Riverview Academy [Character Creation]

D: is therea wayi can work it out so he can keep it 
It's the same character I used last time :( I don't wanna change him
I apologize. I meant to get my character up yesterday, but events prevented me from doing so then and this moring. I shall finish the character presently, so as to hasten the start of this RP. Again, my apologies.
I am sorry i haven't posted yet. I shall tomorrow. I shall also put my second character with my first tomorrow. 
I regret to say I must drop this before I even start. I won't have enough time to commit the way I would like. Sorry.
Name: James Alexander Banner

Nickname: Hothead, Flamer, Pyro

Place of Birth: Somewhere in America

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth

Likes: Cooking, he's very skilled at that. He likes to run. His favorite food is tuna noodle that he makes.

Dislikes: School food. Always being told what to do.

Power/Ability: Flame Manipulation.

Tried and succeeded: Snapping his fingers and fire appearing, as if his fingers were to be a lighter. Making slightly differently colored flames based upon what elements he'd be calling upon and how hot he'd like the fire to be.

Failed: Generating fire from his palms in a thrusting manner to fly, resulted in him burning his jeans. He's also tried to have fire start up a gas grill, which did result in an explosion, but that wasn't at the school.

Not attempted: Explosions out of thin air.

Weapon of Choice: Switchblades, balisongs, throwing knives, and nunchucks.

Weaknesses: James is the kind of guy who looks fear in the eye, he has none that anyone knows of. Like a normal human, though, he would be slain in a typical fashion. Also, his emotions drive him forward, and allow him to generate flames, as long as he is happy, excited, or angry, he can generate flames.

Abnormalities: He's got a scar underneath his right eye that he obtained from a fight his first year at the school.

Personality: James is the kind of guy who puts himself first, brags, and doesn't really like it when he's wrong. He's full of himself, but for good reason. He's the tough kind of smart mouthed witty person that everyone knows of. However, James does have a good heart and hates to see people in a sad or bad mood, and would do something to cheer them up. Like the one time he round housed his brother for being in a depressed mood.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be8dbf00d_JamesBanner.jpg.f2066f23efab0e0657fc682a4aace06b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be8dbf00d_JamesBanner.jpg.f2066f23efab0e0657fc682a4aace06b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

James almost always wears a pair of sunglasses, no matter what the light is.

Biography: (Optional)
Other: He's nine months Jack's younger brother.

Name: Jack Marshall Banner

Nickname: Engineer, Dr. Hax, Blondie

Place of Birth: Somewhere in America

Age: 17, nine months older than James.

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth

Likes: Jack likes to tinker with mechanical things. He likes to look at pictures of old cars, and work on cars and all that, taking apart old machines and putting them back together.

Dislikes: When his brother messes with his magazines. He hates rodents.

Power/Ability: Hacking

Jack's unique in the sense that he was born with an ability to hack his way into any and all computers, although it takes him time, he's been able to do that since birth, figuring out technology with ease, even when he's never seen it before. Though, it'll take him time if it's something brand new. It comes to him through "reading" what the keyboard, screen, and all of the bits and pieces of the piece of technology knows, sensing the thoughts and feelings of those who used it before him to figure his way in.

Weapon of Choice: Wrench

Weaknesses: Jack is afraid of spiders.

Abnormalities: He has no abnormalities.

Personality: Jack's a cheerful kind of guy. He likes to talk to people, but doesn't brag like his brother does.


He's almost always wearing a pair of goggles, either above his eyes and on his forehead, or wearing them.

Biography: (Optional)

Other: He's nine months James' elder brother.

@Highly Unorthodox Their done!



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Name: Zachariah Augustus Richard el Morgan

Nickname: Auggy, but only by his sisters. He will not respond to it from anyone else, and he will not respond to any other nickname.

Place of Birth: England

Age: 16, although this is affected by his ambient power.

Gender: Male

Year: 4th Year, because the el Morgan family’s training, his own training, and his ability as a prodigy have allowed him to be accelerated.


Plans, Victory, Children, Confidence, Challenges, Lounging, Sleeping, Talking, Efficient Activities, Cherry Blossoms, Music, etc.


Disorganization, Loss, Greed, Overconfidence, Pity, Sadness/Crying, Hyperactivity, Pointless/Inefficient Activities, Naivety, Slow Comprehension, etc. He absolutely cannot stand those who hurt children or family.


Energy Manipulation – It runs in the el Morgan family, and it can manifest in innumerable ways. Zachariah is a prodigy in his use, and he is already one of its strongest practitioners, save for his father, uncle, and late older sister, who was his mentor.

Blue – Mastered, Red – In Progress, Black – Never Attempted

Basic Energy Skills – These abilities are mastered by all el Morgan family members before they attend Riverview Academy. Zachariah is a prodigy, so his mastery is natural, and his use is of a higher level than most his age.

