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Dice Rifts Japan - OOC Thread

Thank you! How many grenades for his grenade launcher please? Also, you mentioned "something good" in the way of a magic item?
Six grenades spare with a full load in the weapon. The magic item will be forthcoming once this scene is wrapped up.
Thanks. I just want to make sure that when I describe three scene I don't totally misconstrue how it works and cause aggravation from everyone as we try to fix it.
before I get too far into this, how exactly does this spirit power work? I don't want to botch my roll as Storyteller and get this all wrong.
Sherwood Sherwood I appreciate your asking; I don't want a repeat of what happened to Snowfall. You have Rifts World Book 25: China 2, right? Page 69 (physical copy). If you don't, I don't mind typing it out here. =)

Put briefly, everyone literally gets to see what happened to a dead (and silent) someone prior to their demise. Useful, huh?
Very useful. Ok, give me a little bit to have the proper IC post up.
Very useful. Ok, give me a little bit to have the proper IC post up.
Sure! If you have any questions about it, let me know. =)

Remember that Hongo is planning on immediately following up with Commune with Spirits psychic ability. If he gets emotions only but no precise details from a willing spirit, then it is off to Spirit Writing he goes (also on page 69). The more the spriit(s) have to say, the better a listener they will find Hongo the Bright Storm to be.
From the point of view of the dead man, things were running smoothly up to the point that he is overwhelmed by the absolute certainty that the transport is a critical danger to not just him, but to everyone on the roof and all Hiroshima. He responds with a sense of shock, then a calm comes over him as he raises up his rifle to shoot that transport down.

Another ghost, this one is from one of the fallen Juicers, had a similar feeling about Prime Minister Xu and Minister Feng. They were evil, and they had to be eliminated. That was why he volunteered for the Juicer upgrade; he had to do it to get close to the oni that were about to kill them all.

That last one doesn't seem to make much sense. Apparently he was recently given the Juicer harness to stop the two demons, but he didn't know they were demons until the others started their attack on the transport. The timeline had many holes in it.
My, my! Is this telling! 8D

Sherwood Sherwood There are three ghosts, so would you like me to deduct 3 uses of View Ghost Drama (minus the Chi/I.S.P. he can use for Dragon Chi - a minimum of 3 Chi)?

May Hongo use his Commune with Spirits psychic ability to see what these three ghosts might have to say?

EDIT: Or is that all of the information you'd like us to have at this stage in the story? =)
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My, my! Is this telling! 8D

Sherwood Sherwood There are three ghosts, so would you like me to deduct 3 uses of View Ghost Drama (minus the Chi/I.S.P. he can use for Dragon Chi - a minimum of 3 Chi)?

May Hongo use his Commune with Spirits psychic ability to see what these three ghosts might have to say?

EDIT: Or is that all of the information you'd like us to have at this stage in the story? =)
You can feel free to talk to the three spirits and see what they say.

Its ok, but thank you for the apology.

Sherwood Sherwood Wait, wAAAait!

If Psychie Psychie gets to overstep her boundaries, well, well, I wanna try that too! How come she gets to overstep her boundaries and I have to stay within mine, huh? What makes Psychie so special?

You see, everybody! I hear that Psychie wants to be the biggest Game Master ever! And, well, the biggest Game Master I've ever heard of is this guy, Kevin Siembieda (just some nice guy with a weird last name, right?), and well, when he was playing in the Detroit Gaming Center back when he was in his twenties, he says that he gamed BIG BIG GROUPS! And see, Psychie's Exalted 3.0 game, I mean, I think we're cozy with her and what.... 6 Players?

Just 6 Players?!

That doesn't hold a candle to Siembieda when he describes in this wonderful interview when he ran a game with (get this!) 26 Players at once!

"[101] - KEVIN SIEMBIEDA of PALLADIUM BOOKS talks about his #TTRPG & publishing experiences"

So, so, you see, I wanna overstep my boundaries and recommend to EVERYONE ON RP NATION - Nay, the entire Internet! - that we need at least 21 MORE Players in Psychie's Exalted 3e game - that way she can say she beat out Kevin Siembieda with his weak and measly number of only 26 Players with Psychie's massive army of gung-ho 27 Players plus, so everybody! Tell all of the gamers you know! And have them add their characters to this link: Psychie's Character Sheet thread for her Exalted 3e game so she can live her lifelong dream of being the biggest and bestest Game Master ever!!

Psychie will be so happy! Such joy! 8D

Argue Sesame Street GIF

*Looks around expectantly* How did I do?! Was that overstepping my boundaries enough? Oh, I hope so! I just wanna be cool like Psychie! 8D

/SILLY MODE OFF (for now). =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)

P.S. Hope you're having a good day, everybody! =)
Kermit The Frog Film GIF
Sherwood Sherwood Eonivar Eonivar Heya folks and friends! Note for Sherwood (and anyone else interested) here. Please catch up in-game, then read the spoiler. =)

Hongo will wait for Detective Ando to return prior to invoking Commune with Spirits, but he cannot wait for long lest the spirits depart. Patience is a virtue! =)

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