Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted


The Alpha and The Omega

Riverview Academy

Made by Highly Unorthodox

Credits to Kyousuke

They say that the school beyond the thicket of trees is cursed.

They say that children who call the academy home are abnormal.

They say that it's a freak show, a nuthouse.

What they don't know is that it's the only barrier fending off all that goes bump in the night from the frontiers of order and innocence.


Riverview Academy is a school for the gifted children from the age 12-19, branching off from the Order of the Red Hood in hopes of prepping qualified youth for a life of service in the Order. It typically houses those possessing supernatural abilities that we can only theorize about, but there is the occasional average human that catches the Academy's eye through their exceptional talents that may be considered beneficial or an asset to Riverview.

This, clearly, is no ordinary school, where you learn about conventional subjects that mortals would study. The students at Riverview are taught about their abilities, how to control them, and how to use them against crime and nightmarish adversaries through a selection of unique courses.

The academy's curriculum consists of Weaponry, Criminal Intelligence and Investigation (CII), Combat, Basic Sciences, History of the Paranormal, and Supernatural Studies; all of which are mandatory. What students learn in class are put to the test on missions, on which they go with a partner.

Partners are assigned by the lab of the school based on DNA, blood type, and general compatibility.

Good luck. You'll need it.


The Roleplay Constitution

1. I do not want any people who will god modd or make over-powered characters. I want them to be original as possible. I wish for you to throw in some weaknesses to compensate since they are somewhat over-powered due to supernatural attributes.

2. If one of your characters have killed a students on the grounds of school, they will be punished and the next year they will be forced to have a guard to follow them everywhere they go. These guards are called Splicers and are very powerful. They were once remembers of the Red Hoods.

3. Partners will be assigned by someone I pick if they offer and I. They will have their pick of what character they want to pair theirs with.

4. I can't make all the teachers. I need some people to offer to play teachers. If you are one, I need you to personal message me so that I can explain what the class is and kind of guide you to wear I want the classes and lessons to go.

5. Site rules come into play. Always.

6. Please have fun.


Places in the School

The Academy Gates:

Ringing the school grounds is a twelve-foot high wrought iron fence with sharpened spires. The gate of the fence cuts across a winding cobblestone path up to the castle-like school, and is often compared to either that of a prison, or that of the Underworld, where devil's work is done-- but it is what you make of it. Make no mistake, though: by no means are these the Gates of Heaven. Quite the opposite, on the contrary.

The Entrance Hall:

This is a colossal room with torch-lined stone walls and a black marble floor. A massive spiral staircase is tucked into one corner, and various coat racks and rugs are cluttered around the grand black wood entrance doors. A few couches and chintz armchairs are pushed against the wall.

The Amphitheater:

Weaponry and combat classes are held in the amphitheater. In addition, the amphitheater acts as the school's auditorium.

Weaponry Teacher: Vincent Steiner

Combat Teacher: Samual Perthshire

The Cafeteria:

The cafeteria is a vast room filled with round lunch tables that are often occupied according to your clique. At the wall nearest to the entrance is a long buffet table of the signature dishes of an assortment of cultures that are refreshed by servants of the school at hour intervals. Hamburgers from the United States, spaghetti from Italy, sushi from Japan, pastries from France-- you name it, they've got it. The meals are meant to be diverse to represent how the school combines the cultures of the world into one cause-- how it is immaterial where you come from: everyone here is a student first and a citizen of their country second. Race merely describes your appearance: it is not who you are.

The Classes:

These are the classes that are held in classrooms. Ones that are more physical and that require space, such as Combat, are held on the school grounds or in the arenas. All students must follow their assigned schedule unless class transference are approved by the school.

Basic Sciences: The science room is filled with lab tables and swiveling lab stools, with, like all other classrooms, a chalkboard at the front of the room. Cabinets are full of lab supplies, such as beakers, vials, test tubes, gloves, and goggles.

Teacher: Renshii Akahero

Supernatural Studies: The Supernatural Studies room is a classroom with descending tiers of student desks curving around half of the circular shape of the room, much like how a sports stadium's seats are positioned. At the front of the room is a chalkboard and a messy teacher's desk.

Teacher: Andel Tanenbaum

Criminal Intelligence and Investigation: This is a small, albeit tidy, classroom crammed with student desks. On a dais at the front of the room is the teacher's desk and a chalkboard.

Teacher: Mavis Brimstone

The Dormitories:

The dormitories are where students sleep. They're split into gender and age.

Boys: This, obviously, is where the male students sleep and such. Each floor is devoted to an age, so that students are kept with their peers.

Girls: This is where the females sleep. Each floor is devoted to the age of the student.

