Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

Cross let out a grateful breath as she agreed to his condition. Hopefully that would be enough . . . hopefully.

"Right, let's."

He started beside her, though there was a gap of at least four feet between them. It was a bit of a walk to the dorms from here, she had been going in the wrong direction. The silence was growing uncomfortable as they continued, so Cross tried to start up some conversation.

"I probably should have asked this earlier, but do you mind telling me your name?"
The two had been walking in silence for quite a while, and was a bit surprised when he had finally spoke. She had honestly expected a silent walk. She glanced up at him again, but only briefly. "Lillian," she answered after a few moments, "But most people just call me Lilly." She set down the map and looked ahead. "And yours?"

He looked over at the young woman, noting how she kept her gaze strait ahead. He didn't want the silence to return . . .

"This may be rather personal, but how did you end up here?"
Lilly took a moment to think it over, trying to put her reason together into words without having to use the full reason. "Well," she began, obviously having trouble explaining it, "I guess it's mostly about better progressing my abilities. I want to be able to... do more."

I want to go back in time. she thought, but there was no way she was telling him that. She just hoped he wasn't some kind of mind-reader.
"Progressing huh?"

Sanz looked down at his hand as they continued to walk, clenching it before speaking

"I don't want to necessarily do more . . . just be able to control it better. Rather, I can't control it at all right now."

He looked up and saw the building in question that they had set out for, several stories tall
Laney ran through the halls. Her heart was racing and her sides hurt but she couldn't let herself stop she was late, really lat but, hopefully not too late. She had over slept after a long night of watching scary movies, all within the wilderness theme and had overslept.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" She yelled as she barreled down the corridors to the amphitheater. Her face was red and her anger was quickly rising as she weaved through a growing crowd of students. "No no no..." She grumbled as she slowed her pace down upon reaching the doors to the auditorium.

Laney was too late. "aaaahhhhh...." She rolled her eyes and slapped her hands on her thighs. She had missed orientation. She sighed and turned away from the doors. She wasn't too mad though, this wasn't her first year here so it's not like she missed that much. They gave the same material every year at these things, she was really just nervous about missing her testing for a partner.

"What do I do now...?" She mumbled as she pushed her way back outside. "I already found my room." She mumbled quieter as she awkwardly stood on the sidewalk, looking from the dorms to the other buildings. She didn't want to have to go back to her dorm just to sit around and possibly miss testing. She shrugged and decided to just walk around.

Cheep Cheep

Laney's ears perked as a tiny distressed bird noise rustled in the near bushes close to the boy's dorms. She looked in the direction it was coming from and made her way over to the sound. When she arrived she found a baby bird flailing around in the bush near a window on the first floor. Laney frowned and moved some of the leaves out of the way of the injured baby bird. She crouched down to get a better look at the bird's injury and discovered that it was a broken wing.

"Awww poor thing... here.." She said softly and gently scooped the little bird into her shaking hands. She winced as the bird flailed and pecked at the soft skin of her fingers but, she refused to let go. "You'll only sting for a moment." She whispered and let her energy flow through her finger tips and into the broken body of the little bird. Within seconds the bird had stopped fluttering about and was calmly sitting in Laney's hands as she healed it's wing. When she was done she let set the bird back onto the ground near the bush and watched as the bird carefully hopped around, testing out it's new healed wing before taking off and flying to a nearby tree. She smiled, satisfied with her work.
Val stood up to leave the amphitheater after the introduction the Headmaster gave to all of the students. The recent news he had just heard from the Headmaster was somewhat different than the past years. The talk of partners and how they would match people up really intrigued Val. Hmm partners? What an interesting new theme for this year. Hopefully I am assigned a capable partner. Thoughts about the upcoming year lingered in Val's mind as he walked, but a shout from a girl interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw a familiar face. He watched as Laney abruptly leave from the amphitheater. He walked out of the doors she came in, only to see she had disappeared. “Where did she go..” Val frowned as he talked out lout to himself. He wanted to say hello to his friend, she was eccentric but Valen liked that aspect about her. The young man walked back towards the boy's dorm, only to see Laney holding as what seemed to be a bird.

