[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

Spinoceratopsrex said:
Anyway, now I'm done with that, how's everyone doing? I'm currently in my bed, wondering if I should go to sleep right about now.
I ask myself that question every night (Z_Z)
Sorry everybody. The area I live in is being wracked with storms. So my internet is iffy.

However I have gotten one ST in the time I have had. @Giyari has agreed to help me and Siren out with RotE. Please welcome and possibly thank him c=

I'd like to say well start soon, but these storms are to be on and off for the next couple weeks, and I keep losing power/internet. So I can't say anything absolute
AllHailDago said:
Sorry everybody. The area I live in is being wracked with storms. So my internet is iffy.
However I have gotten one ST in the time I have had. @Giyari has agreed to help me and Siren out with RotE. Please welcome and possibly thank him c=

I'd like to say well start soon, but these storms are to be on and off for the next couple weeks, and I keep losing power/internet. So I can't say anything absolute
It's ok. You can't fight mother nature.

Ah, I'm afraid I'm out - don't think it will really work out anymore. Good luck though, I hope it all goes well for everyone!
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So everyone, heres the serious EFFED UP truth of the matter. I apologize in advance.

My phone is now broken. Maybe my friend can fix it, maybe not. Point is for now its out of commission. As such i can't access discord at all as my laptop seems to hate trying to download it. Nor can i access Skype or anything else internet on the go. Cutting hours of available work time out as I can't access internet at work. Now my only access is my laptop at home. I must get Giyari up to speed with how things are gonna run and get input and such from him. I would LIKE to try and get a third ST if possible, and should any of you be interested and feel qualified PM me with why you think so. PLUS the windstorms are supposed to keep up on and off for the next week or more, meaning less access even when I AM at home with my laptop due to power outages or weak, shitty internet.

Basically the deal is my personal idea for actual start date will likely be after the new year. WHICH BLOWS but seems like the only real possibility at this point.

Dont worry about this becoming Half Life 3 and shit, because it wont. It's just taking some really annoying amount of time to start. But its an actual thing. Its gonna happen.

As a bit of bribery apology for the wait, and for anyone who won't be quitting due to this, i will reveal one power from each persons set upon request.
It's ok. I, for one, can wait.

AllHailDago said:
As a bit of bribery apology for the wait, and for anyone who won't be quitting due to this, i will reveal one power from each persons set upon request.
I'd like to know my character's (Dorian Blake) strongest power, if possible :3
AllHailDago said:
As a bit of bribery apology for the wait, and for anyone who won't be quitting due to this, i will reveal one power from each persons set upon request.
H-Hey there,

you don't think I could uh,

Find out about that level 4, huh?

pretty pls?
AllHailDago said:
Your strongest power is Thick Skull
Waiiittt...I can't possibly be the guy who has only level 1 powers, right?

Not that I complain or anything. Should be interesting xD
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You should always fear the unknown when it comes to Shiroe-chi!
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@AllHailDago I think I'll ask and see which power Jasper- wait, that's not necessary since he has the only level 5 power and that power is already known. Now I don't even get the chance to ask what it is and spoil it for myself anyways :(

Also, @Azure Sky Now I finally know which character to direct the thick-skull jokes towards. Of course, Dorian probably won't understand them.





....Ahhhh, I may have to work on those a bit.

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