The Gymnasium:

This is the gymnasium, where students go to train and get in shape, as an RH cannot be made out of an unfit body. The gymnasium includes a track that stretches in a mile by diameter and rings the perimeter of the gym, treadmills, ellipticals, weight benches, dumbbells, and pull-up bars. Mats are stacked in the back corner, and a door in the back leads to the indoor pool.

The Meeting Room:

This is a dark-rugged room with sleek black walls and an elongated, polished rectangular mahogany table lined with plush red swiveling chairs in the center of it. The Council convenes here to discuss pressing matters, map out strategies, or construct plans.

The Library:

This is a prodigious room filled with row upon row of book shelves, each harboring books, documents, and scrolls on every genre and subject you can think of, from mystery novels to demonology. Tables and chairs are scattered throughout the library for students to work at, and a wide bay window on the far wall gives way to the school grounds.

The Infirmary:

This is an immense room split into spacious cubicles for patients. In each cubicle is a hospital bed, a bedside table, a bedpan, a pole to hang IV's and blood bags on, and a few extra chairs for visitors.

The Laboratory:

This is the ominous place, in the sub levels of the Academy, where experiments are held, research is done, and students are tested.

Scientist: L. Roman

Testing Room: This is a starch white room filled with metal testing tables, with cuffs for wrists and ankles on a few of them. Cabinets full of syringes line the walls, as do filing cabinets, and the room is lit by harsh white light. A sharp smell of bleach mingles in the room.

Research Lab: This room has numerous desks crammed into it-- ones usually covered liberally in papers-- and the walls are practically made of computer screens. Here, general research is done, such as possible recruits.

The Weapons Room:

This is an enormous room with an assortment of weapons hanging on the walls-- axes, maces, knives, swords, guns, spears, shuriken, bows and arrows-- you name it, they have it. A forge is tucked into the corner for the students to craft their own weapons at, and a wide space in the center of the room allows students to test out their weapons.

The Stimulation Room:

The Simulation Room is about twice the size of the amphitheater and can simulate actual battles and situations by the use of matter technology (developed by the Splicers). Each situation given has a unique goal and landscape, whether it be a fiery room in which you must rescue all civilians or a cave where you and your partner/teammates/classmates must slay a dragon. Competitions are held in the simulation room based on what level you and your partner/teammates/classmates can make it to. No student has ever made it to the final level (Level 66)-- the highest score ever achieved was Level 39 in 1921.

The Headmaster's Office:

This is a large room, covered wall to wall with expensive antiques. He has large wooden cupboards and big desk.

Headmaster: Tobus




(The pairings will be posted once testing on each student in completed. Remember to think of your partner as your lifeline. They are bound to you by DNA. You belong to each other. You fight crime together and protect each other. Like family. Once your partner dies, you do not get another one. Very few grow romantic relationships from being paired with their partner.)

Headmaster Tobus slowly opened the door to his office, stepping out into the vacant halls. It was so quiet on the top floor that you would hear a pin drop. Ichor, the black she-cat slunk out the door and peeked her head between his legs. She meowed, shooting her red eyes up to watch him.

"Yes, Ichor. Another year," he mused, leaning down to stroke her head as she spat a few acid-like marrows.

He grinned slightly at the cat and stood before he slowly picked his way along the hall, gazing at his reflection in the shined flooring. "Another year, hm?" he murmured to himself and turned to walk down the steps to the entrance of the school. The students would be showing any second.


Victorique's raven tresses flipped wildly in the wind, nearly enclosing her body in an inky curtain of hair. Her bright optics flickered about the vicinity of the school, admiring the wrought iron gates. There had been murmurs in the halls of a sixteen year old male student who had hated being abnormal. He had thrown himself off the roof and was impaled on the iron spikes. His fate was clear from the day he entered the school that he was going to die. He was determined to end his short life, they had said. She rolled her shoulder, eyes squinting slightly at a spot far away. She was befuddled because she swore she deciphered a blood stain imprinted on the concrete walkway. Picking this as a figment of her devious imagination, she ambled up the stairs and entered Riverview.

She was seemingly the first student to show, as always. Like the year before, she hoisted her bag higher over her left shoulder and reached her hand out to brush her finger tips down the silky back of Ichor, who meowed happily and rubbed her head against Victorique's leg.

"Privet, Ichor..." she breathed, her lips parting ever so slightly to show white teeth as her Russian accent spilled out. The girl then stood and looked around the devoid hall with bright torches in their slots, illuminating the dark marble floor. Victorique pushed her obsidian hair to the side as she set her bag on the floor and sat in a chair, waiting for others to arrive or for the Headmaster to show.


Professor Perthshire swept his gem-green cloak up as he swiftly turned out of a vacant classroom, moving haphazardly towards the amphitheater were he was command by the Headmaster to take a seat and wait. He did so, picking the comfiest looking chair despite them all looking exactly the same. He huffed and kicked his feet up before ruffling his closely chopped dark hair.

