Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

He heard the door at the top of the rows of desks open, beneath the door frame stood a somewhat sheepish student. His stammered hello bespoke of some anxiety, Andel smiled kindly to reassure the boy that he was not a monster to be feared but rather a teacher to be respected. The boy's question was an astute one "To summon hell spawn? No, not particularly. This is just your general run of the mill summoning circle. Low level spell casters may use this formula to summon spirits and the like, necromancers would use it to summon the dead and specialised summoners would use a variation of this formula to summon creatures specific to their abilities." Andel finished the small lecture momentarily.

"A few years back there was an incident with a student who could summon hellbeasts, I had a fully written summoning circle up and he inadvertently summoned hell spawn into the room. Suffice it to say it took me some time to wash out the sulphur smell." He said cheerfully to the boy as he waved the student into the room. He wanted to get a feel of what his students may want to learn about so that he could make his classes more interesting, he didn't want to be the single professor to have children fall asleep in his class.

"Come in, come in. Class doesn't start for some time but I'm sure I could get some inspiration from such a bright mind as yours. A question; what if anything would you like to learn this year?" Andel asked. He turned to the board to finish off his summoning circle making sure to keep the aforementioned parts from its formula. Returning to his desk he drew a smaller summoning circle its components were far more simplistic than those symbols on the board. He lifted his paper u for the boy to see and began to channel magic through his palm and then into the paper. In a puff of smoke and racket there appeared a saucer, two cups and a tea pot.

"Would you care for some tea young man?"


Jeremiah couldn't get to sleep, his vision kept swimming with the orange glow of fire and his hearing filled with its fierce roar. A sudden and very loud creek woke him and he found himself several times larger than he was when he fell asleep. He sighed audibly and concentrated his powers until eventually he shrunk down to his normal size. He rose from his bed and wiped the sweat from his brow, he breathed heavily and looked at his clock to realise that he was supposed to see a particular combat teacher about his weapon.
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Lilly lowered her arm as well as her head, letting her bangs fall over her eyes. "I... well..." she stumbled, this obviously being a little hard for her to admit. "As you can see, i'm not the best at seeing things, even if it is right in front of me..."

She looked down at the paper, frowning as she looked it over. She really didn't want to make a fool of herself, but she hated wearing her glasses even more. Besides, she could use an excuse like "I must have forgotten my glasses today", or maybe something along the lines of "I usually wear contacts, but they were bothering me too much". Although, both excuses sounded a bit cliche. She just needed to be led to one more place, and she would probably never see Cross again. It was a big school, after all. Who knows when or if they'd run into each other?

"I can't read my dorm number." Lillian explained plainly, finally spitting it out as she showed him the paper one more time. "You don't have to lead me right to my dorm room, of course. I'm grateful that you even came with me. If you could just tell me which one i'm assigned to, you'll still earn your prize, of course." She tilted her head upwards, tearing her eyes away from the schedule to look at Cross. This was probably the longest she's looked his way, let alone at him directly. Of course, all she couldn't see was a big blur, but he was much more clear to look at then some of the other students walking around them.

Or, you could walk away from such a nuisance and continue with your day..? she added in thought, tilting her head slightly to the side in question as she thought about it. Lilly pursed her lips, wondering why he wouldn't just do that in the first place. She would have.
"You're blind? No, sorry, that was insensitive."

Cross shook his hand in front of him as he spoke. She wasn't full-out blind, she would have a cane or something, and could clearly at least look at him. She probably just had very bad eyesight.

He looked down at the paper, once again trying to keep a barrier of space between the two of them.

"Room number . . . 271."

He looked from the paper over to Lily, something had struck his mind.

"Question: If you can't read the room number on a paper in front of your face, how do you intend to read it inside the building?"

He tried not to say it in a demeaning or harsh way, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was purposefully trying to make herself as unproblematic as possible. She was still going on about whatever that 'reward' was. He looked directly back at her face, making extended eye contact with her for the first time since he had been with her.
Lilly was in the process of stuffing the schedule back inside of her bag, pulling something out in the process but keeping it hidden in the palm of her hand before stuffing whatever it was into her pocket. Then, she looked up at him again, raising a brow at his question.

"Well, I have glasses obviously." she had answered, but quickly caught her mistake, and quickly added on: "Which... Which I can't use." At least it wasn't too far from the truth. "And I suppose I would have figured it out when I got there? I'm lucky to have bumped into you along the way."

She hoped that she didn't come off as the type of girl who needed or wanted people to help or protect her, because that definitely wasn't the case. However, being pushed up against the wall like this was really pressuring her.

