Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

Natalie started on her way to her sisters house without a sound. She pulled Ken up onto the horse. "My sister doesn't take sides in any war, but I may be able to persuade her to join our cause." Natalie whispered thinking of a battle strategy. But she had no clue what she was against. She nudged her horse and he ran as fast as it could towards Nissa's house.

What do you want from me?
"Well lets see what we can manage. Besides, I'm sure us and your sister have the common goal of not wanting dead friends just because they aren't human. Your sister may be a target too."

He looked behind him as they rode, but saw nothing he deemed of great importance. The speed they went at made it more difficult too.
Natalie sighed as they made it to Nissa's house quietly. Nissa knew they were coming so she opened the door. "What now?" Nissa asked trying to keep her annoyance to a minimum. There was a reason she liked the quietness and seclusion of Alaska. She was never disturbed. Natalie could sense this annoyance. "Look. Nissa. You may not care about me or war or any of your friends dying, but there is a possibility you will be hunted down and killed. Now there may be a Wrangler already in Alaska but I'm not sure. But I know I'm not taking a chance of dying. Now are we going to work together or not?" Natalie asked getting irritated with her sister. Her sister was the most uncaring person in the world. Nissa's eyes went huge. "I'll help. But only to keep my family safe. I don't want nothing to happen to you." Nissa said with a genuine smile.

What do you want from me?
Swain got to the twos last known position "Not here strange did they know I was coming or did they sense me" Swain said thinking out loud. "Beatrice find me the closest building" Swain said as Beatrice flew off scouting for any buildings near by. Beatrice returned "Only one in running distance from the time I started looking for them must be it" swain said using his tactics of deduction as he started walking off in the direction of the house.

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