"Another year in hell..." he muttered and fumbled with a box of matches in his pocket as he sat in silence and waited.

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Renshii had entered through one of the side doors of the school to avoid the traffic in the main entrance, he didn't want to get trampled on his first day of school and this was the easiest way, after entering the school Renshii smiled looking to the empty halls and headed for the amphitheatre. "Another day of class, what shall we start with on the first day?" Renshii smiled at his thoughts. Hm what shall I do after testing? Maybe start with blowing something up in free time of the class if there was any. Maybe he would make them watch a movie to start it off? After introductions that is. Pushing his thoughts away he entered the theatre and walked down the path sitting behind the other teacher who had already been sitting alone. "Come on now you know we aren't suppose to light matches in the theatre, it could cause fires." He smirked then leaned back in his seat kicking his feet up onto another seat nearby and relaxing while he stared to the ceiling.


Night stood in the middle of the crowd waiting for the school to open the doors, it was his first time being at the school. He was new and didn't know anyone and could already see groups forming of people who knew eachother from the previous year. He sighed softly closing his eyes. "A new school, more unknown people. I feel like I'm going to hate this one just as much as I hated the last one." He mumbled this to himself and adjusted the small bag that he had on his back. "Time to face it I guess."

Matt walked across the grounds of the academy. 'School for the gifted, huh?' he mused to himself, pondering how "gifted" he really is as he walks down a path. 'I'm not even that gifted, it's more like luck...at least the scenery's nice', he thinks, strolling over to a plant, examining it, and moving on with his stroll. Early morning strolls are one of the simple pleasures in life. 'Another year begins...', he thinks as he continues to walk the grounds.

Matthew takes in a deep breath of the fresh morning air, and decides to head to his first class of the year. Best not be late, and he's stretched his legs enough for now.
Slowly walking through the gates was a medium boy. He wasn't tall like most or built like the jocks in schools he read in small books. he wasn't short and lanky like those loser he also read in books. He was in between, built but not to big, medium in size to where he would be able to maneuver through things and duck if needed. He smirked a little as his head was down, his pale white covered most of his face. The sun rays shined down on him as if hew an angel from heaven and made his hair light up like crystal. His pale skin like transparent paper. He was in no rush and cared for nothing at the moment. He only came because he was force to, at least that's what he thought. He wore a satchel with a brown buckle. He took in a deep breath as he exhaled when he entered the halls of the school. His feet cold against the marble flooring. It made him move his toes around but he soon got used to the cold , and it became warm. He shifted his head to the right exposing his ear that had piercings.

He had looked for a chair that was isolated , and alone. But non was there and only looked like it was set up in rows. Annoying he thought. He walked past a girl he had no desire to look at and sat at the end of the row. He threw his satchel to the floor as he looked down at it. It feel and plopped onto the ground, its land was light like there was nothing in it. He rolled his head around then sat in the chair. he was sitting up right then slowly he slid down and slouched in it. His head still low as he was about to fall asleep. He didn't want to be here , or talk to anyone , or make any friends. This was annoying everything was annoying. He moved his hand to cover his ears so he could block out the sound. He slowly brought up his feet into the chair and was now sitting in a weird position.


The tall man strode down the long hall that seemed never ending. It's dark hall that was only lite by a few lanterns. The doors on each wall was closed and locked. Some had numbers other had letters. He walked fast, taking long strides as he had a folder under his arm and his other shoved in his pocket. A smile crept upon his face as he stepped onto a metal plate. The doors opened to a lab filled with toys for him to play with. He qickly walked in, the light flicking on and off as he sat in a chair. He began to roll around in it toward his desk, well super computer in his mind. He rolled and rolled until he came to a hault. He began to type on the keyboard , as he opened up all the files and turned on all the equipment.
Matt enters through the front entrance of the school, shoes clicking on the marble flooring. He always did like that sound. After a few minutes he remembers which class he has first, and makes his way over there, casually avoiding the people in the hallways. Once he arrives at the classroom door, he straightens himself up a little, and slowly pushes open the door, and looks to spy a seat near the window. 'Looks like I'm behind whitey', I think, smirking a little. I walk over to the desk behind the white-haired kid and take a seat, slumping back and dumping my backpack under the seat, then proceeding to look out of the window.
The boy bit his lip as he heard what he had said. Whitey of all names. He was getting even more annoyed but he needed to keep his cool. He slipped out of his seat, his hands falling to his side as he inhaled. He grabbed his back and walked chair's up then let his bag fall again. He slid into the chair resuming his previous position. His hands this time held tightly onto his ears, almost to the point to where he could pierce his skin if needed. He had closed his eyes shut. The back was under the chair this time, as he took in deep breaths to control his anxiety and anger. Whitey..the nerve he thought. He shook his head no to get rid of this thought and to think about something else.
Lilly moved through the halls rather smoothly for someone who couldn't see a thing. She knew she should put her glasses on, but she was way too stubborn to dig them out of her bag. Instead, she followed the footsteps of the only other person in the hallway, which was rather easy with the marble floors. Eventually she found herself somewhere with a lot of chairs. Maybe a seating area? Who knows.

