[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

[QUOTE="Which Doctor]I mean this ooc has been nothing but nonsense when usually an ooc is used for everyone to communicate rp related things


In all the rps I've been in, the OOCs have all been nonsense pretty much :/
Arkytior said:
In all the rps I've been in, the OOCs have all been nonsense pretty much :/
I agree. I personally am in 7 and that is true of all of them aside from one which is a one v. one.

And Arkytior has been in A LOT of rps!!! Neither one of us has ever seen one formatted like you are describing.
Cutting in to say, I definitely see where the STs here a coming from. As much as I like the idea of all the players coming together to form one unified plot, in something like this, it isn't going to happen without someone(s) tying it together. Everyone tends to have their own direction they want to take things, end up all trying to take things in their own direction, and things get insanely muddled. I've seen it go down so many times now it's not even funny ~_~

THAT SAID THOUGH. I do think we should just start already, we hardly need the presence of the villains to play out the powerless days, or to discover our powers, introducing the major threat that early would just be... Overdoing it, imo.
In my opinion, it's the fact to get everything organised and ready so that once it's started, if a mod needs to post something, a player will not be kept waiting for a post so that they can finish whatever plot details need to be made.
DaughterofAthena said:
You seriously think we aren't fleshing out the villains?! My villains are more detailed than my pcs!!! I put a whole day into making 1 NPC!!!!! QUITE LITERALLY!! If you don't want to be moderated, then don't partake in the rp, or better yet, go make your own!!!
Uh, bossperson, I'd recommend taking a moment to step back and chill. Yelling at people isn't going to get us anywhere. Which is just giving his perspective on things.
Arkytior said:
In my opinion, it's the fact to get everything organised and ready so that once it's started, if a mod needs to post something, a player will not be kept waiting for a post so that they can finish whatever plot details need to be made.
At this point though, I think everyone would prefer that over having to wait another week or two to so much as find out what their character's power is.
@AllHailDago[/URL] just as much as everyone else here is.

I do know the powerless day (it will just be one day) will only contain between 1-4 posts per character so it won't be long at all and a lot of the characters that I have been working on specifically are a part of the task force that will come in once people are discovered to have powers which means they are needed pretty much right away and I am unable to finish them on my own which means we do need other STs before we can continue... people who can help me get them finished/detailed enough to the point where they are functional.
In regards to Athena, she's been very busy and stressed and she's trying to cool down. We run an rp together and we lost half our team this week as well, and we only just got that situation fixed today.

While that may make sense, it might not work for some other people because of time management and schooling and work, etc.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Actually, I have never run an rp where I have let players control main villains to be quite honest. I have never been involved in one either.
You seriously think we aren't fleshing out the villains?! My villains are more detailed than my pcs!!! I put a whole day into making 1 NPC!!!!! QUITE LITERALLY!! If you don't want to be moderated, then don't partake in the rp, or better yet, go make your own!!!
@Which Doctor

I am sorry about this last post that I made. It really was uncalled for and I am honestly really stressed because a lot of my rps seem to be falling apart. I highly encourage you to stick around and be patient because we do have a plot that is very easy to fall in love with and I think you'll find it is worth waiting for. Again, I'm sorry I was rude; it was uncalled for and I will try not to let it happen again.
I don't have a problem, I'm just trying to help suggest a way that would make this easier for everyone. Nobody every directed their frustrations directly at you, Which made an 'open letter' and you, respectably, stepped in to respond to him, I get that because of that you ended up being the person discussing everything with him, but you did jump into things yourself. But, if you're already frustrated, and really can't do anything to start things, I'd recommend just pausing, taking a step back, and chilling out. Trying to manage things while you're stressed out isn't going to get anyone anywhere.
Let's just cool our jets, eh? No need to be pushy or start crap. I'm relatively new to this scene but if I'm correct in this assumption then aren't STs basically GMs? And aren't you not supposed to argue with GMs?
Let me break it down for everyone with my preferred manner. An alphabetic list.

A.) Everyone will be able to plot. However as much as you want to believe everyone will unify under some mythical flag and everything will work out, you are mistaken. Everyone wants something for their characters and sometimes those things conflict, there are about 30 of us. It's not going to happen very well.

B.) The overarching plot ideas, reveals, twists, and fun will kinda be boring and bland if you are already in the know about them. The point is as a GM I have a story I want to tell by having other people act and live through it. You can change events, and experience your own character evolution, contributing to the overall story. But the MAIN points aren't as malleable. There are characters you can't beat alone, situations you shouldn't respond to violently, and the like. Originally the rp was a book I was writing alone. Then it fused with the desire for a Superpower rp with randomized abilities and bam. It's taking a lot to adapt it.