"L-look, I don't want to keep you any longer, and I really appreciate your help. That's all I really wanted you to do, so for now just hold out your hand." she told him, sliding her hand back into her pocket. "Don't worry, I'll still respect our 'no touching' rule."
Night nodded slowly stepping into the room shutting the door behind him. He then nodded looking to the circle staring at it. "It's missing a few things, why is it uncompleted?" He asked staring softly at it then looked to the man smiling softly. "What would I like to learn this year?" He pondered on the thought for a minute then smiled. "Well, this summoning class sounds fun, maybe a few things such as water or something of that sort."

Night listened to the story about the young boy who summoned a hell spawn then nodded shaking his head. "To summon a hell spawn I was always told you have a black heart, to summon an angelic being and such you have a pure heart. " Night nodded thinking about it then shrugged. "But I've never learned so I don't know."

Night scanned the room glancing at some of the things then looked to the man as he pulled out the circle, he had jumped the moment the cups spawned blinking a few times. "Thats cool.....Can you teach me that?" He asked tilting his head softly then smiled. "But yes, I would love to have a cup. Thank you sir."
She couldn't use her glasses? Why would that be? Had she left them behind? Maybe the prescription was old and they didn't work properly? Had they been broken? Maybe something else he couldn't think of . . . Cross shook his head as he dismissed the thought, the why wasn't necessarily important right now.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the size of the building before continuing.

"Look, please answer me honestly right now. Are you going to be able to find your room on your own with your vision being the way it is? Or rather, will you be able to do it within any reasonable amount of time?"

He didn't want to force the issue, but he couldn't help but think that if she couldn't read the room number on the sheet she was given, it would be incredibly difficult to read the room numbers on the doors.
"Trust me," Lilly said, holding up a hand to stop him from speaking. "Time is definitely not an issue for me." She let out a frustrated sigh, signalling her defeat. "But fine! Since you worry too much I guess I have no choice."

Lilly opened a pocket in her bag, pulling out her glasses case. Hesitantly, she opened it and pulled out her glasses, putting them on. Needless to say, they didn't fit her at all. The frames were bulky and even cracked, while the lenses were at least an inch thick and caused her glasses to fall halfway down her nose. After pushing them up, you can tell how bad her vision is by how magnified her eyes were through the lenses.

She crossed her arms in defense as she looked up at Cross, whom she was too frustrated with to fully realize that she could actually see him now. "The truth is, my glasses are not only outdated and hideous, but cause me to lose my focus and leads me to be unable to use my power." she said, pushing up her glasses once again. "Are you satisfied?"
Cross raised an eyebrow when she pulled out the glasses. They were rather large and . . . well, to be quite frank ugly. Still, he chose to be tactful, and at least he didn't have to worry about her once she got inside.

"Sorry for bringing it up . . . I just . . ."

He scratched the back of his head nervously

"I just didn't want you to get stuck wandering around if I could help it . . ."

He shook his head and looked back at her

"In any case, I'm glad I could help. You don't need to worry about any kind of reward."

He shook his hand in front of him briefly to visualize that he didn't need anything.

He'd caused her enough trouble beyond what she had asked him for, so even if he had wanted something in the first place (which he hadn't) he certainly didn't deserve it now.
Rein quietly pushed the front door of the entrance hall open, sliding inside quickly before he closed the door behind him. He peered around the insides for a while, the malevolent crimson gaze of his tracing the structure for any sign of other people. His usual, cold and seemingly emotionless expression lingering on his visage.

Wiping some of the somewhat long black hair from his eyes, the tall figure quietly made his way over to a nearby coat hanger. Hosting a large, black coat from his shoulders. Hanging it there, he then sunk down with a faint sigh into a nearby couch, his still emotionless eyes casting a second glance across the room, once more seeking out any other persona that might have ended up there at the moment.

Rein soon turned his gaze from the room however, as he drew a small, thin book from his school uniform. A faint smile spreading across his lips as he opened it, seeming to be a collection of Sudoku. His hand fingered inside of his left pocket once more before he also withdrew a pen from it, rapidly filling in a number.
Renshii scanned the class then sighed softly turning to the board behind him and began to write down random formula's. He wanted to just blow things up already but the fact that they wouldn't understand anything he did meant he had to write things down any ways.

He looked to the few members in the classroom and smiled softly. "Hello class, just bare with me until the rest of the class gets here." He said then listened to a buzzing noise going off inside of his desk. "Hm?" Renshii sighed softly and moved to his desk sitting down in the chair. "Come on I'm about to start teaching." He muttered then pulled out the drawer the phone sat in only to stare at it. Jack showed up on the phone as Renshii blinked a few times. "Why is he?..." He picked up the phone and smiled. "Jack, come on now you know I-. Wait she's what?" Renshii stood up quickly and looked to his class. "Sorry class, I'll make sure Headmaster gets you a substitute or puts you in second period. I have to run for now. Hope you all do well on your tests!"

