Role Play Classroom (Better your RP Experience).

Sylvia rose her head at the sight of the new girl. A playful smirk appeared on her face upon seeing the girl's doodle covered notebook. She turned to her own and giggled slightly to herself. Glancing swiftly at the teacher and then back at the girl, she smiled and held out a hand to her. She may as well speak to her while Ryn thought up a response to the man's words. "Hello." she said cheerfully. "I'm notebook- I mean, I'm Sylvia." She stumbled over her words and blushed slightly out of embarrasment.
Emma turned to notice the girl beside her introducing herself and stumbling over her words. She let out a giggle, quick to cover her mouth to keep from being too loud. She offered shook the girls extended hand slightly and repeated "Sylvia? I like that name. I'm Emma, nice to meet you!" Emma glanced back at the board reminding herself that she needed to pay close attention if she was ever going to make it adventuring in the dangerous fantasy lands of her imagination. "I'm super excited about this class, are you enjoying it so far?" she asked Sylvia hoping to have made her first friend in this new place.
"Hello, Emma." Sylvia said. She was surprised that her inability to speak didn't deter Emma from talking with her. She smiled and shot a glance at the board before responding. "Yeah, sort of." she said. "I mean, that guy back there really livened up the room with his exploding sneeze act." she giggled.
Emma found Sylvia's laugh infectious and couldn't help but giggle too. "Wow, that's hilarious!" She sneaked a glance back at the accused sneezer noticing his laid back demeanor. "What are you looking forward to learning the most? for me it's definitely a guide to good character creation and how to make good posts".
Sylvia smiled and opened up her notebook. "I'm with you there." she said. "I definately want to learn better character design and what I'm really here for." She pointed to a section in her notes. "Is to broaden my comfort zone." She sighed, seeming to drift off into thought. "I mean, I love to Roleplay, but I just can't seem to find one that I can really say I like and can really get into."
The man's gazed changed none whatsoever as the new girl, a red head, charged into the room and sat next to the shy girl. He just continued staring at the teacher, awaiting a response from him. His ears twitched, however, once the two girls began chittering, and he heard the shy one say something about a sneeze. He turned his head to face the duo, an exaggerated motion as they could not see his eyes due to the sunglasses. He then turned back to the teacher silently.
Rynmaru, for the better part of a minute, stood there. He wasn't sure why, but the man had his own way of getting under his skin.

"I mean do you wish to contribute to the list of do's and Don't's?" he asked with little enthusiasm.

Then, while listening to the two females chatter (Which he didn't mind seeing as he wanted to learn what they taught him) Ryn smiled.

"So, you want to learn about expanding your idea's and comfort zones, and bettering your character creation do you?"

Turning around and grabbing the eraser off the desk, Ryn swiftly drew it back and forth on the board.

"Then you shall recieve!" Ryn burst into a merry laughter. "You see, seeing how well you are all doing as of now, I do believe that the intro information is not needed. You all have your own style down already, and do so with a very good sense of confidence."

Then, Ryn started to write on the board;

Expanding an an idea;

Then he stopped.

"I want a simple action sentence. Something that you feel is good in content but not over the top."
The man grinned, which was a twisted smile, when the teacher commanded an answer in the last sentence.

"The man threw a desk at the teacher, then raced behind it to punch the teacher in the face." He knew that this would get under the teacher's skin even more, so he pushed it. The man was good at pushing buttons, and was even better at reading the reactions.
Turning and keeping the chalk to the board, Ryn would write down everything the man said.

"The man threw a desk at the teacher, then raced behind it to punch the teacher in the face."

Turning around and smiling, Ryn bowed lowly.

"Thank you detective." He commented, then turned back to the board. "Now, with this sentence here, expanding it would be an easy matter.

Taking a few minutes, Ryn would alter the original sentence, until it looked like this;

The man, being angry over the teachers lack of caring what he did, grabbed a mahogany desk, and threw it at the teacher. He then raced, with a rather quick pace, behind it, swinging a left handed punch at the teacher's face.