As Valen got closer, he saw Laney heal the bird, and proudly watched as the bird hopped away. “Ah. My dear Laney! How good it is to see you, are you well?” Val gave a great big grin towards his friend, his hands behind his back in a formal stance.
Laney jumped and stifled a small squeal as she was disturbed from her proud gazing at the bird she healed. She turned abruptly to see Valen, a friend she'd made through the past years attending Riverview. Val was one of the few people she met who accepted her for all her oddities and she totally dug that. He was also, very polite and soft-spoken which made him pretty opposite of her but it always worked out in the end.

"Oh, Val! Hey-yeaaa I'm doing good, just back for another year of learning how to better my powers or whatever our goal at Riverview is." She shrugged and turned completely away from the tree where the bird she'd healed happily began to tweet little songs in.

"So are you nervous about the testing?" She asked. She bit her lip, just thinking about it herself got her stomach in a bunch of knots. She was extremely nervous about it. What is she was paired with someone who hated her? What if she was paired with someone she herself couldn't stand. Laney felt herself begin to frown and make weird faces as she let herself think too much on it. "I pretty shaken about it..." She mumbled.

(I'm sorry guys, but I'm putting up a new law; all post must be four paragraphs or longer. I don't think I, and others who roleplay on this thread who enjoy large posts can tolerate it. If you do not like this, you may post on the OOC and mention that you are withdrawing. Thank you for listening and I apologize about wanting your posts elongated.)

Firelava, you may join. http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/riverview-academy-signups-ooc.8617/
An escort. All she wanted, all she needed. It wasn't exactly her fault she had arrived early and had to stay away from the school for a couple of days. Nor was it her fault she had found a guy who had taken her out on the town. It wasn't her fault when her newly appointed guard had found her, she had been drinking for nearly seventeen hours straight, and had had to pick her up, smelling like an explosion in a moonshine shed. It didn't help the order had broken into where she left her luggage and had apparently taken it.

The actual trip to the school sobered her up, as did the purging of alcohol ruining a few flowerbeds along the way. She had no shred of personal dignity. She wasn't dragged as much as marched into the amphitheater. She wouldn't sit, standing back near the door, he back against the wall. If she sat, she'd pass out, it was that simple. As it was, she was swaying slightly during the headmaster's speech. She had seen what the Order could do. It was still her fault that Stefan was presently crispy fried friend. She hated it, as much as she hated this place.

She would have been happy during....


That one word was muttered beneath her breath as the girl came up to read a freaking poem. Take her now, inject her, let her slit her wrists. The girl's droning was hypnotically putting her to sleep.

And then the meeting was over.

"Thank gods that's done with."

Like rabbits, it seemed, half the students disappeared into thin air, doing their own little thing. She stood in her long black dress, a little stained, her dark hair getting a chunk of stomach lining flicked so it stuck to the wall with a faint smirk.

She turned to the man who had gotten her who seemingly had the same desire to sit through the introductory poem as she did before she moved out of the room, having no clue where to go, but deciding as her stomach rolled, that outside would be best unless she stumbled across the lavatory.
Val let out a slight chuckle. Laney's facial expressions always hit a soft spot in Val's guts, it made her seem like such an open person. "Well, I can't say I am not nervous about the parings. I am not nervous about the actual testing, but just like you I'm worried about whether or not my partner and I will be a good match. But then again, Dr. Roman and the Headmaster are both brilliant people, so I doubt they will match us up with people we wouldn't work well with." Val let out another grin.

Still, Val was a bit worrisome about how is pairing would go. Everyone was so different at this school, a paring didn't really seem like the optimal way to help hone a person's abilities. He personally enjoyed working in groups, it allowed him to fully appreciate the individual efforts of those around him. It also made his role slightly less important when he was in a group, he could count on others to do well if he didn't. Being in a pairing meant Val would have to be perfect, and his partner would have to be the same.

Val let out a slight frown now that he thought more deeply into it. He disliked the idea of having someone depend on him so much, he wasn't that confident in his abilities, and how confident could he be in his partners? He would need someone that could match with him well, or the missions he went on would be utter failures.

