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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 I see an Alex! Hi Alex!! Waaaaa! 8D
why yes, I am here! I'm in Finals Week, but oddly enough, the finals themselves arent the scarry part. it's this last week, where all of the unit tests and essay things occured, when all missing work was due, so i've been able to do little more than lurk. (and also, December is just a big month for everyone, we many not do christmas in my family, but the whole family of five of us have our birthdays in this month, not to mention Haunackah, so it's just chaos all around.)
And speaking of chaos, things appear to be in a bit of a pickle, the slavehunters are after your party, and poor dreamy is really going through it! I will (hard deadline makes brain actualy do things) get my sheet done by friday. that way, Thea can give her a much needed hug. or several.
why yes, I am here! I'm in Finals Week, but oddly enough, the finals themselves arent the scarry part. it's this last week, where all of the unit tests and essay things occured, when all missing work was due, so i've been able to do little more than lurk. (and also, December is just a big month for everyone, we many not do christmas in my family, but the whole family of five of us have our birthdays in this month, not to mention Haunackah, so it's just chaos all around.)
And speaking of chaos, things appear to be in a bit of a pickle, the slavehunters are after your party, and poor dreamy is really going through it! I will (hard deadline makes brain actualy do things) get my sheet done by friday. that way, Thea can give her a much needed hug. or several.
EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 Glad you're taking all of your education seriously and getting it done! The game will be here. Happy birthday to your whole family! Hope you had a good Hanukkah! 8D

As far as the game-chaos is concerned, none of it's Psychie's fault. But depending on what the game needs most, I may not be playing Dreamy when your Thea enters the game. So maybe it's not a good idea to get too attached to Dreamy because I don't know who I'll be playing. And that's O.K. with me.

All I know is that Psychie has let me play characters I'm wild about. Not just during character creation but afterwards. She's trusted me to take concept that work for her games. But that doesn't mean every character I've built is going to fit her every game, nor should they.

I'm just convinced that we'll have a good time in here because she's that kind of GM and we are those kinds of Players. We care. That goes a long way with me. Friends can play nearly any game together because it's the togetherness that counts the most.

So yeah. Whether I play Dreamy or another character I've made already or someone completely new, I'm here for the togetherness. If you have that? Well, the fun just tends to follow right in!

Can't wait to see how your Thea turns out! =)
I am going to change the wording of what the Slaver said. Give me two shakes and the revised post will be up.
Want to seeeee!

truck see GIF

(O.K., that's the best GIF I could find on the subject.) =)
It's up. I marked the spot I changed.
the Slaver says, "It is our good fortune to come across ones that have escaped the clutches of the slave pens. Ho hi! And I see one of our former servants traveling with them! Our fortune improves! Taker her alive."
It's up. I marked the spot I changed.
And here?

the Slaver says, "It is our good fortune to come across ones that have escaped the clutches of the slave pens. Ho hi! And I see one of our former servants traveling with them! Our fortune improves! Taker her alive."
Psychie Psychie Recommendations in bold?

What about this entry afterward?
The Slaver snarls out, "Leave the dross, or kill them. Our instructions only call for the traitor to be captured; the rest are expendable." It begins to move forward towards Oleg and Dreamy, and from its staff comes a bolt of energy that slams into Oleg's force field, knocking it down.
I forgot about the second one. I'll fix it too
So that everyone is on the same page - what is your intention? I can guess, but I'd rather hear it from the source (that's you!). =)
Now that we have that settled, I'll have a Raven take the one hit aimed at him and hope his MDC is going to last.
I'm having the Slaver say that they want to take Dreamy alive and get their reward for bringing her iI.
the Slaver says, "It is our good fortune to come across ones that have escaped the clutches of the slave pens. Ho hi! And I see one of our former servants traveling with them! Our fortune improves! Taker her alive."

The Slaver snarls out, "Leave the dross, or kill them. I care only about capturing the traitor and the fine rewards wee shall reap."
Psychie Psychie (Pardon if I seem distracted. I'm trying to help out somebody else while typing this.) O.K.. So Option #2 has been used. In writing it this way, the following is relayed:

A. The Splugorth Slave barge is upon our party by chance (as opposed to having specifically hunted us down). This barge wasn't sent in. That's an important change.

B. Option #3 is still in the air. We have no idea of this barge is alone or can summon forces (and that's something we probably shouldn't know, just so long as Psychie has this figured out).