Renshii rushed to grab his things hanging up on Jack then shoved his phone back into his pocket. After having things ready he rushed out the door speed walking through the halls and stopped at Andel's classroom peaking in. "Hey Andel, can you leave a message for HeadMaster, let him know family emergency came up and I had to leave right away. Take my class if you'd like, I don't mind."

He shut the door quickly not waiting for much of a response and pushed through the doors of the school moving to the parking lot. Once in the parking lot he moved to his motorcycle and took the helmet off the side placing the helmet on his head and sitting on the bike to start it then left the school and out to the streets.


Night looked to the man who rushed in sipping at the tea he was given smiling softly. "Hello sir." He then listened to the man even though it had no concern in him. Watching Renshii rush out the door, Night heard his name be called for testing. "Well I hope that man doesn't have to big of problems. But thank you for the tea sir. I must get going to get the tests done."

Night left the room and headed for testing after setting the cup on the mans desk. He only wanted to learn who he would be partnered with, maybe he wouldn't get a partner and would be by himself. Who knows? He did have two souls inside of him practically, even if his other half was nothing but trouble.

Once he made it to the testing room Night sat down and waited for his test to begin but was interrupted as his eyes went wide for a moment before his other side took over. "What the hell do you think your doing!" He shouted as the man walked towards him with the needle. He didn't want to be stuck. Trying to leave the room, Midnight was grabbed and forced into a chair restrained by multiple men who continued with the testing regardless of how much the boy fought. He was weak and couldn't exactly do much. And there wasn't exactly any earth around to throw at them so Midnight growled. He hated this but that wouldn't matter. After a short time he switched back letting Night take the rest of the tests.

((Sorry would have made Midnight and Night switch a little more interesting but that would involve me posting again within a day or so. I'll be back as soon as possible :D But I have to go out of town for work. Bye everyone for now :) ))
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"Noo! Noo! I don't wanna go! Leave me alone!" Ingrid sniffled. Her childish rage raged through the campus grounds with her flailing madly in the strong hands of two nicely-dressed, bulky men. She kicked and squealed until she was finally let go onto the cold hard ground. Her little skimpy hands were bruised, her face scratched. She turned back at the men with teary eyes, before the men departed back into their shiny black SUV and departed.

Where did they take her to? At first, she thought she was being adopted by a nice rich family that had actually saw some potential in her. Whatever potential that was. She was at her foster home one day, sitting next to one of her favorite caretakers.

"Let's cut to the chase here, why would you want to adopt Ingrid, Hmm?" The auburn-haired lady cross her hands nicely across the table, looking straight at the frail, skinny man and obviously decorated, flashy woman infront of her. The two seemed alright enough, and the background research that they had received from them wasn't so bad. But she needed to first confirm that they would take care of Ingrid, and not take advantage of her.

"Well, we've been wanting a child for a while into our marriage, you see... And we've been trying to get one for years... Me and poor Daryl here just couldn't get one... And when we consulted our local doctor, we found out that... I was unable to carry one... We passed by here and saw this little lady playing with her friends... She was just too adorable to resist... And so we decided to take her under her wing and nurture her, like the parents she doesn't have at the moment..." The lady gave a dramatic swoon and smiled at Ingrid. Ingrid backed up more in her chair nervously.

The worker nodded and proceeded to go through the papers located at the side of the desk. "I can see where you can't have any children... Doctor's notice... Hmm... Alright. Just sign this, then you're ready to go in three days." The lady took out about three papers out of the pile of papers and slid them towards the couple. The couple stood up from their seats, took the papers, and left promptly out of the meeting room to finish signing the papers. The foster home worker turned to Ingrid, with a smile. "You're going to get adopted! Isn't that great?"

"But I want to play with everyone else." Ingrid pouted. She'd admit, the couple was a bit scary-looking and provoking... Especially the woman. Why they were so interested in her confused her. But, if they were going to take care of her... Then that was fine. She would just have to wait until three days passed.

And so three days had passed. The couple arrived in their polished red car on the end of the road. They entered the fostering home, meeting with the foster home worker and Ingrid.

'Go on now.' Ingrid was pushed forward towards the two. She shivered, giving one last sad look at the home before she was pulled into the couple's car. When she entered, a white cloth was pressed to her mouth. She was forced to breathe in, and she fainted down onto the car seat.

When she woke up, she was inside another car. It was being driven by two men, the ones that had forced her onto the school campus. Her hair, instead of being braided into two pretty braids, was let loose. She was wearing some different clothing, some school clothing. The ones for the school she was going to attend. And then, upon arrival, she was forced out and abandoned on the school grounds. Some fate that it was.