She seated herself rather quickly, although barely managing not to trip on anything. It looked like she had seated herself next to someone, but she couldn't make out what they looked like at all.
Festin went to the main entrance and was happy to be around other people. He just really hopes he doesn't cause any troubles. A new school is a nice start for maybe a new life, considering how much he hated his last, he was glad to leave it. He went through the halls and tried to get himself situated with the school. It was a large school and there were students all around. Festin got nervous about what the other kids would think of him. I still can't believe they wanted me to go to a school for the gifted I'm not gifted I possess a curse, just cause can move things with my mind doesn't mean I'm gifted at all. His negative thoughts started flooding his brain.

He just realized he has been wondering around this school without any clue of where and what he should be doing. As he looked all around him it seemed as though the people just disappeared. Festin started to panic, he was lost and by himself on his first day, just great he thought to himself. He decided to head back and maybe he can find someone near the front of the school, and he started heading back.
Noticing the kid in front of me moved, I wonder if he can read minds, as it certainly wasn't something I said. 'Hey, Whitey', I think with all my might. 'If you can read minds, knock the table', I think as loud as I can. It seems cheesy, but it's too early to think tastefully. After broadcasting the thought, I go back to looking out of the window.
You can do it, child, it's just one simple snap a voice cooed in her head. Seraphina was having another lucid dream that so very frequently plagued her slumber. In this particular dream sequence, Maxi was standing on what seemed to be a mirror, but when she took a step, her image distorted with ripples like water. So Maxi's skills of perception had told her she was standing on water, which was actually kind of neat in her eyes, which couldn't grasp anything else of her surroundings, other than the mirrored water and the little pup that cowered in front of her, it's little blonde tail tucked between it's shaking,tired knees. The pup was brought here against it's will, and Seraphina wanted to do nothing more than to comfort the puppy, but something told Maxi she wasn't allowed to do so. The voices ruined what little positives Maxi had made out of this dream, which she was not allowed to escape. More invites of death had swam around in her cognitive state of mind. "I don't want to kill it, it's just an innocent puppy." The puppy seemed to know Maxi was referring to it, it's ears drooping and letting go a small whimper in a desperate melancholy fashion. Seraphina frowned, knowing any sign of emotion would mean certain execution for the puppy. Not even a crushed limb or two? questioned another voice "No!" Seraphina stamped her foot indignantly, sending the puppy sprawling backwards in outright terror, something Maxi did not intend to do. Hmm...We thought you'd say no to us. The puppy inched it's terrified way towards Maxi, which made a smile dance on Maxi's lips. Phin had bent down to scoop the puppy up in her arms. But would you have said no to him? Suddenly, the ground shook and the lucid dream collapsed around Seraphina with horrid noises, the contorted, excruciating last squeal of the puppy pierced her ears.

Seraphina rose from her bed, sweating and disturbed. Her room was the same as it always was; clothes, both dirty and clean, littered the once-clean wooden floors. The walls had the same worn-blue paint, the shutters cast lined shadows across the room in the morning sun. It was just another dream Maxi noted, but despite an attempt at positive reinforcement, Maxi knew she still let the puppy die. She examined her hands to see if the pup's crimson blood that splattered her face, hands, and much of her chest had carried over into reality like it's last cry had. She rose regardless, fixed her chocolate brown hair, brushed her pearly white teeth, and dressed in her newly ordered school uniform. "I guess it's time again, Riverview. I hope you're ready for me once more" Seraphina smiled at her reflection in the dresser mirror. Maxi left her dwellings, greeted the few people she encountered in her curfew to school, and arrived at the entrance. Students were starting to pile in, and Maxi did her best to maneuver through the crowds for her friends, but decided it was more important for her to head for the amphitheater. Seraphina made her way towards her predetermined location, but sitting around with a bunch of newbies had no particular appeal to Madam Maximilian, so she decided she'd idle around in the hallway just before the entrance, continuing to scout for a familiar face to accompany her to the new year.
Hmph. Another year. Another day of reciting what he had already learned to the teachers. Not only had he known everything by heart, he had already internalised everything within his own mind. He could dig around and extract these information within a space of a second, but it bored him to do so. He'd rather be creating more spells for his own utility in the world. Arcane magicks and sciences. He was skilled in the latter enough. He needed to learn more of the former. It wasn't enough. Not enough. He clenched his left hand into a fist. He needed to know every sort of magic out there that could heal and destroy. The school gates that had students pushing them to open barred his way as he made his way to the school's entrance. Large, imposing...heavy. Many students strained to push them open, and many teachers delighted in closing the gates right after to watch other students suffer. What a trivial obstacle in his way. Faust did not even bother unclasping the buckle that sealed his tome, and simply raised a hand. A gust of wind blew past him, sending his blue jacket billowing, before a pocketful of gale force winds slammed into the gates, sending them wide open. That would take quite a while to push back into place.