C. The only other thing I can think of is... the state of Option #4. Psychie, do you intend for the Splugorth to be a reoccurring enemy? Or put another way, is my character going to keep having to go through this?
No, this whole encounter thing has gone south from what I had envisioned when I set it up. This will not be a reoccurring bad guy encounter, but you may run into other agents of the Splurgoth as you travel.
No need to apologise. You are doing just fine, and both dann and I have suffered from migraine headaches on more than one occasion. We understand what you're going through.
No, this whole encounter thing has gone south from what I had envisioned when I set it up. This will not be a reoccurring bad guy encounter, but you may run into other agents of the Splurgoth as you travel.
Glad to hear it!

I also apologise for being somewhat off my best. Bad headache is making life difficult.
Yuck! Are you hydrated? Blinking often to avoid eyestrain (which leads to worse headaches)? Wish I could help.
No, this whole encounter thing has gone south from what I had envisioned when I set it up. This will not be a reoccurring bad guy encounter, but you may run into other agents of the Splurgoth as you travel.
Psychie Psychie If you don't mind another recommendation? You might have noticed I am real big about asking my Players questions. Speaking only for myself, I don't mind questions like, "How do you think Dreamy would take having Splugorth as a reoccurring nemesis?" Perhaps in Conversation so other PCs don't know?

Sure, surprises are fun sometimes. But sometimes they can cause complications like ours. You can be certain I won't mix in-game and out-of-game info. If you're comfortable with asking stuff like that of me, I'm open to this approach.
Psychie Psychie (I was not far from bedtime when I wrote the above post. Allow me to add a good thought or two to it? =) )

Speaking only for myself, I don't mind questions like, "How do you think Dreamy would take having Splugorth as a reoccurring nemesis?" Perhaps in Conversation so other PCs don't know?
Perhaps I should add better questions like, "How does Raven feel about the Coalition States" or "What goes through Takuma's mind when he sees other combat 'borgs?"

My point is - I don't think a Game Master in any game can go wrong getting to know each PC's mind. How they feel about things. Sure, there is always a chance that a surprise might be mildly spoiled or even outright guessed - but I'm willing to take that chance if it means I get how my Players are feeling down right.

The only surprises I want are the ones that surprise my Players in a good way or in a way that moves the story in a direction I want it to take. One example is Captain Sharp getting nailed as he joined you guys in combat. I didn't see that coming any better than he did. But it sure changed the course of his direction in a big way and affected other characters (like yours) along the way, hasn't it? =)

While no GM can see into the future, and no Player should expect a GM to see the future, the more we know, the more we are aided by that knowledge. So, again speaking only for me, feel free to ask! I love talking gaming - especially with good friends like you! 8D

Just a tool from my toolbox to yours, good lady! =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Psychie Psychie , would you rather I rewrite both of my posts or add a third post to provide Dreamy's now-altered point of view?
A new post would be fine.
Thanks! That saves me a lot of time having to rewrite.

Psychie Psychie Also, one more recommendation/possibility? Owl. Owl finds a way to swoop in and pluck Dreamy from this nightmare. Owl is a sacred totem of wisdom peering through illusions to see not what our fears or desires want us to see, but instead - what is. Owl helps Dreamy see through her avalanche of fears - it dissipates because fear is not substance, but shadow.

From these shadows, Dreamy realizes she can't fight to save her Altarian brethren, but at least she can bury that tentacled Splugorth monster that enslaves them.

Just an idea. =)

EDIT: Would you like to run with that or should I just have Dreamy come out of it on her own?

EDIT #2: Sorry for all of these hyperactive ideas - my ADHD is on the loose again. I'll just post as Dreamy when she's in my head again. It'll be good to play her again with the changes we've made! Thanks for being open to all of this, Psychie! There is no shortage of "my way or the highway" type GMs in the world. I'll take you as a GM any day over the likes of them. =)

And I meant to ask earlier - how's your head now?
Last edited:
Psychie Psychie Concerning Initiative order.

So it's Sherwood Sherwood 's turn to declare a defense, followed by Sylvie and lastly Takuma. Then we start on Round 2? If so, I'll post Dreamy's response on Round 2.
Thanks for your concern. It got worse before it got better, but by now, I'm almost back to my regular level of Psychie-ness. Posts to come now that I'm feeling better.
Great! Not only am I happy that I can play Dreamy the way I envisioned playing her (unhappy with her past but not bound by it - free to chase her own desires), far, far more importantly, you're feeling better! Hooray! 8D

Sesame Street Cheer GIF by Muppet Wiki

(Now it's Mirgris's turn to feel better in our Splicers game! Darned COVID!) =)
Psychie Psychie Would it be all right if I had Dreamy's symboite give her some help on the right direction? It feeds off of positive emotions. What if... it is able to give some of that back when she needs it like this?

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