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Nation Building Rifts in Space


Junior Member
Also, keep in mind, their will be additional issues to sort out (pretty much your starting galaxy). After that, you will start when you are ready.

Full Faction Tittle:




Main Stats:








Government Structure:

Economy Structure:

Society Structure:

Military Structure:

Troop Choices:


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Full Faction Tittle: Your factions full title, pretty self explanatory.

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: What the citizens within' your faction refer to it as (i.e. America or USSR or something like that)

Gentilic: What do the people of this nation refer to themselves as.

Species: Who are the Beings that make up your nations (keep in mind that the basic start is on a single planet with one moon)? what are their appearances, averages in shape & size, natural characteristics, and other abilities or weaknesses they have as a species. The more detail the better.

Main Stats has its own section. . .

Cabinet: This is an important section; you will have to create cabinet positions.

Here are a few suggestions:





The above is a very centralized build for a government, for instance, you might want to instead divide up the military into 4 categories: Army, Navy, Air Force, & Space Force. How you build your government and it's various departments is up to you. Feel free to name each individual in this category.

Technology: You will be given starting technology, all tech gained will be added here. Feel free to change starting tech, though you should give yourself a disadvantage for every edge.

- Pre-Galactic History (This is your factions full technological advances, prior to expiation outside their solar system. Any lesser species giving this technology will slowly fallow your footsteps as they develop into a similar nation)

- Galactic Travel (. . .) Whatever you want; do your ships travel to other systems via instant teleportation, classic or fictional warp travel, good old factions FTL, or whatever you can think of.

- Terraforming (Up, Down, Right, or Left. Just pick a direction, any will do)

- Lasers (Vehicles) It is assumed that your nation has at-least achieved laser weapons, but still use non-coil/rail kinetic weapons for your infantry as this technology has not yet been scaled down for infantry use. From light tanks to grand spaceships can utilize laser weaponry.

Government Structure: What type of government do you have, give a generalization. After that, go into detail (the more detail the better) about the government and its structure. Feel free to also give some important laws that apply throughout your factions (just don't post city codes or anything like that).

Economy Structure: What type of economy does your faction govern under, just give a 1 to 3 word generalization. Then feel free to go into detail (the more detail the better) about the your economy and its structure.

Society Structure: This is a general section that is meant to encompass Religious, Cultural, & Philosophical beliefs within' your faction (among other ideologies). Detail, like all these sections, is prized.

*Note, Please also include:

Social classes (are they like a modern nation: Upper Class, Middle Class, Lower Class or do you have some sort of caste system in place?)

Major Political Groups (and their general differences)

Also, include a few notes on how politics function and/or how are they viewed.

Military Structure: Just a breakdown your factions military structure, command, and tradition(s).

Troop Choices: In this section, you will post personnel types that make up your military. You should include weapons (+equipment), skill area, and how trained they are. For the purposes of this roleplay, man'ed vehicles (regardless of size or personnel) is also considered a troop. Note, when posting vehicles, please include dimensions and measurements. It should also include the vehicles fighting and general capacities. Just remember, this section applies to everything from the lonely infantrymen to your grandest space ship. You should also keep in mind that you may end up fighting in all sorts of terrains.

Advantages: (these are meant to restate and list pros/cons of roleplaying this nation)


Base Stats: you have 25 points to spend, no more than 11 starting (maxes out at 50)

Expansionist - Your peoples willingness to fight. This number x 4 = turns till it takes until war-weariness sets in (if you are at war, x 5 if you did not start said war).

Adventurous - Your citizens willingness to settle among and colonize the stars. This represents colony birth rates, base rate is 2, every additional number adds decimal (.1) to the birth rates. It also decreases the amount of time needed to raise a colonization ship.

Education - Your factions base research rate.

Security - Your factions base protection of technology from being stolen from enemy agents.

Society - Your factions ability to dominate though faith, ability to absorb similar cultures, & philosophical strength in the presence of counter ideologies. You will be able to use agents (be them religions leaders, cultural anthropologists, & philosophers) to rule over other factions utilizing an aspect of your factions society.
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Full Faction Tittle: The great unified body of the Dwavisi in the name of the Deep Lord

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: The Dwavi Nations

Gentilic: Dwavisi

Species: Dwavisi

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 3

Adventurous: 8

Education: 5

Security: 4

Society: 5


The Under Deep King: The Under Deep King is the leader of all the Dwavisi

Thunder Lord: The Axe Lord commands the armies of the Dwavisi

Tunnel Lord: The Tunnel Lord is in charge of internal affairs

Lord of Light: The Lord of Light, or Light Lord, is in control of political machinations with non Dwavisi people.

Hoard Lord: The Hoard Lord controls the flow of wealth and the pretection of The Under Deep King's Hoard.

Deep Lord: There are many Deep lords, who oft' fight amongst theirselves for gold, glory and more gold.


- Pre-Galactic History: Very much like fantasy Dwarves with technology focused towards mining.

- Galactic Travel: Warp stations, system built stations (often on planets but sometimes asteroids) which teleport ships, they can be fitted to the largest asteroid ships but when they are they result in the loss of much of its weapon power.

- Terraforming: Hot

- Lasers (Vehicles)

Government Structure: A Kratocracy where the strongest 'Deep Lord' rules.

Economy Structure: Gold.

Their economy revolves around rare items, gems, and gold. Miners, because of this, are respected and master miners even revered. Lesser jobs such as farming and building are thought little of and are among the lowest 'earners' while jobs such as smithing lie somewhere between.

Society Structure:

The Social structure is not too dissimilar to the medieval feudal structure with the Divine Myth-Smiths of the Church of ore standing alongside Deep Lords as the heads of the social ladder, Deep Lords are people who own their own mines, be they small or large, fortified or not. Some Deep lords hold sway over others, with the Lords of Deep, large fortified mines being vastly more influencial and important then those that own small, shallow and unfortified mines. The rest of the Social structure is akin to the Economical structure.

Military Structure:

At the head of each army is a Deep Lord, though armies vary with the power and influence of the Deep Lord. All the Deep Lords answer to the Thunder Lord when a threat to the entire race is found and the Thunder Lord answers to the Under Deep King, though Deep Lords are not under his sway in any other matters (To stop an Under Deep King from using his Thunder Lord to stomp out powerful Deep Lord threats to his power)

Troop Choices:

The land army is split into a few types of soldier (with some armies only having one) though they all use the same standard armor set, which is an iorn or metallic body armor with a padded interior. The first and most common is the Dwavisi Miner, they are armed with pickaxes. The next most common is that of the Dwavisi Smiter, often recruited from among the smithing communities. these units are better armed and equipped generally with axes. The next 'standard' unit is that of the Thunderer, in most modern forms of war they do most the work with their Thunder Guns that fire much like modern day weapons but without any attempt and silencing and being very noisy and visible (stealth is not a strong point).

They make use of Vasi Tunnel Eggs, large 5x1.5m Cylanders with a fairly egg shaped drill head on the front protruding another 3m out. It has between 3 and five little legs on the cylindrical section that grip to the tunnel wall and push the tunnel egg into the rock so it can continue to move. The Cylander is lightly armoured and designed more to remain pressured, while the drill head is thick and bulky, stopping all but the most aggressive firepower. (Since the Dwavisi like living and fighting underground and in tunnels these often lead the army where possible)

the VTE's are often followed by Cannon Tails, designed to work on normal ground but to be even more manouverable in VTE Tunnels by having a chasse of 1.5m diameter with a slightly flattened base (for flat ground traversing) and a ring of spiked wheels that grip to the rock and allow the vehicle to move. It is 5m long and the aft section is lightly armoured to protect the firing crew while the rest of the central space is taken up by a large cannon, some being kinetic and others being laser.

They also use DOT, Dwavisi Offsystem traverser, which are large, moderately armoured cylanders designed to fit in VTE tunnels to transport troops at speed. They generally do not get used until after a FOB has been set up and have a door at each end and a significant amount of wheels which dig into the walls to drive it along.

Their spaceships vary a lot in size but are all slow, all heavily armoured and moderately armed, since they are large asteroids with thrusters and sealed internal tunnels for the living crew. They are few in number, very strong but not very quick or adaptive.


Skilled at resource extraction and mining. As well as very adept at closer quaters/melee combat. Good under the ground.


Fractured and prone to civil strife as well as notable disadvantages at range and generally requiring lots of machinery to set up colonies as well as a lot of politics with the Deep Lords (Since new colony means new lord, new factions, etc. but require the influence and power of other Deep lords to set up, so they have to argue over lots of things) They like arguing.
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Full Faction Title: Qwatt

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: Qwatt

Gentilic: Qwatt

The Qwatt came to Spire inside a massive meteorite, which, upon impact, made extinct much life of the planet, terraforming the world into a vast, arid wasteland.

A year later, the first drone, now known as the Precursor breached the shell of their Ark, flooding the changed land with their kind; soon, new Queens were born and kicked out to make colonies of their own, but despite the many miles they all privately journeyed, not one forgot their homeland.

For the centuries that followed, war ravaged the land, Queens fought over what each claimed was their birthright, the great rock which fell from the sky. Rumored to hold the answers of their species' existence, great weapons of war, supplies of water, food...

One, rose above the others. Not because of numbers or might, but for her caring for her born Queens, protecting, teaching, and raising them, forsaking tradition for a chance at a unified world, an end to the ceaseless, mindless war, and answers on how they came to be...

She succeeded.

(Fun fact: Qwatt is an almost religious term for the species, all considering themselves in some way to be Qwatt, and it holds many meanings, such as; the same, everything, family, all, and sorrowful. One of the greatest insults imaginable for the culture is to say one is not Qwatt.)

Species: The Qwatt

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.3ca7306d09cc332e53bb3ed139a3ccaa.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.3ca7306d09cc332e53bb3ed139a3ccaa.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Many Qwatt are hairless, with two arms and legs in a vaguely humanoid-insectoid combination, they can stand like a human, but are normally only four feet tall. Eye colors vastly differ between Colonies. Can lift loads far beyond their weight is, and scuttle along on all fours at speeds approaching eighty miles per hour when unburdened. Can conserve oxygen by only using telepathic communication, form living structures with tens, hundreds, thousands or even greater amounts of Qwatt. What a single connected Qwatt sees, does all others. They look much like ants. Some Qwatt are Lost, or disconnected from their Queen and other Qwatt, now lacking telepathic abilities, but now sentient, with free will, entirely independent from others of their kind. They look far more human, and even grow white hairs, much like Soldiers. Most can reproduce with a female partner. Queens can lay thousands of eggs each day, and, as far as the Qwatt know, are immortal, with the ability to live for millennia.

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 4

(Although the Queens of the colonies of Spire have always fought throughout the planet's long history, the Uniter's daughters, now the only other known Queens left alive, are dedicated to peace, as is the Uniter herself, who had only fought using teachings from the Precursor to end the wars that plagued the red sphere of Spire since the day the Precursor himself breached the meteorite which brought the species to the planet.)

Adventurous: 11

(Only thing keeping the population down was the constant war and the attrition that accompanied it.)

Education: 1

(The Precursor and his Monk order have been the only ones ever to seek out knowledge that isn't just directly or indirectly related to war. All Qwatt are literate and can voice their thoughts verbally, in addition to their born with

telepathic abilities, however.)

Security: 1

(Most of the technology they have so far is passed down from the First Queen, or developed for war. Little security exists because often the only form of attack another Queen would conceive of is to simply attack head-on with as many Soldiers as she can muster.)

Society: 8

(The hive mind is strong, and the telepathic abilities of the Queens, along with the startlingly sophisticated minds of the Lost, can deeply change one's life with their influence.)


The Uniter: Loessana. Queen of Queens, leader of the Qwatt and undisputed ruler of Spire. Wife to the Lost King, Poggle.

Lost King: Poggle. Military leader of the Lost and husband to the Uniter.

Head Nest-mother: Dala. The weakest of Qwatt Queens normally fulfill this role, caring for younglings, ironically killing the weak and deformed, and selecting jobs for the fit. Hundreds actually serve as Nest-mother, but the Head Nest-mother's goal is to make strict guidelines for all to follow.

Precursor: Kpaq. Oldest Qwatt known, and first to break through the outer rock of the meteorite which brought the Qwatt species to Spire. Resides in a monastery on the opposite side of the planet where the meteorite hit; along with an order of Monks. The group makes records and searches for new knowledge, and is primarily neutral. For a time the Uniter, Loessana, visited them. Learning all she could of the knowledge they stored, she went on to conquer all other colonies, and unlike the Queens before her, she had her Daughters and the Lost by her side.


- Pre-Galactic History.

Scramble cannons, (break Qwatt telepathic connection violently, making one brain dead) rifles, (fire single shots every few seconds, have a spear at the butt) fighters, resource ships, frigates, colony ships. (hold a majority of a fleet) Mechanization, metallurgy, irrigation techniques, electricity, miniaturization, writing, language, rulers, scales, math, Crawlers, (big transports that travel across the floor of the planet) scuttles, kinetic blasters, electronics, battle AI, motors, vehicles, manufacturing, poetry, musical instruments, architecture, mining, hyper drive, robotics, Scuttles.

- Galactic Travel.

Warp travel.

- Terraforming


- Lasers


Government Structure: Hive Mind

Few laws exist, as, with a vast majority of Qwatt being connected, none can actually break any. The below apply to Queens and the Lost, which live far better than the lower castes, although you could argue the lower castes aren't alive at all.

1. One may not leave designated areas without consent from higher authority.

2. Theft, arson, assault and murder is punishable by death.

3. One may not turn away a Monk.

4. Betrayal, in whatever form against the Uniter, is punishable by death.

5. One may not impede the work of the connected.

Economy Structure: Hive Mind Commune

All Workers mindlessly toil to provide higher castes and drones with all sorts of commodities, given rations according to their biological needs. Qwatt harvest surface plants, normally sharp and tall red shrubs, for basic medicines, water extraction, and for fertilizer for the many subterranean farms of Salva, a doughy, powdery, sticky-sweet substance that is the primary food source of all Qwatt. Queens are fed the purest, most concentrated, Salva. Mining operation and foundries exist, along with factories. These mainly produce what is needed for the military, or the colonies.

Society Structure:

Eyes are the most prized of body parts, especially for the Lost, which... Lost the connection to their Queen and all Qwatt. Said to contain the Qwatt soul, it's determination to survive, and all knowledge of all the things that were ever seen by another Qwatt. For the Lost, the eyes they once treasured when they were one with the collective are now shut to the world- they are free, but at what cost?

Once every rotational cycle, all Qwatt pause for the annual eclipse, lasting a minute.

"Dream with all." Is often said at the few funeral rituals done, and is frequently said at other ceremonies or when leaving.

What could be seen as aggressive pushing or clasping of another is a form of measuring up for Qwatt soldiers.

All Lost are expected to join the Monks, become a Warrior, or serve the Queens of Spire.

Queens prize peace and advancement of the Qwatt species.

The Qwatt normally have rooms and halls are tall as is needed, but certain rooms and important above ground structures utilize great spires, arches, and building techniques much like the Geonosians from Star Wars.

The Qwatt fallow social structure is that of a Caste System. A Qwatt is born, and then quickly assigned to a group based on current needs, or individual abilities.

Monks: Are favorably viewed by a minority of the Lost, which is surprising any do at all, considering how subjective the Lost normally are. They record history, events, life... Everything that is needed to know and more. The monastery they inhabit is a cultural center with ancient writings, murals, and artifacts. Prefer neutrality, for a time banishing Loessana, the Uniter, from their ranks for seeking new ways to crush her enemies, but relations have been repaired since her acceptance of her daughters, other Queens, who have joined her in the act of uniting Spire. Now typically aid Loessana in whatever is asked of them.

Queens: Promote cooperation with their mother, Loessana, wishing for mass colonization of the universe with their species, and peace amongst Qwatt.


Generally, all Queens are at a consensus, and agree naturally, as disagreement is actually strenuous through their telepathic links. All currently known Queens are descended from Loessana, so, when differing opinions do occur, those who stand with their mother look at their uncooperative Sisters with distaste. (Qwatt Queens vote, but Loessana normally wins out, only occasionally taking into consideration what her Daughters think. Monks merely observe.)

The Uniter, Queen Loessana, is the commander of every single connected Qwatt. For her Soldiers, she can take control of them, from any part of the Universe. All Soldiers that are connected are under her direct control. Normally, Qwatt Soldiers swarm like hornets, in their fighters, and on the ground, but have been known to simply overwhelm attackers with numbers, or form impressive, multiple ranked firing lines, with her influence. Loessana's Soldiers are treated like the other castes, only given better rations, and conditions, to improve their combat effectiveness, as they are not actually sentient.

The Lost King, Poggle, directs the efforts of the you-guessed-it, the Lost Qwatt that have volunteered for the military. The Lost and Poggle act independently of Loessana's Soldiers, primarily using melee weapons, wearing little armor, to attack enemy positions before they can even spot their attackers approaching, traveling, at the least, fifty miles per hour. The Lost Soldiers have the greatest living conditions, training, and are generally the most well-fit of Qwatt, all volunteers.

Troop Choices:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.63caecbb920643925940c0edb27a3fe0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.63caecbb920643925940c0edb27a3fe0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The Rifle/spear is only thing you should imagine my Soldiers having, refer to the first species image up above for what the Soldiers, and, to a degree, what the rest of the Qwatt looks like) Millions of footsoldiers with powerful rifles that serve a duel purpose as spears. Prefer line tactics, or, if needed, mass charges with the spears. Given adequate armor protection to endure small arms fire.

Turns: 2



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.dc8df2be533a0dff9143e7e271be0ad8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.dc8df2be533a0dff9143e7e271be0ad8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Twice as big as a 'human' the Rollers are equipped with two close-to-medium range lasers. Designed to be able to collapse into a ball, as the same implies, to roll across the battlefields. (No Cost)

Turns: 3


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ed6513d0495b2df697170dccd6157550.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ed6513d0495b2df697170dccd6157550.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Not really. Just found this awesome picture. Just a Qwatt with light cloth armor and a jagged sword.) With hundreds of thousands enlisted, the Lost charge enemy positions at frighteningly quick speeds approaching eighty miles per hour, being the most fit of Qwatt imaginable, armed with swords... They quickly cut down all opposition.

Turns: 2


Red Guard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.062141b7f4aef1989ccc9cad7a68fa7d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130062" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.062141b7f4aef1989ccc9cad7a68fa7d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yes, I have stolen the Krimzon Guard from Jak and Daxter 2. But that was an awesome game. Just imagine a Qwatt in Krimzon Guard armor.) Most elite of Soldiers, they protect the Queens, secret facilities, and important Qwatt. With armor that can both resist some of the strongest of lasers, melee attacks, bullets and to a degree, heavy weapons fire, they are loyal to Loessana first, trained in all manners of combat and tactics. Armed with incredibly lethal kinetic blasters, which launch projectiles the size of a pebble, but so quickly that the shot makes a small cloud of smoke from breaking the sound barrier, making the body of the one hit explode into a gory red paste.