Energy Sensory – This refers to the ability of energy manipulators to sense shifts and changes in energy fields, thus allowing them to sense people, objects, attacks, etc. Range of sense increases with age and power.

Energy Absorption/Conversion/Dissipation – This involves absorbing energy, converting it into numerous forms, and then releasing it in a variety of ways, such as augmented, offensive, ambient, etc. Energy dissipation also extends into increasing all physical limits, such as strength, speed, agility, propulsion etc. Capacity for energy absorption, conversion, and dissipation increases with age and power.

Advanced Energy Skills – These skills are honed while in the Academy. Zachariah, having mastered the basics at an abnormally early age, began studying these in private with is late older sister. He continued on his own after her death.

Energy Constructs – This is an essential subset of energy dissipation that allows the user to create solid constructs of pure energy. It is this form of energy manipulation used by the el Morgan family to create and sustain their energy weapons. Complexity of constructs increases with age and power.

Energy Free-Flow – This is a technique that doesn’t involve shaping energy into any form. Rather, the energy flows in a controlled manner all around the user, making for a powerful offensive and defensive force. The amount of energy that can be manifested for the flow increases with age and power.

Forbidden Energy Skills – These skills are advanced in nature and have dangerous effects on the user and/or recipients. As such, the elders of the el Morgan family have forbidden their use. Zachariah has heard of them, read of them in the el Morgan’s family library even, but never tried them.

Life-Force Energy Manipulation – This dark technique involves manipulating the life-fore of another individual. It takes intense, almost obsessive devotion to control such magic, but it can be incredibly powerful by stealing others’ life-force and sustaining the user with it. It has healing abilities, but usually, only those deranged enough to devote their life to dark arts care enough to master such dangerous abilities.

Weapon of Choice:

Zachariah carries a schiavona and a katana, although they are not made of metal. His family traditionally bestows a blade hilt upon every child that goes to Riverview Academy. These hilts can channel and shape the energy created by the child into a weapon. The stronger the child, the more dangerous the blade. The schiavona was given to him, but the katana belonged to his sisters.

Due to his history, he has trained extensively, not only in the use of his family weapons, but also in martial arts. As such, he is a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant and follows the edicts of ancient martial arts, such as using his environment, fighting conservatively/efficiently, and being observant of his opponent. Interestingly, martial artists are to show mercy in battle, but that is the opposite of Zachariah’s approach, even in friendly sparring. Physique-wise, he is in peak shape for a human being.


Despite his incredible knowledge and power, Zachariah has much to learn before he succeeds in his goal of surpassing his father and becoming the head of the el Morgan family. He has a noble, haughty air around him, and he expects respect and obedience from people, even if he hasn’t exactly earned it. These traits can hinder teamwork with others. In addition, although he is an excellent communicator, he is not experienced with relationships with others, so he can be crass and insulting, even when not intending to be.

With reference to his powers, he has numerous weaknesses, although not all of them are apparent, and he tries to hide them to the best of his ability to give him an advantage in battle. Firstly, although he has great stamina from his martial arts training, Zachariah needs enormous amounts of fuel to sustain his abilities. This means that eats thousands of calories a day and rests for inordinate amounts of times, which is why he loves food, gourmet, of course, and enjoys lounging around and sleeping.

Energy sensory can be overloaded, just as any senses can. However, energy sensory overload can be crippling for a few minutes, so Zachariah is cautious when using it. The same applies for energy absorption. If Zachariah doesn’t maintain a certain level of focus, he could potentially destroy himself or release the energy in a dangerous, uncontrollable fashion. This attention requirement applies to a slightly greater degree to energy constructs. As for energy flow, Zachariah is safe from self-harm, but a lack of attention can and most likely will harm comrades. Still, perhaps his greatest weakness is little children and crying people. It pains him to see anyone in this state, so he goes to great lengths, even putting himself in danger, to end it.


Zachariah has heterochromia, meaning his eyes are different colors. This is covered in the appearance section. He has scars down his chest and back from repeated beatings, stabbings, and cuttings from his childhood due to his father’s intense training regimen. His forearm has a dark black mark upon his pale skin, but it is not a tattoo, and he doesn’t care to elaborate on it.

Personality: WIP


Zachariah wears black aristocratic clothing, and his gate is graceful and elegant, as nobility/royalty should be, but he has a certain dark and dangerous mien about him that belies his status. He is 6’5”, slim and limber/lithe, but lean and well-muscled from years of martial arts. He has heterochromia, meaning his eyes are two different colors. One is a dark crimson, the other, a light green-blue. Both glow an eerie red when his power is being used, which only adds to his notorious reputation. Otherwise, he looks somewhat like this normally, and this when his powers are in use. He has the air of nobility around him, and he has been described as “devilishly handsome”, although that matters little to him, save for its use for his own gain.


