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I hope I didn’t take it too far or made it kinda triggering on my latest post. I mean.. brothel + vampire make for kinda steamy scenes.. and considering Luna is stuck being 23 forever and melancholy.. she kinda indulges to fill voids lol anywho.. i hope it’s ok!
I hope I didn’t take it too far or made it kinda triggering on my latest post. I mean.. brothel + vampire make for kinda steamy scenes.. and considering Luna is stuck being 23 forever and melancholy.. she kinda indulges to fill voids lol anywho.. i hope it’s ok!

It's probably fine, I think Vyolence said something about 18+ themes anyway
I hope I didn’t take it too far or made it kinda triggering on my latest post. I mean.. brothel + vampire make for kinda steamy scenes.. and considering Luna is stuck being 23 forever and melancholy.. she kinda indulges to fill voids lol anywho.. i hope it’s ok!
I'm a sucker for 18+ themes. All is welcome here!
Anyone else listen to stuff like this when writing for Medieval RPs? c:

Weird but I’ve been loving to write to Native American music lol like chants and flute and drums.. idk really keeps me on track or something.. Skyrim soundtrack is amazing though! Gonna give it a go
Hi! Sorry if I haven't been writing, but there's like some RL stuff going on. I hope I can be more active next week.
I've also been thinking of entering something into the other forums for ice breaker/intros?
I think we could just wait. I'm sure someone will wind up visiting the places for the other threads at some point. We don't need to have something going on in every thread, I don't think.

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