Ingrid sniffled a little, wiping a little bit of the tears off of her face. She staggered up onto her feet and went forward. "I-If they want to take me to s-somewhere... Fine..." She took about two steps inside, before falling onto the wall and sitting there. She didn't know what to do, and this place was so unknown. How was she going to fit in?
Rein sat, still on the couch in the entrance hall, his head hung over to small Sudoku book now placed upon his lap, occasionally giving of a smirk before filling in yet another number. Raising a hand to once more stroke a few strands of his free-hanging black hair from his eyes, he lifted his gaze shortly to scan the room before him, as he had done before.

Soon however, the sound of a car stopping outside overtook Reins attention, and he shuffled over a few decimeters to the right after placing the Sudoku book to the side. Lifting his right hand to once more stroke to hair from his forehead, he turned to peer out from the window behind him, trying to spot the arriving car and whomever it might carry.

Accomplishing this, would however be hard, as the mere light shining in from the window forced Rein to shut his eyes rapidly, drawing away from it for a short while to let his eyes adapt a bit more slowly, whilst rubbing his temples somewhat.

Soon however, the tall, somewhat musculus man turned his gaze out trough the window once more, still not all that pleased by the brightness of it all, but managing to scour across the courtyard in search of any new arrivals.
Andel contemplated his answer for a moment, "Water eh?" he thought to himself as h rubbed his bare chin, the magician was not adept with water magic but he knew of a few altruistic beings with command of the water element, some of them would even be eager to teach a budding spell caster the intricacies of water magic. He ran through several names and crossed off those who could not be easily contacted until he reached a single name. Andel slapped his forehead at his own stupidity, he should have considered the spirit the moment the boy uttered "water".

By the time the Professor of Supernatural Studies snapped out of his reverie he noted that the boy was gone along with the tea in his cup. Andel shrugged dismissively and placed the entire tea set back on the piece of paper with the summoning circle and with a bolt of magical energy he sent the set back to the school kitchens where the set would be cleaned and refilled by the staff there. Andel stood from his chair and rifled through his draws once more, this time he produced a large spool of transparent and hair thin wire. He also produced a pair of small diamonds, to one of them he tied the nearly invisible wire and set up a fairly simple contraption that would help him with his lesson, to the other he did nothing and he placed the pair of jewels on the table.

He took his seat once more and from his sleeve appeared a bar of chocolate which he chewed pensively as he waited for the testing to be completed so he could get his classes started once again.


Jeremiah sat in the cool breeze, his hair was ruffled by the wind while he sat beneath the cooling shade of a waving willow. The soft rustle of leaves, the strident chirping of birds and the impalpable whisper of the wind. At that moment i time he was the calmest he had ever been in hi life, in the garden he found that the images of the fire had been little more than distant memories of past life. He didn't want to leave his tranquil sanctuary but alas reality was a constant, it sounded like thunder rolling above or the clanging of several bells.

Jeremiah had time and energy left to expend and he couldn't use it all up hiding away within the safety of his green sanctuary. He sighed heavily as he hefted himself up from the wooden bench he sat on and made his way to the arena. To a knew student the way would be very confusing; the path to the arena was almost a maze in its complexity, in his first year he had gotten lost several times until he caught the knack of navigating the academy. Halfway through his first year he realised that the winding paths and corridors were meant to test the students and when he found out he made sure he wouldn't fail.

On his way he stopped by his locker where he retrieved his magical mace, the weapon was heavy but Jeremiah had trained with it since even before he landed at Riverview, his mother had taught him the rudimentary combat movements needed to help him survive so he was somewhat prepared when he had his first combat class. Since then he had excelled in melee and hand to hand combat, the rest was brainwork that would take him some time to catch up on but he was determined to catch up.

He approached a hay filled dummy reinforced with hardened leather pads, he hefted the mace in his right hand and sent an arcing blow down upon his target's head which effectively tore it to pieces. In a furious flurry of attacks he took out all of his pent up anger, fear and frustration out on his silent assailant.
Firelava said:
Wow.... a partner? thinking as he walked through the courtyard. i hope i get someone who can at least see out of both eyes. hehehehe even worse if i get somebody that is blind.i wonder if i will get somebody my age or older or even, god forbid , younger. does it have to be a boy or girl or does it vary? ugh to many questions for now.
looking both ways with his right eye he started walking across the courtyard to try and find the dorms. while looking to his right he ran straight into a girl talking to another guy. turning to look straight at her with his right eye must have looked strange as his head was slightly angled towards the right. still not enought to hide the massive scars on his face.

looking at her he saw a redheaded girl. he supposed he could describe her as pretty but he was not a very good judge of it. turning to hide the scar he spoke quietly " i am sorry. you will have to forgive me for that. i couldn't see you there. would you be kind enought to point me in the direction of the Dorms?"

looking at the guy with her he would think of as ordinary. longer brown hair and average height. he wondered what either of them could do to be able to come here.
As Laney awaited a response from Valen she gave a small squeak as she was ran into from her side by a young man with scars on his face. It took her a moment to realize what he was saying, heck it took a moment for her to realize he was talking at all.

