around him."

player B: "Joe completely misses George as he dodges the bullets, picks up the grenade and throws it back and jumps away from the falling walls."

***SOMETHING had to hurt the character, even if he only got shot in the shoulder or piled on by the wall and emerged with a broken wrist.

Godmodding is used like a "Get Out of Jail Free card" when things don't go the way a player wants. Rather than working with previously unfolded events, a player will godmod to get things going their way. It is used to make a certain character invincible.

Godmodding can also refer to where character A describes the outcome of their own actions AGAINST another character. For example, character A states: "George lashes at Joe with his sword, creating a huge gash in his cheek."

Controlling characters that ARE NOT YOURS to begin with is also godmodding.

Godmodding during fight scenes

Godmodding is most often used during fight scenes. While it is hard to determine what another character will do, you must always leave the option open for them to dodge, duck, run, etc. You may not state your attack directly hit them and they fell down, or anything of that kind.

Godmodding and powerplaying/powergaming are, essentially, the same thing. In short, don't do it. It annoys other people and makes you look like a fool.

Placing the chalk back on the rigged ledge, Ryn would turn around and look around the room.

"Who's next?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

As a side note in OOC;

The definition I used during this post was not of my own work, I browsed for it, and the link to the site I used for the definition can be found below;
Sylvia nodded and jotted everything down, in summary, in her notebook. She rose her head to look Ryn in the eyes. "Another key term to enter under that same catergory is 'Mary-Sue/Gary-Lue', right?" she mentioned, raising her hand only after she spoke. "They're essentially the character who is doing to Godmodding and Powerplaying... Or, you know... At least that's what I've known it as..." Her voice trailed off as she realized she was speaking uneccessarily loud. She lowered her head once more, doodling on the side of her notebook, waiting for the group laugh she was expecting from the class.
The man continued watching silently as the boy asked his question, the teacher answered, and the girl asked hers. The sharp dressed man chewed on the stick a bit as the teacher gave his explanation of "God-modding". He noted a few things to himself, only in his mind as he had no notebook or writing utensils. The man kept a poker face as he chewed on the stick silently.

Interesting... The man thought as the class went on.
Ryn would stare at the now quiet room. Weather it be that they did not know, or were to shy to speak, he was unsure.

"Well, i'll re-up this conversation with one of my own." Ryn boasted teasingly.

Turning around, the chalk was once again picked up, and scrapped against the board, leaving the following message;

Do no clutter your post with OOC.

Placing the chalk in the slot again, Ryn would turn around and smile at the few that were sitting there.

"When you post, if you must have OOC involved, either keep it to a minimum, or do what I have done in the past and keep the posts separate. I was taught that in order to not have a merged post, you must wait 12 hours. or (maybe, though I am not sure) another post separating them. So use this to your advantage, and make the second or first merged post your OOC content, then the other your official post. This could be used to tell the entire RP that you are going to be missing for a few days, or give some kind of context to possible attacks or strategies that others may be unfamiliar with."
Sylvia once again nodded and this time kept quiet as she jotted everything down. She disliked being the center of attention and that's what she felt she was whenever she spoke. For the most part, she held her tongue. Her bright blue eyes were fixed on Ryn. She wasn't sure if she should break the silence or wait for someone else to do it. She sighed and hid her head in her notebook, unwilling to bring attention to herself again.
The man listened to the teacher's new lecture silently. The students were writing things down in their notebooks, which filled the classroom with many tiny little scratching noises, but otherwise the room was quiet. He chewed on the stick a bit more until he felt something begin to rise inside of him. Something that hadn't happened in a long time. His eyes began to water as the feeling built up more and more. He arched his back, unable to control what happened next. Pitching himself forward violently, a loud sneeze burst from his nose, sending the stick that was in his mouth flying towards the front of the room at breakneck speeds. It imbedded itself within the blackboard, narrowly missing the teacher. The man sniffed a bit, reached into his pocket, pulled out another sucker stick and began chewing on that as a replacement, remaining silent from then on.
Sylvia's eyes grew huge as the sneeze broke the silence. Her head snapped from right to left, following the stick as it flew from the man's mouth. She stared at it for a good long while. Is that... Even possible? she asked herself. Her gaze slowly shifted from the stick to the man. She stared at him, unblinking, until she realized she was being rude. She batted her eyes and turned away, burying her face in her notebook once again.
Seeing as how Ryn was, at the time, leaning against the board, The stick that barely missed him was implanted about 3 inch's off from his head. A small flicker of surprise, he had to admit, grew over him, however he did not show it.

"Well, I suppose that's better than the time, a former student tried to show off his magic, and I had to get a new classroom..." Ryn muttered, as he grabbed the stick from the board, gave it a little tug, and seen it wouldn't be removed so easily.

Placing one hand on the board, with his pointer and middle finger around it, Ryn grabbed the other end with his opposite hand. If you payed attention and had the ability to see really quick movements, you might have noticed the split second Ryn vanished from this plain, dragging the stick with it. Giving a slight pull, the stick easily removed itself from the board, and the hole that should have been there, wasn't.

Turning around, Ryn rested the stick between his thumb, and curved middle finger. Giving a light flick, the stick was sent flying back and landing on the silent man's desk.

"You!" Ryn swiftly commented; "Perhaps you would like to give me an answer?"
The man eyed the small girl who had stared at him. Sure, a sneeze like that was...Remarkable. But it was just a sneeze. When he had looked back at her, she quickly turned away and he could see a quiet blush on her face. HIs focus then shifted to the teacher. The man's face remained steady, even as the teacher vanished into the astral plain. Oh, he noticed it. He just didn't react to it. As the teacher flicked the stick back onto his desk, the man looked at him steadily. The teacher demanded he answer his question.

"You didn't ask a question." Said the man.

The man's voice was low and authoritative, sounding like a scolding father or a hardened cop pulling someone over for a speeding ticket. His gaze remained fixed on the teacher, awaiting a response.
Sylvia let out a sigh. She began to doodle on the side of her notes. This is the strangest class I've ever been in... she thought. She poked the eraser end of her pencil on the desk which made a monotonous tap-tap sound. She barely noticed it and lost herself in thought. She wasn't thinking about anything in particular. Just trying to while the time away.
Emma ran down the hallway to the cracked doorway where class was already in session. Her shoes squeaked across the polished tile floor which she was desperately trying to keep all her books from falling onto at the moment. Her long red hair was swishing from side to side from the ponytail atop her head as she ran. She brought herself to an abrupt stop when she approached the door, the run leaving her out of breath. Emma was quite a bit of a clutz and never seemed to do or say the right things at the right time so her tardiness came as no surprise to her yet she felt a sense of guilt for disappointing her new teacher.

Emma squeezed through the crack in the door trying not to interrupt too terribly. She found her seat in the second row and settled in. Glancing around the room this seemed an eccletic class. The man in the back gave her a creepy feeling and she didn't like having her back to him but she hadn't seen him before taking her seat. The others had their notebooks out and were waiting eagerly for the teachers next words so she too brought out her eco notebook which she had colored all over with markers and flipped to a blank page. She quickly copied down everything that was written and hoped that she would be able to catch on.

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