C.) Just when we were about to mobilize and start half my team for running this was banned. That's not easy to deal with. The plot, villains, ideas, and the like developed solely by them is now either moot or inaccessible. Including characters that were supposed to appear immediately. This is going to be difficult to fix for multiple reasons atm such as the next few examples.

C.) My health is very poor right now.

D.) I'm currently working overtime and probably will every week of December. Something I'm entirely unused to.

E.) Despite this I'm having money problems. My family is homeless. Sometimes I don't eat great. And Christmas is coming.

F.) My mom is in and out of the hospital lately and I can't see her. Not exactly emotionally fantastic.

G.) I am and was running this, helping run the Harry potter hp, a member of another hp, and a member of Athenas one piece rp. I'm involved in two fanfic contests, a poetry contest, and writing something beyond that personally.

Despite all this I do all character acceptances, am the only one privy to power randoming for sake of fairness, and have been discussing, planning, and working to get this rp going.

I'm sorry it's taking so long. I want it to start just as badly, no several times as badly as any one here. But starting it prematurely leads to a dead rp in short order.

Please, just have a little patience alright? I'm trying to deal with a lot. But that doesn't mean this isn't important to me too.
Right, see, I'll cut to the chase. RPN has a notorious community of fucking plot-derailers. I've been here for a shorter time than Dago or any of the other story tellers have, and I can see that clear as day. What they're trying to do isn't uncalled for. Arrangement needs to be made, plotting done, and groupings to be ironed out. If I'm not wrong, my supposed partner in the groupings was just banned from the site, which essentially cucked me over, and now I'm alone.

And there's also the same old statement of "Fucking leave the GMs alone." As @Ante Up just said, don't fuckin argue with the GMs.

Hey, I mean, it's not as if they don't have actual lives to lead. Who knows what they could be going through right now that's delaying this?

EDIT: Whoops, there's Dago with his life. Hey, maybe you don't have over-bearing parents, or don't need to work 10 hours a day to make ends meet for your family, or don't suffer from a depression that you never found out about because you're not a self-diagnosing fuckwad, but others do. So, in the most polite way I am able to put this: leave it to the GMs.

Ironically, you claim they have no faith in you players, but this whole argument makes it seem like you have no confidence in them.
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Oh how nice this whole ooc blew up while I was away.

I wasn't directing things at you specifically @DaughterofAthena , you just decided to answer instead of letting Dago and from there I assumed you had some authority. If you don't I'm not sure why you were answering but the point is moot now and sorry for upsetting you so much. I knew I was going to end up coming off like a dick and was trying not to but well, you see how that ended up. RPN is extremely different from the site I'm used to apparently, and I've never ever been in an rp formatted like this, I mean for starters we usually have a whole plot synopsis and the gist of the roleplay before we even sign up. Hell, everything is usually already set up and ready to start before we sign up. But this is RPN not that other site so I'd better get used to it I suppose. I disagree about knowing about the plot making it bland, I've always known about the plot before going in, but if this is how you do it. *shrug*

@simj22 I have my own set of problems too, but trust me I'm not going to air them out in an ooc filled with strangers in the hopes of playing off of people's empathy. I did have faith in the GMs, that faith just started to dwindle after weeks of being shown nothing and then being sidelined when I bring up a villain character as an idea, being told that apparently the italian mafia that the FBI derailed in the 40's is going to make a comeback somehow. Not that Dago was even aware that the italian mafia wasn't a thing anymore, I had to tell them that bit. At that point I even started to doubt how well informed or great this mysterious plot even was, but ignored that for another week or so.

On tumblr people handle rps with 30 people in them regularly, and a shit ton of plotting goes on with the group, it's not that hard. All you have to do is lay out the plot and certain characters can fill certain roles, x character gets effected x way etc. etc. These characters are in this group who is in conflict with this group who is allied to this group that wants to stay neutral etc. - However I get the sense that since you label the level 5 power haver as "lucky" there's some sort of dynamic on this site where everyone wants the most attention/power for their character and doesn't give a hoot about plot. Which would be really sad in and of itself. I hope that's not true though.

I think it'd be wise for me to bow out in the end right? Yeah? Yeah~

I'm a girl btw, not that that detail is particularly important I just don't know why people thought I was male specifically.
Some of this site is obsessed with power-play, and I cannot disagree on that front. Dick-measuring is always a thing, in every community ever.

