Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

[[ugh, missed so much.]]

Shane sighed in his room, growling as he sharpened his knife. He hated this school, and he knew that any minute, the Headmaster would have him called down, and he would talk to him about it. He hated this part of the process more than anything. He wished he didn't have to stay, but if he left he'd have nowhere to go. He didn't mind the classes though, they sometimes helped his frustrations.

He really liked weaponry and combat, and enjoyed going to the stimulation room during free period. The stimulation room was the best part of this damned school. It was the easiest way to get his frustration and rage out of him, and ended up tiring him out enough to keep him from getting angry for a long time. He sighed in anger and chucked his knife at the wall, adding to the hundreds of holes in his wall.

Maybe he'd go down there now while he waited for the Headmaster to call him. He stood up and stepped out his room, walking quickly to the armory, grabbing his other knives, and heading for the stimulation room, only to bump into some idiot who wasn't paying attention. He growled and looked at them. "Watch where you're going next time!"
Spinning Kaige growled right back " Maybe you should too idiot. i am blind on that side!" turning he faced the kid directly. the boy was about the same size. in other words Kaige was most likely at a advantage. he glared at the kid while slipping a Brass Knuckle over his left hand behind his back.

" is it that Hard to tell a blind eye from a true one or are you not looking at all?" Kaige growled. and more angry and he would most likely become a superhuman. with all the horrible side effects that implied. While he was insanely strong and fast he had difficulty making sure not to inflict lasting harm but had to move fast enought to make sure the other guy was out of it for when he collapsed.

then there was his new problem fighting with his eye gone. he could compensate. kind of. but it wouldn't be very easy for him to pull it off. and if the kid knew how to fight, well then things probably wouldn't go well for either of them. he sure hoped the Nurse at this school was well equipped cause he saw there would be need of it soon.
Laney sighed as she watched Kaige leave for a few moments before turning back to Val who was being very quiet. "Well, I guess I'll go catch what's left of Science." She sighed and turned away from her friend to head towards the correct building. Before she could make it through the doors she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Lll-aney? Laney? Yea, you're up for testing."

Laney turned around to see a male quickly read off a slip of paper and give her a small nod before turned the opposite way and disappearing between two buildings. "hm, looks like I'm saved from science." She gave a small smile that quickly vanished as she remembered she was still very nervous about the whole testing thing. She bit her lip and looked up at the building tests were being run in. "Well, okay.." She mumbled under her breathe as she walked into the building and to the correct room.

"Miss Laney, have a seat please." Someone told her as she entered the room. She nodded nervously and took her seat on the nearest chair. As she watched the person calmly walk over to her and gently prick her arm to draw blood she felt a nice sense of calm. Everything was going to be okay, she's managed to survive the worst part, yeah?

"mmm, you have very interesting blood work." He mumbled as she examined the vial he drew in the light. Her blood looked almost like everyone else's but, for some reason her's seemed to look a twinge more purple. It was something no one was able to explain.

Laney shrugged and gave a small smile. It was something she'd heard for all her life. When she was really small doctors did tests on her thinking she was deficient of something or had too much of something and, she was even tested for a numerous amount of diseases. Every test came back negative and, Laney wasn't showing any signs of having an ability so, they named her case something long and medical and told her she had a new form of something where her blood was slightly purplish and sent her on her merry way until two years ago when she showed her healing abilities and the medical case was dropped. "Thank you, can I go now?" She asked and leaped from the chair at the small nod of approval.

As she walked she pulled a slip of paper from her pants pocket and examined it to find that her next class was combat. She scrunched up her nose, regretting what she told Val about rather being there than science. The last thing she wanted to do at the moment was go get her butt kicked by the instructor but, she trudged on, stopping at her dorm to grab her bow and arrows, until she found herself at the stimulation room.
The soft melody of the hauntingly beautiful piano song echoed around the empty music room as Ana played the piece by memory. It was through this peace that she could weld her barriers and keep herself intact. With the whirlwind of multiple emotions clashing together throughout the school like a bad storm. She needed solace. Here she found it.

Today she done a simple pair of dark skinny jeans, a red and black plaid top, and left her loose strawberry-blonde waves cascade carelessly about her heart-shaped face. Her sea green eyes were half hidden behind thick brandy brown lashes, she wanted to lose herself in the melody. But not completely. This school had been structured for the sole purpose of perfecting its students and their unnatural gifts. So the naughty boys would be using their skills to their advantage, supernatural school or not, guys were the same no matter where one went. The idiot types would surely be lurking around as well. She couldn't be too careful now could she?