Faustus Fairfield the Second. A figure of pride and hatred that the winds favoured. The breeze swept fallen leaves away from his path as he made his way to the main building of the school. The new students who unwisely stepped into his way were immediately swept off their feet with a sijgle gust of wind, bemused by the events. Older students wisely steered clear of him. One of the newbies, a large-bodied young man, attempted to call him out on it. A cold glare and a single thumb going to the clasp of his book sent his friends, who obviously had a better head on their shoulders, pulling him away from Faust's wrath radius. The clasp clicked back on the book and Faust entered the school building, searching the crowd for one particularly lady with whom he was, inexplicably, besotted with. Not in love, surely. Just besotted. Faust wondered if it meant the same thing as he pushed past yet another student. And then he saw her, her beauty radiating from her own physique, placing her way above the rest of the imperfect crowd that stood in his way.

The white-haired boy raised his hand and waved. "Maxi! O'er here!" He called above the noise of the students that began to pile in.
The sound of his footsteps walking down the narrow steps was almost musical, 'tip, tap, tap, tip, tap, tap, tip' . His wand was now in the form of a can which he swung theatrically as he descended to the corridor that lead to the amphitheater. Students trickled in from the main entrance and nodded to a few of the more familiar students and winked mischievously at the first year students who wandered in; their faces covered in obvious anxiety. Samson clung to his shoulder and impassively observed the passing children, his eyes unknowing and simple.

Just as he was about to finally make his way to the amphitheater at the behest of the headmaster Andel saw that a new student had tripped and the contents of her bag had spilled to the ground. He strolled over to the distressed first year student and bent low to help her. "An accident on the first day of school eh? Be careful not to let the rest of your day follow suit." He counseled the girl who bashfully nodded; her cheeks afire with embarrassment "I'm Andel Tanenbaum, I'm teaching Supernatural Studies, be sure not to turn up too early or you'll look like a teacher's pet." He finished when her belongings were gathered up.

Waving the girl off down the hallway he turned observe the ever growing trickle of students. He expected that this yer was about to be little different than usual. He sighed t the prospect of grading papers and shivered in cold fear, grading was the bane of every teacher and those who claimed otherwise were Demons or worse........Angels. Andel had his fair share of run ins with members of the heavenly choir and some could be outright rigid. He shrugged his shoulders and pet the rabbit clinging to his coat.

He reached the amphitheater and noticed two familiar students standing a ways away from the entrance; Faustus Fairfield and Seraphina Maximillian. "Hop along love bunnies." He teased before entering the amphitheater to avoid any untoward looks or comments and made his way to where a pair of other faculty members lounged. He perfunctorily took a seat "Mornin' Renshii, Samual. Another year eh?" He smiled and leaned back into his chair, folding his left leg over his right he rapped his cane against the floor once and it disappeared. Inversely his wand appeared in his inside coat pocket.


Jeremaiah towered over many of the other students, his imposing frame cast an even larger shadow in the light cast off by the sun through the windows. He remembered that at that time last year he had walked down the hallway filled with anxiety. Since then he'd grown accustomed to the odd school, he felt safe for the first time in his life and was happy to go to a school where others were almost as different as he was if not more. He lumbered down the hallway and made his way to the amphitheater.

He opened the door ignoring the two seniors and took a seat up the top, the selfsame seat he had used the year prior. For him routine was paramount and having the seat again this year set him at ease. Jeremiah noticed a few other students and a few teachers were there but he didn't strive to talk to any of them for the moment he was just happy to sit down and wait quietly.

Headmaster Tobus's shoes clicked softly against the marble floor as everyone had taken their seats. The vast room was full of new and old students of all shapes and sizes. Powerful and weak. Young and old. The man wore the hood of his cloak up as he carefully picked his was towards the front, where a podium that was crafted beautifully from a wonderful slab of mahogany stood. He turned his body to face all of Riverview before he flicked back the hood of his cloak, eyes skimming over each and every face in less than two sweeps. He lifted both scarred hands and the lighting in the room dimmed down. He shot his green optics towards the ceiling and suddenly a spotlight shone down upon him, illuminating his dark hair to make it appear as a sinister halo.

"Greetings, one and all! I welcome you here -- or back if that is your case. I have the pleasure of seeing each and every one of you once again. This brings a smile to an aging man's withered face. I would like to start off with a little introduction to Riverview and how things work around here and then we can get down to what you all want to hear -- DNA testing and attaining partners," the man spoke with a loud, booming voice that carried to every crevice of the amphitheater.