Laney shook her head and squinted her eyes curiously and, leaned in closer to the stranger's face. "I apologize if what I'm about to asks offends you but, dude. Where did you get those?" She asked and leaned closer to his face, getting all in his personal space. She reached a hand out to try and gently touch the scars that ran over the side of his cheek.

"Wicked..." She breathed, completely lost in the moment. It was like something from one of her beloved scary movies. Where the hero has to battle the evil doer and leaves, victoriously with some sort of maiming. She felt her stomach tighten in excited anticipation as her mind came up with all the impossible scenarios it could on how he could have gotten the scars.
York's foot crashed down on the inner knee of the man before him the sound his knee snapping like a twig was met with a gasp of air as the man fell to the floor looking up at York with eyes pleading for his safety. "Where is it!" York growled as he watched the mans eyes dart to a metal briefcase tucked underneath the table. he left the man holding his leg heaving each heavy breath as he braced his body from the pain of having his knee shattered. York's shoes clicked with each step as he grabbed the handle of the briefcase lifting it he began to walk towards the door. The man who laid on the floor let out a sigh of relief as York stood in the doors entrance. York's right fingers twitched as it slowly rose and swept across his chest. His fingers skimmed across the fine shimmering metal of the guns handle as the hand firmly grasped and removed it from its leather holder over York's chest. The left hand that held the briefcase gently drooped down and set it back on the floor. moving to his waist it tapped on the individual shells that rested in his belt before he tapped one out. Lifting it and holding it in front of his face he gave a grin as the gun in his right hand flicked open. Setting the round into the single shot chamber he clicked it closed. Swinging his arm round pointing the large pistol at the man. "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T KILL ME IF I TOLD YOU!" York scoffed at what the man said. "I made no such promise." His finger clicked back the small sliver of metal that was the trigger as a bright red circle with elaborate symbols and writing swirled around the tip of the barrel. The mans eye's widened in fear as his jaw dropped in fear of the moment. The flames spouted as the coursed towards the man in a hellish inferno sweeping across the room. "AHHHHHHHHHHH-!" The man cried out holding his hands near his face trying to protect himself his voice and figure was lost to the engulfing flame. The fire flicked and roared as it began to grow and stem throughout the buildings infrastructure. York leaned down picked up the brief case and walked out the door. His right pants pocket began to vibrate as he slid his hand into it to retrieve his cell phone. "Yeah?... Missions complete.... School starts tomorrow?... Alright." He slid his phone back into his pocket.

Breathing in slowly as he stepped through the main gate he eyed the new students as they moved around the campus trying to find the dorm room, the lab and all other amenities the campus provided them in their stay. York had already been here for one year keeping to himself as he much preferred. During all school activities he worked solo and catered to no one. Excelling in his studies and classes within that first year he would have been popular if not for the cold callous attitude that follows whatever he does. With this new year it brought a new crop to bother and ask him to tutor them or help them in studies.... It would also mean... more children. He hated the small adult midgets that swarmed the campus each year. Their loud voices their incessant crying. York's head started to twitch as he thought of the their crying. He breathed out the air he had been holding onto as he tried to wash away his woes. As he managed two steps inside... he heard it the low sniffles and forcing of tears back. Yorks head creaked slowly as it trembled in rage as it swung to see a tiny little girl forcing back the tears. Its already started the homesick little runts crying only a few minutes into the new year. Don't they know people with powers can never live with those without them. The mundanes are afraid and cowards that would never understand family or strangers they are all the same. "Stop crying brat. It only gets harder from here." He growled at the young girl who was curled up against the wall. As he towered over her glaring down upon her. Children should be seen and not heard, one of Yorks many motto's.

"what these?" Kaige asked pointing at the left side of his face. " modified brass knuckles. the guy had put steel claws of them. got me and cut the center of my eye out. can't see anything out of that eye now. made the tattoo i have even more ironic. it is the symbol for Alpha supremecy. in other words one good is better then 12 bad. then 12 bad screw my day and life up."

turning to look closer at the girl he started to wonder what she could to to have been landed here. he knew that he had for his ability to do stuff like when he had ripped up a stop sign and smacked a guy 20 feet with it. in his own opinion the man deserved it for what he had planned to do to the poor kids he was trying to abduct.