Her gift? Well it wasn't really a gift, more like an assault to her working nerves. At least she thought of it as such, it wasn't even a super power even, nothing out of the usual. So what she was an Empath and had the ability to feel people's emotions as they felt them. Yes it could grant her insight on the person she's open to and maybe she could use this to her advantage sometimes, but this school loved to remind everyone that they would all be serving the greater good. She imagined mini Supermans flying around, saving people, hunting monsters, and the like.

Just she wasn't that type. She couldn't see herself extending beyond her psyche readings, she couldn't really save lives doing that. Could she?

She also had another problem.

"Anastasia, there you are," came that familiar drawl, faint to her auditory senses, but presentable enough to induce fright -though she was used to his popping up outta nowhere every time he damn well pleased. His dark eyes smiled, amusement evident in his marble handsome features. This was William, if it weren't obvious by his attire, something men had once worn in the late century, or his gentlemanly stride and gestures, counting his paler than snow complexion, you'd know he was a ghost. Too hot for Ana to want to go anywhere but wherever she went.

He stood beside her, appearing rather solid than translucent as ghosts are usually depicted in films, and TV shows popular now a days. Perhaps it had more to do with his strong attraction to her heart shaped locket she wore around her neck which belonged to his late wife Caroline (left as a family heirloom) that she always wore. It was a gift, so she would never discard it, even if it meant dealing with a haunt every now and then. Caroline would never approve. William had died soon after she did, overdoing his drink and popping pills. He wanted to desperately reunite with her, but alas, he's here with Ana in her new school instead.

"What beautiful melody are you playing?" He questioned her, bringing her attention back to the piano, she'd still been idly playing the tune over and over again like a mantra.

"I don't think you'll know it." Ana simply answered, she was smiling as if she knew a secret. Well, not everyone could see ghosts as if they were people and sometimes mistake them for alive beings. Sorta like the Sixth Sense movie. Only when Ana dropped her defenses and sent her awareness to whomever she was interacting with, then would she be able to detect the difference. Ghosts emitted a cool, whispery aura, just a collection of strong restless energy. While live people held different levels of energies, often a distinct color, auras that were like rainbows interspersing one with another.

"Try me." Oh did William love a challenge, it was there in the tilt of his playful lips, in the spark of curious interest in his dark eyes, watching her.

"It's from a game actually, Kingdom Hearts, the piece is called Dearly Beloved." She told him, she peeked a glance at him and rose a brow, detecting his bemusement, "see? You don't recognize it." She glowed triumphant. So maybe William was a welcome ghost friend, who cares? Not many people appreciated her reading talent when she had stupidly revealed her gift. Then again, not many people were like William. Dead, and alone. Like herself.

How was she even in this school? Well that's a warm thanks to her aunt, the only person who knew what she was because like her, her sister was also an Empath and they were always close. Ana never could remember clearly of her mother. She'd passed away when the girl was but five, and her father? Who knew? So, she was brought up with aunt Esme, suffered through school, getting the grip on her Empath gift and trying so hard not to be labeled a freak. She had told one girl once of her power. Let's just say things went downhill from there. So, when this school emerged like a beacon of light, Esme went through the liberty of signing her up and after some tests and confirmations that yes, she had a unique talent. She was accepted.

"Hmm, rich and beautiful indeed Anastasia, but sad..." he observed after a moment of silence. He had no clue what she was playing, but liked very much the tune. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She lied, keeping her gaze on the piano. She kind of wished he'd go away, what if someone saw her talking to herself? She'd be mortified.
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Rein strolled quietly down the alleyway of one of the corridors, he wasn't sure which one. But it was rather empty, something he personally didn't mind. His hands were burrowed deep in the pockets of his coat, each step echoed faintly as he continued his slow trudging down the corridor, lost in his own thoughts.

The silence was, however, soon interrupted, as the light tunes of a piano reached his ears, he stopped for a second, simply listening as a light smile spread across his lips. He set off once of, this time towards the source of the sound.

Soon, he arrived outside the music room, the sound of his steps coming to a stop as he leaned against the wall, simply listening in silence to the musical melody springing from within.

After a short while, Rein closed his eyes, he had not yet taken a look inside to see who was actually playing, nor did he feel the need to. He simply let the somewhat sad, yet calming melody bring his thoughts back to the many walks he'd taken during the nights in his village, how peaceful those dark, light-less woods had been.
Calloway frowned down at the little girl and took her hand gently in his larger one.

"Don't be scared. I'll personally escourt you down to the lab."

