Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

Xobic stop in his place his body started to feel weird he turned around to the group"you guys are not normal are you,y'all just like me"
"I feel like we are all beating around the bush here," Celaena said bluntly, already irritable from the rain. She knew just like everyone else that something was going on and that everyone here was apart of it.
Xobic saw that the girl did not have a cloak he went over to her took off his and gave it to her''my name is Xobic what is yours"
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Alastrin shrugged and said diplomatically. "It cannot be coincidence that all of us, with strange powers, have met at the same time when we have never another person like us before." He stepped toward the other people who had come up, allowing the heavier of his armour to melt into his skin. "I am Alastrin."
"My name is Celaena, and thank you Xobic." Celaena said more thankful then he realized. I instantly started feeling a little better after pulling it around me. No fire should be drenched in water for too long.
''it is no problem I just can't let anyone go in the rain without the cloak''he smiles and rubs his head and blushed a little bit
"That's awfully kind of you," she said looking back at the others. "Aren't you guy's going to tell us your names now?" Celaena asked crossing her arms over her chest.
Robinson looked at everyone. "Alright my name is Robinson. A modern day necromancer. At your service." To Robinson this is the longest that he ever spent talking to the living in his entire life. He impressed with himself.
"Nice to meet you tall, dark, and handsome," I teased, slightly surprised that he offered up his name he didn't look like the talkative type.
Robinson looked at everyone else. "How about you guys? What do you people do that make different then everyone else?"
Xobic started to look anywhere else"we go inside some where so we can get out of the rain"
Alastrin looked directly at Robinson and allowed the last of his armour to melt away. "Anything protection related." He reached out a hand and allowed a metal shield to form. After a glance at Xobic, he changed it into an umbrella.

[Technically still protection related. xD Protection from the rain, anyone?]
"At least you can use your powers in this god forsaken weather," I grumbled handing Xobic back his cloak, too drained to care anymore. I tried lighting the fire within just to dry myself off, but the rain was so bad outside and i was already so run down only tiny whisps of steam came off my clothes. "Of course, see I'm useless when it's storming outside."
Xobic put no his cloak"I still think that we should go and talk in a different place if that is ok"
Robinson looked at the group. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea." He started to look around for a place to get dry. You guys know where the closest bar, a cemetery, or maybe a morgue." He looked back. "Anyone at all?"
"Bar sounds good too me, make us all let loose a little bit." Celaena said a little energy returning just thinking about it. "Someone has got to know this neighborhood, if not why the h*ll are we all here for?" she said bemused.
Alastrin laughed. "Follow me. And Celaena, use this." He handed her the umbrella, and began walking down the street.
"Thank you kind sir," Celaena said taking the umbrella from Alastrin's outstretched hand. She also followed behind him, he is the one knowing where he is going after all.
Alastrin didn't turn around. "To a bar I know well. It's not a high place, but it's not a pig's slop either. Includes an Inn too." He turned down a street, one that was seemingly more occupied, but still rather deserted.
"Sounds like my kind of place," Celaena smirked and sped up so she was in step with Alastrin. "So... How well DO you know this bar?" she teased.
He laughed cheerfully, ignoring the rain. "Very well. I've spent the last week or so there." Alastrin turned down another street, and began to slow.
"Are we almost there?" Celaena asked, not able to contain the excitement in her voice. Man how she prayed that they were almost there. It was so close she could taste it.
Robinson kept following. He noticed that Alastrin was slowing down. "I don't know about you. But when the leader is slowing down that means that we are almost there.

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