Valen looked back up at Laney, a warm feeling radiated from his stomach. She was someone he needed to be partnered with. Someone who could challange him as well as get along with him socially. "I hope that we are partners Laney, I believe we could do great things together. If not, I hope the best for you, but I know you'll do great." Val chucked to the thought of what was to come.
Laney listened and nodded as Val reassured her about the testing. "That's true. So far they have done well with it I hear." She replied and let herself relax a bit. She took a few steps closer to Val and started to lead them away from the side of the boys dorm and back onto the sidewalk. She didn't want to be accused of trying to peep in the boy's rooms or something. For a few seconds Laney entertained the idea of Valen and her being branded with a reputation for peeping in dorms. The picture made her blush, she wold be mortified if she caused Val to gain a reputation like that. That was absurd though, the likeliness of that actually happening was pretty slim.

Laney suddenly felt a mini heart attack as she realized she hadn't been paying attention to Val for a few seconds while she was lost in her scenario. Her eyes widened and she looked at her friend catching half of what he said:

"I believe we could do great things together. If not, I hope the best for you, but I know you'll do great."

Laney nodded and gave a bright smile. "You want to be partnered with me? Val, I'm flattered!" She said, not even worrying about the fact that it may never even happen, she was too excited to know that someone actually hoped they were partnered! "Me too! I know you don't hate me and I promise I don't hate you!" She giggled and pressed her hands to her cheeks in pure joy. For a moment the sun seemed to shine a little brighter well, until it hit her that she was a little too excited. Laney forced herself to suddenly calm down "eh-hem, yea but, I mean if it doesn't happen I wish the best for you too and what-not..." She added, trying to redeem herself from her embarrassing burst of joy.

As they walked down the sidewalk Laney couldn't help but notice that they were slowly making their way in the direction of the laboratory. Laney stopped walking and stared up at the ominous building. "Do we have set schedules for testing or, do we go in and just wait in a first-come-first-serve kind of way?" She asked nervously.
As they approached the laboratory, Val let out a slight chuckle. He was glad Laney took his last statements well, she seemed to value him as much as he valued her. Valen fumbled through his mind when he was asked the question about the testing. "Hmm, I believe they will be sending us to come for our appointments one by one, I have no idea how they are picking the order." Val gave a slight shrug with wide eyes.

"What really intrigues me is what kind of missions they will be sending duos off with." Valen scratched his head in confusion as he spoke. "We were usually sent off in teams, hopefully we have grown enough to hone our abilities to do missions as duos instead of teams now." He was mostly worried about protecting his partner and himself from danger on these said mission in the future.

As Val spoke, he subconsciously moved his right hand up to his neck, where his scar was. He outlined the scar under his shirt with his index finger. Images flashed in his head of when he was injured in a mission, and he could nothing to aid his friends. Nightmares still lingered in his head. Valen quickly shook his head, cracking his neck by moving it from side to side, he was back to reality.

The young man quickly took a look around. He could see some new student, but he did not see any familiar faces. "I miss our friends, I wonder where they all went?" Valen asked Laney ask he continued to see out into the distance, seeing if he could find any people he recognized.
"Explosions Eh Renshii? Perhaps I'll have to pull out all the stops this year then?"

Finally the crowd settled down, the sound of hushed whispering accompanied by the feeling of excitement from prior students and a wave increased anxiousness from the newer students. The apprehension was palpable to say the least. The headmaster's speech was a little lackluster this year and Andel was somewhat disappointed, the enigmatic man often had some of the most grandeur of speeches but alas this year was to be different and he didn't care for the change.

Ichor just as usual didn't fail to lighten the mood though, her instant appearance, transformation and recital were reminiscent of her feline nature. Andel could not help but laugh "At least somethings remain the same." He waited for everyone to make their way from the amphitheater and was about to go to sleep on the chairs, the thought of waking up to the headmaster's awfully scary and disappointed face deterred him from his nap and he decided it would be best if went to his classroom to prepare for his students.