However, if you'd taken the time to air your grievances properly to our dearest STs/GMs, and discuss properly with them about your issues, you'd have found that they have tried to rectify some problems. I've already played the devil's advocate about the powers, and these guys with the Level 5 powers are indeed considered lucky, because there's so far, only one, gifted the ability by the great Random Number God, not through biasedness of the STs/GMs or some other bullshit power play that dickweeds love to choke on.

Again, because I'm a scrub engineer and not even living in America, I have no idea what the hell is the mafia's current status, but if you had or have the relevant information, you could have asked. You could have told Dago that "Man, didn't they get disbanded like, way long ago? How'd they come up again?"

The current plot, as is, "People get powers from unexplained sources." is scarce and has totally nothing to go off of, but I personally just joined and all that because I just wanted to have formless fun. That and this is a hosted rp. There is an overlying plot, but I believe there can be self-made plots by the public themselves. Side stories are a focus of hosted projects. I dont know how tumblr works, because I am a tech loser who knows nothing but how to mod fallout games, but with our wonderful group of about 40 and growing nignogs present on this forum rp, it's going to be hectic as all hell to keep up with ALL posts. I do believe that we're getting split into various threads for managment purposes as well, with each thread having their own progresses. There's just so many different jobs and places, with some characters being alone in their own workplaces/homes, and no one to interact with. I might be wrong about this single point, though, but still, ever popped into a thread with two people who seem to be on the site 24/7 and no care about quality (no offense, for those of you who do this)? It's a machine gun 1x1 that can hit like 2 pages in less than a day, and solitary posts in between sometimes will be ignored because no one tagged another person. Because that's laziness, but that's a can of worms I wont open. That said, I believe that our best buddies GMs are trying to do all they can right now amidst overwhelming life problems to make the best of this HP. Surely a person who says she has issues in life as well can understand?

Tl; dr:

Talk to STs and GMs if you have issues with their stated plots or whatever.

Every single observation of yours about the community is applicable to some, if not many, but not all, of the community.

Everyone is human.

Eat your greens. Don't do drugs. Soylent green is people and it was his sled. Rosebud.

EDIT: What I think you're saying is that you want involvement in the plot development. Points for initiative, but I would think that suspense and hype are some selling points to the hp. Being told everything at once makes one lose the excitement, for me anyway. Compare the difference of being told that "Jimmy will back stab John." beforehand, or even just simply "Oh, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JIMMY IS GOING TO DO AHAHAHAHA ", and experiencing Jimmy stab you in the back in the rp with no indication whatsoever beforehand, other than perhaps foreshadowing stuff and throwaway lines and behavioural traits. I'm just saying, some things are better left experienced than told to experience. Sorta like jokes about the holocaust. "You wanna hear a joke about nazis?" kills the shock value.
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Kinda jumping in here late, woops sorry was asleep, but I think that the point of the initial post that started this was to talk to the GMs or STs about issues that @Which Doctor had? Are these "discussions" supposed to be private? I'm new to the site but like, a rule about not arguing with GMs seems a little weird? Like no discussion over what's happening?

The entire point of this argument, at least the start of it, was that there's definitely a divide between in terms of you guys knowing everything and us waiting around to know literally anything. We could argue for ages about who's been in how many roleplays and thus who knows the most about how a roleplay should be, but I feel that everyone would benefit from being kept in the loop somewhat. I'm not a 100% at the argument about Jimmy stabbing John because I would have bet money that disputes like that were settled between characters not the mods?

Probably because I don't actually know the nature of the "arcs" there's also a fear that stuff you have planned waay down the line might come across as forced or out of place.

Obviously I sympathise that losing some of your mods is really tough, but this was never a call for the mods to come and justify with real-world reasons as to what was happening, it was literally just so we could know something about something we've committed to.
@Which Doctor[/URL] had? Are these "discussions" supposed to be private? I'm new to the site but like, a rule about not arguing with GMs seems a little weird? Like no discussion over what's happening?
The entire point of this argument, at least the start of it, was that there's definitely a divide between in terms of you guys knowing everything and us waiting around to know literally anything. We could argue for ages about who's been in how many roleplays and thus who knows the most about how a roleplay should be, but I feel that everyone would benefit from being kept in the loop somewhat. I'm not a 100% at the argument about Jimmy stabbing John because I would have bet money that disputes like that were settled between characters not the mods?

Probably because I don't actually know the nature of the "arcs" there's also a fear that stuff you have planned waay down the line might come across as forced or out of place.

