Rise Of The God's [Inactive]


Three Thousand Club
Flaver13 submitted a new role play:

Rise Of The God's - You have been chosen to become one of the new gods! A new spin on fantasy and your favorite myths

You are one of the god's and find yourself traveling with another person who also happened to be one of the chosen new gods, travel to different world's in search of other gods so you can take your place in the center of the universe and rule the the many different worlds
But in your travels you discover someone docent want you to succeed and wants to stop and kill you! But who is he?

If any of this sound's like something you could get into then please contact me, this story is a Adventure,...
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Before the earth was created there was only the universe, thousand of stars burning with powerful light that lit up the home of the gods. At first the gods lived together as master of everything, but one day a god by the name of Zeus stepped forward and created the earth. The other gods marveled as the earth began to show signs of life, they swore an alliance with Zeus and made him their king. Zeus then created man witch purpose was only to feed the gods with their prayers, but as time passed the gods came to love the mortals and how they lived. The human grew in numbers and soon they began fighting each other for lands or food, the gods couldn't control them anymore and they planned to destroy the earth until they realized how much they needed the humans prayer's

Zeus told the gods to leave the humans alone and continue with their duties. As time passed the stories of the gods faded away and the prayers stopped, the gods grew old and weak, and soon they died one by one. Zeus told his youngest son Odin to take his place as king and as the only god. Soon after Zeus died leaving Odin alone with the humans. In his loneliness Odin went to the center of the universe and planted a tree, it grew fast and he named it Yggdrasil the tree of life, but like any other tree it grew something on it's branches, only instead of fruit it grew new world

Worlds like Vanaheim and Alfheim, the worlds began to grew life just like earth and Odin now was the master of so much life that his powers got scatted all over the universe. He knew he would die soon he couldn't look after all the worlds out there, before he died he created a paradise at the crown of the life tree, a place where all the souls of the dead would end up and a place where the gods could live. He decided to cast out the last of his powers in hope of it would find it's way to humans that would show the potential of being gods

Now it would be up to these new gods to watch over the worlds out there and create a new age of gods, living in the world of the gods, living in the kingdom of Asgard. It was all up to them now, but what Odin didn't now there was something out there who didn't wish a new age of gods , something that would prove a bigger threat to life than anything else, this evil would watch from the shadows until it was time to strike...

Welcome to Rise Of The Gods! 
It was a dark rainy night, Peter walked in the streets with his black cloak and hood hiding his face. For weeks now he had been searching for someone like him and now he finally felt he was closing in on someone, he could sense the energy of another person with great powers. He looked up at the black sky and let some of the raindrops hit his face, he smiled and closed his eyes. It felt relaxing, but he had no time for this, he looked straight forward again and walked down trough the alleyways to not draw attention to himself, whatever was happening to him or other people it was important somehow, and that's why he had to find out why, with or without help
Alastrin watched the street, feeling lonely. He'd left all of his friends, and was now considered such a powerful 'being' that he couldn't have a normal conversation with someone. His armour was on, but he left his helmet off, feeling that it wasn't needed. There was nothing interesting on this street, so he stood, and hopped across the rooftops to the next. Maybe it was the fact that he could summon a full suit of armour seemingly at will that had gained him so much respect, being referred to as 'The Champion' and stuff like that, but Alastrin still wasn't sure how that had happened. It was a power that had simply appeared one day, out of no where. Or did it?
Peter suddenly stopped "Someones near.." he mumbled and looked around, i closed his eyes and concentrated in hopes to sense where this person was, he opened them and ran down the streets "So near now" He said exited
Alastrin glanced down at the mostly empty street, and was startled to see a dark cloaked figure running down it. He frowned, that generally meant trouble, but there was something different about this person. Alastrin leaped down, landing directly in front of Peter, and he stared into his eyes. "What do you need?"
Flaver13 updated Rise Of The God's with a new update entry:

Start your story

If you have trouble starting out then just write what you character is doing and where they are and i will try to give you something to go on, but don't write
"He sat at home staring at the wall"