The walk was pleasant, he strolled past several rooms and through the courtyard which was practically singing with the sound of songbirds and the wailing calls. Andel took in the pristine scent of pine that washed over him with the cool morning breeze. His footsteps echoed through the halls along with the laughter of gossiping girls and boys being rowdy somewhere. He strolled by the student garden which he had maintained over the holiday period and plucked a baby carrot from the soft loamy soil; he fed it to Samson.

He descended down the steps from the class's main door and placed the carrot eating Samson in his cage before trifling through his desk for a certain magical tome. He drew up a basic summoning circle on the blackboard with his short chalk stick, by the time he finished he had warn the thing down to an unusable nub. With expert aim and hand/eye coordination he flicked the nub of chalk into the second draw of his desk, he observed the circle a little closely and decided it would be fine, though he did rub out a few markings here and there that would keep the circle from activating should an unwary student unknowingly summon a creature from the darkest depths of hell.


Jeremiah ambled out of the amphitheater with everyone else, being paired up was okay with him though he wasn't entirely sure whether he could be of any use to anyone. With little to nothing to do he made his way to his dorm room. The boys dorm room was always busy and few people got away with shutting themselves in their rooms, his mom always said "Boys will be boys and boys are loud and messy." The memory made him home sick but he had made a friend or two since his arrival last year.

His room was spartanly clean, something which his mother had drilled into him, "Boys become men eventually son and men keep there rooms clean. Since your dad isn't here you'll have to be the man of the house okay?" Jeremiah shook his head and smiled. The bunk bed above his own was empty, his roommate from last year had disappeared and hadn't returned, he expected to have a new roommate this year but as of yet no one had arrived to take the bunk. He shrugged; all the more space for him if he didn't get new roommate.
Renshii walked into his class nearly bumping into a few students here and there grinning as he did so. "Sorry about that, oops. I didn't mean to sorry just trying to get through the crowd and into my class room." Once he made it to the door he pulled a key out and unlocked it pushing it open slowly and waltzed in.

A few minutes had gone by as Renshii had already began passing out a piece of paper on each desk of the room. He wanted to find out what everyone did for the summer and their favorite science subject, hopefully some students could tell him everything and detail it but there were those who couldn't write much like he was when was younger.

This would be good and he knew it. There were already four kids who entered the class, two of them looked like they didn't want to be at the school. these would probably be the trouble makers of the class which could be fun but really annoying as well. Renshii sighed and sat in his office chair leaning back and kicking his feet onto the desk. He wouldn't care about much of anyone entering the class until the seats were full and it was ready to begin, he made the mistake last year of leaving some students behind in class and had to teach them seperately to catch them up.


Night scanned the halls lost upon where he was going looking at a school map he was given trying to figure out where the dorms were at. He had a key to the room and a number attached to it. He just needed to find it now. Sighing softly Night closed his eyes taking a deep breath trying to relax, it frustrated him so much that he couldn't get to the dorms and it would be even harder to make it to a class room.

He stood in the halls for a few moments thinking then looked around the area moving to the closest class room knocking on the door (Andel's room) After opening the door slowly he peeked inside half scared the teacher would be angry at him for not waiting and just opening when he knocked. "H-hello?" He spoke and walked in silently seeing the man draw a summoning circle on the wall. "That circle....It's used to some hell spawns right?"
Shane remembered overhearing something about each student being assigned a partner this year. He growled at the thought of relying on someone else for something. He realized that that probably meant that he'd have to be tested. About the same time he was thinking this, his name was called to report to the testing room for evaluation. He sighed angrily. Anyone tried to cut him, he'd snap their necks.

Shane stood submissively and strolled out of the classroom, taking his merry old time on his was to the testing facility. They could wait for him, and if he was late, the worst they could do is put him under house arrest. He lived here now, thanks to the Headmaster. That was the only reason he tolerated this school. The therapy for his anger and PTSD wasn't working, and the subjects were rather pointless. He did like the simulation room, it allowed him to blow off some serious steam. Maybe he'd go there during free period. He was still trying to break the record. The farthest he'd gotten on his own was level 22. He didn't work well with others.