"Riverview Academy is a school for the gifted children from the age 12-19, branching off from the Order of the Red Hood in hopes of prepping qualified youth for a life of service in the Order. It typically houses those possessing supernatural abilities that normal humans -- or as we call them, "mundanes" -- can only theorize about, but there is the occasional average human that catches the Academy's eye through their exceptional talents that may be considered beneficial or an asset to Riverview. For example; our own Professor Steiner.

This, clearly, if you look around at the students surrounding you... is no ordinary school where you learn about conventional subjects that mundanes would study. You students at Riverview are taught about your abilities, how to control them, and how to use them against crime and nightmarish adversaries through a selection of unique courses.

The academy's curriculum consists of Weaponry taught by Professor Steiner, Criminal Intelligence and Investigation (CII), taught by Professor Brimstone, Combat, taught by Professor Perthshire, Basic Sciences, taught by Professor Akahero, and Supernatural Studies, taught by Professor Tanenbaum; all of which are mandatory. What you learn in class are put to the test on missions, on which you go with your assigned partner," he took a slow pause to watch expressions of students.

"Partners are assigned by the lab of the school based on DNA, blood type, and general compatibility. The scientist that will be doing all of this will be Dr. Roman and I. Once this speech is over, I will give you some time before we start to call you, one by one, to the lab. One student will be tested at a time and it will only take a few minutes of your time. So please, go unpack in your rooms and take a stroll around. Thank you for listening and I hope you all enjoy attending her-" Ichor jumped up on the podium and meowed into the mic. Laughter from students erupted like a wave. The headmaster's ear tips started to burn red. Suddenly, the cat jumped down in front of the students and shifted. After a few inhuman seconds, a woman in a black leather catsuit stood in front of them. Tobus groaned and placed a hand on his forehead, turning away. The girl offered a charming smile.

"Uh-hum!" she tapped the mic twice as she moved around to stand behind it. "It's on!", someone muttered.

"I know that," she spat back with some sass. The girl pulled out a piece of paper.

"I would like to read a poem called "To a Skylark", she glanced up at Tobus who was trying to compile himself.

"Hail to thee, blithe spirit!

Bird thou wert,

That from heaven, or near it,

Pourest thy full heart

In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.

Higher still higher

From the earth thou springest

Like a cloud of fire;

The blue deep thou wingest,

And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

In the golden lightning,

Of the setting sun,

O'er which clouds are brightening,

Thou dost float and run

Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun."

Silence. She shifted back to her cat form and trotted off. Headmaster Tobus walked back to the podium and coughed.

"You are now dismissed."


Victorique thumbed idly at a loose thread at the hem of her shirt, frowning deeply. She half listened to the speech, already knowing every single word of it. The speech never seemed to change, aside from a few other words. She stretched slightly and then yawned, concealing her mouth with the back of her hand. Suddenly, a meow and burst of laughter. Ichor, she thought immediately, optics flicking up to lock on the woman in the rather sexy suit. She had to ask Ichor where she got that. Out flowed one of her favorite poems, each word vibrating with power from Ichor. She closed her eyes, rejoicing in the short poem. When it finished, she lifted her hands to clap but seconds before her porcelain-like palms came in contact, she paused. No one was cheering or clapping. She slowly lowered her hands, a dust of pink surfacing along her pallid cheeks.

Professor Perthsire snickered slightly as Ichor sprung onto the podium. Then BAM, a woman in a catsuit. He slowly lowered his glasses down on the tip of his nose, admiring her for the time being before she slipped into hiding behind the podium. He sighed softly and leaned back. The man always had a thing for Ichor and it was no surprise. Despite this, she always played hard to get and never responded to him as he tried to talk to her in the halls. The man ran his hands through his closely chopped hair and glanced down at his watch, wondering when they could leave. The second the headmaster spoke the word "You", he was gone. Out the doors and down the halls before sneaking around a corner.

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Cross was sitting quietly in the back, he had purposefully arrived late and picked a seat isolated from most others. He listened intently to the headmaster's speech, mulling over what was said as some of the students started to leave.

School for the gifted . . . I guess you could call it that. With the courses offered though, I wouldn't be surprised if my father sent me here to die.

He gently grasped a wooden talisman around his neck. It was the one thing his sister had managed to get to him before they were separated, and also the one thing that he had no trouble holding back his strength to touch.

Then I'll prove him wrong. Whatever regiment awaits me within these walls, I'll push through it just like anything else that has gotten in my way.