Turns: 4

(10,000 Male and Female Qwatt, only met around a handful of areas, most near Queens)



The size of the sand crawlers seen in Star Wars, the Qwatt use these to transport delicate materials or bulk goods between colonies on the surface, used as makeshift mobile fortresses during conflict. (crew 40)

Turns: 5


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.361904e60b7d66c499b8f51781b5319c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.361904e60b7d66c499b8f51781b5319c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Legs extended horizontally to their furthest width, the mech is twenty yards, legs extended vertically, the mech is eleven yard tall. With one heavy laser cannon, minigun, 10mm machine gun, and flamethrower in the center. It can, as the name implies, scuttle across harsh terrain with ease, a hover pad on the bottom allows combat to continue if a leg is destroyed, and can help navigation of the few particularly difficult spots. (No Cost)

Turns: 6


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.395c07f6b28cd46f0400baf69b549e81.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.395c07f6b28cd46f0400baf69b549e81.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Numbering around ten million, the Qwatt fighter is cheap, expendable, highly used, and quite often takes part in swarming maneuvers. Armed with twin laser cannons, one on each of the two 'noses' of the ship. Through lightning fast movement, formations so packed with fighters you can't sneak an interceptor through, and sudden, massive kamikazi attacks on enemy command ships, unprepared fleets could be crippled in the opening minute of an engagement against hordes of this spacecraft. Fifteen yards long, 3.5 wide, and four high. (crew 1)

Turns: 5


Resource Ship

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.626d3332391fe597ba036742c5e7cc61.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.626d3332391fe597ba036742c5e7cc61.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In the low hundreds, resource ships are designed to collect resources, most notably water, for Homeworld. the size of a football field, armed with a measly four laser cannons. (crew 1,000) (can hold 1000 more infantry)

Turns: 8


Daughter Ship

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.24144ab428ccb0548158028a6011bd4c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.24144ab428ccb0548158028a6011bd4c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Holds a Queen, thousands of fighters, Lost soldiers, and supplies. Larger than a fighter by roughly five-thousand times. Serves as the command ship of a fleet, armed with one large laser cannon used to take on enemy Capitol ships, and turrets to take out approaching hostile fighters. Used as a battleship, or command hub, of a fleet. (crew 30,000 / Holds 10,000 fighters / Holds 20,000 infantry)

Turns: 12


Colony Ship

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3fe2f49ffc8a7f9749f9feb501a7cbf0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3fe2f49ffc8a7f9749f9feb501a7cbf0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Twelve miles long, and five tall, the Qwatt colony ship has been crafted to hold as many of the species as possible, with a Queen aboard, to found new colonies on new planets. Armed with eight powerful laser cannons with the hope of making the journey safe as it is absolutely packed to the brim, the vessel holds a maximum of a half-million Qwatt.

Turns: 16

(Starting: 2)

Advantages: With every Queen interconnected, as the Uniter personally raised and therefore kept her connection with her born Queens, all 'connected' Qwatt are therefore the living eyes of the Uniter and the Queens, meaning every single battle is learned from, meaning that the Qwatt can adapt to any new enemy's tactics with only a single lost battle.

Disadvantages: The death of a Queen will kill 90% of their children, the remaining 10% becoming independent 'Lost' Qwatt with free wills.

Qwatt General:

Used to lead Qwatt forces, this type of queen directly controls their actions on the battlefield from upto at least 1 solar system away. Any bonuses this General gives will not be awarded to Lost (or non-Qwatt Troops if this will ever apply).

Lost King:

Used to lead Lost forces (and non-Qwatt Troops, if this ever applies). The Lost King can also rally and lead troops if a queen is not around, though if a Qwatt General or Queen is present then all Qwatt forces (barring Lost & non-Qwatt) will not receive bounces from this generals direct command.

Royal Envoy:

A lesser queen who's goal is the spread the joy's of the Qwatt ideals of oneness, the removal of individuality, and focus on group productivity & safety among another faction. They can increase the chance of successful negotiations with NPC factions when sent as an envoy, they can attempt to steal technology from another factions home world (to a lesser degree), and can attempt to recruit the Agents of other factions (though it is considered a declaration of war). This Agent can also be used in an attempt to sow the seeds of rebellion among other worlds or factions. If the rebellion is successful, a new faction will be created in its place.

Lost Spy:

Picked from among the lost and can be utilized in anyway a spy can be utilized. Sabotage, infiltration, spying, assassination, etc. Note, they cannot steal technology though.

Lost Enforcers:

When within your nation, these enforcers can be used to arrest and even potentially execute foreign Agents. When outside your shper of control, they lose their authority but not your nations resources. They can still be used to bribe worlds, factions, standing armies, and agents into join you. Keep in mind, doing any type of bribing is considered a declaration of war (when successful).

Lost Champion:

These champions are picked from among the lost; they will decrease the chance of sabotage from enemy agents (wherever they are; be it inside an army or on a planet) and will also increase EXP gain for other Lost unit types (but only lost unit types).

Monk Scholar:

Monk Agents will act as scientists that add to your research rate as long they are on one of your worlds, you can also place them on another factions home world to aid in that factions research rate, and finally you can also attempt to steal technology if your agent is on another factions home world. If this monk is on another factions world, they will also begin culturally converting the population.



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Writing technology by using my lore and modifying it has taken longer than i have expected.
Full Faction Title: The Grand Palorikan Empire

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: The Palorikan Empire

Gentilic: Palorikan


Palorikan: From the planet Kagiro, in the rust-red savannahs and dirt-orange forests, the Palorikan were born. The Palorikan is bipedal in nature, however, its leg structure is reminiscent of that of a kangaroo, allowing them to walk on the tips of the feet, while being able to bound great distances at speeds of up to 59 miles per hour when their feet are flat. They have long, thick tails that are used for balance when moving. Their arms are similar to humans in nature, though their hands possess six digits each, four fingers and two thumbs. Their heads are similar to a kangaroo's in structure and ear shape, however, they have four eyes that resemble an alligators. Their mouths are beak-like in nature, though they remain fur covered. Nostrils are located on the beak-like structure. They are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals. Fur color is between dark green and rust-red.

The average height and weight between both sexes is 6'8" and 294lbs. The males have a mane of brightly colored hair running from the top of the head and down the spine to the end of the tail. Females, on the other hand, have dark-red or dark-blue quills that run from the top of the head down to the middle of the spine. Babies hold on to these quills on the mothers back, which also helps to deter predators from attacking the infants. The females do give birth to live young. Males are more built in musculature, allowing them to leap faster and be physically stronger. Average lifespan is 130 years.

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 8

(The Palorikan have their history steeped in a proud warrior culture that neither gives up nor relents in war until one side has been truelly defeated. This has been retained even now, where they will continue a war until it is their victory. Every Palorikan is trained in some form of combat.)

Adventurous: 3

(Palorikan are a family oriented society, with large familial households being held for generations. Generally, they are reserved to move from these ancestral g

Education: 4

(Education is seen as a means to better improve the equipment of Palorikan soldiers and to improve the Palorikan fleet. Advances are made based on if they are useful or not.)

Security: 5

(The Palorikan are protective of the technology they use. Every civilian knows that technology is an edge they cannot lose, so they will protect it as best as they can from foriegn powers.)

Society: 5

(The Palorikan are a strong, family oriented society. Betrayal of the family, and the Palorikan species as a whole, is seen as the ultimate disgrace.)



Gas-Powered Rifles: Weapons that use gunpowder. Palorikan in origin. Most common weaponry available do to ease of production. Found on ships, soldiers, and vehicles.

Laser Weaponry: Weapons that use laser beams. Use is on ships and vehicles.

Nuclear weapons: 30 megaton, 50 megaton, and 200 megaton payloads.

EMP weapons: Used to disable electronics by firing electromagnetic pulses.

Fusion Reactor: Palorikan energy producer. Can be mass produced and is used on most ships and vehicles.

Sensors: Gravitonic, thermal, warp, magnetic, quantum, ladar, radar, heat, EM field

Repulsors: Create barriers of energy around the target.

Sub-light (Fusion Drive): Expels fusion energy to propel vehicles throughout space. Allows for in atmosphere flight.

FTL (Warp Drive): Opens a hole below space that allows for quick travel throughout large areas of space. Low end allows 7 lightyears a day, while capital ships can go 200 light years a day.

Plasma Flares: Canisters of highly concentrated gas that, when activated, send a charge through the gas, igniting it into fiery hot plasma. This plasma burns hot enough to melt nearby heavy armor in seconds. The flare will last 2 minutes, and has an effective range of 30 meters, though unprotected troops within 40 meters can suffer 3rd degree burns.

Powered Armor: A type of powered exoskeleton designed for warfare. Each one can increase a Palorikan's speed and strength three-fold. Each comes with an inboard repulsor generator.

Palorikan Battle Forge: The Palorikan Battle Forge is a 8 kilometer long and wide shielded facility, either on a planet or in orbit, that refines mined materials and proceeds to produce ships, weapons, vehicles, and ammunition at an incredible rate. They are highly efficient and multiple are usually found within a system.

Government Structure:

Economy Structure:

Society Structure:

The Palorikan culture was a diverse one, which caused many wars to happen throughout the millenniums. There are, however, several key similarities between most of them. Having a pack mentality, family is highly prized in their society, leading to great clans that settled throughout the world. Due to this pack mentality, Palorikan also do not have an understanding of 'personal space.' In fact, families will usually sleep laying on one another in a pile for comfort.

They place great honor on martial arts, treating it as an art form. Males were the more combat oriented, hunting for and protecting the clans. Males were also the main combatants in war, not because the females were weaker, but it was because females were often seen as too vicious on the battlefield to follow the War Honor. Males and females would have combat against each other to tell whether they were a compatible match, which is usually found when there is a draw. They are also very honor bound, and lying is seen as despicable to them. Every single Palorikan is trained in the military, first by family militias and then in the Imperial military. As such, they are always ready for combat.

Military Structure: The Military of the Palorikan is both steeped in tradition, yet very flexible at the same time. Command is divided up between Palorikan based on merit, intelligence, and competence. It is structured laterally. All government positions are open only to those that participate in the military, though this is not a problem since all Palorikan are trained combatants and all volunteer for service.

Troop Choices:

Soldiers: The men on the ground. Are often divided up into different classes based on specialties and skills.

-Standard Infantry: The bulk of the soldiers. They are the most basic form of soldier. They are outfitted with gas-fired rifles, pistols, shotguns, and machine guns. Grenades are of the frag and napalm variety. Armor is basic camouflaged, bullet-proof cloth and plates.

-Recon/Scouts: The soldiers who scout out enemy lines. They are outfitted with limited stealth cloth technology to allow them to scout ahead unseen by the enemy. This is light-weight, but is barely armored whatsoever. They are given energy rations that allow them to scout for weeks straight if needed. They are equipped with a gas-powered silent-pistol and a gas-powered suppressed smg. This is also supplemented by vicious land mines, which, when activated, send shrapnel and napalm in a twenty meter radius. It is an effective weapon on both vehicles and soldiers.

-Sniper: The soldiers who take enemies out from afar. Like the scouts/recons, they are equipped with limited stealth cloth technology. Their main weaponry is the equivalent to a sniper rifle. The weapon uses high caliber penetrating rounds to shoot targets up to two miles away. It is capable of passing through multiple targets and heavy armor, and the explosive rounds can cripple heavy vehicles. Secondary weaponry is a gas-powered pistol.

-Heavies: The soldiers that are given heavy weaponry. They are equipped with heavy plated armor. They have a heavy machine gun with explosive rounds, and rocket launchers, which can be outfitted with the same explosives as their mines. They also have access to frag and napalm grenades.

-Powered Troopers: The best of the soldiers in both training and equipment. Are outfitted powered armor, which also houses a repulsor generator for further protection. This powered armor increases their strength and mobility threefold. They are equipped with the best weaponry possible, extending into rifles, shotguns, laser turrets, and pistols. They have access to scatter (laser) grenades and plasma flares.

Vehicles: Vehicles, whether on the ground or sky. Used for attacking and transporting, as well as recon.

-Gruse: The Gruse is a Palorikan derived lightly armored transport vehicle. It is capable of speeds up to 190 mph and highly maneuverable. It is highly versatile and can be modified to allow weaponry or increased transportation capability. Weapon varieties include gas-powered turrets, grenade launchers, anti-air weaponry, and EMP guns. It is approximately 24 feet long and weighs 1.5 tons.


-Drunik: The Drunik is a Palorikan derived heavy armored tank. It is capable of speeds up to 95 mph and is moderatelymaneuverable. It is a heavy weapons platform with several variances. These include gas-powered explosive shells, artillery, anti-air weaponry, multiple turrets, and a heavy laser. It is four times the size and weight of the Gruse.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ffeeea781aaffeaec4be2622883f7b2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ffeeea781aaffeaec4be2622883f7b2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Xandyer: The Xandyer is a Palorikan air vehicle that functions more as a troop unit than a vehicle. It is lightly armored and highly maneuverable. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 295 mph. It is equipped with air-to-air rockets, air-to-surface artillery, as well as twin gas-powered machineguns. It is highly maneuverable on the battle field and is used in air-to-ground combat as well as air-to-air combat. It is twenty feet long and weighs 1023 pounds.


Capital Ships: The ships are a 2334 meters in length, 614 meters in height, and 607 meters in width. It is equipped with shields that can withstand 167 megatons of force, as well as armor that withstands 36 megatons of force. Point defense lasers are placed regularly across the hull. It has a contingent of two hundred fighter within it. It is used as the heavy hitter in space combat, staying far back and attacking enemy ships laser-heated tungsten shots that deal 102 megatons of force. Broadsides are two dozen heavy lasers on all three sides, each capable of outputting 25 megatons of force. They also have thousands of ship-to-ship missiles, including nukes, EMP, scatter(laser), and shrapnel.


Frigates: The ships are 300 meters in length, 165 meters in width, and 100 meters in height. Shields can withstand 35 megatons of force, and its armor can withstand 9 megatons of force. It has point defense lasers placed throughout its hull. It contains 200 missiles of varying types, as well as a few dozen fighter crafts. Its main armament is a heavy laser that deals 22 megatons of force.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.97749815e4c49d39f201080cf40d6964.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.97749815e4c49d39f201080cf40d6964.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cruisers: The ships are 1025 meters long, 402 meters in height, and 378 meters wide. Shields can withstand 98 megatons of force, with the hull capable of withstanding 15 megatons. It has several dozen point defense lasers. It's primary weapons are its broadside heavy lasers, twelve on both side, that deal 20 megatons of force each. It's spinal mounted cannon fires tungsten slugs that hit with 36 megatons of force. It holds 150 fighter craft, 1000 missiles and several dozen dropships for deployments on planets. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.4c1e9c64765e5978e38e3ce062380170.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.4c1e9c64765e5978e38e3ce062380170.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanyer: Most common fighter craft among in the Grand Palorixan Empire. It is 15 meters long and 5 wide and can reach speeds up to 20,000 kilometers an hour. Each is equipped with shields capable of surviving near a megaton of force, as well as a point defense laser for taking out enemy missiles and unshielded craft. It's main guns are two railguns that fire heavy armor penetrating rounds, with several explosive rounds being placed at even intervals. A third gun is laser powered and directly under the main fuselage. It also carries 4 nuclear missiles to take out enemy craft, as well as several dozen smaller scatter(laser) missiles.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0a82f01efe2679907216b093e8459448.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0a82f01efe2679907216b093e8459448.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Culuyer: Palorikan drops hip that is 24 meters long and 10 wide. It is equipped with a shield that can block a megaton of force. It is equipped with twin heavy lasers, as well as 6 point defense lasers. It contains several dozen scatter missiles to be used when deploying troops. It can hold 50 troops.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.b8f85f09dc900142b918ca4612079226.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.b8f85f09dc900142b918ca4612079226.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Colony Ship: The colony ship is a 4125 kilometers in length, 924 kilometers in width, and 456 kilometers in height. It is equipped with shields that can withstand 98 megatons and a hill that can withstand 25 megatons. It's primary defenses are three dozen heavy lasers on both sides, several dozen point defense lasers. A hundred missiles, and several hundred fighter craft. It can carry a hundred thousand Palorikan, and usually several are sent to colonize a planet at once. Once in a planet, they land and are disassembled into colonies. The weapons become defense turrets and the air craft become both transport and defense craft for each of the new colonies.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.af3bf1ad0c89ece62341936dcd01212a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.af3bf1ad0c89ece62341936dcd01212a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





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Full Faction Title: Star Imperial Republic of Vastime

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: Vastime

Gentilic: Vastimians


Dossier Vastimians


When taking a outward look at the Vastimian body one may notice many variations throughout the species, the organic mammalian race having evolved from mere cells billions of years ago to furry sapien like race, to what we now know as the basic Vastimian. In diagram A1 you is a basic composite of the skeletal system of this very adaptable race, as you can see it is built to be a upright walking species with tissue linked to certain areas of key interest in the body. The organ system is one of marvel, something that can work both in unison and separately with damage tissue and organs easily replaceable. As the species progressed into one unified nation, after decades of warring has left this race changed from the previous last inclinations of its species- the race has developed the muscular and skeletal system into one that is much more fit for long wars and survival having become adept at requiring much less food and water for extended periods of time. Yet, despite having wage inner war for some many decades the species intellectual society has taken a hit- while still at the top of the known food chain and making remarkable leaps in education but one can only imagine if they dedicated more time to knowledge and the pursuit. Despite all of this, nationalism and pride of one’s culture can be a strong motivator for this species. Overall this species is a dangerous, decisive, and cunning race that can be both snakes in the grass but also a savior to its friend and allies. Take extreme caution when debating in a court of politics or waging war, both can end extreme ill to your reputation and health.



Having been built upon empires, kingdoms, and nations covered in blood and dirt these are a gritty and adaptable people who will do whatever it takes to bring forth their own victory. Naturally, a people like this need leaders and followers whoever their philosophy is simply ‘A leader is simply another follower of another.’ Hands stained from blood of countless wars ranging from simply resources to religion these are a very individualistic people, having made civilizations simply for the advancement of a single person when looking at the broad range of things as history shows. Yet, despite this innate desire for the prosperity of one’s self it has been shown this species can place the communion before themselves in many cases (see Siege of Barlock, Martyrdom, and Saints of the Blue Flame) to protect the society. It is from both this hypocrisy of individualism and communalism that they can strive while constantly challenging the status quo.