Shane strode into the testing room, and one of the scientists, without looking up from his clipboard, told him to sit in the chair. They proceeded to scan him with all sorts of tools, drew some blood, and then one of the pulled out a scalpel. He went for Shane's wrist gently, but the knife was enough to shock his system and send his PTSD in to over drive. Suddenly he was having serious flashbacks of his father cutting him. He blacked out from all of the horrendous memories.

Shane was ten. His father came in and started to viciously punch him in the face over and over, and then he drew his pocket knife and cut Shane. He cut him down his sides, across his chest, all over his back. Shane screamed and begged him to stop, but his father started cutting Shane's wrists and arms, and Shane cried.

When Shane came out of it, he realized that he was bearing down on the scientist, his decorative knife held against the man's throat. The other scientists pulled him off and restrained him, taking his knife, while someone ran for the Headmaster. They all knew that Shane was basically the Headmaster's ward, and that he was the only one who knew what to do with Shane. He slumped in the chair they restrained him to. If anything, the Headmaster was going to yell at the scientists for not reading his file, or they wouldn't have tried to cut him. Then he would take Shane to his office, and call in the therapist, and have Shane tell them both about what happened, and so on and so forth. Just another hellish day at Riverview.
Lilly had stopped in front of the dormitories, and looked at Cross. "That's funny. I would suspect that most people would like to become more powerful, but you make it seem like you'd rather not have any sort of power at all." she responded. "I guess you have your reasons, though. So, I won't pry."

She turned away from him, now looking up at the tall building. It was much larger than she'd originally thought. She only hoped she wouldn't have any trouble finding her room...

Oh! Her room! Lillian twisted her bag from her side to her stomach, stuffing the map in and digging through to find her schedule. After taking it out, she held it up to Cross, tapping it lightly with her index finger.

"If you don't mind helping me out with one more thing..." she told him, lowering the piece of paper a bit so she can look at him. "I'll reward you for your efforts." As she spoke, she had the same look on her face as she did the entire time: unreadable, however not emotionless. It was strange how she could say pretty much everything with a straight face, so it was hard to tell whether or not she was joking.
"More power would just be a hindrance, I do have my reasons."

Whatever the case, Sanz was grateful that she didn't pry any further into what he had said. If she found out he could rip her in half without really straining himself then she would probably just run away.

He had just turned around and was going to head to his own dorms when he heard her rustling through her bag, and then was spoken to again. Sanz turned around slowly, walking back over, but still leaving about two feet between them as he tried to figure out what she was pointing at.

"What is it? Is there another place you need help finding?"

Best he could tell, it was her schedule. And reward him? She didn't need to do that, and he wasn't entirely sure he would want her to. He'd be quite grateful just to help her and then part ways without hurting her in the same act.
"Yea, I suppose we are." Laney replied to Valen's comment on them being ready for duos instead of teams. Laney looked down at her hands. With those hands all she could do was heal. She was no good in a fight until after the fight was over. She looked up in time to see Val rub the back of his neck, his face showing him lost in his thoughts. "I am curious about the missions as well. I'm more excited about them though, I know they can be dangerous but I suppose the risk is what excites me or well, perhaps I don't carry the sense of danger that most people do, due to me being able to easily mend any injuries." She sad with a bright smile.

Laney looked around as Val mentioned other friends. "Yea, I have no idea. So far you're the only one I've seen. I guess they're all out doing their own things." She said with a shrug and rubbed the back of her head nonchalantly.

Laney looked around the courtyard where they stood and made contemplating face. "What does your schedule look like today? I think the first place I have to go to is basic science...." She said and flashed a bored expression at the thought of sitting in the classroom as the teacher droned on about science that Laney didn't care about in the least. Science couldn't explain why she was able to do what she could so, it was useless to her. She would rather be in combat training, getting her butt kicked by the instructor than have to learn about atoms and the scientific method.
Wow.... a partner? thinking as he walked through the courtyard. i hope i get someone who can at least see out of both eyes. hehehehe even worse if i get somebody that is blind.i wonder if i will get somebody my age or older or even, god forbid , younger. does it have to be a boy or girl or does it vary? ugh to many questions for now.