Turning around, after setting the chalk back onto the ledge, Ryn would smile at the man.

"Thank you, again, for giving me a fine answer sir" Ryn said, being rather polite. "Now, this section is both for expanding your post, and expanding the original idea of a story to make it something useable."

as Ryn spoke, he would walk around, to the front of the desk, and sit against it lightly. Thinking for a moment, Ryn would stare at the floor with no expression on his face. it took several seconds before an idea hit him, and he threw out a finger to the new girl, who he believed called herself....

"It's Emma, right?" he asked, but then did not wait for an answer. "I apologize for being so abrupt with you, but do you have any story idea's you do not have a solid base for? even if you don't want to give away any of your idea's that you want to use, do you have anything that you can throw together, and that we could work on together as a class?"
The man leaned his elbows on the desk and interlaced his fingers over his face, listening silently to the teacher. The teacher wrote with fervor and then pointed to the new girl rather quickly and abruptly.

Heh...A bit frazzled, are we? Detective, though...Never been called that before. The man thought to himself.
Emma stared wide eyed at he teacher for a moment shocked at being called upon. "Umm..yes sir, sure uh" Emma stuttered for a moment opening her notebook and flipping through the pages. She often kept her story ideas in this notebook but tried to section them off from her actual work. She finally landed on the page she was searching for, a recent story she had written the other night after seeing an inspiring picture in her inbox. "Yes sir, I wrote this the other night but I haven't expounded upon it yet, I'll read you what i've written" Emma replied to the teachers question and glanced up to read his expression.

She looked back down at her notebook and began to read "A princess from one country is being married off to a prince from another in order to create a peace between the two. She is very begrudging of the whole situation and makes no attempt to hide her feelings on the matter." Emma continued to read nervously rubbing her thighs and leaning over the notebook on her desk. "While being escorted to the other their men of course.." she interrupted herself to make sure her point was thoroughly understood. "The princesses procession gets attacked by some demon monsters, the only survivers are her and one of the soldiers. She doesn't care for him but they have to stick together in order to survive and make it back to the neighboring countries capital city. They start uncovering some secret plot possibly finding out that her father had to marry her off due to some demonic pact for power or political drama...I haven't quite figured that part out yet" she admitted to the teacher "..but ultimately the princess and the soldier fall in love knowing that she is already pledged to the prince" Emma concluded. She lifted her gaze back to the teachers face eager to hear his criticism and general opinion of her idea.
Ryn would stare off in to space while listening to her read the story. He payed attention the whole time, but his facial expressions showed naught any differentiation as she spoke.

After Emma concluded, Ryn leaned back against his desk and smiled at her.

"Thank you Emma, and you have a rather well thought out idea as is. it will make an excellent class roject for us to work on together."

Looking around the room, Ryn eye'd each of the ones sitting at the desk's. he wanted to make each person have their own turn to give and idea, and for each person to get criticism on what they thought.

Biting on his thumb nail for a second, Rynmaru thought of how to accurately liven up, yet keep controlled, a debate and try to get this little project moving. He knew what he wanted, but to each story, there was a different path taken to get to the end result.

After a moment or two, Ryn snapped his fingers, and smirked. Then he spoke.

"Well, in my opinion, the best way to start a story, is in the middle. If you start at the end, you can easily get stuck with getting over the character creation. In most stories you will make, you will need to introduce the characters, and thus being why I call the beginning the 'character development' stage. If you start at the end, you can know What you want to happen, but you can then get stuck with having to decide the kind of characters you have to create to get to such an end, and then the over all plot and conflict. If, as I do, you decide you start at the climax of the story, you start at the tip top of the slope. You can find the general problem you have to face. From this point, it is as easy as sliding down, and tiering your idea's. After this, you can decide what what you need to have happen for certain characters to be where they need to be to have the conflict arise, and what will come from this conflict. I call this the "Problem Solving" tier, as you are solving the issue's dealing with the conflict. Below this, you have the 'Character development' tier as the last priority. After you know what you want/need to happen, the characters should come pretty easy to you, and you will be able to come up with the finish to the story as well."