Their cities (see diagram B1) often reflect this genetic folly of both these aspects form the highrise towers of apartments to the lower houses that simply are made for a small family, corporations leaching from each other to survive and smaller owned companies using both generous and cut throat tactics to carve their way into industry and commercialism. One must take caution when trying to understand these people, no one man or woman is alike in this civilization- the Vastimians have proven time and time again that they can be a steadfast ally or snake in their history. Even under the Unification Treay of Vastime, which formed the great nation, there is allowance for many subfactions that bid for power on the imperial throne each one considered what is classed as a Parties.



Vastime has always function through competition and cooperation, using both as a means to create a complex society that can both bring a farmer to fame and a king to rags. This is simple, through use of Parties a person can register a group within the parliament to act as a sort of representative to their national interests. While certain requirements must be met, such as having served in some form of minor political office or military command, a leader of a Party can apply for councilship as a representative of their interests. While a small fee must be paid in accordance to their registered member base, annually once a year they can maintain a seat in the council to have a direct voice of their opinions. The maximum allowed council seats is three. While many regulations are placed to prevent the rich from over fluctuating the council there is an obvious advantage, due to this the parties system is seen as simply suggestions rather than direct votes- those lying in the hand of the High Council and Emperor Maximus.

Advantage and Weaknesses

This dossier is drawing to a conclusion, the final section being a general overview of the apparent advantages and weaknesses Vastime holds.

To be stated the most and foremost advantage they hold is their natural aptitude at adapting to their environment both physically and mentally. A Vastimian can go from haggling in a marketplace to marching through the swamps of Old Cannia with ease- naturally able to blend into new societies for their own advantage or climates it rather ridiculous. Cold or Hot, wet or humid it simply doesn’t matter for this race will carve it out to make their home and legacy. Another natural advantage we have covered is their physical capabilities and warlike physiques, having evolved into a pseudo warrior race the age of decline has decreased and through both technology and biological means extended their lifetimes. A Vastimian into their seventies may act and look like a man in his late thirties meaning they live well into their triple digits in the right settings. Their need for food and water having decreased as well, able to go weeks without food and water something unheard of in the previous generations yet this is possible through the naturally large diet they must maintain to keep their physique up. While this has obvious good sides such as an average soldier able to have the athleticism above that of an olympic athlete in previous years- the maintenance for such a race can prove tedious meaning one of the most valued resources in their food supply- while able to keep a large store of reserved energy in their system once that is depleted a Vastimian can be rended extremely weak.

Now advantages they hold in large as a society is their capacity to wage war and at the same time able to maintain said war. They are a race that has perfect the management of a wartime economy and peacetime economy, using their military as both a work force and peacekeeping unit- the natural adeptness to forge alliances and work in communions while progressing and striving to have recognition is a double edged sword. Appeal to a Vastimian enough and it is possible to sway their judgment, as with pride they can be manipulated if pressed the right way. With strong mental fortitudes trying to strike fear in them is useless but perhaps drawing them into a trap through false security is a manageable tactic against them. While there are countless of other advantages and weaknesses I feel it is time to focus on their weaknesses.

This section will not be as long but to be frank their weaknesses lay in both their pride and organic system. Their emotions and egos can be stroked and used against them in the hands of subtle manipulators making subterfuge as a very common thing at times in the court of political opinions. While the military is the only institution mostly safe from such tactics outside one must tread carefully. Their organic system proves to be both a great advantage and heel at the same time, maintenance of one’s body can prove to be very critical of them. While they can heal quickly with enough food and rest much faster than any generation, this is only possible through energy reserves. A Vastimian may not need to eat as much as they used to, but they need to eventually and the rate of decline begins to pick up after a certain point. Their strongest Advantages prove to be their biggest follys at times.

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 9

-As explained earlier war is their natural environment and their aptitude for it will extend far beyond their people.


-Impartial mostly to the idea but sees the point of it, will do so to simply advance themselves.


-While held behind by the constant wars that was raged for decades, with those concluded Education is flourishing at a steady pace.


-Impartial mostly, considering whatever is stolen will be useless once Vastime has their swords at their throats for such disrespect.


-Adaption and evolution. Simple integration will have to do.


Emperor Maximus: Atlas D’al Decter, Considered the reigning Emperor of Vastime, declares war, manages the empire in whole, supreme power with only minor checks in balance from Cabinet.

Director-In-General: Desmond D’al Decter, highest ranking military official only under the Emperor, Can file military action without High Council approval, overseers complete military.

Lord High Chancellor: Cameron S. Tehic, manages the economy and stately affairs of the Empire, considered the most well verse in both Empite functions and departments.

Lord High Steward: Caius Cazarosta, Works in conjunction with Lord High Chancellor by managing the treasury.

Lord High Chamberlain: Katarina Exquist, overseers both High Council and Council acting as a mediator between all levels of government, bring issues from lower levels to higher levels and vice versa, typically well respected individual with experience in all levels.

Lord Chief Justiciar: Diana P. Hamilton, administers law and justice on a empire level, overseer's supreme court, can veto any law except those created by the emperor unless the Emperor death occurs.


Pre-Galactic History

-Cell Revitalization- This technology allowed for Vastimians to both begin to heal mortal wounds at a moment’s notice but increase the standard lifespan of a Vastimian and even more so for leaders. I will spare you the nitty gritty, an obvious downside to this can be overpopulation but with star travel on the horizon this may not seem so bad. However, for now this technology is restricted to military uses and high ranking statesmen.

-Nuclear Fission/Fusion- As expected of a civilization like this, these technologies have proven to be useful for both peace practice and wartime nuclear production. To be put plainly they have nukes, mostly in theory to be used for ship to ship bombardment in space combat.

-Neural/physical Implants- Through the use of modified organic tissue and nanites we have developed the capabilities to modify one’s mind and augment the physical body. Examples include increasing long term memory, hand eye coordination, dampening pain nerves, increasing pleasure stimuli etc. Though while hardened for EMP protection through a skilled enough hack one can influence these connectors.

-Gene Seed Purification- To be put blankly this is filtering the bad sperm from any male, something which started decades ago to phaze out genetic hindrances such as mental defects or physical ones. Through a simple injection at a young age to the testicles, one sperm will be monitored through nanites eliminating any potential… defects. However, a downside to this is that this led to a decrease in birthrate turns out that this drastically reduced the sperm count of most males.

-Virtual Reality- Through usage of neural connectors (see implants) we have created a virtual reality interaction, allowing the user to enter into a sleep like state. The limitations of this range from a virtual training simulators to forum like discussion. As you can tell you are in a vulnerable state while connected to the VR world.

-Hyper Kinetic Firing- Simply hard impact kinetic weapon such as orbital strike, ship to ship kinetic rail gun, etc.

Interdimensional Slipstream

To be put simply warp travel, pretty basic in shortening the distance to a destination. Time that passes within the slip stream could be months while on the outside world it was barely a day. This led to the invention of the next technology.

-Stasis Vitality Pods- To be put plainly it is simply placing one in a frozen state of stasis to prevent aging or biological functions, this can be done by manually placing a time limit on your stasis pod or being awakened by someone.

Hyper Dynamic Shielding- To be put plain it’s a shielding technology using electrons to be a repulsive shield. While not quite able to be incorporated into the basic infantry soldier, mechanized units have been able to be seen with these- often needing a large internal battery dedicated to the shielding making vehicles using this type of technology bulky and slow. However, space faring vehicles do not not encounter that problem- they just require more batteries meaning pricer ships.

Powered Exoskeletons/Suits- The combat uniform of the standard infantry soldier is to act as both a survival unit and augmentation unit of their physical capabilities. While various units are in production and use the most common can augment a soldier's strength ten fold while the rarer and more specialized units can augment a soldier abilities five hundred fold.

Synthetics- The art of making the artificial appear real, commonly used in labor, servants, and subterfuge.

Terraforming: Nowhere but up, baby.

Government Structure:

The Imperial Republic of Vastime is a mix of Imperialism mixed with the system of a republic elected through it’s citizens, the Emperor is even elected through the High Council who then serves for life. While there are enormous amounts of departments and sub committies all you must worry about are the three main levels of Government.

The Cabinet, acting as the advisors of the empire and Emperor they are the most qualified if not educated of their positions.

The High Council, see as a higher form of council granted to parties who have served ten terms of four years in the lower council often having more political pull with Emperor and can bring direct concerns to them.

The Lords of Council, or simply referred to The Council, is the entry level for most parties along with where they stay. This is a test zone so to say to see if a party will be able to survive for more than forty years before being promoted to a new standing.

As the national motto; “Thy Future can change, but Thy Destiny cannot, onward to Victory!”

Economy Structure:

The economy of the Empire is a mix of state owned industry and privately owned to keep competition flowing and innovation. Focusing heavily on scientific advancement and the selling of patents one can see why a people like Vastime would profit from a heavy industry of producing and maintaining ships, energy cores, etc. That is to say while their main money bringer is the export of minerals and their unique advancements they make quite a bit of money on the side from anything else they can get their hands on, gotta love capitalism. The entertainment industry seems to also be a uniquely strong industry for them.

Society Structure:

See everything else and Dossier.

Military Structure:

Here is an example of a typical ‘Land’ Army for Vastime, very well organized and maintained to the letter each corps has a person which then devolves into a lower purpose per unit. Deep in tradition and rich in culture their moderately sized peacetime army are a highly specialized and well oiled machine that operates on a unique scale to other militaries.

1st Expeditionary Army, The Undivided,

The Undivided Corp (50,000)

-1st Helltroopers Para-Infantry Division

--1st Royal Para-Infantry Regiment

--2nd Combat Aviation Brigade

--1st Support Brigade

--1st Royal Engineers Regiment

--1st Royal Shock Cavarly Brigade

-1st Combined Effort Division

--1st Adminstartive Brigade

--1st 'High-Rollers' Heavy Armor Brigade

--2nd Royal Para-Infantry Regiment

--1st Medical Regiment

--2nd Support Brigade

The Unsullied Corp (50,00)

-1st Air Defense Division

-- 1st Air command Briagde

-- 1st Air Artillery Brigade

-- 1st Signal Brigade

-- 1st Reponse Aviation Unit

-- 4th Support Brigade

-1st Mountain Division

-- 1st Military Police Command

-- 1st Mountineer Infantry Regiment

-- 2nd Royal Engineer Regiment

-- 2nd Medical Brigade

-- 1st Field Artillery Command

The Forlorn Hope Corp (50,000)

- 1st Forlorn 'The Brave' Division

-- 1st Royal Shock Infantry Regiment

-- 2nd Royal Shock Infantry Regiment

-- 3rd Royal Shock Infantry Regiment

-- 3rd Royal Para-Infantry Regiment

-- 1st Light Armor Brigade

-2nd Forlorn 'The Bold' Division

-- 1st Responsive Artillery Brigade

-- 2nd Light Armor Brigade

-- 4th Rock Shock Infantry Regiment

-- 3rd Medical Brigade

-- 3rd Support Brigade

Raw Combat Strength: 150,000 Personnel

(This is an example of one army not their entire military strength)

The branches are as follower; Army, Naval (Sea and Space), Air Force, and Dark Operations. See Diagram C1 for uniform reference.


*Troop Choices:

*It should be noted all technology discovered and wrote about applies to equipment unless stated otherwise by DM or creator.


-LY1 Submachine gun, small, dependable, Magazine of twenty five.


-LY46, 50. Caliber hand gun, standard side arm that fires a heavy impact round holding a magazine of ten.


LY47, .50 Caliber Sub-Machine gun, magazine of twenty.


GA-1, Thermobermic grenade. Radius of thirty meters, bullet proof thankfully.


LY21, Standard Assault rifle of Vastimian infantry, fires a 6.3 x 40mm round holding a magazine of thirty two.


M15 MASIR, Squad Automatic Weapon, suppression, 235 rounds of hell.

LY23, Long-range weaponry, can pierce heavily armored vehicles and disable tank at optimal range. Magazine of six.

LY65, Single Shot, High Explosive penetration launcher, effective for Anti-personnel but optimal for Anti-Armor.


KN-1, Standard Melee weapon, Machete, excellent carving and cutting capabilities.


DAEDALUS MK.1, Newly produced, Infantry combat armor, environment resistant, Exo-Technology incorporated, new models awaiting approval. Increases athleticism, weapon coordination, and overall capabilities of an infantry soldier. Also space viable.


'Ironwood' Tactical Multipurpose Vehicle configurations, extremely adaptable.

Length: 6.2m

Height : 2m

Width: 3m

Crew: 2

Number of soldiers, APC: 12

Light IFV: 10

IFV: 8

Turns: 5 (all 3)


LY6A1 Werewolf Anti-Tank, Long gun, weak armor, extreme power.

Length (With Gun Forward): 15.76m

Length: 11.3m

Height: 3.84m

Width: 5.6m

Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)

Turns: 5


LY6A1, Medium Battle Tank, Mass produced, reliable, tracks are easily exchangeable to fit all terrains.

Length (not including gun) 7.2m

Height 2.6m

Width 3.2m

Weight 70 tonnes

Ground Clearance Variable. Default at 50cm

Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)

Turns: 5


M22, Heavy Tank, slower, replaceable tracks, Heavily armored.

Length (With Gun Forward): 8.6m

Length (Hull): 7.6m

Height: 2.68m

Width: 4.1m

Weight : 81.2 tonnes (LY413) OR 76.4 tonnes (CCA140BRETC)

Ground Clearance: Variable. Default at 50cm

Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)

Turns: 5


MAX 21 AA, Anti-Armor weapon, light, fast.

Length (not including cannons): 7.2m

Height: 3.9m

Width: 3.2m

Weight: 58 tonnes

Ground Clearance: Variable due to suspension adjustability. Default at 50cm

Crew: 3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)

Turns: 5

LA-212 Utility Helicopter, Quick, able to transport troops and equipment quickly.

Capacity: Up to 20 troops, or 12 stretchers

Length: 19.76 m

Height: 5.31 m

Width: 3 m

Crew: 2 (pilot/copilot)

Turns: 5


DAE 21 Attack Helicopter, fast, accurate, and deadly.

Length: 16.5m

Rotor diameter: 2 x 14.5m

Height: 5.6m

Width: 3m


-Empty: 7,700 kg

-Loaded: 9,950 kg

-Max takeoff: 11,200 kg

Crew: 2 (Pilot, WEPO)

Turns: 5

LY910 Shadowhawk, Air superiority Fighter.

Length: 20.6m (20.9 for –B )

• Wingspan: 13.3m

• Height: 3.6 m

• Wing area: 102m2

• Crew: 1 (2 for –B )

Turns: 6


VA12, Cargo Aircraft, Transportation.

Crew: 6

Payload: 255,000 kg

Door Dimensions: 440x640 cm

Length: 90 m

Wingspan: 88.40 m

Height: 18.1 m

Wing area: 905 m²

Crew: 6

Turns: 6


LY912, Nuclear bomber, very fast, latest in tech.

Length: 135 m

Wingspan: 110 m

Height: 32 m

Wing area: 3,350 m²

Crew: 6 (command pilot, copilot, weapon systems officer, EW systems officer, two flight engineers)

Turns: 6


Shark Class Submarine, nuclear, multiple monitoring and combat capabilities.

Displacement: 84,000t submerged

Length: 350m

Beam: 26m

Draft: 16m

Complement: 185

Turns: 6
Jackle class Amphibious Assault ship, Sea to land transport rapidly, assorted guns.

Length: 250m

Beam: 32m

Draft: 8m

Displacement: 25,810 tons

Complement: 250 + 90 aircrew + 1,200 embarked

Turns: 7


Hatchet Class Frigates, Multiple utilities, useful for transport or offensive attacks.

Length: 185.12m

Beam: 20.1m

Draught: 8m

Displacement (long tons) 14,400 t

Crew Complement: 200

Turns: 6

Longsword Class Crusier, Massive offensive capabilities, moderate speed.

Length: 225m

Beam: 24m

Draught: 8.2m

Displacement (long tons) 22,050 t

Crew Complement: 460

Turns: 7


Extreme Long Range ICBM/SBM, LY4046 'Dawnbringer', Nuclear and Non-Nuclear yields.

Turns: 6


LOKI MK.4 Corvette,

Length: 535m.

Width: 199m.

Height/Depth: 112.3m.

700 Crew Members

1,000 Marines

Turns: 8


THOR MK.4 Heavy Destroyer,

Length: 700m.

Width: 300m.

Height/Depth: 150m.

900 Crew Members

2,100 Marines

Turns: 8


GODHAND MK.2 Cruiser/Carrier, Hybrid Mix, Strong protective armor, Large amount of weaponry

Length: 1,699.6m.

Width: 895.1m.

Height/Depth: 917.2m.

1,000 Crew Members

2,500 Marines

Turns: 9


BERSERKER MK.2 Flagship, Capital ship, Battleship, large, impressive, largest combat capabilities, expensive.

Length: 2,299.6m.

Width: 1095.1m.

Height/Depth: 1117.2m.

2,440 Crew Members

5,500 Marines

Turns: 12


Albion Mk.3 Construction ship, non-combat, used to construct new stations, ships, etc.

Length: 400m.

Width: 300m.

Height/Depth: 550m.

450 Crew Members

Turns: 6


Paradise Mk.5 Research Ship, Used to collect data, examine anomalies, civilian class ship.

Length: 600m.

Width: 300m.

Height/Depth: 250m.

240 Crew Members*

20 Scientists

*Due to the nature of the ship, the crew is much smaller for both security and practical reasons.

Turns: 6


EXACT class Mk.2 Transport ship, Used to move troops, civilians, cargo, etc.

Length: 940m.

Width: 300m.

Height/Depth: 550m.

Crew: 650

Compliment: MAX of 500,000

Turns: 16


Terra Mk.1 Colony Ship, self-explanatory

Length: 2,500m.

Width: 1,490.

Height/Depth: 720m.

3,440 Crew Members

6,500 Marines

500,000 Civilians/Settlers

Turns: 16


Dragon Mk.4 Defense Platform, Large supply of aircraft, troops, weaponry to defend small outposts. Cost effective.

Length: 260m.

Width: 700m.

Height/Depth: 950m.

Crew: 1,000

Marines: Varies

Turns: 9


Serpent Mk.2 Defense Station, Used to defend Planetary Outposts, upgraded variant of cousin Dragon Mk.4

Length: 460m.

Width: 970m.

Height/Depth: 950m.

Crew: 2500

Marines: Varies

Turns: 10


GODLIFT MK.1 Fortress, large, hard to produce, used for important defensive location, colony planets, can rival Super-Capital ships in power.

Length: 660m.

Width: 1200m.

Height/Depth: 1650m.

Crew: 3400

Marines: Varies

Turns: 11

Advantages: Adaptable, Intelligent, Strong, Warlike, sociable, powerful military, and economically strong.