looking both ways with his right eye he started walking across the courtyard to try and find the dorms. while looking to his right he ran straight into a girl talking to another guy. turning to look straight at her with his right eye must have looked strange as his head was slightly angled towards the right. still not enought to hide the massive scars on his face.

looking at her he saw a redheaded girl. he supposed he could describe her as pretty but he was not a very good judge of it. turning to hide the scar he spoke quietly " i am sorry. you will have to forgive me for that. i couldn't see you there. would you be kind enought to point me in the direction of the Dorms?"

looking at the guy with her he would think of as ordinary. longer brown hair and average height. he wondered what either of them could do to be able to come here.
Death, destruction, horror. Blood splayed across the page, a ghastly tribute to a horrific ending. To say the least, the killer had no style. It was brash, rushed, no technique whatsoever. And they'd left the murder weapon lying out in the open. He supposed that wasn't too bad. Except the idiot had left his fingerprints on it. What kind of foolish idiot did that? Nathaniel sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at the article in the text book. The Winnow murder had been sprawled across headlines for months three years previous. Now it was one of the leading study resources in his Criminal intelligence and investigation class. He intended for it to be his opening sequence for his new class of students. Criminal profiling, although not one of the MAIN focuses of his course, was still an incredibly useful skill to have. And who better to know the way the minds of others worked than himself? He'd done a psychology major when he was a younger man, along with a few courses in the medical field. It was amazing the things one could do with himself if he put his mind to it.

He searched though his desk for the white board marker, deciding that he would write up the information for his first lesson. Usually he would attend the introduction ceremony but this morning he had decided to skip it, figuring he would meet the students as necessary. He located the marker and stood, walking to the board and, with the text book balanced neatly in one hand, began to write up the first questions. There were some teachers who knew nothing of their actual subject, they just read the textbooks and wrote what they needed to teach. They held no joy for their subject and they tended to despise their pupils, but not Nathaniel. He loved his job. He enjoyed watching the reactions, the way the students either got really into the subject or rebelled against it. There was something about it that just made him glow. You could always tell when someone understood something, when it clicked for them. His old mentor used to tell him that the way to tell if a pupil understood was when you saw the light switch on in their eyes. At the time, Nathaniel had rolled his eyes, shrugging it off. But now that he himself was a mentor, he understood exactly what the man had meant.

As he finished writing up the notes, the teacher heard the sounds of voices from outside. 'The assembly must be over.. Well, time to communicate.' He said with a slight smirk, clicking the lid back on the pen, grabbing his keys and leaving the text book on his desk. He walked out of his classroom, locking it securely and dodging a couple of students outside. He was about to go and get his class list from the office when he nearly flattened a student as she made a beeline for the nearest exit. Stumbling backwards a little in surprise, Nathaniel took in the girl's dishevelled appearance. She looked exceedingly, and incredibly unnatural pale, contrasting with her dark, if somewhat filthy, hair and clothing. 'Hey, are you alright there kid?' He asked her, gently touching her shoulder, realising what he had done and hastily withdrawing the touch. She looked ill, incredibly ill.
Headmaster Tobus sat behind his large oaken desk, tapping a pen against the table when a small blonde woman hustled into the room and leaned down to whisper something into his ear before she vanished again. Tobus sighed deeply. Shane. The man stood and pushed back with his legs to move the chair. He set the pen down and walked out of his office and briskly after the young woman who was rather quick on her feet to start with. He found himself completely and utterly out of breath when he reached the bottom floor, the door to the lab quite a few paces away. The man placed a hand on Seraphina's shoulder and spoke, "you are to go next and then Faustus after you. Notify him for me?" he inquired but didn't stay long enough to hear the girl's reply before he was gone through the doors to the lab. Clearly something was wrong.

"Shane, what are you doing?" he asked, sounding tired.

"He attacked, sir" said one of the scientists. It was the one that had a small white line along his neck where Shane had pressed the knife. As if on que, he gingerly rubbed at the spot and looked down. The Headmaster turned towards the boy with a frown.