Please play the game and i will help you a long okay ^^
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Peter stopped "Wha!" When he took at good look at the person he smiled and removed his hood "You are like me aren't you?" He walked closer and inspected the young boy "Hmm yes, i can sense you have great powers" Peter smiled "You have no idea how long i have been searching for someone like me" he said
Alastrin raised an eyebrow, but he decided that it would be okay to talk. This man seemed to know something, and it would no doubt be worth listening to. "As in...?" Then it hit him. Powers. His ability to summon armour. "Wait...you mean you're also like me?"
Peter nodded "I think so, i mean no human could have survived that jump, you have a great aura around you. No doubt you can sense my energy too, or maybe you haven't gotten used to those senses yet" Peter said and then took a moment to calm himself "Sorry, it's just that i have been searching for so long hehe. My name is Peter" He smiled friendly
Magnus walks down the street with great pride coming home from his Battle he had victoriously won. He suddenly feels a strange energy within him telling him to look to his right, and to his suprise he finds Peter and Alastrin talking. He then has an urge to know what they are doing. He yells at them not knowing who they really are, "HEY PEASANTS, WHAT'S YOUR BUSINESS ON THESE STREETS?"
Peter turns his head and spots Magnus *Another one, this can't just be coincidence...* He thought
Alastrin frowned, as much as he hated being treated as if he were a king or a god, being called a peasant was also pretty bad. "What sayeth thee about thy self in talking about thou in such a way?" He spoke as confusingly as possible, just to enforce the idea in the newcomer that he really shouldn't be treated as that low.

[Allow me to troll you...think you can understand I word I'm saying? LOL]
Magnus was perplexed by what Alastrin said to him and said with anger, "CAN YOU NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. YOU FOOL?!" Then seconds after he realized they were not peasants at all. Then randomly burst out with a short confused laugh. "HAH!"

- Richinja
Alastrin grinned, it wasn't very often he found something that amused him, and his only explanation was the fact that he could barely understand himself."No need to yell, Thou can hear thee well enough." Of course, he'd never been one for playing games, and he decided that it was time to end it. "Enough with formalities, what business do you have blowing out my eardrums?"
Magnus finally had calmed down and said, "Excuse me for that but I couldn't help but realize you two are different...who or what are you?!"
Alastrin nodded. "I don't know about him, but I'm definitely called different." He summoned a silver gauntlet on his left hand, and gave it a complicated symbol. "By the way...who are you? I don't recognize you, and I've been here for a bout a week."
Magnus replies, "I AM MAGNUS! Of course you do not recognize me, I have been fighting in the front line of the war and have now returned after my heroic victory." He shows Alastrin and Peter his wounds to prove what he had said. "Now if I may ask...who might you be?"
Peter bowed politely "I am Peter" As he said that he realized how stupid and not threatening his name sounded in comparing to Magnus
Alastrin smiled gently, almost as if he were trying calm down Magnus by being calm himself "I am called Alastrin."
Robinson was walking up the dark and rainy streets. He felt three auras in this general area. He's been searching for hours with no success. Robinson discovered that power a few hours ago. And that power kept turning on and off every so often. Which made searching harder. He heard some yelling up the street. His power was also going off. He found them. He started walking up. He stopped when he was ten feet away. He just wanted to make sure that their the right people.
Flaver13 updated Rise Of The God's with a new update entry:

Game update

Greetings fellow gods and goddesses!
I think we have enough members for now so i have closed the Role play, no we just have to get started! Some of you have already begun and that's great ^^

To you who haven't started yet i still stand by my offer to help you get started if you want me to. Having said that i also set my character on standby so i can focus on the plot of your quest, i maybe take him out of the role play, but i haven't decided that yet Hmm O_o

I most likely just focus on being...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Man, all of this power... It's almost overwhelming... There must be more then one... Celaena thought to herself ringing out her long drenched hair. Ugh.. Water... She sighed inwardly, ever sense she realized her power the rain had started to make her body and mind feel drained. There was a dark cloaked man walking a few yards ahead of her. Can he feel all that power too? Is it coming from him? Celaena admitted she was curious about where this power was coming from. After walking for sometime, voices reached her ear. Ahead of the dark stranger stood three men. A blondie, a man in armor and a bald guy. Looks like I've found what I've been looking for... She thought to herself, a smirk tugging at her lips.
Alastrin frowned. Something was off, something was different. After a moment, he put a finger on what it was. The power, the strangeness, that he had felt from the two he was talking to was increasing! Eyes darting about, Alastrin spotted two more figures approaching. "This....is strange..." He muttered under his breath.
as Xobic walked down the street he saw some people gather together,he hoped to not disturb them by walking through as he passed by the people he waved hello.
Before the three guys could respond, a man with long black hair walked by. Was he here by coincidence? Or was he radiating power too? "Hey there!" I called giving him a small wave.

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