Disadvantages: Betrayal, Subterfuge, smaller factions bid for power, easily influenced, and recovering education society.

General / Admiral:

Used to lead your forces and gives bonuses to the units under them.


These agents can increase the chance of successful negotiations with NPC factions when sent as an envoy, they can attempt to steal technology from another factions home world (to a lesser degree), and can attempt to recruit the Agents of other factions (though it is considered a declaration of war). This Agent can also be used in an attempt to sow the seeds of rebellion among other worlds or factions. If the rebellion is successful, a new faction will be created in the rebellions place.

Synthetic Spy:

Synthesized solely for the purpose to be utilized as a spy. Sabotage, infiltration, spying, assassination, etc. Note, they cannot steal technology though.


When within your nation, these enforcers can be used to arrest and even potentially execute foreign Agents. When outside sphere of influence, they lose their authority but not your nations resources. They can still be used to bribe worlds, factions, standing armies, and agents into join you. Keep in mind, doing any type of bribing is considered a declaration of war (when successful).


These champions will decrease the chance of sabotage from enemy agents (wherever they are; be it inside an army or on a planet) and will also increase EXP gain for other unit types.


Adds to your research rate as long they are on one of your worlds, you can also place them on another factions home world to aid in that factions research rate, and finally you can also attempt to steal technology if your agent is on another factions home world.


Entrepreneur, utilizing their wealth and savoy business sense, will begin to culturally converting a population to your factions culture though deeds. This agent can also attempt to bribe worlds/factions (to a lesser extent).
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Full Faction Tittle: Mandalorian

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: Mandalorian

Gentilic: Mando'ade (in English: Sons and Daughters of Mandalore)

Species: Taung

The Taung were an ancient species of Humanoid simians. Indigenous to the galactic Core World of Coruscant, the two-meter-tall, gray-skinned Taungs were warriors from youth, and viewed battle as a source of honor both for the individual and their gods. Famous for their struggles against the Human Battalions of Zhell—prehistoric Coruscant's other major power—the Taung waged war against their enemies for hundreds of years. When a powerful volcano erupted and devastated the Zhell, spewing ash into the sky with such density it blocked out the light of Coruscant's sun, the Taung labeled themselves the "Warriors of the Shadow", or Dha Werda Verda in their language. Despite their loss, the Zhell eventually managed to drive the Taung from Coruscant, and the defeated Taung fled to the planet Roon, located in the Outer Rim. There they remained for millennia, until legendary Mandalore the First led the Taung to conquer a new world which they named Mandalore in honor of their leader, and the Taung subsequently recast themselves as the Mandalorians or Mando'ade—"Sons and Daughters of Mandalore".

Taung have an average height of 2 meters, weight of 92 kg and lifespan of 80 years.


Main Stats:

Expansionist: 8

(They are raised from birth as warriors, seeing the battlefield as a source of honor for Mandalorians.)

Adventurous: 3

Education: 3

(Mandalorians are taught the Mandalorian culture from their parents. School isn't really a thing.)

Security: 5

Society: 5


The Mandalorians were led by one person called Mandalore or Mand'alor in their language (Sole Ruler)


The Mandalorians mostly take technology from the enemies they defeated.

Blaster weaponry: weapons that fire a concentration of heated gas, this is used for both infantry weaponry and ships.


Slugthrowers: Weapons that shoot projectiles at a high speed, these weapons are not very effective against armored infantry.

Disruptor rifles: These weapons were effective against infantry and could penetrate armor, however, they were ineffective against armored vehicles.

Ion engines: These engines made it possible to fly in space

Hyperdrive: This was the Mandalorian's way of traveling through space. They used hyperdrives to get fast enough to get into hyperspace to travel. This was a dangerous method of transporting if done improper. If not done properly, there was a risk of flying into a star or a black hole.

Sublight engines: These engines made it possible to leave a planet's atmosphere.

Repulsorlift drives: used to land on planets.

Fusion Power Cores: Used to power ships and cities.

Deflector Shields: Shields able to absorb laser weapons and blaster weapons (which are classed as laser weapons) to a certain extent before failing.

Government Structure:

Classic meritocracy, status and rank means nothing and actions and achievements are what matters. (More info at Society Structure)

Economy Structure:

Mandalorians were a conservative people, and it was not uncommon for individuals to amass sizable fortunes. While most put their faith in modern banking practices, putting their credits into savings accounts and stock market shares, a large portion is still invested on armor and weapons. Jewelry was rarely worn, though it was to be plain and functional when it was. Even betrothal tokens from Mandalorian suitors were recommended to be easily portable, easily converted into credits in case of emergency, and unimpeding in combat. Any worn rings with gemstones were set in a shallow, rub-over setting so as to be easily worn under gauntlets. Often, Mandalorian jewelry would feature as a heavy belt of precious metal or a collar. Earrings and long chains were avoided, due to the possibility of being caught on something or, in the case of earrings, being violently pulled out. It was said that if an individual were ever to come upon a Mandalorian who was removing their ear piercings, it was a good idea to move away as they are likely about to fight.

Society Structure:

The ancient Taung waged war for their gods before deifying war itself. But as time went on, the Mandalorians became disillusioned with the fanatic worship of war and developed a much less zealous system of beliefs. These more pragmatic warriors looked for a philosophical meaning to be gleaned from myths such as the Akaanati'kar'oya, or "War of Life and Death", and the stories of the stars representing fallen Mandalorian leaders, rather than interpreting them literally. Most Mandalorians now believed in the manda, a collective state of being Mandalorian best described as an oversoul. To be a part of the manda after death, a Mandalorian must understand their culture and act in a way that embodies the ideals of the Mandalorian kar'ta, a term that usually means "heart", but also stands for "soul". A person ignorant of their heritage or one who denies it, was considered dar'manda, or soulless, and has no place in the Mandalorian afterlife.

Mandalorians placed little importance on birthplace or citizenship, and so had no official "state" as understood by galactic politics. Mandalorian society was a classical meritocracy, where rank and status meant nothing in comparison to a being's actions and achievements. Mandalorian clans were led by chieftains—usually senior members of the clans chosen for their wisdom—and the loose affiliation and cooperation between them was the closest the Mandalorians had to a standard government; the clans and their chieftains were all subordinate to the Mand'alor, the one individual recognized as sole ruler of the Mandalorians and the nearest Mandalorian parallel for a proper head-of-state. In keeping with their aversion to a centralized government, Mandalorians also had no palaces or offices for their leaders to occupy, and most business on Mandalore was conducted at the Oyu'baat tapcafe in Keldabe, usually over drinks.

Gender meant little in Mandalorian society, and there was scarcely any distinction present in their language. Males and females were on equal footing, although they often took different roles. Mandalorian males were all expected to be warriors, and were responsible for training their sons to be the same. Females were expected to have the same martial skills as males, and were responsible for the training of daughters. They were also expected to be able to cook, and to care for any young children and their home if the men were away. But if they had no children dependent on them, females would fight side-by-side with the men on the battlefield. In accordance with this mentality, the desired Mandalorian female was not so much beautiful or graceful, as physically strong and enduring. In fact, the word laandur, or "delicate", was a common insult among Mandalorian women. To imply that a Mandalorian woman was delicate, a poor mother, or a bad fighter, was a sure way to start an unwanted confrontation. It was also common for Mandalorians to offer support to their fellows in a dangerous situation, even if they were not familiar with the individual on a personal level; simply being Mandalorian was the only pre-requisite for assistance.

In direct opposition to their infamy as a ruthless enemy, Mandalorians cherish family and shower affection upon those they love and care for. In Mandalorian society, marriage is expected to be life-long and usually takes place shortly after a Mandalorian turns sixteen-years-old. A marriage itself was usually a private ceremony between only the two involved, where the entered into a legal commitment by reciting the following pledge: "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."—translating as "We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors."

Though the ceremony itself was private, following the wedding, it was customary to celebrate the new couple's union with drinks and festivities among family and friends. In certain rare circumstances, such as abandonment or a failure to live up to responsibilities, partners could divorce one another with a declaration that they were shuk'la riduurok, "a broken love."

Adoption was extremely common in Mandalorian culture, to the point where even adults could be adopted. Because of the Mandalorians' constant connection to war, widows and orphans became an inescapable fact of life and adult males became not only welcome, but necessary. Like marriage, the Mandalorian ritual for adoption was rather simple. Known as the gai bal manda—"name and soul"—the adoption is carried out by the adopting parent stating "ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad" to the intended child—"I know your name as my child." In addition to following the Resol'nare, this simple adoption ritual is all that it took to make an individual a Mandalorian. Adoption of war orphans was quite common, even children of a defeated enemy whereas other species might kill them.

However a couple chooses to have children, they are an integral part of Mandalorian families. When naturally conceiving, if the first born is a son, parents will typically wait until the boy's eighth birthday before having another child so that by that point the boy will be old enough to accompany his father and begin his five years of military and survival training until the age of thirteen. If the first born is instead a girl, the couple will often try for a son soon after. While girls tended to stay with their mothers until marriage, a family with only daughters will train them in the same manner as they would a son. Both girls and boys learn their earliest lessons from their mother, meaning that her own fighting prowess is critical; the pledge to raise warriors in the Mandalorian marriage vow is a joint commitment. It was the job of a parent to prepare their children to train the next generation of Mandalorians. Elders educated Mandalorian children with the Mandalorian ideals of loyalty to clan, discipline, courage, and respect for their heritage. At the age of thirteen, children of both genders face the rite of passage known as the verd'goten, where their skills are tested and they are declared adults in Mandalorian society. Family bonds were a large part of the Mandalorian culture, and as a result, they felt more comfortable around each other than they did around outsiders, or aruetiise.

The thing most often associated with the Mandalorians was their armor. In Mando'a, it was known as beskar'gam, or "iron skin", a show of just how central it was to a Mandalorian's life. Armor was greatly valued, especially if made from the near indestructible metal beskar, and was often passed down through generations. Aside from it's defensive capabilities, armor served another function: in a group formed from so many different species, often times it was only the armor that displayed an outward sign of the culture that bound these individuals together. The paint scheme of a Mandalorian's armor occasionally represented a soldier's state of mind, or their personal mission. For instance, sand-gold represented a quest for vengeance, while black indicated a desire for justice. This was not always the case, however, and Mandalorians would sometimes decorate their armor in colors they simply held a preference for; blue and green were common choices. Whereas many soldiers preferred the inconspicuousness afforded by camouflage, Mandalorians believed in the saying, "It's one thing to see us coming, it's another to do something about it."

As was the case with many defined cultures, the Mandalorians had a language distinct from Basic, known as Mando'a. The origins of the language were unclear, possibly drawing roots from the ancient Taung dialects, though it possessed aspects not found in other galactic languages. Mando'a was not all that complex and was easy to learn, a great benefit to a group that often took in adults from other races. Although this was their main language, the Mandalorians were often acquainted with several others, including Huttese and Basic, and more that had been picked up while fighting on countless planets. In spite of this influence from other languages, Mandalorians preferred to draw new words for outside concepts from Mando'a's inherently flexibly vocabulary; the Mandalorian term for "Sith" was dar'jetii, translating as "no longer a Jedi". The Mandalorians also had no word for "hero", believing that being ready to die for your loved ones and your beliefs was required for a Mandalorian and not worth a separate word, though the word for coward, or hut'uun, was derived from the Mandalorian distaste for Hutts. The term aruetiise is used to refer to non Mandalorian and is perceived as a term of distaste. Mandalorians also referred to their family with the first two or three letters of their name preceded by the "ika". This was similar for children referring to their fathers, with the two or three first letters of the fathers name preceded by "Buir".

Mandalorian architecture was as varied as the people who built it. Keldabe, the capital of Mandalore, contained buildings of various shapes all constructed in close-quarters and from a variety of materials such as wood, stone, durasteel and granite. Other Mandalorian domains were built in the branches and trunks of trees.

Straight roads were a rarity on Mandalore, in order to make it easier to pin down and ambush any foreign invaders. Underground tunnels were also quite common, and entire networks of tunnels would be formed between groups of surface buildings. They made for good places to hide, and secure means of secondary escape should a location come under attack.

Like most other ethnic groups, Mandalorians had their own distinctive cuisine, unique to their culture. As a society of nomadic soldiers, many Mandalorian dishes developed out of the necessity for their food to be both portable and requiring little cooking, while still offering nourishment. Haarshun bread was a staple in Mandalorian field rations; made into sheets thin enough to nearly see through, the dough would be rolled and baked hard, then wet with water to soften it again before eating. Gihaal was a dried fishmeal that could last several years without refrigeration, and was a nutritious mix of fat and protein. However, it possessed a pungent, clinging aroma that most found unpleasant. More pleasing to the masses was uj'alayi, or "uj cake". Made from ground or crushed nuts, dried fruits, spices, and sticky uj'aylsyrup, uj cake was dense, flat, and extremely sweet.

A dish better suited for a sit-down meal was tiingilar, a spicy casserole made of meat and vegetables. When most beings think of Mandalorian alcoholic drinks, it's Mandallian Narcolethe that comes to mind. However, tihaar was a potent, and often colorless spirit, distilled from a variety of fruits, often whatever was available at the time. Many Mandalorians also preferred to partake of a pint of ne'tra gal, a black-colored sweet ale. In the case of non-alcoholic beverages, shig was a hot drink made from any infusion of herbs or spices much like tea, and was often made from behot, a fast-growing, citrus-flavored herb.

Military Structure:

Troop Choices:

Mandalorian Crusaders

According to legend, the Mandalorian forefathers used to be deeply religious and used warfare as a ritual to their gods. The society changed over the millennia, including their once sophisticated holy laws devolved into the Canons of Honor, and war itself became the object of worship. Any campaign they waged became a Crusade if it promised holy carnage. Traditional Crusaders had no written laws, but the few rules that existed were sacred to their society. The most important were the Resol'nare, or the six actions. Other norms included the Canons of Honor, which helped warriors to gain honor and glory by participating in battles and being loyal to one's clan. The resol'nare had nothing to say when it came to species, and amongst the Taungs were a great variety of different species all united and dedicated to the movement as equals.

A society of traditionally nomadic warriors, the Mandalorian Crusaders did not recognize bureaucracy. Division of labor sorted itself out organically. A warrior needed to be self-sufficient and competent, and each warrior was responsible for their own feeding and supplying. Instead of relying on helmet transceivers, Crusaders carried information through the forces by sound and vision. They always kept an eye on their fellow warriors to respond when battle situations changed. Since the Crusaders had no ranks, they traditionally followed the most experienced veteran on the field into battle.

The Crusaders used two basic suits of armor, the combat suit and battle armor, which was sometimes used by veterans. Each warrior however customized their armors internally as externally so no two suits were identical in any way. Most suits were geared towards personal combat, the form of combat considered most honorable by the Crusaders. It was often organic in appearance, as warriors generally decorated their armors with spikes and straps. The armors were also airtight and could survive in space up to 10 hours.


Davaab-Type Starfighters

This kind of ships are named after the word 'carrying out' and 'execution'. The ships were 8.8 meters in lenght. These ships were armed with 1 medium laser canon. It holds 2 crewmembers (1 pilot, 1 gunner), 40 kg of cargo and ration for 1 week. These ships have a maximum atmospheric speed of 1100 km/hour. These ships were sometimes modified by Mandalorian Crusaders for their own preferred way of combat.


Basilisk War Droids/Gunships

These were semi-sentient combat droids used by the Mandalorian Crusaders. These droids are also known by Mandalorians as 'Bes'uliik' or 'iron beast'. They were seen as valued animal-like companions. They had several weapons inside their armored frame, such as: shockwave generator rods, laser canons, pulse-wave canons, shatter-missiles and space mines. They also had claws that could be used to damage enemy ship's hulls or infantry. Mandalorians are known for riding these things down to the surface from orbit at high speeds, using gravitational force and the element of surprise to overwhelm enemy forces. These things could be around 2.98 meters in high up to 5 meters. They were heavily armored. These droids are capable of being armed with nuclear weapons, but were most of the time not. These droids could operate on land, air and space. In the air, these animals could reach a max speed of 550 km/hour. However, the droids were not very mobile and turned slow. They were also very hard to pilot and very heavy due to their armor.

Basilisk droids formed powerful empathetic relationships with their riders.

Even though their power, they were in limited quantities and very hard and costly to produce.

These droids were only allowed to be used by those who proved themself.


Shaadlar-Class Troopships

The Shaadlar-type was based on a Basilisk design and had a gruesome insectoid appearance. They were capable of landing troops on planetary surfaces, where the four "legs" extended to support the weight of the ship itself.

They were around 130 meters in lenght and were armed with 2 medium turbolaser batteries, 2 point-defense ion canon batteries, 2 medium concussion missile launchers (50 medium missiles in total). It had 30 crewmembers and can carry 800 soldiers, 1200 ton of cargo and had a ration for 1 year.


Jehavey'ir-Class Battleships

These ships were 188 meters long and were named after the Mandalorian word 'ambush'. These ships were armed with 5 double medium turbo laser canons, 3 heavy ion canons and 6 super-heavy concussion missile launchers (6 missiles each). However, these ships lack any form of docking bays, in stead they used special kind of airlocks. These ships were also able to keep their weapons powered even during hyperspace travel, allowing them to fire at a moment notice. These ships had 200 crewmembers, could carry 500 soldiers and 3500 ton cargo. They have rations for 6 months.


Kyramud-Type Battleships

These ships were 752 meters in lenght and were very expensive. These ships were often use for ground assault.

They were armed with 25 dubble turbolaser canons, 12 point defense medium ion canons, 10 heavy concussion missile launchers (80 missiles each), and 6 tractor beam projectors.

It was crewed by 1200 people and could hold 2000 soldiers and 8000 tons of cargo. It also has for 1 year of rations.

These ships were also able to keep 10 Basilisk War Droids, 36 starfighters and 3 Shaadlar-Class Troopships.


Kandosii-Type Dreadnought

This kind of ship was named after the word 'ruthless' and was the largest ship in the Mandalorian navy. They were 1360 meters in length and were armed with 30 medium turbo laser canons, 12 point defense triple laser canons and 12 super-heavy concussion missile launchers (120 missiles in total). They had a crew of 10 000 people and could bring 30 000 troops and 45 000 ton of cargo. It can hold rations for 5 years.

They also were able to carry 128 starfighters, 8 Shaadlar-Type Troopships and 10 Basilisk War Droids.


Advantages: Mandalorians let everyone join them, regardless of their sex, species, heritage. All Mandalorians were trained for combat, and could form armies in small moments should this be needed.

Mandalorians commonly salvage and repair ships left behind after a battle by the enemy for own use. Every Mandalorian armor is not the same and all Mandalorians have an own preferred way of combat, making it much harder to predict their weakness as it's different per individual.

