Rise Of The God's [Inactive]

Alastrin laughed as he looked back at the small group. "Very true. In fact, we are here." He stopped in front of a door, the only thing making it stand out was a sign handing above it that read 'The Rusty Dragon'. "Welcome to the Rusty Dragon." Alastrin stepped up, and opened the door. Inside, it was far more occupied than it would appear. There was several tables, and a fire burned off to one side, spreading light through out the room. No one looked up as the door opened, although the waitress moved back behind the bar, grabbing some mugs before sitting down.
Celaena went straight to the bar passing the rest of the group. "One for me please," she said, taking the full mug and heading back to a secluded table big enough for their entire group to sit in comfortably. She was sure to pick one that was secluded enough that they could talk without worry of being overheard.
Robinson walked in and headed to the counter. "I'll have a Incredible Hulk please." A minute later he got his drink and headed to the table that Celaena picked. He sat down and looked at her. "What's your poison?"
"Just a good old fashioned Rum and Coke my friend," she took a big swig and sat her mug on the table. "So where should we start boys?" Celaena asked leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms behind her head.
Xobic went to the bar right behind celaena "get me something strong"he grabbed his mug and went to sit by side celaena.
As Alastrin walked in behind the rest of the group. the barmaid walked over, smiling cheerfully, "Hullo Alastrin! How's the Ravens of Doom doing today?" Alastrin smiled slightly, and bowed to her. "Good Evening, Fair maiden. The Crows of Thieves have been subdued once more." The barmaid chuckled, and began collecting empty dishes from one of the tables. "What can I get you, oh brave hero?" Alastrin blushed a little, but it seemed like this happened a loot, as none of the other patrons gave them a second glance. "Well...I'd take my usual, but this time I got company, so how about you surprise me with something special?" He winked at her, and moved over to the table Celaena had picked.

['tis okay to introduce an NPC, right?]
{i don't see any harm in it, it makes the story better if there are npc's in my opinion :) }

"So..." Celaena drawled taking another swig of her drink. "Where should we begin?"
Robinson took a swig from his drink. "About we start with what what the hell we do that's so special?" He took another sip. "Who wants to start?"
Alastrin smiled as the barmaid brought over a mug and winked at him. "Thank you." As she walked away to go entertain another group, Alastrin took a sip of his drink. "Well...not what I was expecting..." He muttered to himself. "Anyways, I believe I have already shown my power, so why don't you start out first, Robinson?"
Robinson took another sip and he got up from his seat. "If your sure about. Then let's do it." He cracked all of his knuckles. His right hand blackened. He grabbed a random man and his hand went right through his chest. Then he pulled out that mans soul. The soul was a white see through wisp. Robinson walked back to the group. He cracked a evil smile along his lips. "And that's not all."
Alastrin frowned, and a sword materialized in his hand. "I don't think that will be necessary. Please put Richard's soul back." His voice was icy, and it appeared that he didn't appreciate the show, probably because it consisted of killing someone whom he apparently knew.

[because Alastrin has been to the Rusty Dragon many times before, I'm just gonna say that he knows almost everyone there]
(That would make sense)

Robinson looked at the soul. He didn't see the reason why he should. I'm mean there's so many people in the world as of right now. He looked at the dead body. He gave a face of un-satisfaction and growled. He finished his drink. "Fine." He lifted the limp body. He put his fist back into his sternum. A second later he pulled it out and the body came back to life. Robinson pushed the man. "Now get out here." He looked back a Alastrin. "Happy?" He sat down in his seat.
Alastrin nodded, and gave the man a sympathetic look. "Thank you." The sword disappeared, and Alastrin took another swig of his drink.
Robinson waved his hand. He was disappointed at bringing someone's soul back. He waved his hand. "Refill over here." A minute later a waitress gave him another drink. "Thank you." He started his second drink.
"Well that could come in handy in certain situations," Celaena laughed. "Hey waitress, another refill over here please," she called holding her cup in the air. The waitress came and politely refilled her drink. Celaena slipped a couple bills on her tray. "Thank you, darlin." she smiled, the waitress smiled back, taken back by the nice gesture.
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