[sad jester jingle noises]
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The air has shifted, and threats like these do not arrive with just a whisper— not that there was any coy attempt to hide it, either.
From the shores of Zenith to the seedy alleys of Antares, word has carried, but unease in the mind can bring spoil to one’s palate. The Oracles sit intangible with their otherworldly silence, the Baron is a mythic blaze in the smoky dark, and wariness is dipping in and out of criminal eyes like a cautious pendulum.
In the rising crescendo, Zenith streets are akin to rabbits in briar, a sea of movement roiling beneath decorations that are ribboned between aching beams. Celebration is swift and so too are the merchants, bartering their wares of Cascade gemstones and Sirocco metals down cobbled streets. They haggle compliments and lies to both locals and travellers, and remain blissfully ignorant to how clandestine hands swipe from behind the periphery.
But even the finest of nobles have not adhered to civil expectations, in the midday sun, plumed feather fans conceal flasks and rose-crushed faces, corsets strained to a rib splinter, gaudy jewels heavy to the slope of their necks. It may be only noon, but it is easy to envision what is fated to unravel once the hull of the ship breaks from port. Caterwauling drunks and revelry to be heard across saltwater tides in glory of their sovereign’s new vessel.
Sight of The Leviathan disproves whisper and rumour, an apparition that manifests into something real. Idling at port awaits the eye of the storm, the very lodestone this maelstrom of carousing encircles. And haunting the same port are those that are not just sightseers, those that are to be captained, passengers and crew; fates lure them with promise of intentional prestige or blind consequence. That is the true Damocles sword primed for their necks, that they may board with indifference, may go in willingly with soft underbelly and readied jugular, may go in flightless and bird boned or iron-wrought and steeled with apathy.
The Leviathan is a cage of its own making, but one may just find revelations in her shadows.
night owl