The one thing that bothered him was this mention of a 'partner'. Cross had never been able to hold back his strength when interacting with anyone besides his sister. And they expected him to work regularly with someone he'd never met? Whoever they were, he hoped they were durable as hell.
L but to the students Roman. The doctor smirked as he decided to test out the equipment. He pushed the chair over to the body bed. This equipment had a long name but he wasn't interested in such things, only to what they can do. "Ah so this sees their body is a ok...lets see, DNA , heat signature, body levels, heart rate, mental stability... interesting." He smiled as he turned it on and rolled back over to the main computer. He began to type on the computer, to open up the files and the data base so it can record auto instead of manually. "Next one." He rolled over to a sphere , that opens from the bottom. He put his hand on the center. "code 00025 open system." The sphere released some smoke , then it began to open. "code 88756 bring up data." The data was brought up on the main screen a he folded his arm. "Hm...bone structure and tissue structure....bone replacement and tissue replacement." He walked away from the sphere and opened up a new section for that to record as well.

"How many kids joined this year." He reached for the clip board on his table then a knife. He slit his wrist a little, and allowed the blood to flow. "You are my helpers , heed my command and come forth." Small little toys , more like voodoo dolls appeared all over the room. They laughed and played until he clapped his hands together. "ENOUGH we have things to do." He sat down in his chair and began to bring up the rest of the files. "LISTEN... you three start up the sphere, we need that up and moving for the test...you six make sure the boy scan is also up and running... ah yes and open that up on the other computer." He walked over in strides toward a shower like capsule." ...what the hell...oh right that thing um...you there help me remember." The small voodoo doll walked over slowly. " I think that is the shower...im pretty sure it cleans away the bacteria and coats you with a special substance to block illness." He node his head a he ran his finger through his hair. "Right..right , grab the towels and robes."

He smiled as he lit a cig and put it in his mouth. He gave a wicked smile and laughed to all his small workers. "HERE , HURRY HURRY WE NEED TO GET THIS SET UP , THEY'LL BE COMMING SOON"
Shane sighed, walking down the entrance hall a few minutes late, moving in the general direction of the weapons room. He entered and locked him knife belt in the vault, then shuffled his way off to Basic Sciences. Another year of this nonsense, and being assigned a partner. How tedious. He walked into the classroom and sat in his usual seat, the part of the room everyone avoided, mostly because of his volatile attitude.

Shane growled as the teacher walked in, and pulled out his decorative knife and started cutting new notches into the table. He had cut notches into it every day last year, and there were hundreds of these little notches. He made them in multiple different shapes, ranging from half circles to intricate patterns. Right now he was cutting a notch that looked like the profile view of a cat.
Night sighed and only followed the groups of students not sure where he was going only went with the flow of people. He didn't like being around a mystery group of people. He didn't understand anything nor did he have any friends in the school so he felt sort of lonely. Night entered the amphitheatre and looked for a seat near the back of it listening in on the speech given by the Headmaster and jumped slightly seeing the cat turn into a woman wearing a cat outfit. "Woah.....Cool."

Renshii shrugged softly placing his arms behind his head then looked to Andel and grinned. "Hey it's the Tanned Bum." He teased smiling softly. "A new year and new explosions to be made." Renshii watched the speech go on and grinned standing up the moment the Headmaster spoke saying they could go. One thing Renshii was interested in was the class. He wanted to see who would be his little pet to help him blow things up this year. Of course his main objective was to help the class focus their powers although he had none himself. Rushing to class, Renshii opened the door and stepped in before any student would and sat at his desk waiting for the class.
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Lilly had listened to the speech intensely. She wanted to take in every detail, hoping she had made the correct choice in coming here. Of course, she hadn't heard much about the whole partner thing, expect that she would be assigned one. The whole relationship was confusing to her, and she didn't understand the concept behind it. Surely there were some who were better off working alone.

When the Headmaster had finished speaking and the woman ended her poem, Lillian could hear students already getting out of their seats, chattering already starting up. She stood from her seat, making sure she had her bag with her, and headed for the dormitories. With a map in hand, she already knew the route she needed to go. Lilly only hoped that she wouldn't bump into anybody on her way there.
"Maxi! O'er here!" Maxi spun on her heel and swiveled her head in the direction of the summoning of her name. Her eyes locked onto a head of white hair, and a smile danced along her lips. That could only be one person; Faustus. The smile turned into a grin as he advanced towards Madam Maximilian. When no one stood between them, she gave a short squeal of excitement and rushed him, spreading her arms around him in a hug. Maxi didn't want to let go, she was just too ecstatic to see her closest friend once more. She had not ended her tight embrace around Faustus when she started speaking to her fellow scholar. "So Fausty, how're you?! I missed you like crazy! I'm so glad you remembered me!" Seraphina was sounding like a hyper toddler receiving a stuffed animal more than a self-respecting 19 year swordsmaiden reuniting with a dear colleague. This was extremely out of character, and so Maxi piped down just a tad bit, releasing her ecstatic grip and stepping back, smoothing her outfit and smiling. It was about that time that Professor/Mr. Tanenbaum, the Supernatural Studies teacher that Phin had enjoyed having in the past, strolled along, his shoes tapping rather methodically on the flooring. "Hop along love bunnies" he teased them. This had made Seraphina giggle rather childishly, something she couldn't help but let out. "Yes sir!" she responded, and winked at Faust before grabbing his hand and leading them into the large gathering room, taking a seat together towards the back.