Obviously I sympathise that losing some of your mods is really tough, but this was never a call for the mods to come and justify with real-world reasons as to what was happening, it was literally just so we could know something about something we've committed to.
I know I'm supposed to be gone and stuff but just to clarify real quick. I wanted it to be public for a reason, so that I'd get an answer and the issue would be forced to be public so that people could speak on it. I was aware I'd probably get backlash or the GMs would snap at me but I was willing for that to happen if the issue got discussed at least. So no, I did not bring it up incorrectly or ignorant to proper decorum. I simply brought it up in the way I needed to.
Which Doctor]Oh how nice this whole ooc blew up while I was away. I wasn't directing things at you specifically [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13833-daughterofathena/ said:
@DaughterofAthena[/URL] , you just decided to answer instead of letting Dago and from there I assumed you had some authority. If you don't I'm not sure why you were answering but the point is moot now and sorry for upsetting you so much. I knew I was going to end up coming off like a dick and was trying not to but well, you see how that ended up. RPN is extremely different from the site I'm used to apparently, and I've never ever been in an rp formatted like this, I mean for starters we usually have a whole plot synopsis and the gist of the roleplay before we even sign up. Hell, everything is usually already set up and ready to start before we sign up. But this is RPN not that other site so I'd better get used to it I suppose. I disagree about knowing about the plot making it bland, I've always known about the plot before going in, but if this is how you do it. *shrug*

@simj22 I have my own set of problems too, but trust me I'm not going to air them out in an ooc filled with strangers in the hopes of playing off of people's empathy. I did have faith in the GMs, that faith just started to dwindle after weeks of being shown nothing and then being sidelined when I bring up a villain character as an idea, being told that apparently the italian mafia that the FBI derailed in the 40's is going to make a comeback somehow. Not that Dago was even aware that the italian mafia wasn't a thing anymore, I had to tell them that bit. At that point I even started to doubt how well informed or great this mysterious plot even was, but ignored that for another week or so.

On tumblr people handle rps with 30 people in them regularly, and a shit ton of plotting goes on with the group, it's not that hard. All you have to do is lay out the plot and certain characters can fill certain roles, x character gets effected x way etc. etc. These characters are in this group who is in conflict with this group who is allied to this group that wants to stay neutral etc. - However I get the sense that since you label the level 5 power haver as "lucky" there's some sort of dynamic on this site where everyone wants the most attention/power for their character and doesn't give a hoot about plot. Which would be really sad in and of itself. I hope that's not true though.

I think it'd be wise for me to bow out in the end right? Yeah? Yeah~

I'm a girl btw, not that that detail is particularly important I just don't know why people thought I was male specifically.
I jumped into the discussion because while I was not entirely aware of Dago's entire situation, I did know that he had a lot going on with real life and I didn't feel like putting more stress directly on him without me at least trying to explain things would have been something a good friend would do. I consider Dago to be my friend so I wasn't going to throw him to the wolves without trying to explain what I did know.
Eh surprised to see all the heat around here


Have a cute kitten to calm yourself


Anyway, about the plot, i agree that it is best to tie the story with some kind of a main plot so that some character won't stray away creating his/her own story and try to turn the character into the 'main character'

Used to join an RP kind of similar to this one. The GM has some plot in mind so when i blew up a factory that should've killed everyone else, the GM has a Plan B in mind (And use the explosion into a start of a really amazing story arc)
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I'm not a moderator for this section but I am very much inclined to tell you, as a staff member, but more importantly as a person who wishes for everyone to be kind to one another, please calm down. Crying and being negative isn't gonna change things. Even if a suggestion is for the better, in the end this is Dago's RP (and to an extent Athena's, since she helps out) and it's their call on how to procede with setbacks that are absolutely out of their reach. I can say, from personal experience, Dago and Athena are delightful people and I have absolute trust they do what's best. You should too.
[QUOTE="too much idea]


Used to join an RP kind of similar to this one. The GM has some plot in mind so when i blew up a factory that should've killed everyone else, the GM has a Plan B in mind (And use the explosion into a start of a really amazing story arc)

The kinda stuff I enjoy seeing and hearing about (and hopefully doing!). Plenty of opportunities for stuff like that with what I DO have planned. And I can always delay main story arcs to fit in great improvised arcs when stuff like that happens!
Well, it would seem the ooc is very quiet all of a sudden. I'm guessing as a result of the recent setback regarding the STs and disagreements about plotting. I'd just like to say that I am still really hyped for this, and I still have a bit of patience left in me. Personaly I can wait a week or two more, because if this RP is good (which I'm fairly sure it will be.) it will be well worth the wait.

Anyway, now I'm done with that, how's everyone doing? I'm currently in my bed, wondering if I should go to sleep right about now.
I'm in a van full of highschool girls heading to a bowling alley for a game.

I'm also charging my phone
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