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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Currently it is midday, with good visibility and only a few scattered clouds. You are in the northern panhandle of old Florida on the main highway that used to run north and south along the coast.
My copy of Rifts World Book 1: Vampire Kingdoms - New Revised edition has arrived in my mailbox! Woo! 8D
I guess as a side project ill try to see if i can hack into his bank account, take the vamp bosses money and transfer it to the coffers of the city to help them rebuild and also keep a small portion in a secret account in case of emergencies.
I just love how Takuma thinks! Does anyone else? I can't be the only one! 8D
Justice League Hbomax GIF by Max
I hate to do this but I think I am going to have to step out of this RP. This month has been crazy, crazy for me...I got sick, I had to travel out of town (which was fun but tiring), and then when I came back I had a death in the family. All of which has killed a lot of my creativity, and now I am finally trying to recover and get back on track.

Unfortunately I have been having difficulty trying to write and frame what Ser Ajax is like and I just do not have anything left after this month. So I will step out of this RP. You all are great writers and tell fantastic stories with fantastic characters, it is definitely not you or your faults.

I will continue to write in the long running Exalted RP (I really like how Mercy has developed there) but I just do not have any more creative energy for this one at the moment. If I get any inspiration I may come back perhaps with a different character but for now I am going to step away. I will continue to follow the thread as I want to see where this goes.

Thanks all.
Eonivar Eonivar Oh, Eon. I am sorry to hear about your sickness and death in the family.

Death might be part of life that doesn't make it any easier. I always carry with me something Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said about her husband and forever-prince: "Grief is the price we pay for love."

Another little thing that I hope helps you is this. I try to live my life according to the wishes of the loved ones in my life who have passed on. They want me to be happy, healthy, and remain who and what I am. Sometimes when I don't know what to do, this knowledge guides me back to someplace brighter.

I will miss gaming with you in here. May your steps be brighter and soon, Eon!
I'm sorry to hear about your trials. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Thanks all, I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers,
Psychie Psychie
what is your bonus and I'll roll for you.

Dreamy's Perception modifier is +3.

In case it makes a difference, Dreamy possesses both Zanshin and Blind Warrior Woman augmented senses (I'm probably forgetting something but I can't think of it so oh well!). =)
Just as you come to this realization, Raven's Sixth Sense starts going off in his head, and even Oleg leaps to his feet with a startled expression. OOC If Dreamy has Sixth Sense, it is also going off. Don't forget to add the Sixth Sense bonus to your roll for starting combat.
Psychie Psychie Whoa, whoa. Time out. Help! This doesn't make sense to me.

How did we go from Sixth Sense's "All he knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melees!) (Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 177)" to "Roll Initiative!"?

Dreamy also has this power. We should have a minimum of 1 minute of warning before something like this takes place (unless the Splugorth and his minions aren't a danger to us?) This sudden approach makes Sixth Sense nearly worthless. The advanced warning is the core of that power.

Not to mention Dreamy's radar sense which goes out in the hundreds of meters? Her enhanced Altaran hearing?

How in the world did a Splugorth Slave Barge "barge" in like this past all of this while we are at camp (i.e. not distracted by engines, terrain, but on-guard in the wilderness, presumably in a defensive position)?
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Even if everyone failed their Perception checks, the Sixth Sense should have gone off first, right? (Especially with two characters that have it.)

I mean, if this power is too much, that's fine. Maybe we delete it and replace it with another power. But something doesn't fit right unless I'm missing something major.
You have the Sixth Sense warning along with the Perception roll. This gives you time to get your defenses ready before the fight starts.
But we're rolling Initiative now instead of 1 minute from now. This means it gets to act on us during that minute too, doesn't it?
Just as you come to this realization, Raven's Sixth Sense starts going off in his head, and even Oleg leaps to his feet with a startled expression. OOC If Dreamy has Sixth Sense, it is also going off. Don't forget to add the Sixth Sense bonus to your roll for starting combat.
Psychie Psychie The way this is written confuses me. To me, this reads, "Your Sixth Senses went off, so let's begin combat with those Sixth Sense bonuses."