After the speech and poem ended, Seraphina couldn't help but softly hum the poem Ichor had given in her head. Maxi turned to Faustus once more, an excited fire lit in her usual blue/violet hued eyes. Despite her excitement, she spoke to him in her usual calm,collected tone. "Partners,huh? This sounds intriguing. I can only hope we are partners, spending time with you fighting crime would most definitely be ideal. Wouldn't you agree?" She nodded, idling in her seat with Faust as the dismissed gathering dispersed in all directions in a mass wave of excited communication.
Eimin had crawled out of his seat and grabbed his bag. He wrapped it around his back as he looked both ways. He walked out of the door as he played with his hair. The ground peeling from his feet every time he stepped. He inhaled and exhaled as he walked, swaying a little from side to side. He blinked repeatedly as he looked around the halls. What was his room number, ah the test. He felt uncomfortable when it came to test. His father always gave him test, and those test he didn't like. He sighed as he started to bit on his lip. He had walked up the steps toward the dorm. Setting his foot on new steps made his feet cold again but they soon warmed up. He had stopped when he reached a room with a golden bar on it and its number in black bold lettering. He looked up at it his dark blood red eyes staring at it. He set down his bag in front of it and touched it with his right hand.

He turned around to where his back was against it, and leaned against it. He slid down on to the bottom, and curled up holding his knees to his chest. He laid his head down as he breathed in and out. "calm "He had to stay calm. He didn't like getting angry especially when the other thing in his head keeps telling him to do something wrong, to kill to hurt people. He clenched his legs together and sighed. The best way to stay calm was to not make any friends and to be isolated.
Cross calmly picked up his bag and started to walk out once the majority of students had left. Avoiding crowds was a must with his . . . *gift*. There was a crunching sound behind him as he pushed the chair back into place . . . his fingers had crushed the head of the chair, much to his dismay. Cross let out a sigh as he walked down the hall towards his class. Which one was it again? He pulled out his schedule at looked for where he was situated for his first class. He almost bumped into a young woman on the way their, quickly swerving out of the way at the last second.

"Sorry . . . I was lost in my own thoughts."
Lilly was a bit too engrossed in her map, trying to pinpoint her current location and which way to turn next in order to get to the girl's dormitories. However, her train of thought was cut short by the near-collision of someone passing by. After hearing their apology, she turned to face them. Of course, all she could see was a big blur.

"No, it's alright." she replied, then looked back down at her map, squinting. "I was just trying to figure out where the dorms are..." Lillian glanced up at the guy, then back at her map. "Actually, would you mind pointing me in the right direction?" she asked him, holding up her map. "I'm a bit lost."
"Um . . . well I . . ."

He certainly wanted to help the young woman in front of him, but would it be wise? Any accidental contact could mean . . . no. He just had to focus on NOT engaging in contact of any sort.

"I'm not that well acquainted with the area either, but I believe its in this direction?"

He ran a direction along the map, in the general direction of the building that was labeled as the dorms

"We can find it together if you want, though . . . this may seem odd, but I'll have to ask you to avoid physical contact with me . . ."
Festin just found the amphitheater before the head masters speech. He wondered who he would get as a partner. He just hoped that this partner will be nice. Festin took the headmasters advice and looked for his room. Once he found it he moved in and began unpacking. Festin didn't really have many possessions. Just an extra pair of clothing and a stuff bear he had from when he was a child. He really loved that bear, it was the only thing his dad and mom let him have. It was brown and had buttons for eyes. There were a few holes and tears in the fabric, but he loved it so. He named it Friend. Thinking back on it Friend isn't even a real name, but it was fro the bear. Festin had time to kill, so he decided to lay on his bed. He hasn't been in a bed in years, his parents took his away because he forgot to close the front door and the cat got out. He starts to think about his home life and quickly tries to get it out of his mind. He doesn't want to be caught crying on his first day. He wondered about what he will learn at this school and how his skills will become more developed. He started playing with his telekinesis, moving his bear with his mind. He smiled because he seemed to be controlling his power much better then before. After he got bored of it and decided to take a little nap before he was called for testing. Soon after he fell asleep.
Lilly was a little confused by is odd request, but shrugged it off. "Fine by me." she replied, then pointed at her map. "I guess I wouldn't mind a some company on the way. It looks like I was going to wrong way, anyway..." The girl let out a frustrated sigh, pushing back her bangs with her free hand as she examined the map. "Okay then," she said, letting her hair fall back into place, "Let's get going."

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