"If testing is done, head back to your dorm and rest. We will talk about this later."

The man waved a hand at his ward and then moved towards the scientist. He addressed this man now.

"You may take the day off. I apologize for this."

"Thank you, sir. It's quite all right, sir," the man nodded and left the lab, stiffly walking up the stairs and vanishing around the corner.

Tobus yawned and sat down in a chair and dragged it towards the table where all the blood samples were taken from Shane. He slapped a label on it and then slid the tray inside the giant refrigerator before turning back. He waited for Seraphina to enter.

Professor Perthshire found his feet taking him in the direction of is sleeping quarters. The man grabbed the cold doorknob and slowly turned it, carefully peeking inside for the first time. It was his first year teaching here, despite being part of the Red Hoods for years. He even went to this school as a young child but always wondered where the teacher's slept and now he knew. It was quite hard to find and very secluded. No student would be able to find their way to the teacher's sleeping quarters. He walked into the room, gently closing the door with the back of his heel.

Samual made his way towards the bed and cocked his head to the left, gazing down at a welcoming basket filled with pink soap, violet towels and girly perfume. He grabbed his head, brows raised. Is this some kind of sick joke? He sat down and lifted one, taking a quick sniff of soap. He shrugged his shoulders because the smell was rather pleasing. He set it back down just as the door to what seemed to be a bathroom opened -- and out walked Ichor, stark naked. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" cried the girl, her feline eyes darting towards the teacher. She grabbed a sheet that was neatly folded beside her and quickly wrapped it around herself, blushing like mad.

"I-I-I-I-I.... I-I-I-I" he stammered, quickly getting to his feet.

"Spit it out! What? Cat got your tongue?" she purred out in amusement and shifted. The black cat pushed her way out of the fabric that enclosed her and stocked towards him.

"I-I-I thought t-t-this was my d-d-dorm..." he moved quickly towards the door.

The she-cat flicked her tail, red eyes glimmering with amusement. Her ears flicked towards the door and Professor Perthshire flew out of the door with all the speed he had.

Victorique sat on her bed, two suitcases on the either side of her. She was silently, gazing down at the ground with her fists clenching the fabric of her school skirt. Her long curtain of obsidian hair hung down, near concealing her pallid face from view if you were to look at her from a side-angle. She took in a deep breath, calming herself to her natural passiveness. Soon she was fine and carefully stood, opening up the first suitcase. She had brought five school uniforms, the ones with the ribbons up the side and the knee socks (which she always wore) and the rest were normal clothing on which they got to wear during weekends.

Once everything was unpacked and put away in her mahogany dresser, she pulled her hair back and quickly dome it up in an elegant fishtail braid that near reach down to her bottom. She smoothed out her uniform and then walked out of her dorm and down the halls. She needed to make it down to the labs as quick as she could. Needles were a fear and she just wanted to get it over with. She wanted it done and finished. Despite this, she felt her stomach churn with the feeling of fear. Her face was growing warm and she couldn't stop shaking. Her eyes likely appeared wide and her muscles and posture stiff.

"You can do this, you can do this..." she chanted softly to herself when no one was around as she descended into the bowels of the school, shaking more and more. Her eyes had started to sting by the time she reached the line gathering in front of the lab. She quickly turned on her heels to run away but bumped into a boy who snorted at her. She blushed and apologized before turning back to face the doors. Now she was really vibrating with fear.

Calloway Gallagher made his way through the halls and it was rather easy since he towered above mostly every student who attended Riverview. The boy was lanky, with semi-long black hair and long eyelashes. His face held a sullen look that made him beautiful in a scary way. The way you might find a vampire launching itself from the roof of a building while the white moon glared in the background, making his skin look as if it were shimmering with lunar fire. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. His tongue flicked out of his mouth and slid over his lower lip sluggishly before moving to do the same with his top lip. It was a habit.

"Calloway~" a younger female called out, wavering her hand over the crowd at him. He grinned slightly and dipped his head, causing her to smile. She turned back away from him, hoisting her backpack up higher on her back. This girl had attended a class with him just last year. She was a nice person but he had never quite caught her name. She knew his, however and constantly greeted him whenever she captured the corner of his amber eye. Calloway rolled his shoulder and stood silently in line, awaiting his turn to enter the lab that was swamped with Riverview attendees.

