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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

Yuri Exp X 0001

"Its fine i dont minde...the others...i dont know..maybe they went outside"I say and kinda Odd as she enterd her and started too make herself at home
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Whats Wrong?..You sick?"I say as i walk towards her and put 1 of mi hands on her back
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Oh...well why dont you and mi go out...You know have fun"I say kinda nervius and Blushing slightli
Em Santana

"You don't strike me as the fun type, no offense. But that does give me an idea." I say as I hop down. "See ya Yuri." I say as I head out. I return back in, grab a beer bottle, wave at Yuri and shrug. "I'm going to need this." I say as I head outside.
Yuri Exp X 0001

Yuri was going too say somthing but sits on the couch and says too himself "What happend?....Today is a wierd day"
kian preston / / exp 7416

i play a song on my guitar & i sing a lil bit. i put the guitar on my bed & i go into th kitchen & i get a cold gatorade from the fridge "the girl left??"
Yuri Exp X 0001

I wuld look back as im on the couch "Yep she left"I say as i turn on the TV and start jumping chanle and chanel serching for somthing good
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Nope..the only thing she did is drink 1 bear and take 1 with her"I say as i keep jumping chanals looking for somthing
kian preston / / exp 7416

"i hope the other roommate will not be mad because those are his beers...... well i think theyre his beers since they are not mine" i sit in a chair by the tv
Yuri Exp X 0001

"They whont minde we can buy more and plus i dont drink beer so its fine with mi"I say as i Stop jumping chanals and stick watching some news for no reson
kian preston / / exp 7416

i open th curtains & i see someone throwin shirts & water bottles & lanyards into a crowd "oh cool some company is givin out free stuff on a stage outside"
Daniel Nova | Hunter

I lean against the wall, observing all of these frat kids. Like, seriously guys, free lanyards? I finish off the drink in my hand. If I'd want to catch a rumored super that's here, I'd need to get more friends. I don't think that just one night stands will suffice anymore.
Yuri Exp X 0001

"well..go if you whant but im not going...wait what is today?"Yuri says looking at Kian
kian preston / / exp 7416

"sunday if u mean the day. i still have to sign up for classes.......... i should probably do that"
Yuri Exp X 0001

"well i can help you...and wen we finish we can go outside and doo somthing"I say looking at Kian
kian preston / / exp 7416

"cool! ok" i make a laptop "i will just pick them online" i open th class listing & i look for good ones
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Ok so first is first what are your dominint skills and see what classes have them"I say looking at the classes
kian preston / / exp 7416

"i am gonna leave my major undecided" "im good at physics so i think ill take advanced physics"
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Advanced physics........There it is"I say as i point at the class on the Computer screen
kian preston / / exp 7416

"thanks man" i click it " "i think i will take a public speaking class too" i click it "& a history class... but there are a lot of ones to pick..... idk which one i should pick"
Yuri Exp X 0001

"Mmmm..i dont know..whant classes of hystori class are there?"I ask looking at the screen
Alyssa Mayson 3926 Ariana Grande


Dazed and confused after my talk with 'Arrow', I walk into the University dragging bags behind me. I am happy to be out of thise horrible clothes. Now i am wearing a white cropped tank top and a pink skirt. I check the boart to see which room i am in. Floor 4 Apartment 63. Ok. I find my way to it and open the door

OOC: soooooo sorry but i have been inactive for a day cuz of camping :( I MISSED SO MUCH!

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