Some Mandalorians are using Mandalorian Iron, or Beskar in their language. This is a very strong and heavy alloy which can only be mined on the planet Mandalore (there is a limited amount of it).

Disadvantages: They do not start with colony ships and teraforming technology. They are always seeking for honor through battle. Mostly trying to fight strong enemies, but does fight weaker enemies if needed. Mandalorians are very unlikely to surrender in battle, making their own casualties if losing very high.

Veterans: These are Mandalorian Crusaders with combat experience, it's traditional that the most veteran soldiers are followed.


Mandalore System

Type: G-type

Description: So you can know exactly what type of star this is.


9 planets, 73 moons

1. Nog (Searing Rock (Uninhabitable))

2. Akaan (Airless Rock), 2 moons

3. Tracyn (Volcanic Rock), 4 moons

4. Kalevala (Terrestrial (Toxic Desert))

5. Mandalore (Terrestrial), 2 moons (1 moon: Concordia (Terrestrial (Breathable))

6. Mandallia (Terrestrial), 1 moon

7. Bonagal (Gas Giant), 34 moons

8. Shukut (Gas Giant), 30 moons

9. Werda (Ice Ball)

Name: Mandalore

Type: Terrestrial

Happiness: 5/5

Designation: Mandalore's main source of income are bounty hunters, weapon smiths, doctors and ore smiths. This is the only planet on which beskar, or Mandalorian Iron, can be mined. It is one of the strongest alloys in existence, but also heavy and rare. Mandalore has one big city and a lot of smaller villages. The capital is Keldabe. The government of Mandalore exists out of Mandalorian Clans under the authority of the Mand'alore.
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I posted in the wrong section sorry. The bloody thing is in the overview.
Kazami42 said:
Well if i could copy and paste it, I would. I might be able to do it tomorrow. don't worry lol.
Alright, just don't forget that I'm a resource (this applies to everyone). If you have a question then hit me up in the OOC or via PM.

Full Faction Tittle: Otaru Empire

Short-Hand/Abbreviation: Various, OE, The Empire,

Gentilic: Depends what colony. otarus.


Blues, Otarus, & Hybrids.


Blues are similar to [iRL alien conspiracies.] Tall greys except with blue tints/shades. They are the most intelligent and developed the technologies the hybrids and regular otarus had. They use to be regular people, some even hybrids. until wars such as the multiple nuclear wars mutated their genetics. They were born from a higher race who died off around 2,000 years during the forming of the original homeworld named Otaru. Due to this, the majority of them remain underground in whichever planets they reside upon. Some do not care and continue living upon the population with little consequences because of it. They usually live for a millenia and a half. [around 1,030.] Old age isn't visible besides a darker tint AND shade to tints - strips of their body which is blue. Incapable of gaining fat. Besides intelligence and long slender arms and legs, They don't really have any abilities besides blending into environment. They're like a normal human being but a bit more scrawny than a human.

Otaru: otarus are the children of the original race, Put in stasis By the ages of 16 - 19 for several years - decades in the event every other race died off. They are similar to humans, However they are different. An example being that the average IQ is 128. Their average height sonsists of 6 ft 4 - 8 ft 5. They have a lifespan of around 700 - a millenia. [1,000 years.] Old age only visible during 900 years of age. Incapable of getting extremely obese. They are basically smart humans, Some have no real abilities besides learning how to make their eyes glow in the dark. Are basically exactly like a human being.

Hybrid: Hybrids are a combination of humans and or other otaru species. They usually are the same as a regular human being, Often being taller up to 6 ft - 7 ft. They usually have pointier teeth but that isn't visible, similar to fangs to a extent, glowing eyes usually, And a stronger healthier mental-process as it is referenced as. Their average IQ depending on type is from 115 - 160 with a maximum of 200 for rare few. They have a life span of around a millenia and a half to around 2,000. Old age isn't apparant besides extreme coloration and or darker hues of original eye color, thus light red becomes blood red red turns to blood red etc/ect. Incapable of gaining weight, It is converted by their quick metabolism for other bodily needs, storage, or modify weight over time. They have magic-esk abilities which help them through daily life when it is needed/required. Some can use their own blood to heal people without requiring transfusion, or as a form of weapon. They can also heal themselves very slowly by eating certain fruit or attempting to eat alot of meat products, Are stronger than a regular otaru, Have more heightened senses, Some can summon things or people if they consentrate long enough and needed, And are in certain events are more emotional than any other in the species-chart. Are like a human being exactly, but with abilities. Which are usually forbidden besides heightened senses.


Leaders: Empire Royalty, ER. [Emperor Hunter kazami, Empress Amanda alexis kersumini, Queen natasha frost, two other empresses, Plenty of princes, And several princesses.]


ER. [Emperor hunter kazami, Queen natasha frost, Empress kersumini.]


The Imperial Court.


[Hunter kazami, Natasha "siska" frost, Princess Kelsey sama siska,

Empress Kersumini, Jackson star [Human, but adopted.], ER, TIS, TMC.]


[Kazami, Kersumini, Star, Frost, Kelsey. TIS, TMC.]


[Kazami, Kersumini Frost, Kelsey. ER, TMC, TIS.]


[Kazami, Kersumini, Frost, Kelsey. TIS, TMC, ER.]

OSF [Otaru Special Forces.]

[Kazami, Kersumini, Frost, star. the TIS.]


ER [Empire royalty.]

TMC [The Militaristic Court.] [Council.]

TIS [The Imperial Star.] [secret council by both ER, TMC.]


- Pre-Galactic History

Advanced nuclear weapons with dedication to damage rather than radiation, Advanced WWI - WWII technology, And most coldwar era technology.

From the age of creation to the third dark age: [1500 - 2033.] [because that would be the highest tech level a alien civilization could get to under the conditions that will be explained later. I also have yet to draw up certain ship designs officially myself so they will basically just be reference pictures. Imagine a combination of those fleets from the 2000 edition/reboot of battlestar galactica, and a combination of imperium of man. That is another idea. I am also listing everything in a year format, so thus i don't have to repeat it.]

Citizen: 1500 - Military: 2033.


The velcher chair was created, A chair which is entirely made of a tough support, but otherwise seems like a pillow padding which is put into a leather suit.


The Frost mansion is constructed, It is the largest rich-mans residence, and is regularly upgraded with misc things such as a self cleaning window.The parliament of guidance was constructed, Essentially a ripoff of the kazami mansion except politicans, and high military ranked people live. It is also just a circular - oval room with large statues of people in a circular fashion reaching the ceiling, and where Laws, Rules, And guidance is given. It is essentially a monk temple.

Presidental rights - laws created. Dictating the government be changed to a empire and owned by the highest royalty, Only allowing people to vote royalty to lead them to prevent outside corruption.Better citizen rules and laws provided.


Dubstep was created, In use mainly by the military as a form of communication.

Electro pop was created.

Jazz was invented.

Jasika electro/electronic dubstep invented, Given to the citizens as a

form of music genre.

The TV was invented, 1700 shows, 4 news channels, And average entertainment with 208 channels aired over night.

Otaru online was invented, A Virtual reality game where you can pick what year, genre, and era to be in.


Dappi was invented, The company got famous over night.

dappi 15000 uPhone released. People destroyed facility to get one.

The term: "Death friday" was invented.

Radio was invented.

Dappi begins rebuilding.

New candy is created.

Unidentified animal species found in ghetto neighbourhood.


New radio officially released.

More reports of unidentified animal species.

Better vans constructed.


Otaru-tube invented.

Gataru replaces OT.

Paranormal hunters hunt down unknown animal species to gather knowledge.

Gataru Plus invented.


Super mall created, Is the size of 7 walmarts built ontop of eachother, and 20 besides eachother.


War against the entire eastern hhemisphere won, Hostile native tribed titled: "demotia" destroyed. World celebrates three days of endless partying and drinking.

Worldwide hangover crisis.

Event named hangover tuesday.

Scientists too drunk or hungover to work properly, Scientists passing out on the spot.

President orders immediate assistance.

President request denied by military, due to vehicles being too loud.

All liquor banned worldwide and thrown into eastern caves.


Eastern cave system connected to one of the main fault lines filled.

No signs of volcano activity near faultlines, areas concluded volcano


Planet rumbles for three weeks, eventually with short lasting rumbling.

Dark matter power generator invented. Combines crushing things like

plants - animals - material such as steel into energy/power.

Anime corpses liter the entire city-state of kasku.

Solar power invented.

Satellites watch and hover in atmoshpere to watch kasku.

OWSO invented, [otaru worldwide space organization.]

1511 - 1517:

A ship created to travel from the UOS [united otaru states.] to the eastern side of the world declared be done in 1512.

United federations declare hostile threat towards the idea.

Ship to be reinforced to prevent sinking by UF sea spikes.

Ship successfully sent to the United federation, War is declared.

First day of war successful, 17 UF killed in ambush. Final kill by scientist william frost, and rachel frost. Picture taken.

Super mall hires mercenaries as guards.

Super mall declared the safest and cleanest place on otaru besides the mansion.

William frost given award for inventing garbage disintegration weaponry.

The frost mansion leaks plans to enlarge the entire capital and its building.

The 207th Infantry battalion defeated, UF overrun military base, machines go online and begin assaulting both sides. Scientists stated: "They are now self aware."

A surviving group of the 207th - 208th battalions renamed to OSF.

People disappearing without explanation.

People who left their native country of UOS educating UF citizens.

A new country forms named Keslovictoria. It is growing quickly due to refugees from both countries. Begins manufacturing technology and remaining in peace.

OSF has invaded a United federation sea border 15,000 miles away from land. All broadcasts from the known military group sent there to protect uf is no longer active, and the transponder signals are deactivated.

1518 - pre-1600:

Endless and relentless raids against Otaru and the uf. Several outposts taken out of commission. Uf sends entire navy to its closest sea border 28 miles away from the shores. While all support ships from the second and third border makes a fourth barrier. Which all destroyers are lined up making a barrier and battleships on the side of them with guns ready to fire into the enemy.

Keslovictoria sends all military fighters to war. And all people from minor and moderate populated close by areas are given guns and sent to war.

The OSF invades the northern hemisphere of the UF, nobody knows how they got there.

Keslovictoria declares a state of emergency. Evacuating children and most parents due to UF detonating faultlines initiating volcanic activity.

OSF is steadily growing by 20 percent.

OSF takes the entire lower western regions. Taking all in their way.

Keslovictoria declares a worldwide national crisis due to UF hostility.

Laboratory founded by William and Rachael frost is taken. In attempting to "protect the scientists" the army threw grenades into a lab room, and a OSF soldier pushed the last scientist into the safe room And slammed the door. The OSF soldier is not known to be dead or alive. But the second one supporting was killed by the blast.

The united Otaru states loses the communication grid instantaneously.

The 407th OSF Naval raid is reported to happen next week.

The uf sea border that went missing is found. The OSF have breached the perimeter. OSF and the captured crews and ships of the UF invade. The ships doing recon are destroyed and they form a fog. The fourth border prepares for invasion. UF ignores claims of the continent being breached.

OSF captured fifth space research and communications satellites. OSF moves toward Natasha falls, the largest landscape and mountain on the planet. [imagine glaciers, volcano's, a area like seti's with all them satellite arrays, Niagara falls, and a lot of the most beautiful but deadly sites in the world.].

UOS declares continent wide crisis.

OSF at full speed breaches the fourth UF sea border, the third, and the second. Survivors hunted down. Survivors that got away formed the largest border in history at the UF. Tanks, soldiers, ships, are all in the border.

OSF attacks and is met by a hidden enemy. A starship named the hellfire.

They took and shot her down and it crashed into the border. Then proceeded to have its other counterparts which were linked to fall out of the sky. Hitting air, land, and sea terrain. Acting as explosive napalm OSF breaches the UF borders and the UF border.


The city of javelinia is rebuilt.

1537 - pre 1600:

Various places such as parliament is rebuilt.


Rachael frosts plan project of anti aging works. It stops aging until 100 years, reverts the persons voice and skin back to a younger age. 20

- 22.

Frost's second project of resurrection without zombie effects works but requires a ungodly amount of resources to perform.


Scientists create droids that will continue functioning and caring for life and building maintenance for a century.


Scientists finish the maintenance and ai of droids and are cryostasised.


Scientists are awoken by creation for malfunctions. Scientist fixes droids ai and are recrystallized.


The droids create ai controlled cities and manufacturing plants.


The world is terraformed by said droids and ai for better living conditions for planet life.


Droids modify the citadel and creates a additional citadel upon it. Making it the first object to reach past the atmosphere by 44 meters.


Planet wide ai: "SaRaH" malfunctions. Planet goes into war with itself.


Surviving Droids and otaru's build relaxing centers.


Otaru's first ai laboratory is constructed.


Worker droid constructed.

Prototypes still being built.


Ai 5789B maintenance droid invented.

Defense droid discovered.

1619 - 1622:

Dappi and the droid corporation joins eachother, forms Science Inc.

Verizon makes plans of making a city in the pacific ocean.


Rubble in cities moved to manufacturing plants.


Verizon invents robot arm made specifically for giving a person the middle finger and then hitting them with a arm.


Holographic chess invented. Surpasses chess.


Hover cars redesigned to fly.


A prince is intentionally gender-bent as a prank.


Natasha falls university built. Named only REAL university.

New grade system enacted: Kindergarten, pre school, prep school, advanced prep school, zeroth grade, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, ninth grade, tenth grade, high school, college, prep college, advanced college. To be opened 1683.


Scientists warn that Power blackouts be widespread in 1693.


371 blackouts alone.

Pre 1700s:

Science inc invents Nuclear reactors.

Replacing Dark matter-esk reactors.


Science Inc plans trip to outer wasteland in selsia. Is rejected instantly by the community group known as: H U B B S S I: Historical universal biometric Biologists and scientific studies of intelligence. H.U.B.B.S.S.I. The world's most intelligent group of people. Verizon plans anyway.


Nuclear reactors used for military installations.

Science Inc invents A new artificial gun platform to defend military sites/zones.


The H.U.B.B.S.I team create another laboratory.


SI constructs laboratory construction site in the apocalyptic wastelands of selsia.


Owso Invents RL-72 nuclear rocket.

Keeps failing and scientists declare: "we don't know what's happening.

One second It flies, then another It explodes."


United feds launch RL rocket Into the Pacific ocean.


H.U.B.B.S.I. creates building blocks to planetary communication. First planet wide satellite to be produced from military cam, to be reproduced as planet widespread communications satellite. Political party doesn't fully agree due to the notion: "It'd be like stalking another alien civilization, except with a giant satellite outside their windows..."

Satellite to be created January first, 1717.

SI nuclear reactors 370B, and 8399A activated.

OWSO invents ZX-77 Nuclear jet series.


OWSO Reinvents wheel. Nolonger requiring tires.


UI Selsia facility destroyed by OSF.

UI sued 78394,3753,189,99,00.


OWSO discovers far off dying sun. Is named CJ-70893.


OWSO construction of the largest satellite ever has been completed, it will be launched upon Sunday towards the dying sun. It will reach it in 1720, and functionality will work in 1718.


Satellite telescope:Xelsio. Photographs Otaru MOON "Qwenty"

Xelsio cameras take photograph of otaru.

Xelsio discovers gas giant "Felin-77".

Xelsio Leaving appropriate orbit.

Final picture from xelsio received, distorted photograph of the solar system.

" Dellawar" super computer Invented.

Xelsios to upgrade by dellawar before radio range is cut.


Live recording from xelsio online.

70893-CJ being recorded.

Sounds from CJ being reconfigured.


Xelsio video getting distorted while leaving CJ.

Shadow cloud appearing through CJ and felin.

While recording and photographing, xelsio records another sound before feed is discontinued immediately after...

Military: 1722 - 2033. [The military only had WWII-esk technology at 1722.]


OWSO invents ZX-77 Nuclear jet series, including three bombers, twenty jets, and four helies.


SI invents a helicopter with 4 missile boxes under it with 16 missiles, and three Minigun - cannons.


The mobile oppression device is created,

mobile oppression device. [link for information.]

It is a mobile walker-esk creation with a single artillery cannon. It is 15M high. It stores 100 shells which depending on ammunition type, Can range from a 80mm shell to a 300mm shell. It takes a minute and a half to load four shells onto a rack, which upon firing the fifth shell, reloads another one before having to replace the missing shells.


The PLX-44 is created.


It is a stealth tank with a engine capable of speeds of 90 MPH at max if driving for a long enough time or in desperation. otherwise 50 MPH. It has a main cannon which takes regular shells, However the ammunition is refitted to lazer and primary. Lazer shells are similar to armour piercing rounds, Except it fires a highly focused beam where the turret is aiming. Other than the new shells and stealth capability, It is a normal tank. Its armour are slopped and reinforced 4 times hence the required "wideness" of the vehicle. It houses one pilot in the front of the tank to drive it, and 3 to maintain the gun. One aims, One reloads, And one fires. However if required, Position can change. However it takes longer to use the weapon. The pilot also has a short machine gun in his cabin to use, and a defence system and self destruct. The defence system emits a high frequency sound which is made to disperse crowds peacefully. It was originally intended as a riot tank.


The Devastator railway cannon. - Yuri-72 is created.


A gun system which can be used for either AA usage, or artillery usage.

It can range from firing multiple volleys of regular shells [10] to firing a single 915mm Shell, Which is in similar length to a 80CM gustuv shell Except 20 CM longer and wider. It was never used except in underground testing ranges, and only used once for a worldwide riot. Which resulted upon first usage, a destroyed city block. ending the rebellion on the planet. and hid again. It has 100 current day engines which allows it to move the cannon 180 in under 12 minutes. It is maintained by 4 automatic loading racks, and 2 cranes. The racks hold 1 shell each. The guns are reinforced with the planets best resources with one of the fewest objects in war that has the most thickness. The idea was to make a small cannon which was reinforced enough so it could be damaged by certain things of medium caliber, but could be repaired. It eventually ended up as a giant cannon, which is armed with 10 AA guns with 5 being of different variants, and a single stinger nest.

It is 50M high/tall. 50M+ long.


The Vector-12 was created.

The vector-12 is a spider variation of tank which is made to survey areas, or be invading forces or cleanup crews. The main version only has a medium range flamethrower. [because otherwise it wouldn't even hit the ground.] And its main cannon. Which fires a 5M shell which is made to be fragmentation. It is this way due to wanting to either hurt crowds, or form them up into a area to flame them alive. The cleanup edition has two flamethrowers, the same cannon, and 4 medium range machineguns. It has a crew 8. 2 reloaders and a automatic loading system, 2 pilots, and 4 misc crew which either spots, repairs, or waits to replace a dead or knocked out crewmate.


The stinger is created.

This in design.

This in gun design.