But here you state:
You have the Sixth Sense warning along with the Perception roll. This gives you time to get your defenses ready before the fight starts.
The Sixth Sense warning going off with the Perception roll is not unusual.

So... Don't we get 1 minute of warning and preparation prior to Initiative? When one rolls Initiative, we enter combat. But if we have 1 minute of warning, we have the option of getting out of here and avoiding it entirely (even if it means leaving behind some campsite gear - which we're dumb if we've done this).
Allow me to back up slightly and say that you do have the time to act before the Slaver barge is on you, giving you time to activate any defenses you need prior to the fight starting up.
My Barrier Projector can easily isolate several of our opponents while we deal with the others. Depending on how many targets we are faced with.
Allow me to back up slightly and say that you do have the time to act before the Slaver barge is on you, giving you time to activate any defenses you need prior to the fight starting up.
@Psychie That's how Sixth Sense works! Bang! Thank you! =)

My Barrier Projector can easily isolate several of our opponents while we deal with the others. Depending on how many targets we are faced with.
Nice thought, but Raven can only attempt to hit one target at a time. Plus, doesn't that barge have multiple force fields? You sure Raven's projector can penetrate those?

GunMan2 GunMan2 Sherwood Sherwood It's a Splugorth Slaver Barge. I think both Oleg and his son are as good as dead/captured, not to mention Sylvie. There is no way we can defend them that I'm aware of. If the barge darn near snuck up on us, there is no guarantee it is alone. The Splugorth and his Eye Staff alone are serious trouble especially since we're lacking a Ser Ajax.

I recommend we use this time to jump in/on our vehicles and get the heck out of here. What do you guys think?
Oh! And in case that wasn't enough, might I mention that according to the latest data (Rifts Sourcebook One Revised and Expanded, page 151), NPC Villain Altara Warrior Women (of which there are four) have no less than eight attacks per Round? Each? Plus the Net Guns? Not counting the Splugorth and that super-rune-weapon staff of his?

Not to mention the barge itself is basically a kind of tank.

We are only 3rd level and there are only three of us PCs.

Psychie can correct me if I'm wrong; I think Dreamy should know all of this information enough to share it in-game.
I don't believe that we are going to be faced with a no-win situation, so unless I'm way off my mark, there is a way to 'win' this encounter. Do we have a way to get eyes on this Slaver to see exactly what we're dealing with?
I don't believe that we are going to be faced with a no-win situation, so unless I'm way off my mark, there is a way to 'win' this encounter. Do we have a way to get eyes on this Slaver to see exactly what we're dealing with?
Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Well, by the book, Sixth Sense doesn't quite work that way. All it tells you about your enemy is, "You or someone you're close to is in serious danger!" And then you get 1 minute to act. Regardless of the level of danger. One Slave Barge or an entire Slave Raider craft doesn't make a difference. Plus, this is Florida. Maybe we're thinking stealthy dinosaurs are coming?

Whatever the case, we've got three NPCs who can't take on dinosaurs (at least, not to my knowledge). I think if we stay and fight, we risk losing them.

As for no-win, I trust Psychie more than that. However, this is also only her second Rifts game. Ever. She's new to it and anyone can make goofs, especially when you're new to it. If there's a way to win this, I'm not seeing it. I'm not saying it's not there; I'm just saying a party of 3 3rd level PCs - even with no "dependent NPCS" - versus a Splugorth Slave barge, plus Splugorth, plus four Blind Warrior Women with everything they've got is pretty darned close to a party wipe.

But we don't know about them. All we know is our people are in serious danger! That means something is coming and it poses life threatening danger. That's enough for me and Dreamy to want to boogie to protect the others.
Hmmm. What kind of magic talents does Sylvie have? I am not as familiar with Fairy Folk stuff as I could be.
Of course, if we run, we risk getting killed by giving away our position. We may do better to huddle up and go silent instead of bolting out of there.

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