Turning, Ryn would draw a graph like spike on the board;


"So, seeing as how this is the case..." Ryn started to speak again. "...We shall, if there are no objections, start with this. We will work down the tier level's, and expand on all the topics that we can, until we are confident this is a solid story."

Ryn looked around the room, then snapped his fingers and pointed directly at Goddess.

"You! Whats the conflict in this story? What is the main problem that they, the main characters, are being faced with?"
Just learning about this class she hoped that she wouldn't be to late. It would be rather pointless to show up for if the teacher had already gone over everything she wanted to listen too. She wasn't going as a novice character she just wanted to observe really. "You can never learn to much" She thought to herself. Walking into the school, she noticed the hallways were bare, obviously late the hurried down the hall. Trying to find the class that the teacher she heard of as Ryn was teaching in. Finally after rudely interrupting nearly three class' she found the right one.

Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door and slowly opened it, hoping not to bother anyone.

The teacher was steadily going over a subject, she wasn't exactly sure as to what he was talking about at the moment. She glanced across the room looking at all the students. She swiftly moved to the back of the room, nodding her head at the teacher as if to say "Hello" and "Sorry" she smiled and took a seat next to the man in a pin striped suit.

"The conflict is that the princess, during the procession while being escorted by the other nation's men, was attacked by demons and only she and a soldier survived, so they must learn to survive together. Would that be the conflict, sir?" said Goddess
Ryn would smile at her.

"That is a part of the conflict, so you are right. However, there is more to it than that... can anyone help here?" he commented, eying the room slowly.
The man in the suit glanced at the small woman who had sat next to him. He noticed that she did not have any notes prior to the lecture. So, the man handed her a copy of all the notes he had written. He always wrote three sets of copies to EVERYTHING he wrote, so he was sure to have plenty spares. Plus, it was just something he had always done. The man then shifted his gaze back to the front of the classroom to listen to everything everyone said.
In the corner of her eye she saw something white, and a arm attached to it reach towards her. Brushing her hair behind her ear she glanced and smiled at the man in the suit. Taking the papers she smiled and whispered "Thanks" She immediately started looking over his notes, they were really detailed. Which was good considering she was so lost still. As the teacher talked, she began adding notes that she was hearing from around the room. Glancing at the man one more time she smiled and sat back in her chair turning most of her attention back to the teacher.
A long silence ensued the teacher's question. Glancing down at her notes, Sylvia shrugged and raised a hand. It was a pointless motion though seeing as she spoke before being called on anyway. "The plot, Mr.Ryn," she started. "I think would be the fact that the princess is being married off to the prince in the first place." She lowered her hand now, unsure she was correct. "Events in the story are all occuring because of this fact, so I'd call it the main plot. Or maybe it's the demonic pact that she's being married off for." Sylvia shrugged again, having finished her answer. She watched the teacher intently and waited for a response.
Ryn would look at the female and smile.

"you are correct, in assuming that the plot revolves around the marriage. No marriage, no trip. No trip, no attack. No attack, no story. seeing as her father is marrying her off for the power, it is he who is putting her in harms way, and his fault it all happens. So, the princess must find a way to over come her fathers power lust, in order to find true happiness, and have a happy ending."

eyeing the room carefully, Ryn would look at the new girl that came in. Seeing as the silent man in the back had given her his notes, Ryn smiled. The guy could be a jerk, but he could tell it was just his own way of getting under peoples skins, and Ryn knew that this guy was sharp, but laid back.