The stinger is a AA gun which is mobile. It houses a driver, a gunner, and a reloader/unit replacer. It is meant to pierce armour and then detonate. Sending fragmentation everywhere it can get to. It is manually aimed by either loader or gunner. It can be loaded manually, or automatically by the driver, gunner, or loader. Since the ammunition is in a ammunition rack, all that is needed is like a MG-42. Just connect the next rack into it.


The Hunter Is created.


The hunter is a small spider tank which is meant to be a hunter. It can easily hide itself in rubble or buildings, and can run up to 90 MPH. It has a regular oversized tank turret which can also fire lazer shells, a flamethrower, And a single machinegun. It has 2 drivers, 2 loaders which are also gunners, and 2 misc crewmen. It is also built to jump into the air and even attach itself to buildings due to its claw legs. Most are capable of being artifically piloted.

The DX-12 Is created.


The DX-12 Is a heavy tank, In which it can fire only heavy caliber shells, But it also has 2 back-inner missile racks. It is built to either reinforce, or be with a invasion unit. It can also abduct survivors into a reinforced cell which has a lazer grid, and a reinforced code door.

The J-42 Is recreated.

J-42, Sisia Velcro. [Link for information.]

Is a nuclear submarine. [just read the description. It details it better than what i am allowed to write here.]

[Now TBH, The otaru do have these. A very similar construct. But since i haven't drawn any pictures up yet, I have to use reference for the following. And i know the perfect game/story to take reference from.]


The Hector Gunship was founded:


Gunships are living creatures that have been artificially altered and augmented with Otaru technology. They are powered by an array of jet engines on their underside, and maneuver using a rear-mounted rotor with insect wing-like blades. Compound eyes that bear a close resemblance to those of a dragonfly are positioned directly behind the Gunship's pulse gun. In addition, the chassis itself has one large exposed compound eye on either side, which is assumed to be used to detect enemies under normal conditions. The gunship is invulnerable to small arms fire and can only be damaged by heavy weapons, such as rocket-propelled grenades. Because of this weakness to explosives, gunships will give any incoming explosives a priority over enemies and will attempt to shoot them down, the gunship surpasses its aerial counterpart in maneuverability and accuracy with its pulse turret.

They use to be a form of whale-deep ocean fish before being forced into military evolution. It has a single pulse cannon, and a underbelly "warp" cannon. Its weakness is the belly, where if it takes enough hits, Will begin going into a meltdown and even destroy itself if the process is repeated.

The strider is founded:

[Main unit.]

[Harvester edition.]

Striders are capable of pursuing hostiles in both confined streets and open plazas, even crouching down to fire at enemies who seek cover under overhangs or in bombed-out buildings.The Strider's body is covered in a smooth navy-blue carapace or exoskeleton. On the "head" of the Strider is a rapid-firing pulse cannon, with a heavier warp cannon suspended below. The three long legs of the Strider are tipped with sharp spikes and a rosette of finer, hair-like spines.While walking about or attacking, Striders produce many different vocalizations, such as growls, groans, whoops, and howls; when killed, they let out a mournful cry. In addition, Striders will leak a yellow substance when damaged, and their carapace contains a large, somewhat human-looking brain. Striders may also be transported to and from combat zones by Dropships. When being transported, they will fold their legs into a compact shape that allows them to be carried.

Striders are essentially blues - hybrids which transfer their minds from their dead bodies into brains of higher intteligence. They are the ones who choose either not to be resurrected when resources are there to do so, Incapable of being revived, Or not enough time to go through the planning process. The strider Cannot fit into very small alley ways, or small houses. Its weakness is the head, where if focused enough firepower, The plating can be weakened.

The harvester is a monitoring bot which can also take prisoners, consume them for energies and such, Or as a personal food source for themselves.

The crab hunter is founded:


The crab hunter is a small crab-esk synth which use to be a crab. It is armed with flechettes which can attach to objects and be used as either cameras, timed explosives, or sharp pointed objects. Besides their armour they virtually have no will advancement in military technology. And their weakness is the face when firing medium caliber weaponry. It can be killed by any form of weaponry.

The devastator is founded:


The devastator is a combination of deep ocean leviathan without the long slender body shape, and a killer whale. It is armed with a revolving minigun which utilizes small arms caliber ammunition. It is used reinforcing, or last ditch effort. It can be killed by supreme class heavy firepower, and due to its 'wideness" It isn't very effective in none open areas. It requires to get a signature whether heat or not of a target for a minute before it can fire.

The Dropship is founded:


That. Basically it was some kind of sentient fish. It uses gravitational panels on its legs and arms to grab/hold things, and transports it. The pod it holds can carry 8 soldiers at once.

- Galactic Travel

A engine system which utilizes the lack of atmoshpere in space itself and uses forged power from stars it comes across to fuel itself. It also uses crystals, and oil-based fuels. So thus they can run off of other sources without requiring a mandatory engine change. Anti-matter/Nuclear-esk fuels.

- Terraforming

They can make tech for it eventually like everyone else, But Right. ===>

- Lasers

Starships, Heavy vehicles, Mining rigs.

Government Structure: Advanced imperialism

A combination of things such as democracy, imperialism, and even communism. Democracy takes its play as people can keep their civil rights, even make new ones. and can only vote in royalty to lead them. However any other form of political freedom which isn't an opinion is generally ignored. If one continues to repeat it, Then they are breaking the law and planet wide security.

Imperialism at its finest, and protecting the people while also controlling them in certain aspects.

Communism: Working.

Economy Structure: The Material Pact

The material pact is a form of currency which usually only accepts gold and barter even if it is golden clay. However during colonization construction material is also used as a currency until it is confirmed that pure colonization can take place on the entirety of a planet. The government usually never spends alot, or uses the best option they can which doesn't cost alot but can still have the same effect over time, To save even more.

Society Structure:

Usually any otaru people are ruled from a royalty-government. Which is imperial-based. People are allowed to do as they wish with their civil freedoms as long as it doesn't involve anything against the government. They can vote from princes - princess, a new emperor, A new queen, Or new empresses to control districts of their cities, or certain aspects of the government and military. They can ignore princes - princesses all they want to if they so desire as they usually are just teenagers. However going against a primary order from a empress - emperor results in whatever punishment the one opposed against comes up with.Teenagers of the ages 16 - 19 are able to join the military or even be drafted into it, and military camps last various amounts of years or increases their efforts into hell-like status to get the same effect. The bootcamps are far worse than a majority of battlefields, and despite them having great mental health, Some people often go insane.

Hospitals teach children about insanity and how to control it the best they can, And moldable/meltable clay is a instant way to fix broken bones and most wounds. It also can make people taller if they lose bone parts/fragments.

Everyone listens to royalty, or they get punished. If the do multiple acts against the empire, they are used as bombs, target practice, or executed on live television - radio. Otherwise, Civilization is near-perfect.

A combination of upper class - middle class.

Royalty of the empire itself [unlike regular royalty.] Own the civilization as a whole. Thus just like how they encourage people to mass populate, Royalty does so as well. It isn't unheard of, but it isn't commonplace either for royalty to be in love with a regular person.

The royalty look at laws, and form them. They later display it to the populace and use a unbiased system to see if the majority are interested in it or not. Then after a long period of time in place, A second and final vote is taken to see if people like the changes or not. However royalty can also force laws if they so want to if everyone in the royalty of their own family agree with it.Laws are enforced by a military court and royalty.

A example being that most police officers wear black clothing, and often have a katana-esk weapon which can also be used as a taser. loitering in public when you know you can prevent loitering is retaliated with harsh beatings.

Schools can last longer because there are more fields, people including teens usually work in multiple fields rather than a single one if they so choose, or it is mandatory. there are also lessons - repeat lessons which are made to make sure cheating is impossible or at least near-impossible to do. If people are caught cheating they can be submitted to public humiliation or harsh beatings.

Military Structure:

They focus upon WWI - Vietnam tactics. They even have a tactic which is adaptable.

The military ranking is like a regular military. From recruit, private - all the way to 5 star general.

Traditions are also multiple.

Different generals and commanding officers have different traditions and ways of fighting - tactics and respect. While some are basically samurai, Others are more modern - futuristic.

Troop Choices: [Edited this to add in pics]

Soldier/Infantry types:

Infantry CFI [cannon fodder infantry.]: gas masks, rifle - light machinegun, ammunition, pistols, shovels, varying uniforms, grenades, knives, canteens, backpacks and such normal gear. [which normal gear such as canteens will be referenced as NG.], bayonets.

Trained like modern day soldiers.


Assault Unit AU: Gas masks, Rifles - light machinegun, ammunition, pistols, shovels, varying uniforms, grenades, knives, NG, definitely backpacks but light weight, gas grenades, bayonets.

These and the lower units get better and or longer trainings.


Heavy assault unit [HAU]: Gas masks automatically on, light machinegun - heavy machine gun, ammunition, shovels, Black - navy blue uniforms, red eyes on mask, grenades, NG, knives, sword.


Mechanized Assault unit [MAU]: Gas masks, rifle - heavy machine gun, ammunition, shovels, Red striped Black - blue uniforms, gas grenades, NG, knives, sword, bayonet, Color changing eye gas mask goggles, grenades.

[same uniform for the same classes below except if the uniform is very specific. Like MLI, AC, Majority of AK.]

Mechanized - Light Infantry [MLI]: Gas masks, rifles with bayonets automatically on, ammunition, shovels, NG, digital uniforms, color changing eye gas mask goggles, grenades.


Assault Corps [AC]: digital camo uniforms, color changing eye gas maskgoggles, Rifle with bayonet automatically on.
[They wear this kind of uniform. Except the AC Commanders are the only ones which wear armour on it such as the knee pads still, and both versions don't wear that hat.]

Mechanized Samurai [MS]: Ranges from digital camo uniform, SA, or robes with metal plates inside of it, katana, rifle, pistols, gas masks with color changing, if ever needed, canteen, Low ammunition. some edo-era type shit right there. the most under powered one can be. running at people with no armor.

Death korps [Nick named AK instead of DK.] Gas masks automatically on, digital camo uniforms, working - broken goggles, rifles with bayonet, gas grenades, pistol, ammunition, whistle, varying color strips upon uniform, mainly none. NG, dead - alive, tall - normal heights.
This is what they look like. [Except they have a hole through the chest.] There is a second variation which is taller, which has armour still, and or can still utilize most functions such as speaking normally. All unit variations when set aflame are faster, and stronger due to bodily properties after death.

they have an advantage- They attack in huge swarms. If set aflame it will make them twice as fast and twice as strong. They look like WWI soldiers mostly wearing gas masks, and wield bayonet-rifles. They come in varieties, and two different looks- The melee versions simply rush you and try to stab you with the bayonets, and shoot and throw grenades at you. They're incredibly common. The second version tends to appear after a swarm of the first version. They're a bit taller then the common version, and actually shoot at you with the rifles, as well as throw more gas grenades that poisons you for a bit, which is a fast acting modified version of chlorine.

What's interesting to note is that this poison can even damage you If you see a can on the ground emitting smoke or a large cloud/fog in the distance, stay away from it. They are encountered wearing Digital/woodland camo with bloody gas masks that have blue-tinted glass. They also, interestingly enough, have a hole in their chest. The mask's air tube goes through it. The second kind, encountered wear armour such as kneepads and vests. along with integrated NVGs which emit a green light. They still have a hole in their chest, however.

Due to their old-look and blitzkrieg-rush tactics, they may be based off of soldiers that participated in ill-fated trench-rushes during WWI, that got millions of soldiers killed, which explains why there's so many in Purgatory. The AC who die on the battlefield usually can be revived shortly afterwards, or a "necromancy" type technique can resurrect them such as dragging their bodies away and augmenting them. They retain their training and are more aware however. So they won't fall for the same trick again. For additional info, see: "AC officer."

AU officer:

Male: NG, Revolver - pistol. Officer cap, tan/brown WWI uniform [think verdun game.]. Female: Same as the above, but the uniform has a skirt instead of pants.

Trained like a regular commanding officer.

HAU Officer:

Male: black uniform, NG, heavy rifle, gas mask with red eyes. Trenchcoat

Female Black uniform, NG, Heavy rifle, Gas mask with red eyes. Trenchcoat.

Trained like a hunter - stalker.

Usually this:

AC Officer:

Same as AC except the uniform is the AC digital camo uniform with usually a vest, and has gear similar to the AC. may have a trenchcoat. Their uniform has armour such as knee pads.

Trained like a hunter - stalker.


They are taller than most of the AK core, however have the same weapons. [Except of course the rifle is a tad more modern and reliable, and the bayonet longer due to their strength.] They are about 6 FT 5 - 7 FT 5 depending if they're hybrid or regular otaru. Like all AK troops however, If they see the situation fit, or are set aflame. they will begin to immediately bayonet charge you. Regular soldiers and most AC soldiers are afraid of them, and if agitated, AK - AK officers will either "play" taunt, or simply execute them and put them in their ranks. Usually the soldiers are separated as the AK units operate differently than the military and are usually kept secret from the public. however due to sightings, It isn't unheard of to hear a soldier disappear because of it or being ignored.

They are usually faster and harder to kill than a regular soldier, and their strength and speed makes them great for trench warfare or intimidation. They were found during the first great world war by royalty, and since then held programs teaching AC soldiers that they may turn into one upon death. Allowing them to be taught not to be hostile to none AK soldiers. Some AK soldiers are blues and average are in heights of 10 FT tall, and their long and slender arms while in the AK/AC uniform terrifies any otaru soldier. They are hidden from the public and most military branches more than AK, however they usually work on maintaining the trenches, clearing out/dragging corpses off the trenches - battlefields, And military branches besides AC are advised to ignore or stay away from them. They and their slenderman-esk appearance can be found in gassed trenches, aftermath of severe battles, or dragging corpses dead or alive through the trenches. They usually are impartial, however are hostile towards anyone close enough to them that they notice.

AK Commissar:

Same as the AU officer, Except with better armour, And like AC officer can have a trench coat, but they still have armour that stayed upon their body. they have many looks depending upon how they died.

Trained like a commissar.


Space uniform for all units:

[Exceptions are HAU officers Wearing their reinforced armour, MLI soldiers, MAUs, HAUs.]

Otaru sniper:



Trained in the use of the Otaru
LX-3 pulse sniper rifle. Snipers are encountered hiding in high, concealed areas where they can get a good field of view. They are never seen holding their rifle usually but the blue transparent sighting beam emitting from it is. They can be detected by the beam or by the sound of the rifle firing on another target. Snipers are very accurate, and will fire ahead of any moving target so the pulse from the rifle hits them dead on. However, it is possible to confuse the sniper by running in one direction until he/she fires, then suddenly changing direction, then repeating the same process again until they reach cover. The round travels so much slower than other bullets that sidestepping the shot is quite easy at long range. However, snipers will take leading shots(shooting to the direction the target is supposed to go) and in most cases including enemy size they almost have a guaranteed hit, and will take you down in 1 shot without armor. They will also shoot breakable objects to limit the amount of cover the target can use. Snipers seem to take the doctrine "shoot anything that moves" quite literally, shooting at any living creature (except allied forces unless they retreat), such as birds, and even signs.

Snipers usually set up in well fortified 'nests', effectively invulnerable to ordinary gunfire. Explosives are a different matter, however, and if the target can get close enough, a hand grenade will blow the sniper out of his/her hole nicely. This can be easier said than done, however, because if the sniper spots the target before they're within range, which is often the case, they'll have to avoid the fire to get close enough. The, another example. RPG rockets are also ideal and can substitute for grenades. If one can manage it, it might also be worth practicing

Snipers will try to expose the player from cover if they're hiding behind light or breakable objects by shooting them. Even unbreakable objects such as barrels can be knocked some distance by the impact of the bullet.

[Everything related to them can be found here: However it is for another RP as well, so the information of course will not be consistent.
']https://www.rpnation.com/threads/official-otaru-empire-thread.219951/ .].

Basic tactics: [Added this in so there was a reason to edit it.]

Basic tactics are essentially the things the military does to win something without much effort.

Trenches: A WWI tactic heavily expanded upon. It is rather simple. you build trenches that are bigger/taller than you in the ground, and you make them long spanning for miles. You place artillery, machineguns, sniper nests, and various other there such as traps.

Battery Enforcement: You place a line of tanks at a area near a battle, and another one around if possible but otherwise behind that line and fire at the enemy. Then you charge. it is rather very simple.

Advantages: Adaptive, Intelligent, Friendly, Cares about living things, Supreme nuclear knowledge, Resourcefulness, Reusing things, Very hard to infiltrate normally, Extreme buddy system, Also uses forced indoctrination to make more soldiers as well as the occasional AK necromancy [Will be explained in RP.] Uses big ass technology.

Disadvantages: Despite being trained for even as long as any other, and trained and has as much knowledge as any other trained soldier, There are teenagers in the military of the ages 16 - 19. Usually wearing a armoured/militarized school uniform.

· Despite most high ranks being insane, there is a rare few who are rogue though rogues are usually killed off or rehabilitated.

· Most big-ass-technology are easily killable/disactivatable.

· Vastly hostile when in war.

· Usually has powers such as "shifting" aka looking like someone else are forbidden.

· Blunt.

· Uses multiple fuel methods, so anyone with similar fuel can come across ruins of technology and take them if other technology don't reactivate secretly and kill them.

· Has a fascination with experimentation with most technology being tested and mass-scaled. however most still being experimental anyway.

· Merciless in war.

· OSF [Otaru special forces] Being the most extreme faction branch of the military. Upon seeing it, It is considered that you're already dead or the area they're in are to be used for war and everyone in it to leave or die. so thus they usually use them at a low frequency except in special conditions or a certain criteria is met, and uses the national guard as the main military.

· Large ships can't go quickly through any planet atmosphere without being ripped apart slowly, and the reactors inside over heated and over charged.

· Adapts to civilizations they're at war with. [Like if they fought against humanity while humans were still in Vietnam era. Then otaru would fight using usually only WWI technology, or things similar in appearance.].

Main Stats:

Expansionist: 7

Adventurous: 6

Education: 4





Name: [Go ahead and generate one, It is probably better anyway lol.]


Type: K-type main-sequence star

Description: A K-type main-sequence star (K V), also referred to as an orange dwarf or K dwarf, is a main-sequence (hydrogen-burning) star of spectral type K and luminosity class V. These stars are intermediate in size between red M-type main-sequence stars and yellow G-type main-sequence stars. They have masses between 0.45 to 0.8 times the mass of the Sun and surface temperatures between 3,900 and 5,200 K., Tables VII, VIII. Better-known examples include Alpha Centauri B (K1 V) and Epsilon Indi. These stars are of particular interest in the search for extraterrestrial life because they are stable on the main sequence for a very long time (15 to 30 billion years, compared to 10 billion for the Sun). This may create an opportunity for life to evolve on terrestrial planets orbiting such stars. K-type stars also emit less ultraviolet radiation (which can damage DNA and thus hamper the emergence of life) than G-type stars like the Sun. K-type main-sequence stars are about three to four times as abundant as G-type main-sequence stars, making planet searches easier.

