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Futuristic Rise to Power

In a timeline not unlike our own, one million years into the future, mankind has abandoned earth, and spread out to the stars. Colonies now exist on Mars, the Moon, and even planets outside of the Milky Way. Gehendros is one such planet. It is about the size of Jupiter, and was covered in dense rainforest. Much of the planet still is. Deep underground however, lies a secret. A chamber containing an untold number of pods, each containing a Robonoid, a sentient machine created by the race that lived on Gehendros long before humans arrived. ( every role player here is a Robonoid. There are a few different types. There is the Warrior, a large, hulking machine designed as living shields which also carry a number of medival styled weapons. You can choose sword, broadsword, flail, mace, or war axe. The Technician is not made for combat, but can scan, replicate, and interact with any sort of technology, no matter how primitive or advanced. They are useless in combat, due to being lightly armored, small, and with little strength. Their fingers are multi jointed floating machines, which the Technician can control independently up to 30 feet away. The Ranger is another combat styled Robonoid which can use a variety of ranged weapons, but their main one involves transforming their hand( left or right you pick) into a blaster cannon that can change shape and function. Settings are assault rifle, a fast firing mode, but with little power in each shot, shotgun, where the energy is split into thousands of fragments with large range, but also large spread, and sniper, where the cannon charges up, before firing a focused beam at the target with extreme range. Using the cannon too much will result in overheating, and you must wait for it to cool down. Whatever you choose it is the same starting setting. You wake up in one of the pods, which is opened by an overseer program named the Oracle system. He tells you that your makers are gone, and the planet is inhabited by humans. Your prime directive is to walk among the humans, and talk to their leaders, assessing whether they are dangerous or not. You can deviate from this, but that comes with a price....) Post up a sheet detailing which Robonoid you chose, male or female, and whatever markings( metal designs kind of acting like war paint) you have on. Size is dictated by which Robonoid you are. Have fun! I'll do the first post
Robonoid type: Ranger

Gender build: Male

Markings: Small pointy contructs where ears are, act as radio device. Blue streaks in X pattern across chest.

Main design: About 7ft tall, slim, black paint with purple optics.

Follow core instruction: Yes
*Deep underground sits a large rectangular box. Made of metal, it sparks occasionally, and sometimes whirring noises occur from within. A blinking light blinks red. Suddenly, fort he first time in centuries, the light blinks green. The whirring grows louder, and the front of the container begins to split into four parts, sliding into the sides, revealing the machine inside. The machine is tall, slim, painted black. It's purple optics flicker on, the antenna spinning around, before it starts walking. It steps out of the crate. It speaks its first words.* "I am...alive."

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