Zachariah does not enjoy revealing information about his past. All that most know is that his family is the most respected Red Hood family in a long while. In England, his family is viewed as nobility on par with the royalty. His ancestor co-founded the Red Hood, and the family is known to have some ties to the Headmaster, although Zachariah has never met him.

His father set the highest score in Riverview Academy’s history in the Simulation Room. Currently, his father leads the Red Hood with direct assistance from the Headmaster. Tragically, he had two twin sisters and an older sister, all of whom died mysteriously in their sprawling manner two years ago. Only he knows the details, and he refuses to share them, along with any knowledge of his mother.


Zachariah has an ambient power that I won’t reveal at the moment. He doesn’t like talking about it, and he gets quite defensive when asked. Only his parents, the Red Hood, and the Headmaster are aware of it. I shall message it to Highly Unorthodox.

(I took some liberties with his history, abilities, relationship with Vanessa, etc. Let me know if anything rankles your ideas about the story, or if you find anything that is dissatisfactory, and I’ll amend it accordingly.)
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Name: Drake Fray Faulkner

Nickname: Faul.

Place of Birth: England.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Year: Second Year.

Likes: Food, animals, floating in the sky, work, order.

Dislikes: Moldy food, and people in general.

Power/Ability: He can control electricity and fire and is immune to both of them, mimic and use every martial art. He can control gravity too, but uses it rarely if not in private. He has a true form, but it only happens when the Celtic tattoo activates, which appearance is undisclosed. He can also manipulate periodic and random vibrations. Regeneration is also one of his many abilities.

Weapon of Choice: A dark short sword was his main weapon on the streets, though he is quite fond of many sort of swords.

Weaknesses: If he is merely snicked with iron, it will cause him immense pain, a bit like if you were being cut by paper, but 100 times in the same place. If he overuses his abilities, he will "overheat" and give him a temporary but great headache.

Abnormalities: He has a scar that runs down his back and a tattoo that covers his right arm that looks quite Celtic, though he covers it with bandages and a armbrace. There is a birthmark on his left shoulder, which abilities are currently unknown to people around him.

Personality: He's pretty cold and can be slightly rude, just because he likes to speak his mind. If you anger him, he'll be angry at you for a moment, than cool off pretty quickly, though he's going to remember that you did that and hold it against you. If he grows to like you, he'll be much nicer. He smiles rarely. His coldness is a result of his hard days in the streets, and the abuse given to him as a child.



*His eyes glow blue when he uses his abilities.

Biography: He was born in England from a illegitimate relationship between a woman and Grand Duke Faulkner. Because of that, his mother didn't stop beating him, and because of him, the royal didn't want to be with her anymore. When he did reach the age of 9, he ran away from home. At the age of 12, he requested the aid of the Duke to have a place to live. Now, it's been three years and he'd been living with the Grand duke, like a prince. His father sent him to the Academy, to make him learn to control his powers. He had no real aim to come into the Academy but to learn.
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Name:Reyna (No middle name) Taku

Nickname: (Doesn't have one, but responds to anything someone would call him.)

Place of Birth:Unknown, woke up inside of a mining hut connected to a mining facility

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Reading books, the rain, quiet and surreal surroundings

Dislikes: Rude, overly pushy people

Power/Ability:A type of Psychokinesis. An energy based ability, Taku is able to move, pull, push, throw, or drop any object or person around him. However, this ability is restricted by distance, meaning the further an object is from Taku, the less power he can put into controlling that object. His ability isn't accurate, not like puppet control or anything of the sort that allows total manipulation of the object (i.e using dolls with their arms and legs, able to make people walk or perform specific tasks, etc.)

Another ability along with psychokinesis is the ability to push his own energy into an object, such as powering an engine, giving someone more energy, etc. The power doesn't work both ways in the sense that Taku can't pull energy from a person or thing.

Weapon of Choice: The classic rapier, simply due t0 the fact that Taku admires it's elegance and beauty in combat.

Weaknesses: Taku has a severe fear of tight spaces, claustrophobia. This causes him to not think clearly in a situation and may make rash choices, or freeze up. This is due to waking up in a mining facility, with no memory of his earlier past. This caused him to panic continuously until finding an exit, after which he developed his phobia.

Another weakness he has would be the drain from overusing his ability. Although he's never tested his limit, Taku feels exhaustion after continual use of his power.

Abnormalities: None

Personality: A very absent minded person, due to having no memories of his past. Naturally generous as well. Taku may come off as cold due to his lack of care of others, however warms up after being around said individual after a while. While completely honest, may seem rude to others due to his complete honest reactions. Also very polite, when paying attention and not drifting off into his own mind. Not necessarily thinking about anything deep, mostly just current surroundings or childlike trains of thought.