Planets 10. 5 moons. [Forgot to list moons.]


Star: Neru nikita. K-type.

First planet/Volcano world: Hercules.

Second planet/Dwarf planet: Vinator. [1 rock satellite.]

Third planet/Gas Giant: visk.

Fourth planet/Ringed planet: Otaru. [Home planet, multiple, 1 super moon.]

Fifth planet: Kursk. [rock planet.]

Sixth planet/Water giant: Zeta. [1 volcanic satellite.]

Seventh planet/Ice/Winter planet: norsaki.

Eighth Planet/satellite: keslikov. [Jungle planet.]

Ninth planet/Barren: sadarha. [Rock planet.]

Tenth planet: Castiel. [2 moons, a forest/jungle moon, and a ice moon.] [Jungle-esk planet on one half, the other half being rocky and a barren desert.]


Otaru Is a kepler_7b-esk planet with a ring. Similar to The real otaru but multitudes smaller. During summer it is nice and clear, During winter the beginning of winter is hell and relentless. With high winds which make the snow a lethal threat upon being knocked down and thrown about. During rain seasion which is half of the year as summer is. It relentlessly rains and usually there is flooding. However there are four massive landmasses/continents over water with over 10+ billion people on the planet [The north 1 Billion due to seasons being catastrophic on coasts and even sinking them for the rest of the season. The east 10 Billion. The west 100 Million. The south 4 million. I think this is accurate?]. Otaru-2B Is otherwise a beautiful planet with its thousands of lush jungles - forests, superb ocean life and conditions [besides shit like the fucking megalodon up in this bitch.], And has had multiple moons before they crashed into a single one adding to mass. Which perfectly causes the planet to be in a continually beautiful yet hectic state. With nights being longer in most areas, Lights being lighter in others, And the evolution and survival which was needed to survive because of it.


Citizens have multiple and great standing civil rights opposed to political ones. Their vote matters and the government would commit genocide to protect the innocent people. They can vote for new heirs or ones for controlling their districts. Laws are enforced and taken serious unless the situation calls otherwise, and the majority of industry focus upon the people as they gain money from both their product sales and from royalty. If it is a shit product, royalty takes away half of what they earned.

Designation: Universal

Agriculture is a all time high while many people still decide to live in the forests among the animals. The ocean is cleaned every decade, and the sun is used as effectively as possible. With a AI controlled dyson sphere around the star, which ports open to keep active light upon the planets naturally while passing, while equally gathering fuel from said star. While only last decade was making technology to attempt harvesting anti-matter. and a year ago for gas from gas giants.

Imperial space/navy:



The C-12 is a 15M high, and 28M long cargo vessel. It Has no weapons on it. It can house 50 crewmen, Can store 42 tons of equipment, Or 50 galleons of resource/liquids such as water in one of the ten cargo bays.



Imagine MSC oscar but can fly. It uses a shield, And gravitation panels to hold it down to the ship. Which also makes it work like armour. It can house 200 crewmen. It is 15M high/tall, and 30M long.



Used as a universal class starship which means can fill any and every role. The tanks/canisters be be used as heavy bombs or scatter bombs, Has a rescue bot which can also repair the ship, It has 3 front mounted warp cannons, And a under-ship hanger bay. It is 30m High/tall, And 42M long. It can house 400 crewmen.

Battle-carrier-ship Madrid [Largest.] + Blanka-37.


Battleship madrid is a 242M high/tall, and 172M long. long Battleship. The two silos on it have built in rising and lowering platforms which conceal a 4 barrel battleship cannon. It has two front and 4 lower hangers, and can house 5,000 crewmen at any given time.

The blanka-37 Is a younger-sister ship to its older-sister ship the madrid. It is 28M high/tall, and 35M long. It has one front hanger, The top contains a space depthcharge, and 6 cannons. with the two larger cannons being its best weaponry. The larger cannons fire both long thrick reinforced beams, and Heavy caliber ammunition. It can hold 208 Crewmen.

The Hunter frigate.


The frigate is a small sized ship which can only carry 50 crewmen. It uses lazer-missile based technology/gear to fire and or track something. if it wishes to destroy it, it can detonate it or use a pulley to rip the haul off into space. It has a drone bay which is also designed to launch drone ships and robots out to either repair, or rip apart/board a enemy ship for capturing or resource. the ships can also be artifically controlled and their entire purpose is to either defend other ships, Or hunt down enemy ships or explore outer regions without a full fleet. It also has a docking bay underneath it which can also be used as a nuclear weapon, or a raming device. It runs of a combination of true dark-matter fuel. [which is basically a idea taken from the combine in the game half life 2. Where it is essentially a giant orb which is similar to a black hole, except it isn't. To explain it would require several pages.] And solar power. It is 10M high/tall and 50M long.

Sonobeno Destroyer.


The destroyer uses the same heavily reinforced armour and mechanics the madrid battleship does. which is the armor and the security. However It uses railguns as it's primary weapon. It has two uptop and under railgun systems, a ramming device, and two repeater cannons. It is 10M high/tall and 30M long. The



The SB-hawk is a aircraft deployable by any starship with a hanger, or any form of docking bay or entirely flat platform.

It can load in troops, vehicles, and dropships while also performing bombing runs, flaming/napalm runs, gasing runs, or ramming or boarding enemy ships. It also can have the same purpose as the hunter which is to be annoying to its target while still providing any kind of firepower. all starships carry both variants of the SB-hawk in equal numbers. A bomber edition which is the entire SB-hawk purpose and is a universal class ship. Or the fighter variation which defends fleets from other starcraft, and attempting to distract and or board/ram into enemy ships. It is 10M high/tall, and 30 M long.

Sinji Devastator.


The sinji class starship is a heavy caliber starship. The front looks like a reinforced armoured layer with a single gun battery. However the entire ship Itself is a Advanced Warp Cannon. Upon firing it begins lighting up, and then finally a giant shield near circular sometimes begins emmiting. Until finally it shoots a large beam at its target the size of the ship. It takes a considerable amount of time to reload depending on damage and crew. However usually 6 - 10 minutes long. It has a crew of 72, and the ship looking like a oversized cargo freighter is the entire point of it. As usually its tactic if it first fails, is to uncloack [or it does anyway if it runs out.] and make larger ships if any to focus upon it. Then it either would prepare to fire which is 3 - 5 minutes long. Or already prepared to fire. The canisters on it provide the weapon power, as a engine inside of it does. and the ship itself runs off of dark matter as well. Thus if destroyed, It will explode in a massive detonation with a blast similar to a nuclear weapon, but the effect more devastating. as the gases of the ship are also unleashed so the cloud itself is also visible. It is 30M high/tall and 151M long.

The appearance of the non-resource ship is this:

Which disguises itself as a flagship ship which also looks similar.

Dread class: Otaru-Battlestar/Flagship.


It contains 10,000 people at once if required, And has a row of 10 yuri-72 cannons on each side with a platform capable of letting it aim 145 degrees. And built into the ship upper guns with four cannons similar to the cannons on the "lanka" or madrid.


If colonization is saught out, Any starship with a hanger for starcraft such as the SB-7 would be capable of doing it. However ships such as the blanka is built to aid with hauling as well. So it would be used also as a resource ship. As that was one of the main purposes originally. However colonization is not what any of these ships were built for. [besides probably the flagship. It is a universal class.] It is The height and length of the citadel.

The job of colonization, AND exploration is this motherfucker right here:

Victory class SB-7

This specific ship is named:

nemruna selsios. It is 50M high, And 50M long.

It is a oxian starship. It has 8 Yuri-12 railway cannon, Cannons stationed on both sides of it as weaponry and a top mounted 360 platform with 4 repeater batteries on it. It can house 800 crewmen.

And finally, A colonization ship.

The ZXR-420 [because when it comes into contact with the enemy, It's gonna blaze the fuck outta em.]


The colonization ship has 42 barrels of hell, and can house 5,000 crewmen at once. It is one of the few ships with the most weapon systems on it, and is the only colonization ship which houses five lower deck tubes to quickly launch recon soldiers and or vehicles onto a planet surface. It has less armament than the battlestar, however it is armed with a shield, and reinforced armour. It is 60M high/tall and 70M long. It is so big due to the engine system which takes up the entire back half of the ship, and usually is just for making a clearing for colonization. The first 20 guns are anti spacecraft-esk designed to kill things similar to the hawk. 15 guns are medium grade weaponry which wouldn't be able to take on large - medium ships whatsoever. The remaining 7 guns which aren't visible and are built onto a rising and dropping platform are nuclear cannons. Which due to the low amount of them, All they'd do to large ships would be annoying them. So despite it looking lethal, It cannot take on ships past a frigate-class. [Which would be then classified as medium + ships.]

Misc vehicle:



The armored personnel carrier tank Is a APC-Tank which Has a AA - AP edition, and a regular edition. It can only hold 5 soldiers in the back, Including the two drivers and three gunners. It is to be used as both a APC and a tank.



Crew 10.

Bomb bays: 2.

Bombs: 28 800 LBs, Or 10 5,000 LB bombs.

Turrets: 1 front turret, 1 under belly turret, 1 tail turret, 1 rooftop turret, 1 cockpit turret, 2 side turrets.

Brief summary: The b-108 Is similar in design as the b-17. However it's armour is reinforced, The engines are bigger, It is the same height of the b-17 [a bit taller.] however it has a slightly larger haul. Thus allowing it to have more bomb racks. It is controlled by 2 pilots. It also have one radio operator who also works as a crew replacement.



Crew: 3

Armament: 1x D-81T 125mm (Smoothbore)

1x NVST 12.7mm HMG

1x 7.62mm MGs (1x COAX)

The T-64B is a Otaru tank which focuses on both defense and firepower. Despite the lack of armament, It has a main turret built to resist being blown apart easily, and has a manual hatch inbetween in the event a grenade gets thrown down it. Destroying the barrel, however allowing a shorter barrel which would still focus as a battletank.




Crew: 1 pilot, 2 gunners, 1 door gunner.

The wolf is a hover APC tank which can hold 8 soldiers. It doesn't really have reinforced armour so medium based weapons/Low grade explosives such as C-4 can pierce it. However the main gun is capable of firing a warp cannon. It recharges every 8 - 12 minutes depending on system damage. The machine gun focuses as a pulse turret.



wider barrel, Second machinegun replaced with a flamethrower.

The Oxian pride version, heavily modified soviet tank, bigger and wider, typically the same as above except with a second turret and reinforced armour.

Crew 5.



modified WWI french tanks, better tracks and engine, Built for infantry transportation. A second main gun infront of the tank as well with a wider/broader range and rotating, and the main gun being used as a flame thrower. Also one being used as a legit artillery piece without the majority of rooftop larger barrel, and one for reinforcing which is is the main cannon, two side compartments for fragmentation cannons, and a flamethrower.

Crew: depending on variant, 5 - 7.

Vector B-17.


All the machineguns are removed and replaced upon the top turret. the main gun is used as a battery cannon to knock down walls, two side compartments for fragmentation cannons, the top turret is fully 360 turnable, one person on the turret faces infront of the tank, another faces behind the tank.

Super Galaxy.


Crew: 2 pilots.

Bays: Can hold 28 5,000 LB bombs, or 400 800 LB bombs.

Has heavily reinforced armour, and has 4 side gunners, missile defense systems, And a nose mounted nuclear cannon/repeater.

Has 10 replacement pilots inside, which unless needing to be used, just sit around and or maintain the cargo.



The ravager is a stealth ship, It has 2 heavy cannons, and a missile rack to fire at air targets. It has a shield and a stealth cloak.

Crew: 8 in the commander center, 6 engineers. 3 main gun pilots, and 1 back gun pilot. 1 missile rack operator. 50 crewmen.




The sea empress is one of the largest and longest ships that the otaru own. They own 5 heavy repeaters on both sides of the ship, and has reinforced armour. It has a crew of 10 command center operators, and 20 engineers. With room to transport 5,000 soldiers inside of needed. Overall crewmen are 1,000.



The hunter is a destroyer with low grade version of battleship main cannons. It is used mainly for land bombardment and invasion. It can hold 5 WWII-esk landingcraft. Which can hold 10 soldiers, 1 gunner. and a pilot. The hunter has 4 gunners per gun to keep them working properly, 15 in the command center, and 5 engineers. Overall 100 crewmen.

Empress-class Shark.


The shark is a ship which utilizes planetary bombardment, It also has a miniature warp gun like the battlestar.

It has 50 crewmen, and the side boxes on the ship are used as either escape pods or can also be used as a extra fuel pod. It has a front, under, and single top nuclear repeater for self defense. It is 100M long, 50M tall/high.

Ocean queen.


It has 4 main cannons with 4 gunners each, 3 heavy nuclear repeaters on both sides mainly for anti air usage with 2 gunners each, 15 in the command center, 15 engineers, and overall 500 crewmen. It has 4 back depth charge racks for submarines, And usually escorts Sea-empresses. It is 7M high/tall [the bow] and is 40 - 50M long. It can also house 10 landingcraft.

Castiel super carrier.

Citadel class.


It has 1,000 crewmen, 20 nuclear repeaters on both sides as AA weaponry, and can launch b-108s - The super galaxy. Due to its size it is considered a idiotic gesture if a bomber were to miss hitting it. However the armour is reinforced so even if it is bombed to hell, smaller aircraft such as a SB-Hawk can still take off of it. It is 10M high/tall [The bow alone.] And around 50M long. It can hold 500 aircraft. It uses anti-matter technology to function normally.

Destroyer class ocean prince.



It has 2 gunners per turret due to them being so small, and one center nuclear repeater. It can house 4 landingcraft on its sides, and has 10 crew in its command center AKA bridge. It has depth charges, and has 100 crewmen.

Military camera.

[Like the gunship - dropship, I may replace the photo.]


Military camera is a ceiling-mounted security camera attached on a stalk hanging underneath a metal housing. The cameras retract into this housing when they are commanded by a control system or are critically damaged. The cameras spin in a semicircle before retracting which shows that the camera is stored upside down so that when the housing opens, the camera can fall out and unfold quickly under gravity. Gunshots and grenades can destroy these cameras and cause them to retract back up into their slots for good.

The cameras have a flash but it isn't bright enough to blind the target, however they will often call reinforcements to that location. They feature a small colored light near the bottom that shows their current status:

  • Red - Enemy in range
  • Purple - Enemy sighted (Too far to photograph)
  • Blinking Green - Possible enemy (Out of range)
  • Blue - Scanning area (No threats detected)

Other than the obvious mounted camera, the Otaru also appear to have concealed 'button' cameras as there are observation screens scattered throughout most areas that show various different areas but when the areas shown are entered, no camera is visible in the expected location.

[This next one i just copied a design from HL2, so i will just use its original photo.]



Thumpers are tall, monolithic structures used by the Otaru to deter primal and hostile animals and or to eat away things for resource. Using a heavy piston, they mainly send strong vibrations into the ground by hitting it which seem to frighten and ward off said beasts. They are used prolifically along coastal areas - uninhabited areas.

Thumpers are highly effective at deterring beasts more often beasts with ties to living underground and in tune with digging to the surface. [basically if you are a creature which climbs out of the ground, or are weak minded. thumpers affect you by making you stay away from them.]. When straying near them, whenever the piston hits the ground, they will jump back and stay out of the effective radius of it. The heavy central piston will lift up above the ground, before dropping back down to the planet, delivering a powerful vibration. They are deployed by the Otaru for protection in vast-dangerous areas.

The most common thumper type, found along the coast near Otaru-controlled areas as well as in some bases, is relatively small, but still effective. The ones seen around the outsides of cities are larger and presumably more powerful, with their activation switches located at the top of a ladder. What appear to be gigantic restrictors are also attached to the base of the
Citadel, [Keeping that there.] where they hammer the ground repeatedly in the same fashion as the smaller Thumpers. The Otaru use restrictors extensively in Beast-infested locations, placing them in strategic positions to prevent them over-running important areas.

City Citadel.




Citadel is one of many headquarters from which the Otaru govern the planet. It houses the office of otaru Administrators Kazami - natasha frost and is approximately 2.5 kilometers high, or 1.5 miles. [or if put onto a legitimately accurate chart, Which only displays the top half of it.]

The Citadel is located in multiple cities while some are just for power storage or symbolism, and resembles a massive, metallic skyscraper, rising several kilometers into the sky from ground level, and extending some distance underground as well.[200M down.] It was a triangular structure when viewed from above, and was crowned by a Dark Energy Reactor. Its associated portal was the primary means of communication with off-world Otaru forces. This super portal is also guessed to be the means by which the Citadel came to Otaru. The surrounding areas are blasted away, as if the whole structure fell out of the sky. The Citadel is heavily mechanized, and entire sections of it can move to allow for mass deployment of airborne Otaru units such as mobile cameras or helicopters. A large factory where Gunships are repaired and augmented can be found in the Citadel, and a large flap on the citadel's exterior lifts up to allow the synths to exit the Citadel to continue war.