" do you think you could direct me in the direction of the Dorms. i am having a little trouble with the layout. i think from there i have combat training or whatever it is called here. are you a good fighter? because you look alot like a girl i knew in New York that was almost a better fighter than i am."
Rein sighed lightly, slowly turning his gaze from the window. Apparently he was not finding much of interest outside before he shuffles over to the other side of the couch. Leaning back against it as he reaches lazily with his left hand to pick up the small Sudoku book once more, flipping trough it with a rather bored look as he moves his head to rest on his right hand.

Soon closing his eyes, the tall man leaned back a bit further as his mind traveled back to his past, remembering the streets of his small town of origin, how beautiful it had been to walk those lonely streets at night, how peaceful, and how quiet. Not like the nights here, they were louder, they did not offer the same peace he had experienced back there.

Then he opened his eyes once more, his mind returning to the room and the present as he let his gaze quietly wander across the room, once more searching for any nearby activity. Finding none, he soon rose from the couch, wandering over to pick up his black coat, before opening the entrance door once more, stepping out into the school ground.

Well out in the open, Reins crimson eyes flickered somewhat, taking their time to adjust the the new brightness as he simply stood there, staring out over the school grounds
The headmaster grabbed his comfy chair once again, sinking into it with a sigh of exasperation. He wiped his brow and flicked his hand towards the window, watching as it slowly opened to allow a nice chilled breeze into his muggy office. It was getting really warm. This was a terrible time for all the students with powers. The heat always seemed to get to them. He frowned and picked up a pen, writing up a letters to all the teachers to watch out for signs and to send those students to the hospital wing. He picked up the phone, dialed a number and muttered something before placing it back down. Minutes later, a young man rushed into the room and took the letters. He nodded and briskly walked right back out of the room again.

Tobus stretched and then leaned back, gazing out the window. Suddenly, he was reminded of that one young lad a year back who had thrown himself from the roof and impaled his body on the wrought iron spikes sticking out of the looming iron fence that enclosed the school. His face was creased with lines of age and black lined just under his eyes to show his lack of decent sleep. There has been so much to do lately.

Calloway vanished into the tide of people and walked out of the school and down the steps. He badly needed a breath of fresh air. Just as he did so, he noticed a young girl -- Ingrid. She seemed scared out of her little mind. Out of complete impulse, his feet took him in her direction. He kneeled down just in front of her and ruffled her hair, his bright optics locking on hers.

"What's wrong, little one? Are you lost? Scared? Would you like me to protect you?" he inquired, offering a friendly smile. The impulse and urge to protect Ingrid was near overwhelming. He looked down at the uniform she wore, which were the same colors as hers.

"I can take you to meet the Headmaster or help you get tested, if you wish. What is your name?"

This boy was in no way creepy, nor scary. He just seemed like a giant brother figure to everyone. He was very loved despite keeping everyone at arm's length. But Mr. Gallagher felt the strongest need to be that protectice figure in Ingrid's life.

Professor Perthshire finally made it to his dorm -- making sure to check with the headmaster before he set foot into the vicinity of the room. All was clear. He opened the door wide and allowed it to slam against the wall before he strode in, holding two suitcases. He haphazardly tossed them into a corner and went back to the door, using the top of his black shoe to close the door. There was no need for him to be anywhere in the school but here because of testing.

He pulled the shirt from his body and flung it onto the back of a chair before he slumped down onto his large bed, sighing loudly at the comfort level. He closed his eyes and silently listened to the sounds of the wind blowing through his opened window.

"Such a nice day. I don't have to work yet. I can relax. I seen a chick naked. Life is good. Life is good. You are good, Sam. You are very good," he murmured to himself and reached his hand over, snatching a candy bar off the side table. Tobus knew him so well. He swiftly got rid of the wrapper and took a bit. He balled up the garbage and tossed it into the waste basket before laying his head back on the pillow. He munched the candy bar as he watched the fan spin around and around.

Victorique shook with fear, her hands shakingly holding a small slip of paper that vibrated with the beat of her body. Some random boy placed his hand upon her shoulder, whispering some words of reassurance into her ear. She nodded quickly and then inched forward as the line near the door got shorter and shorter. She watched as the kids before her walked out, tapping the banadge on their arms were the needle had went into their skin and some blood had been shed after the needle had taken its share.

The raven-tressed female sucked in her breath when the time came for her to go inside. The one that had spoke to her in line gently nudged her back and she stumbled forward, eyes growing wide. She walked up to the door and pulled the handle, pushing her way into the lab before closing the door behind her. There was a soft buzzing in her ear as a scientist, clad in white came to her side and mouthed something. Why was he mouthing words and nothing sayin-

"Of course. Victorique? Did you hear what I said? Hello? You are Victorique, correct?" he asked and pushed the rim of his glasses up further on the bridge of his nose.