Height is 5'10 and has a very delicate looking figure. Usually wears whatever is given to him, due to his lack of care in his appearance.

Biography:Having been awoken in an abandoned shaft in a mining facility with amnesia, Taku instantly felt a surge of fear and panic. Mostly because of his loss of memory, but also because there was nothing that told him who or where he was. Upon leaving the mining facility, he found a locket inside of his shirt with a mother and two children inside, twins. One was of Taku, of that he was sure, but the other appeared to be a girl unfamiliar to him.

After traveling around for an unsure amount of time, Taku heard gossip of a school that was filled with freaks that do strange things. Since Taku had discovered his power sometime after leaving the mining shaft, yet thinking nothing of it since he had no memories to compare it with, he figured that seemed like the right place to be for someone with no home like himself. After asking around from town to town, he finally found himself the the Riverview Acadamy and turning in an application sheet.
Name:Astra Moondance


Place of birth:Unknown but she was raised in DevonDevon


Likes:Reading,writing,daydreaming,peace and quite

Dislikes:noises,being noticed,maths,mean people

Ability:She can turn invisible and become undetected even when she is not using her ability she is not really noticed.This part of her ability is easy to control however once invisible the world becomes a dream like place where nothing is solid and is transparent and light as air.Astra can then change the way matter is be moving the parts around adding new bits or taking some away.However this is extremely difficult to use and get right it is all too easy to get it wrong or destroy it completely so Astra rarely uses this power.

Weaknesses:Astra is very vulnerable with no idea of proper self defence

She is also shy and finds it hard to make friends or talk to people.

She is easily mislead and finds it hard to believe that a tone is evil.

Personality:Astra is of course very shy and likes to be alone.She is studious and hardworking as well as obedient.She is however very loving and kind and hates to see someone upset but is too shy to do anything about it. She has a strong sense of right and wrong although most do not know it and is cute and innocent.


appearance:Astra has light blond hair reaching just below the shoulders. her big eyes are a pale blue and she is pale ,skinny and average height.She usually wears blue or gray.I will post a pic below this.

Biog:Astra was found on the doorstep if a children's home as a baby and never knew her biological parents she was adopted soon after by a couple who couldn't have kids who loved her dearly and she loved them back.Astra never liked playing with the other kids so she clung to her parents add sat with them. At school Astra enjoyed it and spent most of her breaks under a tree dreaming.Astra had no close friends and didn't mind and quickly became the top of the class not that she bragged.In her last year at primary school she found out what she could do when two boys started to bully her.It made the local paper and a red hood soon found out and brought her to river view 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.3e4df1a5cf864a5ea435defe6c1f8deb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.3e4df1a5cf864a5ea435defe6c1f8deb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Astra her fact file is above



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Do I need to do anything to my character before I start rping 
If your not on the list does that mean you can't becan I still do rpingetc
emtheninja said:
Do I need to do anything to my character before I start rping 
If your not on the list does that mean you can't becan I still do rpingetc
You're character needs a lot of work. Also, the image shouldn't be... well, let that. Anime or fantasy only. Check out the earlier skeletons, such as Nyx's and go off of that.
I would say this post was removed, and that the newer Sheet is under construction.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1637711.jpg.b349d7a69e7f90ca7caacf23f7880783.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1637711.jpg.b349d7a69e7f90ca7caacf23f7880783.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1637709.jpg.bd7f9bd886afcef4986b0a6ea072f059.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1637709.jpg.bd7f9bd886afcef4986b0a6ea072f059.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hmmmmmmmmm. Sounds like a bit of a hassle to me. Oh dear, I suppose I should just go back to my drawing board. I had originally wanted to make a foil of Vanessa.
I'm sure there are a whole host of other interesting powers. As for Vanessa, my character, while not a foil, is in somewhat of a love-hate relationship with her, so that is covered. Although, I do quite like your characters bio.
Lemme check. 
Unfortunately, there is already an pyromancer of sorts on the RP roster. I can't say I'm surprised that fire manipulation was taken as it is a rather commonplace ability. Perhaps a more unique, unorthodox ability would be nice? You may even have a bit more fun with a more interesting power than cliche ones, such as simple elemental manipulation.
Hmmmmm. Quite the pickle, quite the pickle. I'm afraid I'm not very skilled in unorthodox methods. Rather, I'd choose to twist cliche storms into unique forms. It's quite the practice than to use an established unique thing and run with it, seeing as now, it is no longer unique. 
Ah. I have it now. No cause for worries, friends. Heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
I did a little counting, and had a final score of 11:13 in female to male characters. I suppose I could work with a female one.
In regards to people having

unique powers and not duplicating; which i agree is a good idea, its kind of harsh on other people joining that kain has electric, fire, gravity, vibrations, a special transformation, and 'other powers'.

Takes a lot of choices from the pool with just one character.

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