(You may start posting again. I'll also post what the school uniforms looks like on the OOC and signups thread. CaterpilAli, Firelava, Haley, Oitetment, Ineffectivd, Sabrina, Festin, AnnaWinters, Kiro Akira, BloodyRaze, Humor, luuklilo, Iacentis, Sock, ninbinz, GoddessOfGod, keizerin, Gray, Ixidor92, Makira Kaiser, ErisianDialects.)

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L felt cooped up in the lab he was placed in, and the student weren't entering his lab so he decided to take a small break to his liking. He pulled the cig from his mouth as he took a long drag. Keeping the smoke in and only releasing it when the count to five was over. He smiled toward the wandering students. His narrowed eyes only ever so lightly lowered as if he was about to fall asleep. He flung the ashes away only to have them fall into his little voodoo doll's hands. He looked down at them, annoyed by their presence but for someone reason, accepting that they were there. They weren't much of a bother to him, or the way they acted. It was more of the fact, their personality. It reminded him of what he used to have, his family.

He had lost himself in his own thoughts. Of the time where he would take care of his little brother and sister. He was so lost that he didn't realized he had stepped on a child, until a little voice said ouch. He had looked down from his eyes they stayed glued to the ceiling toward the boy who was curled up by the door. "...My apologies didn't see you there." The boy didn't look up at all, and only dug his head deeper into what he thought was a door of some sort. "Hey kid are you ok." Eimin protested on talking to him. To giving him eye contact or a shred of feeling. L was known for patience , well at least five minutes of it. "Hey kid." Eimin stayed quiet , hoping the man would leave , leaving him to sit there alone. L's eyes began to twitch as he kneeled down, flicking away the cig, but of course his voodoo doll was there to take it away.

"You ok, I didn't hurt you did I ." He leaned his head in closer , for a better look of the boy. He was amazed such a child could have such white hair. It looked like snow. "Hey." Three minutes were on the clock for him. His patience was wearing thin, and the voodoo dolls could tell. He was tempted to string this kid up by his hair, collar, or anything he could grab a hold of but instead he slammed his hand on the door, a little past his ear, just enough to startle him. "Hey I said are you ok." Eimin tilted his head up slightly, to where his eyes could peak through the little cracks his hair made. His deep red eyes , watching , studying the man before him. Was he an enemy. He seemed mean, like a person he'd rather not talk to . L sighed as he smiled, closing his eyes and tilting his head to the right . His black hair , shifting as his head did. "you ok" Eimin nodded his head as he looked away. "I...I am fine."

L stood up and clapped his hands together, his little toys frightened by such actions. "Good good." Eimin looked up more, giving L the access to see his eyes. "You have some deep eyes there, looks nice." Eimin wasn't flattered at all. He hated his eye's , he's whole look about himself. "My father used to say I have the eyes of a demon." L smiled turned to a frown as he put his hands on his hips and leaned another way, as if he was an animated character. "My father used to say I have a cold heart, and you see that doesn't effect me." Eimin looked up more, his eyes widening but soon faded to a lower stare. "Oh really, your father must be wise." L took his hand and clenched his chest to where his hear was. "ouch , that hurt coming from a kid I barely know." Eimin glared as he looked away." L laughed as he bent over again, this time taking the boy's hair and pushing it up to where he could see his face.

"Ahh there we go, so a child like you does have feeling." Eimin's eyes enlarged as he smacked his hand away, with his right. He exposed himself to much, and this was the price. "DONT TOUCH ME." L backed away with his palms out in front of him as he smile. "No need to get defensive there, just saying." Eimin quickly stood to his feet, the cold flooring now warm de to his rage, which sped up his heart. "Leave me alone." He turned on his heel and began to walk back down the hall from where he came. Annoyed by him, he had left his satchel. L looked down and smiled as he grabbed the boy's satchel and began to walk off with it , in the other direction.

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