[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

Well, I'd be hyped, if I could find any info on this. What's the details? What's the happenings? Why should I be interested?

I mean I see superpowers but I need MOAR!
Right so....


I'm SUPER curious towards character ideas that some of you may already have! Anyone care to share?
Atom said:
Right so....

I'm SUPER curious towards character ideas that some of you may already have! Anyone care to share?
I'm making a medium, if you know what that means.
I'm torn between going for a random power character or choosing some myself and crafting something around that. Maybe some street level super. Possibly a Lizard/monster person cus not everyone gets pretty powers.
Hmph, Character...Well I'm fairly sure on most things other than gender and the finer details but I have the overall foundation planned out.

They'll be a rather Reclusive, Neurotic, Awkwardly shy and Day-dreamy person who tends to remain away from the world and instead lay at home all day pursuing a rather stagnant Art career that quite conveniently centers around things such as Paper Mache, Layered, Origami and all sorts. I hope for them to have a lot of Personality development throughout the story and become a different person entirely...for better or for worse. If you couldn't get the hint that I subtlety laid out a sentence ago, their Power is Paper Manipulation.

They'll most likely be in their Early-Mid Twenties and only having graduated University a year or two ago.
I'll do one later once I see some more stuff. Don't wanna draw up a power and then be told "Sorry to OP" if I can avoid it :P

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