The Citadel has 4 known "states," or configurations that the tower takes depending on specific situations. The first of these is what was most likely the dormant configuration, which was probably maintained during the majority of life in the city, when no serious threats were posed to the Otaru (the structure also takes this shape during
it's self destruction to prevent premature detonation.). This configuration was signified by a single set of rib-like structures exposed within the right half of the Citadel, with an outer metal plating retracted slightly above the inner plating. However, when "shit gets real" puts the Citadel on alert, causing the structure to change to its alerted state. The Citadel can be seen changing its configuration while this is a rare occasion,The inner plating retracts upwards, exposing a total of four sets of "ribs", where the reconfiguration has fully completed. During this transformation a loud alarm resonates, echoing for several seconds each time it sounds, emanating from the Citadel itself. A small piece of plating barely visible on the left (southern) side of the Citadel also descends partly down the tower, scanners and other ships rapidly deploy from around that area on the tower, and the Citadel remains in this configuration for the remainder of the Situation. The Citadel can also be seen from the rear showing a dull pair of metal strips separated by one vertical white beam. When the reactor is sabotaged the reactor, the plating descends to the "all clear" state and covers the ribs. The lower set of ribs descends along the tower and locks in place behind the lowest panel on the right hand side of the structure. The third configuration is "Nuclear" or "agitated" state. Where parts of the upper half open exposing large "barrel" shaped objects, and systems upwards at a angle where steam can appear out. This configuration then opens the core ceiling [within the bottom-center half of the citadel.] where it is ciphered. Anything loose within the citadel that hangs in the center which the configuration had failed to move at this point would thus be destroyed. As the "veins" inside begin lighting up with a form of "liquid" towards the top. From the outside of the citadel it begins have its edges light up with lines of green - blue colors every few seconds heading up to the top of it where eventually a "tear" within the sky/atmosphere opens and slowly expands as a large beam of light begins shooting up into it. This allows planetary teleportation, or self destruct purpose. in agitated state, This means that the citadel would then launch pods from it which are visible while anywhere in the city. and launches around the city, or into the "portal" where the pods would go to land elsewhere on the planet. The pods have a station inside which is essentially a large gustav gun. Where pods can be filled with large parasites which can jump onto a persons head and attach themselves to the body. Eventually eating away at the top of their skull and controlling their brain. While keeping them alive and aware. It is also a form of immortalization process as the host-body can remain operational even while decomposing. However if the host is killed during this process, the parasite dies. If the living body dies, It will attempt throwing itself at another host, or will leave the body and try capturing someone else. The same process occurs with decomposed hosts. Or the pods can be filled with poisonous gases.

entire blocks from javelinia vanished into thin air as the Otaru delivered the Citadel to the planet. The Citadel is embedded in a huge chasm with antiquated aqueducts and newer sewer pipes with broken ends extending in from the walls of the pit and cars, now scrap metal, lying at the bottom of the pit: making it seem as if the Citadel plummeted into the ground forcefully from a high distance, and is completely surrounded by enormous mobile walls which chew up material around the Citadel and prevent access from the streets. Attached to the base of the Citadel are other machines that pound the ground. These are theorized to be used for acting as giant thumpers to repel beasts and/or gathering raw materials from the city's structures, but their true purpose remains unknown. It should be noted that the number of Citadels on Otaru are 5. [Pictures of citadel lower - central levels.]
[Dark matter core. very low in the citadel. this image is taken from it in self destruct mode hence why the ground under it is eaten away.]

[upper lower half of the citadel. has a train, and hostage pods.]

[stock image of what i personally believe the citadel main office would look like. is at the very top of the citadel.]

[On the railroad 17 miles out of the city.]

Whilst mostly looking very much the same as the rest of the Citadel, no war factories or synth manufacturing plants are located in this area [lower.] of the structure. the Citadel can be seen as extremely unstable, with an orange glow sweeping through the structure in contrast to the blue it used to be when functional. Fires have spread across the structure and much debris from what's left of the upper levels is constantly falling down to the lower levels.

An emergency evacuation chamber is located in the lower levels of the Citadel. The room is significantly different from that of the rest of the Citadel, giving off an eerie red glow from hundreds of bright lights mounted on the walls in contrast to the blue and orange that characterizes the Citadel at the time. The room seems to serve as an emergency evacuation chamber, allowing large synths or large populations of important royalty to quickly escape in times where the Citadel is in peril. The larger pods are located under the glass floor of the room and when preparing to dock they rise up and move through a tube before positioning themselves in a chute and moving upwards.

Toward the very bottom of the Citadel is its core which is only accessible via a lift that descends several dozen floors. The core chamber is protected by large blast doors carrying an insignia with the appearance of a stylized version of the international symbol for radioactivity. A large control room is situated overlooking the core with a central access lift leading down to its chamber, similar in design to the control room overlooking the Dark Fusion reactor at the opposite end of the structure. Three rooms are located across the chamber which are specifically designed to help stabilize the core in the event that its energy output becomes unstable. The machines in these rooms form a threefold containment system that ensures that the intensity of the dark energy reaction within the core stays within safe limits. Connected onto the core itself is a train station where it is likely that train cargo is emptied. This point in the Citadel lies approximately one kilometer below the surface and extends throughout the city and beyond.

the interior of the Citadel, which contrasts its featureless exterior. Abundances of Otaru technology are found within the Citadel, ranging from countless generators and force fields, to matter disintegration fields, to elevators and platforms that defy gravity, to giant tubes that transport unknown fluids. The architecture of the Otaru has its greatest presence in the Citadel. The entire building is constructed from the same blackish blue metal which most of all Otaru structures are made from. No attempt is made at all to provide personnel with any form of warmth or soft aesthetic. Everything is sharp, cold, and unfeeling. No regard is placed at all to the covering of the piping and electronics. The metal is unfinished and oxidizing. The humanoid features that are present however, such as walkways, stairs and ladders, seem to just be an afterthought, as if the usability for humanoids was not a firsthand priority.

All "visitors" routinely have weapons stripped using a confiscation field, presumably to avoid intruders. B
ecause of the presence of a confiscation field. It is also possible that some related technology extends throughout the Citadel, as any weapons dropped on the ground disintegrate in the same manner as in the confiscation field. This is not a byproduct of Energy Balls as those weapons dropped by soldiers killed by intruders also disintegrate.

There are
railway systems running throughout the Citadel that are used by Razor Trains to ship and deliver cargo. Much of this cargo consists of new Stalkers. Stalkers are delivered in pods, and the Citadel includes a large transportation system for these pods. Tasks such as the operation of basic panels, or the repairing of damaged Otaru equipment and units is done by Stalkers, under the constant supervision of OSF personnel.

The Citadel is presumed to include large war factories, where Otaru equipment, technology and weapons, as well as Synths are manufactured. Two types of the Crab synth and the like can be seen being transported around on conveyor belts, indicating that they are possibly manufactured in the Citadel, although this could only be a means of moving the technology - OSF, who are present in overwhelming numbers, and is the launching point for Gunships.

Before reaching the very top of the citadel, one passes through many open areas of the citadel where enormous segments of the citadel exterior wall open and close to allow Dropships and gunships to quickly exit and enter the citadel's interior.

On one of the very top levels of the Citadel is the main office, believed to be the location from which kazami transmits his broadcasts-though the walls do not match his "studio" backdrop, suggesting there is a separate room for that purpose. Unlike the rest of the Citadel, Kazami's office has a more classical, human look to it, although Otaru architecture is still a very dominating, albeit aesthetic, feature in the room. His office includes various luxury items such as a wooden desk, mantle clock, leather seat, globe, expensive carpeting, tiled floors, and busts of himself, much like the generator rooms in the Otaru nexus. His office also contains a large set of monitors, which act as his personal computer, and from which he can communicate with contacts such as
Royalty or Advisors [Fuck it, I'm adding them in. I have similar albeit doesn't look alike. So.]. Kazami's office is connected to the prisoner transport system, and there are many other prisoner pods around his office. Otherwise, more welcome guests can access the office via an elevator connected to the dark fusion reactor or a separate door from the prisoner entrance. It can be assumed that kazami lives in the Citadel as well as works in it.

The very top of the Citadel contains the Otaru's dark fusion reactor-that seems to be directly connected to Kazami's office, which is used to power their tunneling entanglement device and allow them to tunnel into Planets from their other planets...

The aftermath of the event of catastrophic failure on the Citadel: The overloading of the Dark Fusion reactor has downed power and destabilized the structure of the whole building, and Survivors must make their way to the core to re-engage the containment field and delay the core's inevitable meltdown. The Citadel is by this time barely occupied compared to its earlier state, presumably most of the soldiers and synths have been evacuated into the city to prevent the invaders from escaping the city, as the air would by this point be impossible for flying objects to be in.

There are however, several soldiers left, and a few
Stalkers for operating machinery. The Citadel's interior now glows orange, in stark contrast to the cold blue it used to be when functional, while bridges are falling apart and debris continuously falls from the top of the tower. From the outside, the Citadel's peak is surrounded by swirling black and red clouds with green lightning bolts emerging. The power lines connecting the Citadel to the city are no longer present, and the explosion of the Dark Fusion reactor has blown off the top of the Citadel. The climax of destruction is when the Citadel's core suffers the inevitable meltdown as it collects the colossal amount of energy needed to send a final data transmission off-world to the rest of the Otaru empire. The destruction of the Citadel has also caused most of minor but otherwise the other Citadels across the planet to shut down.

The Citadel still dominates the city even in its ruin. A Superportal looms over the crater where the Citadel once stood, drawing power to open from the remnants of the dark fusion core through a swirling blue tendril of energy. At the end the Citadel's collapsed remains are all that is left of the once tall and overpowering structure.

Dark energy ball reactor.


Otaru Power Generators are Dark Energy-powered generators used by the military. Coming in several types, they are mainly found within the Citadel, but can also be found in certain locations in the city, such as the Overwatch Nexus.

Often run by
Energy Balls and protected by Force Fields, generators are used to power devices such as Force Field gates,Field Bridges, locks or weaponry such as the Suppression Device. There are many more generators in the Citadel than anywhere else, supplying power to systems in the immediate area.

Anyone unlucky enough to step into or to be thrown inside a generator field will be disintegrated, just as they would be if they were hit by an Energy Ball shot by an standard issue OSF pulse rifle. The Energy Balls launched from the OSFPR are similar to that of the generators, but the latter are much more powerful, capable of damaging or destroying vehicles and Synths.

Citadel dark matter core.


Citadel Core was a huge radioactive source of energy, located within the city Citadel. In normal circumstances it provided power for the many and varied needs of the Citadel; deliberately destabilized, as it was if the citadel took critical damage, it proved immensely destructive.

Ordinary role:

The Citadel contained two power sources of note: at the very top the
Dark Energy Reactor, used to power the Otaru teleporter (which needed huge amounts of power and therefore its own reactor); and the Core, which sat almost at the bottom. It is not known how or to what extent they shared the role of powering the huge building, but the destruction of the Dark Energy Reactor of a disastrous event seemed to place an untenable amount of stress on the Core. It was tended to by Stalkers, who unlike the other occupants of the Citadel did not seem to require safety equipment to operate within the Core itself. Alternatively, the Otaru may have considered the Stalkers assigned to the Core to be expendable.


It is shown to be a blue sphere of unknown composition (most likely a sort of force field, due to its light-bending properties), encompassing a pitch-black volume of space that looks like a Schwarzchild black hole, ebbing and receding in an agitated fashion, and occasionally giving off flashes of yellow light. It atomizes anything that comes into contact with it, and the metal ring which surrounds it was partially melted off. The stabilized version of the Dark Energy core is basically a non-ebbing blue ball, the black volume inside it having disappeared (or, more likely, shrunken to a microscopic size), with its four rotating containment pincers above retracted to contain it. If any object is thrown into it, it expands momentarily.

It is protected by large blast doors carrying an insignia with the appearance of a stylized version of the international symbol for radioactivity. A large control room is situated overlooking the core with a central access lift leading down to its chamber. Three rooms are located across the chamber which are specifically designed to help stabilize the core in the event that its energy output becomes unstable. The machines in these rooms form a threefold containment system that ensures that the intensity of the dark energy reaction within the core stays within safe limits. After each of these energy tethers is activated, a section of the reddish symbol on nearby console screens change its color to blue
[1]. After a event if one enabled all these energy tethers. Connected onto the core itself is a train station where it is likely that Train cargo is emptied. This point in the Citadel lies approximately one kilometer below the surface and extends throughout javelinia and beyond.

After the destruction of the Dark Energy Reactor, the Otaru would deliberately destabilized the Core to facilitate an energy surge to send a message to its leadership through the portal rift above the Citadel, and to create a new
Superportal. Although one can be able to temporarily stabilize the core in order to escape the city with most of its remaining citizens, the otaru were eventually able to set this plan into motion. It would come at a monstrous cost; once destabilized beyond the point of no return, the Core would release a dark energy flare, destroying the Citadel and the city with force equal to or greater than an atom bomb [Tzar bomba], as it easily blows apart the entirety of the Otaru Citadel within a few seconds.

Super portal.


Superportal is a massively powerful and large portal which allows massive volumes of matter and information to pass through it.

Compared to a normal portal, a superportal can be used to transport huge volumes of matter across large distances, often between different dimensions.

Initiated by cataclysmic quantum events, such as a
Resonance Cascade or the explosion of a Dark Energy source, they can easily become unstable and send out waves of Portal Storms.

In its infancy, a Superportal will draw power to fuel its completion through tendrils of energy from an energy source. The Dark Energy core of the Citadel was drained of all its astronomical power to open the Superportal.

Portal storm.

As suggested, these portals spread devastating shockwaves outwards in a storm-like manner, causing havoc wherever they hit.

Portal Storms have occurred all over the world bringing forth life forms from the planet. This peculiar phenomenon is generally capable of inflicting severe structural damage to objects, such as buildings and bridges. A Portal Storm consist of a blue "wave" which resonates from a source portal and moves across the landscape, negating gravity as it goes. As a result, any object in its path would suffer damage from the brief weightlessness effect.

During a city invasion, a series of Portal Storms originating from the ruins of the
Citadel ravage the surrounding landscape. And, with time, they became more infrequent; meaning that they have not stopped entirely and are still happening erratically. The only way to stop this event would be launching a nuclear weapon inside of the portal itself without it being destroyed, or the other end gets shut off or a power source is destroyed early. ravaging both sides that'd war eachother and if they destroyed a citadel.

And finally:

Otaru Smart Wall.


The Otaru
Smart Barrier, also known as the Otaru Mobile Wall, is a large mechanized wall that uses powerful drive systems in tandem with heavy metal blocks to slowly expand outward and destroy existing structures in the way. Smart Barriers are seen surrounding the Citadel (where they make up the "City Inner Wall"), certain areas of the city, notably on the Trainstation Plaza during the Uprising and around the Otaru Nexus.

The Smart Barrier is composed of two parallel walls: The front wall is a set of tall metal blocks, while the rear wall houses machinery used to move the frontal wall. Occasionally, several blocks will raise themselves into the air and then slam down on whatever happens to be in front of the wall. The section of wall will then drag itself forward, and an adjacent section will repeat the process. During this procedure a metallic groaning is heard, presumably from the drive mechanisms. It is unknown whether the Otaru are using this method to simply destroy existing structures, or whether to gather raw materials as well. Either way, they are also used as blockades, blocking off alleyways and even entire streets as necessary.

As its name suggests, the Smart Barrier seems to be self-operated and will sometimes get into movement when a being passes nearby, crushing them if they were to remain in the way.

[inner wall which prevents access into the citadel.] [Which are lower levels, sewers can be used however there are so many of them and most are blockaded off.]


[Just a random image i took displaying a retractable bridge, and a watch tower.]

Due to being specialized in most battlefield types, But mainly trench warfare. The sky around the battlefields are modified by blowing gas shells up into the atmosphere and detonating them within 1,000 - 7,000 feet. Which creates a permanent state of darkness, and usually heavy storms. Which ironically enough can flood most trenches. The atmosphere can be easily fixed by doing the same effect except with water which cleanses the atmosphere if detonated above said affected atmosphere. However usually artillery will always fire, or fire into the skies just to emit war sounds as a way of demoralizing soldiers. Also followed by recording sounds of purgatory over the entirety of the battlefield where artillery strikes happen, and the deaths - screams of soldiers are constantly heard in varying frequencies. Sometimes "ghost" technology is used to show either sides soldiers running on the battlefield and then a "ghost" artillery shell hits the ground killing them. despite being holographic technology. However they will also send in AC soldiers to charge trenches and then purposefully bomb them to create the same affect.

They sometimes otherwise will deploy gas or fog clouds over trenches or areas with constant machinegun fire. and then halt the gunfire making it silent. usually resulting in the enemy trench or force being covertly "assassinated" or dragged away into the darkness for indoctrination. These tactics are done to make a hellish war environment unsuitable for either side, and test the others abilities. Or they will go underground and make a "suicide trench" which is a trench attempting to dig under the battlefield or the other enemy trench and placing explosives there, causing a sinkhole there, or placing soldiers there or digging out soldiers which were buried by the floods and mud and then climb up to the surface.

Royal General / Royal Admiral:

Used to lead your forces and gives bonuses to the units under them.

Starting [1] Royal Envoy:

These agents can increase the chance of successful negotiations with NPC factions when sent as an envoy, they can attempt to steal technology from another factions home world (to a lesser degree), and can attempt to recruit the Agents of other factions (though it is considered a declaration of war). This Agent can also be used in an attempt to sow the seeds of rebellion among other worlds or factions. If the rebellion is successful, a new faction will be created in the rebellions place. They are either a Prince or Princess.

Starting: [1] Shifter Spy:

Either Hybrids or Blues who use their abilities to aid in their career path. Sabotage, infiltration, spying, assassination, etc.
Note, they cannot steal technology though.


When within your nation, these enforcers can be used to arrest and even potentially execute foreign Agents. When outside sphere of influence, they lose their authority but not your nations resources. They can still be used to bribe worlds, factions, standing armies, and agents into join you. Keep in mind, doing any type of bribing is considered a declaration of war (when successful).


These champions will decrease the chance of sabotage from enemy agents (wherever they are; be it inside an army or on a planet) and will also increase EXP gain for other unit types.


Adds to your research rate as long they are on one of your worlds, you can also place them on another factions home world to aid in that factions research rate, and finally you can also attempt to steal technology if your agent is on another factions home world.


Entrepreneur, utilizing their wealth and savoy business sense, will begin to culturally converting a population to your factions culture though deeds. This agent can also attempt to bribe worlds/factions (to a lesser extent).


Rounds: 360 gunbelt, fed underneath, 450 rounds. has a longer barrel than depicted above. ammunition carried in backpacks, used to suppress anything above trenches or a open field, using large heavy caliber rounds.

Huntress anti-tank rifle.

can be affixed with a scope, Is bigger, wider, and longer than depicted above, Fires one round per half minute, Has a round ammunition barrel on the top of it.



75 bullets, a bayonet, can be fired from the hip.



27 rounds.



Standard issue, 40 rounds.



50 rounds.

Y2K rocket launcher.


Fires both rockets and RPGs.



Has longer barrel, has 18 rounds, can affix bayonet to it.



Fires pulse ammunition which comes in round cylinders and can reload itself automatically. can road a large grenade-esk cylinder onto the bottom of it and wait 3 and a half seconds to charge, firing a dark matter orb. which bounces off of walls, cannot do environmental damage. Is given to OSF, and blues.

Mosin X-17.


Standard issue weapon.
Last edited by a moderator:
MorpheusDavol said:
Can I just request that we place images under spoilers, please lmao. @Sohisohi
I posted 3 spoilers for a previous thread, and they were deleted. that cannot be done lol.


NVM i fixed that glitch.
Last edited by a moderator:
MorpheusDavol said:
It's more of the giant pictures taking up alot of space.
Well what first started my anti-spoiler glitch was by using them to only censor pictures. which is why i didn't do it. Because i wasn't going to spend hours looking for them in my gallery again lol.
Well, this is unfortunate.

I got this massive faction set up, but nowhere near this format. Is it okay if I post both the needed format, and the format I have it in for better understanding of my faction's equipment while still keeping the needed information for this RP?

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