"Y-Yes..." she murmured, stammering slightly out of fear. Her striking eyes caught on the needles and bottles of blood and she flushed of color.

"Fear of needles? Blood?" he watched her closely, somewhat amused.

"N-Needles..." she blushed and looked down, the tops of her ears growing hot.

"Don't worry, child. It'll be over before you know it. Look away."

Four bottles of blood, one bent needle tip, one scientist with broken glasses and a black eye, a single lolipop and a large bandage later, Victorique stepped out of the lab with a sullen look on her face and grumpily walked down the hall and up the stairs before vanishing around a corner.

While Andel finished off his class planning for the rest of the month he remembered Renshii's brief appearance and his small request, he turned to his table and produced a blank piece of paper and a black quill pen. He scratched a note on the paper, it read:

To: Headmaster Tobus

From: Professor Tanenbaum

Renshii has received urgent news and has left to attend to his familial duties. I assume he's also requesting either a rescheduling for his class or perhaps a stand in teacher.

PS. I would like to make a request to invite an elemental wizard to run a workshop for those of our students looking to specialise their skills into a single category.

The ink had just dried before a messenger boy arrived to his class bearing a message of his own. "Wait there, I need you to deliver this to the Headmaster. This is to be your first priority, got it?" He asked the messenger, the boy nodded and waited. Andel folded and sealed the note with wax before pressing the seal on his ring down on the velvet wax. He handed the boy his message and read the one brought to him.

Andel nodded sagely at the contents of the note and flicked a silver coin at the boy, the child jumped back when he found a chocolate had landed into his hand, he then sent the messenger boy off to perform his other duties.


Jeremiah had left the arena, the heat was getting to him. He wandered about the school hallways until a small messenger boy ran into him head first. Jeremiah was unmoved and laughed a little as the boy reeled back, when the messenger regained his composure he asked "Do you know a Jeremiah? If so can you tell him he's supposed to get tested next." Jeremiah laughed again "That's me." The messenger nodded and skipped around the larger boy to disappear around a corner.

Jeremiah had arrived outside the testing room and gave a tentative knock, he heard a "Come in." and entered the room as he was bid. He sat down in the proffered chair and sat calmly as he was strapped in. The scientists cringed somewhat as they had expected him to lash out, surprised they returned to their work and took the required amounts of blood with little more than a grunt of pain from Jeremiah. The student Waited patiently until finally they unstrapped him and let him go his way.
Laney nodded as she listened to the guy's explanation of how he got his scars. "Oh wow." She breathed as she pictured the scene unfold in her mind. She thought about the tattoo and how cool his story was to her. "So you got into fights and stuff often, where you were from?" She asked. In her head she pictured him roaming alleys and bad parts of town in all black, his face hidden under the brim of a cool hat as he questioned people on other peoples whereabouts and what-not. He was like the Spirit in one of her movies she enjoyed watching called, the Spirit. Go figure.

Laney noticed the man pay more attention to her as his eyes focused more in on her, lost in brief thought. She felt her insides tighten with nerves but, she wasn't uncomfortable so she didn't say anything. She wondered what his ability was or, if he was just a mundane who was really good at a certain thing. Either way, she found him very interesting and hoped that they could get to know each other better.

Her eyebrows raised humorously as he asked about her fighting skills. "I'm skilled with Archery. I am terrible at hand-to-hand, I swear the instructor hates me." She smirked and thought back to the previous year during exorcises where the instructor would yell at her the entire time to block better and be lighter on her feet. She sighed at the memory and let it pass. "I mean- my ability is healing so it's not like I really have one that's easily incorporated into offensive attacks. I'm good at fighting and defending with my bow and arrows but I'm best used for after fights." She sighed.

"Oh yea- the dorms, sorry I forgot!" She said and shook her head in embarrassment. "Yea- the guys are right there." She pointed toward the building behind her where she had recently rescued a small baby bird. She smiled and ran her fingers reflexively through her side-cut bangs. "By the way, I'm Laney." She added, not wanting to part as complete strangers.
Ingrid became more and more sullen with each person that passed by, most of which seemed to be older than her. She stared forward, sniffling, her knees only half-hiding her eyes for anyone that bothered to look at her. Her whole body trembled in fear of the unknown, and she could just subconsciously imagine herself being alone. Everyone disappeared off of her mind for a few moment. It was only her.