"Now, you..." Ryn said pointing at the new girl. "I'm sorry, i do not know your name yet. Do you think you might be able to tell me a potential scenario that leads up to this climax? We know that the princess and her guards are attacked, but we need to expand upon this. maybe get some detail thrown in and kind of liven in up?"
Rynmaru would look around the class room, a look of discontent on his face.

The class had remained silent for the better part of several minutes. Weather they just didn't know, or were no longer interested, he could not tell...

He knew, however, that he had to get them interested if the class were to remain.

Walking up to the board, Ryn grabbed the eraser in a swift motion and pushed it across the board in a hurried manner. He was not angry, and in fact, far from it. Something about the way the class was acting, told him that what he was doing was not the way they wanted to be taught. this helped him learn how, and when, he would need to teach certain subjects.

Within seconds, the board was cleared. all the old notes were gone, and the now blank canvas layed ready for new material. flinging himself around, Ryn would throw his hands up in a mock protest, and eye the room sarcastically.

"I suppose this isn't anything any of you wanted... either that or your just not sure how to answer the question. So, let's get a little more hands on with this!"

Scrambling around the room, Ryn would take each of the empty desks, and slide them to the back, and/or, sides of the room. In minutes, the floor was a wide open stage. He would then instruct each person in the room to stand, and do the same with their desks.

"We need to get this moving people. I can teach, but i need willing people to learn. If you do no wish to participate, I am perfectly willing to accept that, and you may remain. However, if you want to learn, you MUST meet me half way!"

Standing at the front of the room, Ryn smiled at each of the "students". He wanted to show that he was not angry at them in the least bit. He wanted them to feel comfortable in this environment. He wanted each and every person that walked through that door to know that they were welcomed to come and go as they please. To learn, however, one had to know what they wanted to learn, and be willing to work for it.
The suited man stood as instructed and pushed the the desk back with one hand. He then simply stood there and watched, crossing his massive arms over his chest. The man was tall, a good six and a half feet at least. He thought to himself about what the teacher was about to do, yet he said no words. It was true, the class had been quiet for quite some time, but he just figured that they didn't know the answer to the question the teacher asked. The man then felt a bit of sympathy for the teacher, as the man had instructed people before, and it wasn't the easiest job in the world.
Sylvia nodded and stood, shoving her desk into the circle and standing in the clearing now at the center of the classroom. She eyed Ryn, silently wondering what it was he was planning on doing.
Emma looked around the room at the other faces and quickly shoved her notebook and other accessories into her backpack and put it on the floor. She stood and fixed her skirt and pushed the desk to the back wall of the room as she was told. She walked back towards the front and stood behind her backpack awaiting further instructions. Hands clasped behind her back, leaning on one leg, she stared at the ground and thought about what this unorthodox teacher might have brewing for the class.
A young boy alittle older than 18 about 6 feet tall walked in threw the door and looked around the class room spotting a empty seat in the back. as he is walking to the back he looks at the phone in his hand turning it off and putting it in his pocket and taking off his baseball cap to raveal his black hair. his clothes where clean and finely ironed so that no wrincles where to be found

he sat down and placed his bag on the floor looking at the front of the class and checking out other people that where there. he reached into his bag and pulled out a peice of paper and a pen looking at the board the brought his right arm up and resting his head on it. he wrote two word then yawned. fighting sleep he slapped his face lightly then wrested his head on his hand again. but he couldnt wait anylonger and fell asleep>

She watched the boy walk into the class room. Her ice blue eyes followed him till he took the seat that was right next to her. Knowing who he was and how he was here to actually learn something she glared at him. She stood from her desk and quietly walked out of the room. On the outside of the door there was a water fountain across the hall. She had previously had a cup of juice that she had walked in with. She washed out her cup and filled it with water. Giggiling to herslef she walked back into the room. Walked back to her seat and threw the cup of cold water on the boy. She whispered " aren't you here to learn wake the hell up" she snapped. Looking ahead at the teacher she bowed her haid and softly said "sorry" for interupting the class.

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