Role Play Classroom (Better your RP Experience).

the boys stood up and walked behind the girl with a blank look and grabbed the back of her shirt wiping his face off. then retturning to his seat where he took his wet jacket off and placed it on the back of the chair. "i most exscuse my self from calss for one second teacher".he walks out and down the hall to the janitor's closet.scrounging he found a large bucket and grabbed it.using the hos for mop water he filled the bucket up and waled back to the class room. he slings the door up and burst into the clss room with the giant bucket held high. he walked to the back and stood behind the girl that rudely awoke him."im sorry in advance for this".he dumps the water ontop of her
Before the arrogant boy can dump the water, the man quickly grabs the bucket with his left hand and the back of the boy's neck with his right. The bucket was full of water, so it was a bit heavy, but the man had no trouble with it. He walked out of the room with the bucket and the boy, went to the restroom, dumped the bucket of water into the toilet, grabbed the boy by the bottom of his pant-leg, and proceeded to turn him upside-down.

"Now...I'll ask you to be nice to women, no matter how mean they are to you. Got it?" The man said, his voice more of a guttural growl than anything.

At that, he flipped the boy back over and dropped him with a *thud* noise. The man walked back to the classroom and took his original position standing, facing the board and saying no more. He continued to chew on the stick.
he sits in the bathroom repeating his plan in his head and then going over how it went wrong.then a giant grin comes over his face and he gets up and pats hisself off. he walks back into the class room and sits by the mean girl and looks around the class and spots cide.he pulls out a peice of paper and draws a faces with a tongue sticking out > :P ,then folds it aiming perectly for cides desk then flicking the paper launching it in his derection.

"there we go"

he smiles and leans back to watch the lesson plan
The man grabs the piece of paper out of the air that the hooligan flipped. He opened it and read it, only seeing odd symbols that pieced together to form a tongue face, or that of a code for global takeover by simians. The man went with the tongue face for this one.
the boys takes out another pice of paper and draws random pictures and folds it up and launchs it at the boy then he looks at the girl beside him not trusting her and her sneak attacks.then he looks at the board dozing off again.
The man deflects each of the papers, sending them all flying into a trash bin. His face remains even, even though this routine is starting to get quite annoying. He only stands there, however, and awaits the teacher's next lesson.
-_- "i hate that guy"

he reachs for another piece of paper only to relize he has run out of paper drawing on the pices of paper.his head hits the desk feeling the bitter pain of defeat. he scratchs his head now board and nothing to do he reachs for his phone in his pocket while looking at the clock waiting for launch.


the boy turns the camera on and takes a picture of cide standing there.then uploads it to a editing program drawing a mustache and weird hair.
The man, now infuriated with the boy, grabbed his phone and looked at the picture with disdain. He looked at the boy, then the teacher, then back at the boy. The man grinned, which was something he very rarely done. He took the stick out of his mouth, turned the phone off, opened his mouth wide, and ate the phone whole. Then, he put the stick back into his mouth and continued facing forward, not a single word said.
O.o the boy is left speechless as he just stares at cide with a shocked and freaked out look.then he gets up and walks over to the cide checking him out at different angles pokes him with a stick.

"thats not going to come out right"

pokes him in the side of the head with the stick and lifts his lips up with another stick trying to see if he really ate it.
Annoyed to the point of anger, and the incessant poking and prodding, the man simply stood there. The final poke is what got him, though. He grabbed the boy's head, one hand under his chin and the other on the back of his neck, and flipped him over his shoulder onto the floor in front of them. He then proceeded to put the boy into a sleeper hold, which almost instantly knocked him out. The man then lifted the boy and put him into his seat, then took his original position. The man looked at the teacher.

"He fell asleep." He said, then looked at the teacher over his glasses, his eyes a pale gray color. "Right, teacher?"
right when the hand touched his head he grabbed it twisting it behind cide and kicking the back of his knees so he fell on both knees then pulling the arm he twisted up so that he would be painful.

"now you ruined my revenge and man handled me in the bathroom and then ate my phone. Theres only so much a guy can take understand"

lets him go and walks back to his chair with a serious look on his face fixing his hair box to its original position and looks forword
The boy may have brought the man's hand behind his back, but before he could do anything else, the man was behind the boy in an instant. The man put the end of his stick to the back of the boy's neck, then pushed slightly. The pressure to the back of the spinal column caused the boy to crumple.

"Boy...You're trying my patience." The man growled.

The man had been through almost every kind of fighting training that there's been. He had been in the Green Beret's, the Navy Seal's, Airborne Rangers, Marines, Black Ops, Espionage, and every other kind of military branch/service that there's been, plus a few that was off the radar. Along the way, he had been tested on and implanted with various body and mind enhancing things, making him so much faster, smarter, and stronger. A normal boy couldn't outdo him, that he knew for sure. And for the boy to even think he could try just made the man all that much angrier.
he moves his neck making the stick scape his neck and his jumps away. then he thinks to himself of a compramise.


then a light bulb comes on in his head and he thinks of a treaty. he grabs a piece of paper and writes on it then shoves it in cides face.

"this treaty states that your my new bestfriend understood sign at the bottom"

glares at cide in a pedo kind of way and he moves the treaty in circles around his face and rubbing the scratch on his neck.
"Boy...All of my friends wind up dead. Don't push those borders." The man said, looking down at the boy.

It was true, everyone who got close to the man wound up dead one way or another. The man's age was lost to him, he'd long since stopped caring. He had a wife and children, once. But they died in a tragic accident. He had drinking buddies at one time, but they all died the same way. So, he long ago decided to not have anymore friends. Since then, he'd been living alone and far from civilization, until a mission came up, at which point he left his hermit life and did the mission, then back to the hermit lifestyle.

he gives cide a sympathetic look knowing that everyone needs a friend once and a while. then he puts the treaty back up to cides face with the pen looking at him blankly knowing that he can do this for days untill cide caves in.
the girl sits there...laughing hysterically at the young boy and Cide. Knowing the boy is getting on his nerves she can't help but watch because every time Cide does something the boy jumps back at him like a bouncing rat. Even though the right thing to do would be to get up and end it herself, she can't help but laugh. The whole class is looking at them by this moment. She looks at Cide and thanks him for stopping the water that was about to be poured on her. Still giggling a little. She takes the "treaty" out of the boys hand toss's the pen into the trash, and balls up the piece of paper. "Really!?!?! Grow up honey!" she still laughs...
Emma, still standing awaiting the teachers further instructions, was trying desperately to pay attention but the boy and the man kept distracting her. First it was the water then the paper throwing then the phone eating and now this? She had allowed herself the occassional giggle along the way but like an erupting volcano it all seemed to come out at once as she violently burst into laughter! Doubling over and streaming tears she tried to catch her breath and regain her composure but it was coming slowly to her.
dread looks at emma with a puzzled look trying to figure out what she was laughing about. then hands her a tissue for her tears and turns his attention back to side and the girl starting with the girl first.

"i will have my revenge on you untill the ill stick with my new best friend"

dread puts his arm overs cides shoulder and giving out a big grin then looks back at the girl.

"you can be my besty too if you apolagizefor the water"

puts out his other hand for a hand shake
The man growled at the boy, then sighed. The girl that had dumped water on him was teasing him whilst another girl was laughing hysterically. The boy touched him, which made the man tense up greatly, but he did not act. He was sure that the government would pardon him for murder, but he didn't feel like killing anyone right now. He sighed heavily to himself.

I gave up a retirement plan for this? The man thought to himself.

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