Ingrid burst into tears, but lowered her own volume to try and not make such a scene around her. Snot poured out of her nose before she slurped it back up and wiped the remains that stayed under her nose. She was pitiful. If she didn't find help soon, then she would just break into a childish hissy fit and run around the school like a loon. Luckily, someone came to her aid... Even though it wasn't the best company.

"Stop crying brat. It only gets harder from here."

Ingrid sniffed in her snot one last time and looked up to see the person who had spoke to her with such harsh words. She stared at him with her large brown eyes. It was hard to tell what she was thinking from a glance but by the way he was glaring down at her he seemed awefully scary. Ingrid scooted back further against the wall, slightly afraid for what this person was going to do next.

...But then another came. Ingrid tensed up feeling the warm hand of another boy meet with her head. Ingrid's eyes turned to him. A nicer guy, it seemed. "What's wrong, little one? Are you lost? Scared? Would you like me to protect you?" He said to her. Ingrid blinked at him with her mouth failing to close on its own. Did her plea for help get noticed so easily? She gulped down her previous feelings to cry, and muttered out all she could for the moment. "I-I'm scared... I don't know what to do..." She looked down at her feet in shame.
" Names Kaige. my abilities are combat based. i become a superhuman for about 15 minutes. only downside is i collapse. i specialize in close combat. right now i have to relearn with only one eye. thank you i suspect we most go to testing soon." with that Kaige turned and walked into the Dorm building. quickly orienting himself he walked into his room and set his massive camping backpack down. quickly searching through it he pulled the long heavy sword he had made from a sheet of steel and set it next to his bed.

he heard a timid knock and turning he found the doorway occupied by a harried looking boy. " your up for tests. assuming your Magnus."sighting Kaige turned and said " yea suppose i am. i go by Kaige thought." he walked out and closed the door behind him. walking down the hall he turned and walked outside. keeping a strait path he entered the office.

" Magnus reporting for testing." he was led to a chair and sitting he looked at his lap. he was suddenly supprised when a needle hit his arm and without thinking he spun slightly and punched the poor doctor in the chest with enought force to knock him over. looking at the tube and needle sticking out of his arm he turned and said. " if you had warned me that wouldn't have happened. " sighing the doctors withdrew the required amount. getting up he turned and walked back to his dorm to unpack.
Still standing just outside the door of the entrance hall, Rein seemed lost in his own thoughts once more, his eyes striding slowly across the grounds before him. A gentle wind had appeared near him, which slowly stroked the rough, shoulder length black hair against him.

Soon however, he was interrupted by a light tap in his shoulder. Spinning around on the spot, the crimson eyes of his soon settled upon a shorter man behind him, which seemed somewhat relieved for reasons unclear to him. "You're up next, for the testing, that is." the man before him spoke in a matter-of-fact way. Rein merely nodded slowly, motioning for the man to lead on.

Soon entering trough the door to the office, he cast his gaze around shortly once more. His expression seeming to contain no specific emotion. He merely strode of to the chair he was lead to. Staring forward with a mere twitch in his left eye once a needle was sent trough the pale skin of his left arm. The rather musculus man seemed to not react all that heavily to the small amount of blood being drained, which, still not to his full understanding, seemed to relieve the doctor that was draining him somewhat.

Once finished, the tall Rein simply rose from the chair, neither rapidly nor slowly. Striding towards the exit without another word. Only to rub his left arm somewhat as the door closed behind him.
To be fair, it wasn't her fault. Exactly.

As she was pressed between the man's body and the wall, she would get a hip to her stomach, which would result as if her body had no say in the matter. Between the touch of pain, the spirits, and her already pressing need, she would make a hurking noise like a cat with a furball.

And then proceeded to purge her body once more, however now she had a target, and her aim was good as it covered his pants and shoes. Erin wiped her mouth on her hand, looking up, and up. A teacher. Whoops. She was screwed.

"Umm, let me know how much dry cleaning is?"

It was nothing amazing, sure. Not even an apology. To be fair, it was his fault, really. No hip, she could have made it outside. Of course, he would ask if she was alright. She was new and had a strict regiment of no sun. She smelled like a still, and well, she was not entirely herself.

Stupid places with no clocks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just starting to hate this place with an intense passion and trying to figure out the best way to blow it up. Nothing personal, Teach, just seriously. A poem at assembly? I'm just going to go a little crazy."

A weak smile actually crossed her face as her brain began almost screaming to be let out, to find someplace else to go. She had no idea. Testing? Dorm rooms? Where were they assigned? Should she know before now? Her being there had been a last minute thing. Thanks especially to Stefan's impression of KFC.

Food, she would hurk again, aiming for him once more as she purge the last of the alcohol and acid from her stomach.

Hell, he was already wearing a ruined suit. Better than messing up the floor.

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