He offered a quick smile before picking up Ingrid and tossing him up onto his shoulders.

"Hold on tight!" he chuckled and walked down the halls, somehow avoiding the swarm of students as he went. They all seemed to just move out of his way; clinging to either wall as she gingerly made his way down the steps, holding firmly onto the railing. His eyes shot upward to see if Ingrid was fine, but all he could see was the strands of inky hair in his face. He huffed and blew at them before setting foot on the very bowls of the school, the lab in his direct line of view.

"Pardon me," he murmured in a deep, personal tone and each student just glanced at him and moved out of his way, allowing him a path to the lab doors, where a nurse was waiting for the very next student to be testing. He gently patted Ingrid's leg and then walked inside, setting her on the paper that lined a bed. The nurse moved towards him and glared him up and down.

"You may leave now..."

"I-I..." his eyes locked on Ingrid, questioningly.

"Will you be alright, kiddo? Do you want me to stay?" he inquired soothingly, inclining his head to the side.

With the arrival of a note from one of the teachers, he pressed his thumb gently to his lip, pondering. He could always cancel the class and put it on hold as he waited for the return of the teacher. Tobus drummed out a steady beat on the desk, his dark lashes casting a shadow across his cheekbones. Soon, he was going to be flooded with testing papers in which he had to pick pairings for each and every student. This would take maybe an hour with magic; in which he patiently has been waiting to use so that he would have enough to finish the matching.

Someone knocked at the door. The headmaster arched his brow and allowed the small, mousey-looking splicer walk into his study.

"Yes, Angelica?"

"A student... sir.... has passed. He walked out in front of a bus... just so casually... without any hesitation...." she stammered, eyes wide with shock. She appeared to be quite shaken.

"Goodness... go find out the name of the student and report back to be as soon as possible. Then you may take the day off.

She dipped her head and bustled out of the room and down the halls, the door slowly closing behind her. Tobus heaved an exasperated sigh and leaned back, fingers interlocking. He lost so many students within the last two years to random deaths. He was starting to wonder if something had driven them to do these actions. Or were they driven mad by over use of power? It's a good thing this school is up then, he thought.

Victorique kept herself enclosed in her dorm room which had no other occupant, just her. She had spent a good chunk of her time in here, sulking and gingerly rubbing at the band-aid on crease of her arm, lip almost trembling like a little pathetic child. She was sthen it came to her deepest fears. Nurses and scientist actually had to hold her down as they jabbed that beast of a needle into her soft flesh, ruthlessly sucking the blood out like a hungry vampire. She shuddered at the memory and walked towards the curtain, drawing them so that it dimmed the room.

The female then sat on the bed and couldn't help but remember the flash of what happened in the lab. She was screaming -- thank god for the sound proofing walls -- and kicked and bit. In her panic, her powers turned on and stuff all over the room started to float into the air and crash into a wall. She heard the nurses say "good thing the blood samples aren't in this room or we would have to do this process all over again!" and felt disgusted with what she had done.

Her raven hair sprawled out across the pillow as she idly laid down, rubbing her face with a soft sigh. Everything was going so quickly. More rapidly than it happened last year. Of course, there were more students but this tight schedual would be the death of her. She closed her eyes and then rolled gingerly onto her side, arms wrapping around a pillow she had turned sideways. In an instant, she was fast asleep.

An hour had gone by and Renshii returned to the school adjusting his clothes to look neat and proper for the school setting, he couldn't stand looking horrid in front of a class room and knew they would only laugh at him teacher or not. Renshii wandered off towards his class room wondering if the testing was still going on and if his class would be taken over or which ever.

Once he made it to his class Renshii stopped looking around the classroom before walking in and smiling softly seeing it empty. "So it seems as if it was canceled or something." He said then moved to his desk looking at the stack of papers only to frown softly. He wanted to teach the class something today. "Maybe nobody is in class and still testing." He spoke and sighed heading for the door.

Renshii pushed towards the main office stopping at the Headmaster's door and awaited for an answer. "Hey, Headmaster you in there and are you busy or can we speak?" He spoke leaning against the door slightly to listen in seeing if anything was being said or not. Or if anything made a noise.


Night wandered the halls searching for his class after his name was called, maybe he would go back to the room with the circles, or search for another class to find his. Night sighed softly and looked at the paper seeing the second class was English class. "What period is this?" He spoke aloud to himself scratching his head in confusion. He could see his first class was the Super Natural class. Did the tests take up first period? Shaking his head and clearing his thoughts, Night continued to wander the halls looking about at the class rooms.

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